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nmr-predictor - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.2.3 to 0.3.0


"name": "nmr-predictor",
"version": "0.2.3",
"version": "0.3.0",
"description": "NMR chemical shift predictor",

@@ -31,4 +31,5 @@ "keywords": [],

"new-array": "^1.0.0",
"request": "2.72.0"
"node-fetch": "1.6.3",
"form-data": "2.1.2"

@@ -53,8 +53,2 @@ # nmr-predictor

var predictor = new NmrPredictor("spinus");
predictor.predict(molfile, {group:true}).then(prediction => {

@@ -61,0 +55,0 @@ ## License



@@ -8,5 +8,6 @@ 'use strict'

const newArray = require('new-array');
const request = require('request');
const fetch = require('node-fetch');
const FormData = require('form-data');
const defaultOptions = {atomLabel:'H', ignoreLabile: true};
const defaultOptions = {atomLabel:'H', ignoreLabile: true, use: 'median'};

@@ -23,4 +24,3 @@ class NmrPredictor {

predict(molfile, param1) {
spinus(molfile, options) {
var mol = molfile;

@@ -31,263 +31,97 @@ if(typeof molfile === 'string') {

var prediction;
if(typeof this.db === 'object') {
prediction = group(this._askErno(mol, param1), param1);
if(this.db === 'spinus') {
//The molfile whitout hydrogens
prediction = this._fromSpinus(mol, param1).then(pred => group(pred, param1));
if(this.db === 'nmrshiftdb2') {
prediction = group(this._fromNnmrshiftdb2(mol, param1), param1);
let opt = Object.assign({}, defaultOptions, options);
return prediction;
return fromSpinus(mol, opt).then(prediction => {return group(prediction, opt)});
* @function nmrShiftDBPred1H(molfile)
* This function predict shift for 1H-NMR, from a molfile by using the cheminfo reference data base.
* @param molfile:string A molfile content
* @returns +Object an array of NMRSignal1D
_askErno(mol, opt) {
const options = Object.assign({}, defaultOptions, opt);
var currentDB = null;
const atomLabel = options.atomLabel || 'H';
if (options.db) {
currentDB = options.db;
protonSync(molfile, options) {
if(!this.db) {
this.db = {"H": fetchDB("H")};
else {
this.db =[[], [], [], [], [], [], []];
currentDB = this.db;
var mol = molfile;
if(typeof molfile === 'string') {
mol = OCLE.Molecule.fromMolfile(molfile);
options.debug = options.debug || false;
var algorithm = options.algorithm || 0;
var levels = options.hoseLevels || [6, 5, 4, 3, 2];
var couplings = options.getCouplings || false;
levels.sort(function(a, b) {
return b - a;
let opt = Object.assign({}, defaultOptions, options, {atomLabel: "H"});
var diaIDs = mol.getGroupedDiastereotopicAtomIDs({atomLabel: atomLabel});
var infoCOSY = [];//mol.getCouplings();
if(couplings) {
// infoCOSY = mol.predictCouplings();
return group(queryByHose(mol, this.db, opt), opt);
var atoms = {};
var atomNumbers = [];
var i, k, j, atom, hosesString;
for (j = diaIDs.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
hosesString = OCLE.Util.getHoseCodesFromDiastereotopicID(diaIDs[j].oclID, {maxSphereSize: levels[0], type: algorithm});
atom = {
diaIDs: [diaIDs[j].oclID + '']
for(k = 0; k < levels.length; k++) {
atom['hose'+levels[k]] = hosesString[levels[k]-1]+'';
for (k = diaIDs[j].atoms.length - 1; k >= 0; k--) {
atoms[diaIDs[j].atoms[k]] = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(atom));
//Now, we predict the chimical shift by using our copy of NMRShiftDB
//var script2 = 'select chemicalShift FROM assignment where ';//hose5='dgH`EBYReZYiIjjjjj@OzP`NET'';
var toReturn = new Array(atomNumbers.length);
for (j = 0; j < atomNumbers.length; j++) {
atom = atoms[atomNumbers[j]];
var res = null;
k = 0;
//A really simple query
while(res === null && k < levels.length) {
res = currentDB[levels[k]][atom['hose' + levels[k]]];
if (res == null) {
res = { cs: -9999999, ncs: 0, std: 0, min: 0, max: 0 };//Default values
atom.atomLabel = atomLabel;
atom.level = levels[k-1]; = res.cs;
atom.integral = 1;
atom.atomIDs = ['' + atomNumbers[j]];
atom.ncs = res.ncs;
atom.std = res.std;
atom.min = res.min;
atom.max = res.max;
atom.j = [];
proton(molfile, options) {
let result = this.protonSync(molfile, options);
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
//Add the predicted couplings
//console.log(atomNumbers[j]+' '+infoCOSY[0].atom1);
for (i = infoCOSY.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (infoCOSY[i].atom1 - 1 == atomNumbers[j] && infoCOSY[i].coupling > 2) {
'assignment': infoCOSY[i].atom2 - 1 + '',//Put the diaID instead
'diaID': infoCOSY[i].diaID2,
'coupling': infoCOSY[i].coupling,
'multiplicity': 'd'
toReturn[j] = atom;
carbonSync(molfile, options) {
if(!this.db) {
this.db = {"C": fetchDB("C")};
