This module scratches some of my itches. When I define mocks I want to use URL
params in the URL instead of writing regexp's or manually creating functions
that do the path validation. So in modules uses the routable
module to
constructor a route with params, then returns a function that validates if
received URL is accepted by routable
. If there are params defined and we have
validators for it, we will execute those so you can still deny specific paths.
npm install --save nock-knock
Who's there?
Import the module, give it an URL and pass it in the nock methods:
import route from 'nock-knock';
import nock from 'nock';
.reply(200, 'another');
If you want to validate params you can supply an object as second argument. The
keys in the object should match the name of the param:
.get(route('/url/:foo/bar', {
foo: function validate(value) {
return value === 'bar'