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node-nk-base - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.1.0 to 1.1.1


function NKB(basefile) {
section: 
part: id
var types: ± ň క
var value: 
new string: 
section: namename
part: idvar1=±0var2=ň1024var3=క test text 
var types:
Boolean: ± (in value: 0 for false, 1 for true)
Number: ň
String: క
variable value: ±1 | ň255 | కtext
in string value '\n' replacing to ''
const fs = require('fs');
var bt;
const fs = require('fs');
var bt;
fs.writeFileSync(basefile, fs.readFileSync(basefile, 'utf-8'), 'utf-8');
fs.writeFileSync(basefile, fs.readFileSync(basefile, 'utf-8'), 'utf-8');
function rb() {
function rb() {
try {
bt = `${fs.readFileSync(basefile, 'utf-8')}`;
return true;
} catch {
console.error(`node-nk-base updateBaseText: can't read file with this path(${basefile})!`);
return null;
try {
bt = `${fs.readFileSync(basefile, 'utf-8')}`;
return true;
} catch {
console.error(`node-nk-base updateBaseText: can't read file with this path(${basefile})!`);
return null;
function wb(newtx) {
function wb(newtx) {
try {
fs.writeFileSync(basefile, newtx, 'utf-8');
return true;
} catch {
console.error(`node-nk-base writeBase: can't write file with this path(${basefile})!`);
return null;
try {
fs.writeFileSync(basefile, newtx, 'utf-8');
return true;
} catch {
console.error(`node-nk-base writeBase: can't write file with this path(${basefile})!`);
return null;
this.bool = '±';
this.num = 'ň';
this.str = 'క';
this.bool = '±';
this.num = 'ň';
this.str = 'క';
function is_section(section) {
function is_section(section) {
if((bt.indexOf(`${section}`) != -1 && bt.indexOf(`${section}`) != -1)) return true; else return false;
let ss = bt.indexOf(`${section}`);
if(ss === -1) return false;
let se = bt.indexOf(`${section}`, ss)
if(se !== -1) return true; else return false;
function is_part(section, id) {
function is_part(section, id) {
let ss = bt.indexOf(`${section}`);
let se = bt.indexOf(`${section}`, ss);
let pi = bt.indexOf(`${id}`, ss);
if(pi != -1 && pi < se) return true; else return false;
let ss = bt.indexOf(`${section}`);
if(ss === -1) return false;
let se = bt.indexOf(`${section}`, ss);
if(se === -1) return false;
let ps = bt.indexOf(`${id}`, ss);
if(ps !== -1 && ps < se) return true; else return false;
function is_variable(section, id, variable) {
function is_variable(section, id, variable) {
let ss = bt.indexOf(`${section}`);
let se = bt.indexOf(`${section}`, ss);
let ps = bt.indexOf(`${id}`, ss);
let pe = bt.indexOf(``, ps);
let vi = bt.indexOf((`${variable}=`), ps);
if(vi != -1 && (vi < pe && pe < se)) return true; else return false;
let ss = bt.indexOf(`${section}`);
if(ss === -1) return false;
let se = bt.indexOf(`${section}`, ss);
if(se === -1) return false;
let ps = bt.indexOf(`${id}`, ss);
if(ps === -1 || ps > se) return false;
let pe = bt.indexOf(``, ps);
if(pe === -1) return false;
let vs = bt.substring(ps+String(id).length+4, pe+1).indexOf((`${variable}=`), ps);
if(vs !== -1) return true; else return false;
function get(section, id, variable) {
let ss = bt.indexOf(`${section}`);
if(ss == -1) return null;
let se = bt.indexOf(`${section}`, ss);
let ps = bt.indexOf(`${id}`, ss);
if(ps > se) return null;
let pe = bt.indexOf(``, ps);
let vs = bt.indexOf((`${variable}=`), ps);
if(vs > pe) return null;
let ve = bt.indexOf(``, vs);
function get(section, id, variable, fromMethod) {
let v = bt.substring(vs+variable.length+2, ve);
if(v.startsWith(`ň`)) return Number(v.substring(2, v.length));
id = String(id);
if(v.startsWith(`క`)) return v.substring(2, v.length).replace(//g, '\n').replace(/ /g, ``);