//TODO this will not work because getPaths is not implemented yet!!!!
if(options.ignoreLabile) {
var linksOH = mol.getAllPaths({
fromLabel: 'H',
toLabel: 'O',
minLength: 1,
maxLength: 1
var linksNH = mol.getAllPaths({
fromLabel: 'H',
toLabel: 'N',
minLength: 1,
maxLength: 1
for(j = toReturn.length-1; j >= 0; j--) {
for(var k = 0; k < linksOH.length; k++) {
if(toReturn[j].diaIDs[0] == linksOH[k].fromDiaID) {
toReturn.splice(j, 1);
for(j = toReturn.length-1; j >= 0; j--) {
for(var k = 0;k < linksNH.length; k++) {
if(toReturn[j].diaIDs[0] == linksNH[k].fromDiaID) {
toReturn.splice(j, 1);
var mol = molfile;
if(typeof molfile === 'string') {
mol = OCLE.Molecule.fromMolfile(molfile);
let opt = Object.assign({}, defaultOptions, options, {atomLabel: "C"});
return toReturn;
return group(queryByHose(mol, this.db, opt), opt);
_fromSpinus(mol, options){
let molfile = mol.toMolfile();
let that = this;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {'',
{form: {molfile: molfile}}, function (error, response, body) {
if(error) {
reject(new Error('http request fail ' + error));
//Convert to the ranges format and include the diaID for each atomID
const data = that._spinusParser(body);
const ids = data.ids;
const jc = data.couplingConstants;
const cs = data.chemicalShifts;
const multiplicity = data.multiplicity;
const integrals = data.integrals;
carbon(molfile, options) {
let result = this.carbonSync(molfile, options);
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
const nspins = cs.length;
const diaIDs = mol.getGroupedDiastereotopicAtomIDs({atomLabel: 'H'});
var result = new Array(nspins);
var atoms = {};
var atomNumbers = [];
var i, j, k, oclID, tmpCS;
var csByOclID = {};
for (j = diaIDs.length-1; j >= 0; j--) {
oclID = diaIDs[j].oclID + '';
for (k = diaIDs[j].atoms.length - 1; k >= 0; k--) {
atoms[diaIDs[j].atoms[k]] = oclID;
csByOclID[oclID] = {nc: 1, cs: cs[ids[diaIDs[j].atoms[k]]]};
csByOclID[oclID].cs += cs[ids[diaIDs[j].atoms[k]]];
//Average the entries for the equivalent protons
var idsKeys = Object.keys(ids);
for (i = 0; i < nspins; i++) {
tmpCS = csByOclID[atoms[idsKeys[i]]].cs/csByOclID[atoms[idsKeys[i]]].nc;
result[i] = {atomIDs: [idsKeys[i]], diaIDs: [atoms[idsKeys[i]]], integral: integrals[i],
delta: tmpCS, atomLabel: 'H', j: []};
for (j=0; j < nspins; j++) {
if(jc[i][j] !== 0 ) {
'assignment': idsKeys[j],
'diaID': atoms[ids[j]],
'coupling': jc[i][j],
'multiplicity': that._multiplicityToString(multiplicity[j])
twoD(dim1, dim2, molfile, opt) {
var result = this.towDSync(dim1, dim2, molfile, opt);
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
_multiplicityToString(mul) {
switch(mul) {
case 2:
return 'd';
case 3:
return 't';
case 4:
return 'q';
return '';
towDSync(dim1, dim2, molfile, opt) {
let mol = molfile;
let fromAtomLabel = '';
let toAtomLabel = '';
if(dim1 && dim1.length > 0) {
fromAtomLabel = dim1[0].atomLabel;
if(dim2 && dim2.length > 0) {
toAtomLabel = dim2[0].atomLabel;
var lines = result.split('\n');
var nspins = lines.length - 1;
var cs = new Array(nspins);
var integrals = new Array(nspins);
var ids = {};
var jc = Matrix.zeros(nspins, nspins);
var i, j;
let options = Object.assign({}, {minLength: 1, maxLength:3}, opt,
{fromLabel: fromAtomLabel, toLabel: toAtomLabel});
for (i = 0; i < nspins; i++) {
var tokens = lines[i].split('\t');
cs[i] = +tokens[2];
ids[tokens[0] - 1] = i;
integrals[i] = 1;//+tokens[5];//Is it always 1??
if(typeof molfile === 'string') {
mol = OCLE.Molecule.fromMolfile(molfile);
let paths = mol.getAllPaths(options);
for (i = 0; i < nspins; i++) {
tokens = lines[i].split('\t');
var nCoup = (tokens.length - 4) / 3;
for (j = 0; j < nCoup; j++) {
var withID = tokens[4 + 3 * j] - 1;
var idx = ids[withID];
jc[i][idx] = (+tokens[6 + 3 * j]) / 2;
let idMap1 = {};
dim1.forEach(prediction => {
idMap1[prediction["diaIDs"][0]] = prediction;
for (j = 0; j < nspins; j++) {
for (i = j; i < nspins; i++) {
jc[j][i] = jc[i][j];
let idMap2 = {};
dim2.forEach(prediction => {
idMap2[prediction["diaIDs"][0]] = prediction;
return {ids, chemicalShifts: cs, integrals, couplingConstants: jc, multiplicity: newArray(nspins, 2)};
paths.forEach(element => {
element.fromChemicalShift = idMap1[element.fromDiaID].delta;
element.toChemicalShift = idMap2[element.toDiaID].delta;
element.fromAtomLabel = fromAtomLabel;
element.toAtomLabel = toAtomLabel;
//@TODO Add the coupling constants in any case!!!!!!
element.j = getCouplingConstant(idMap1, element.fromDiaID, element.toDiaID);
//TODO implement the 13C chemical shift prediction
_fromNnmrshiftdb2(molfile, options){
return null;
return paths;

