A webpack loader that get the absolute path of file imported at runtime.
This is useful when you are using webpack to build your Node.js/Electron project and just want the absolute path of the file instead of contents. For example, use this loader to get your absolute resources path in Electron at runtime.
import iconPath from "@/resources/image/icon.ico";
const win = new BrowserWindow({ icon: iconPath });
Another scenario is that if you're using typescript to write your worker file, it would be much easier to load your worker file by using ts-loader with this loader.
import compiledWorkerPath from "node-file-path-loader!ts-loader!./worker.ts";
const worker = new Worker(workerPath);
- This loader is only works in Node.js environments, like Node.js/Electron.
npm install node-file-path-loader
Necessary webpack configurations
You need to set webpack target to node
and disable mocking of __dirname
module.exports = {
target: "node",
node: {
__dirname: false,
Type: String
Default: undefined
Specify a filesystem path where the target file(s) will be placed.