NHS.UK React components
This repository contains the code for NHS.UK React components - a port of the NHS.UK Frontend components.

Documentation and examples
View documentation and examples
You can install this package using either yarn
or npm
npm install --save nhsuk-react-components
yarn add nhsuk-react-components
import React, { PureComponent } from 'react';
import { Button } from 'nhsuk-react-components';
import Button from 'nhsuk-react-components/lib/components/button';
class GetStartedButton extends PureComponent {
render() {
return <Button>Click Me!</Button>;
We’re currently looking for new maintainers If you have knowledge of React and would be willing to help maintain this library, you can email me (Thomas Judd-Cooper).
Preparing releases
Releases run in CI using github actions.
To prepare a release create a new release TAG in github with your release version.
should be stored in the repositories secrets in GitHub
- Create a new release with a tag like
against main.
- If the change is a
then select pre-release
as true, this will make the tag
point at beta
. Otherwise the tag will be latest

Thanks to Chromatic for providing the visual testing platform that helps us review UI changes and catch visual regressions.