OFF-SQS: Manage Amazon SQS and RabbitMQ on node.js
This easy manager provides the basic functionality to use Amazon SQS in production enviroment and RabbitMQ in development enviroment.
To start using it just clone it or install it via npm npm install off-sqs-debearloper
Amazon SQS settings
You need to add yours AWS keys in a JSON file, something like this:
"accessKeyId": "STRING",
"secretAccessKey": "STRING",
"region": "STRING"
Note: that every operation checks first if the Queue exists, if not it'll create it.**
RabbitMQ settings
To work with RabbitMQ, you need to install the Server.
We recommend you to do it with homebrew, so you dont have to set up the server manually when you are in the development environment.
Before installing make sure you have the latest brews:
brew update
Then, install RabbitMQ server with:
brew install rabbitmq
is the enviroment by default.
If you want to use production
or qa
execute your node app in this way:
NODE_ENV=production node yourApp.js
NODE_ENV=qa node yourApp.js
Import and declare
var Nibi = require('nibi');
var nibi = new Nibi();
- Params: an object with the configure params.
- Returns: nothing.
if you want to use AmazonSQS with this modul, you need make this
//require your own aws json file
var myAwsConfigFile = require('./myAwsConfigFile');
awsConfigFile: myAwsConfigFile
- Params: the name of the SQS queue and the data you want to send.
- Returns: nothing.
offSqs.sender('myQueueName', ["foo": "bar"]);
- Params: the name of the SQS queue.
- Return: A promise which will become a tuple of
a function and queueUrl
a string.
offSqs.receiver('myQueue', yourDataManager);
Note: Where yourDataManager
is a function that receives every message on the queue, so you can easyly customize your data miner. Something like: `myMiner(messageOfTheQueue);``
var printData = function(data){
offSqs.receiver("queueName", printData)
- Params: The name of the SQS Queue.
- Returns: A promise, which will become the url of the Queue.
return myQueueURL;
- Params: Data received by SQS Queues.
- Returns: The cleaned data of the
as array.