let ss = bt.indexOf(`${section}`);
if(ss === -1) {
console.error(`node-nk-base ${fromMethod}(section): This section(${section}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
let se = bt.indexOf(`${section}`, ss);
if(se === -1) {
console.error(`node-nk-base ${fromMethod}(section): This section(${section}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
let ps = bt.indexOf(`${id}`, ss);
if(ps === -1 || ps > se) {
console.error(`node-nk-base ${fromMethod}(id): Part with this id(${id}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
let pe = bt.indexOf(``, ps);
if(pe === -1 || pe > se) {
console.error(`node-nk-base ${fromMethod}(id): Part with this id(${id}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
let part = bt.substring(ps+id.length+4, pe+1);
if(v.startsWith(`±`)) {
v = v.substring(2, v.length);
if(v == '0') return false;
if(v == '1') return true;
console.error(`node-nk-base get: Can't read value of this variable(${variable})!`);
if(Array.isArray(variable)) {
return null;
let values = [];
function set(section, id, variable, value) {
for(var i = 0; i < variable.length; i++) {
let ss = bt.indexOf(`${section}`);
if(ss == -1) return null;
let se = bt.indexOf(`${section}`, ss);
let ps = bt.indexOf(`${id}`, ss);
if(ps > se) return null;
let pe = bt.indexOf(``, ps);
let vs = bt.indexOf((`${variable}=`), ps);
if(vs > pe) return null;
let ve = bt.indexOf(``, vs);
let vs = part.indexOf((`${variable[i]}=`));
if(vs === -1) {
console.error(`node-nk-base ${fromMethod}(variable): This variable(${variable[i]}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
let ve = part.indexOf(``, vs);
let v = bt.substring(vs+variable.length+2, ve);
let v = part.substring(vs+variable[i].length+2, ve);
if(v.startsWith(`ň`)) values.push(Number(v.substring(2, v.length))); else
let t = false;
if(v.startsWith(`క`)) values.push(v.substring(2, v.length).replace(//g, '\n').replace(/ /g, ``)); else
if(v.startsWith(`ň`) && (Number(value) || Number(value) == 0)) t = 'num';
if(v.startsWith(`±`)) {
v = v.substring(2, v.length);
if(v === '0') values.push(false);
if(v === '1') values.push(true);
} else {
if(v.startsWith(`క`) && (String(value) || value == '')) t = 'str';
console.error(`node-nk-base ${fromMethod}: Can't read type of value of this variable(${variable[i]})!`);
if(v.startsWith(`±`) && (value == true || value == false)) {
t = 'bool';
if(value == true) value = '1';
if(value == false) value = '0';
if(!t) {
console.error(`node-nk-base set(value): Type of value(${value}) doesn't match with type of variable(${variable})!`);
return null;
if(v.startsWith(`ň`)) t = 'ň';
return values;
if(v.startsWith(`క`)) {
t = 'క';
value = String(value).replace(/\n/g, '').replace(//g, ' ');
} else {
if(v.startsWith(`±`)) t = '±';
let vs = part.indexOf((`${variable}=`));
if(vs === -1) {
console.error(`node-nk-base ${fromMethod}(variable): This variable(${variable}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
let ve = part.indexOf(``, vs);
if(t == undefined) {
console.error(`node-nk-base get: Can't read value of this variable(${variable})!`);
return null;
let v = part.substring(vs+variable.length+2, ve);
if(v.startsWith(`ň`)) return Number(v.substring(2, v.length));
if(wb(`${bt.substring(0, ss)}${section}${bt.substring(ss+section.length+2, vs+1)}${variable}=${t}${value}${bt.substring(ve+2, bt.length)}`)) return true; else return null;
function add(section, id, variable, value) {
if(v.startsWith(`క`)) return v.substring(2, v.length).replace(//g, '\n').replace(/ /g, ``);
let ss = bt.indexOf(`${section}`);
