Node.js log Dissector

A toolkit for dissecting/parsing information from logfiles using Node.js.
If you add your own please shout them back if you think they'll be useful.
Originally crafted by adamvr
Build Status

Example Usage
const dissector = require('node-log-dissector').dissectors['s3'];
const stream = fs.createReadStream('./my_s3.log', {flags: 'r', encoding: 'utf-8', autoClose: true}).on('readable', function() {;
stream.on('data', function(data) {
Log Dissectors included
- ssh invalid users
- ssh login
- ssh logout
- sudo failure
- sudo sucess
- AWS S3 access logs
- AWS CloudFront access logs (v1.0)
- AWS Elastic Load Balancer (ELB)
- Level3 CDN access logs
2020-06-17 v2.0.0
- made it a bit more ES6
- removed support for Node < 12
- Changed licence to MIT- knock yourself out
- Was going to rip out lodash from tests but couldn't be bothered, just updated lib instead
- Add disector to parse AWS Elastic Loade Balancer (ELB) logs
- Added - BSD
- Published independently of original project git://
- Added level3 cdn access logs processor
- Added test for level3 parser using Mocha
- Added travis build support
- Improved s3 parsing
- Added test for s3 parser
- removed excess util ref
- Added a cloudfront v1.0 log parser
- It's 2015 - Now using the docker to develop and test - it's the future (official Node v0.10.36 container):
sudo docker run \
-it --rm --name npm_test \
-v $PWD:/app -w /app \
node:0.10.36 \