@@ -314,3 +148,254 @@ }

function getCouplingConstant(idMap, fromDiaID, toDiaID) {
let j = idMap[fromDiaID].j;
if(j) {
let index = j.length - 1;
while(index-- > 0) {
if(j[index].diaID === toDiaID) {
return j[index].coupling;
return 0;
* This function towD shift for 1H-NMR, from a molfile by using the cheminfo reference data base.
* @param molfile: string A molfile content
* @returns +Object an array of NMRSignal1D
function queryByHose(mol, db, options) {
var currentDB = null;
const atomLabel = options.atomLabel || 'H';
const use = options.use;
if (db) {
currentDB = db[atomLabel];
else {
currentDB = [[], [], [], [], [], [], []];
options.debug = options.debug || false;
var algorithm = options.algorithm || 0;
var levels = options.hoseLevels || [6, 5, 4, 3, 2];
var couplings = options.getCouplings || false;
levels.sort(function(a, b) {
return b - a;
var diaIDs = mol.getGroupedDiastereotopicAtomIDs({atomLabel: atomLabel});
var infoCOSY = [];//mol.getCouplings();
if(couplings) {
// infoCOSY = mol.predictCouplings();
var atoms = {};
var atomNumbers = [];
var i, k, j, atom, hosesString;
for (j = diaIDs.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
hosesString = OCLE.Util.getHoseCodesFromDiastereotopicID(diaIDs[j].oclID, {maxSphereSize: levels[0], type: algorithm});
atom = {
diaIDs: [diaIDs[j].oclID + '']
for(k = 0; k < levels.length; k++) {
atom['hose'+levels[k]] = hosesString[levels[k]-1]+'';
for (k = diaIDs[j].atoms.length - 1; k >= 0; k--) {
atoms[diaIDs[j].atoms[k]] = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(atom));
//Now, we towD the chimical shift by using our copy of NMRShiftDB
//var script2 = 'select chemicalShift FROM assignment where ';//hose5='dgH`EBYReZYiIjjjjj@OzP`NET'';
var toReturn = new Array(atomNumbers.length);
for (j = 0; j < atomNumbers.length; j++) {
atom = atoms[atomNumbers[j]];
var res = null;
k = 0;
//A really simple query
while(res === null && k < levels.length) {
if(currentDB[levels[k]]) {
res = currentDB[levels[k]][atom['hose' + levels[k]]];
if (res == null) {
res = { cs: null, ncs: 0, std: 0, min: 0, max: 0 };//Default values
atom.atomLabel = atomLabel;
atom.level = levels[k-1]; = res.cs;
if(use === 'median' && res.median) = res.median;
else if (use === 'mean' && res.mean) = res.mean;
atom.integral = 1;
atom.atomIDs = ['' + atomNumbers[j]];
atom.ncs = res.ncs;
atom.std = res.std;
atom.min = res.min;
atom.max = res.max;
atom.j = [];
//Add the predicted couplings
//console.log(atomNumbers[j]+' '+infoCOSY[0].atom1);
for (i = infoCOSY.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (infoCOSY[i].atom1 - 1 == atomNumbers[j] && infoCOSY[i].coupling > 2) {
'assignment': infoCOSY[i].atom2 - 1 + '',//Put the diaID instead
'diaID': infoCOSY[i].diaID2,
'coupling': infoCOSY[i].coupling,
'multiplicity': 'd'
toReturn[j] = atom;
//TODO this will not work because getPaths is not implemented yet!!!!
if(options.ignoreLabile) {
var linksOH = mol.getAllPaths({
fromLabel: 'H',
toLabel: 'O',
minLength: 1,
maxLength: 1
var linksNH = mol.getAllPaths({
fromLabel: 'H',
toLabel: 'N',
minLength: 1,
maxLength: 1
for(j = toReturn.length-1; j >= 0; j--) {
for(var k = 0; k < linksOH.length; k++) {
if(toReturn[j].diaIDs[0] === linksOH[k].fromDiaID) {
toReturn.splice(j, 1);
for(j = toReturn.length-1; j >= 0; j--) {
for(var k = 0;k < linksNH.length; k++) {
if(toReturn[j].diaIDs[0] === linksNH[k].fromDiaID) {
toReturn.splice(j, 1);
return toReturn;
function fromSpinus(mol, options){
let form = new FormData();
form.append('molfile', mol.toMolfile());
return fetch('', {
method: 'POST',
body: form
}).then(value => {return value.text()}).then(body => {
//Convert to the ranges format and include the diaID for each atomID
const data = spinusParser(body);
const ids = data.ids;
const jc = data.couplingConstants;
const cs = data.chemicalShifts;
const multiplicity = data.multiplicity;
const integrals = data.integrals;
const nspins = cs.length;
const diaIDs = mol.getGroupedDiastereotopicAtomIDs({atomLabel: 'H'});
var result = new Array(nspins);
var atoms = {};
var atomNumbers = [];
var i, j, k, oclID, tmpCS;
var csByOclID = {};
for (j = diaIDs.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
oclID = diaIDs[j].oclID + '';
for (k = diaIDs[j].atoms.length - 1; k >= 0; k--) {
atoms[diaIDs[j].atoms[k]] = oclID;
csByOclID[oclID] = {nc: 1, cs: cs[ids[diaIDs[j].atoms[k]]]};
} else {
csByOclID[oclID].cs += cs[ids[diaIDs[j].atoms[k]]];
//Average the entries for the equivalent protons
var idsKeys = Object.keys(ids);
for (i = 0; i < nspins; i++) {
tmpCS = csByOclID[atoms[idsKeys[i]]].cs / csByOclID[atoms[idsKeys[i]]].nc;
result[i] = {atomIDs: [idsKeys[i]], diaIDs: [atoms[idsKeys[i]]], integral: integrals[i],
delta: tmpCS, atomLabel: 'H', j: []};
for (j = 0; j < nspins; j++) {
if(jc[i][j] !== 0 ) {
'assignment': idsKeys[j],
'diaID': atoms[idsKeys[j]],
'coupling': jc[i][j],
'multiplicity': multiplicityToString(multiplicity[j])
return result;
}).catch(ex => {return new Error('http request fail ' + ex)});
function multiplicityToString(mul) {
switch(mul) {
case 2:
return 'd';
case 3:
return 't';
case 4:
return 'q';
return '';
function spinusParser(result){
var lines = result.split('\n');
var nspins = lines.length - 1;
var cs = new Array(nspins);
var integrals = new Array(nspins);
var ids = {};
var jc = Matrix.zeros(nspins, nspins);
var i, j;
for (i = 0; i < nspins; i++) {
var tokens = lines[i].split('\t');
cs[i] = +tokens[2];
ids[tokens[0] - 1] = i;
integrals[i] = 1;//+tokens[5];//Is it always 1??
for (i = 0; i < nspins; i++) {
tokens = lines[i].split('\t');
var nCoup = (tokens.length - 4) / 3;
for (j = 0; j < nCoup; j++) {
var withID = tokens[4 + 3 * j] - 1;
var idx = ids[withID];
jc[i][idx] = (+tokens[6 + 3 * j]) / 2;
for (j = 0; j < nspins; j++) {
for (i = j; i < nspins; i++) {
jc[j][i] = jc[i][j];
return {ids, chemicalShifts: cs, integrals, couplingConstants: jc, multiplicity: newArray(nspins, 2)};
module.exports = NmrPredictor;
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