if(ss == -1) return null;
let se = bt.indexOf(`${section}`, ss);
let ps = bt.indexOf(`${id}`, ss);
if(ps > se) return null;
let pe = bt.indexOf(``, ps);
let vs = bt.indexOf((`${variable}=`), ps);
if(vs > pe) return null;
let ve = bt.indexOf(``, vs);
if(v.startsWith(`±`)) {
v = v.substring(2, v.length);
if(v === '0') return false;
if(v === '1') return true;
let v = bt.substring(vs+variable.length+2, ve);
if(!v.startsWith(`ň`)) {
console.error(`node-nk-base add(variable): Function "add" can be used only with number variables!`);
return null;
console.error(`node-nk-base ${fromMethod}: Can't read type of value of this variable(${variable})!`);
return null;
if(!Number(value) && Number(value) != 0) {
console.error(`node-nk-base add(value): Add value for this variable(${variable}) isn't number!`);
return null;
if(wb(`${bt.substring(0, ss)}${section}${bt.substring(ss+section.length+2, vs+1)}${variable}=ň${Number(v.substring(2, v.length)) + value}${bt.substring(ve+2, bt.length)}`)) return true; else return null;
function set(section, id, variable, value, fromMethod) {
id = String(id);
let ss = bt.indexOf(`${section}`);
if(ss === -1) {
console.error(`node-nk-base ${fromMethod}(section): This section(${section}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
let se = bt.indexOf(`${section}`, ss);
if(se === -1) {
console.error(`node-nk-base ${fromMethod}(section): This section(${section}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
let ps = bt.indexOf(`${id}`, ss);
if(ps === -1 || ps > se) {
console.error(`node-nk-base ${fromMethod}(id): Part with this id(${id}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
let pe = bt.indexOf(``, ps);
if(pe === -1 || pe > se) {
console.error(`node-nk-base ${fromMethod}(id): Part with this id(${id}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
let part = bt.substring(ps+id.length+4, pe+1);
let vs = part.indexOf((`${variable}=`));
if(vs === -1) {
console.error(`node-nk-base ${fromMethod}(variable): This variable(${variable}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
let ve = part.indexOf(``, vs);
let v = part.substring(vs+variable.length+2, ve);
function append(section, id, variable, value) {
let t = false;
let ss = bt.indexOf(`${section}`);
if(ss == -1) return null;
let se = bt.indexOf(`${section}`, ss);
let ps = bt.indexOf(`${id}`, ss);
if(ps > se) return null;
let pe = bt.indexOf(``, ps);
let vs = bt.indexOf((`${variable}=`), ps);
if(vs > pe) return null;
let ve = bt.indexOf(``, vs);
if(v.startsWith(`ň`) && (Number(value) || Number(value) === 0)) {
t = 'ň';
let v = bt.substring(vs+variable.length+2, ve);
if(v.startsWith(`క`) && (String(value) || value === '')) {
t = 'క';
value = String(value).replace(/\n/g, '').replace(//g, ' ');
if(!v.startsWith(`క`)) {
console.error(`node-nk-base append(variable): Function "append" can be used only with string variables!`);
return null;
if(v.startsWith(`±`) && (value === true || value === false)) {
t = '±';
if(value === true) value = '1';
if(value === false) value = '0';
if(!String(value) && value != '') {
console.error(`node-nk-base append(value): Append value for this variable(${variable}) isn't string!`);
return null;
if(!t) {
console.error(`node-nk-base set(value): Type of value(${value}) doesn't match with type of variable(${variable})!`);
return null;
if(wb(`${bt.substring(0, ss)}${section}${bt.substring(ss+section.length+2, vs+1)}${variable}=క${v.substring(2, v.length) + value.replace(/\n/g, '').replace(//g, ' ')}${bt.substring(ve+2, bt.length)}`)) return true; else return null;
if(wb(`${bt.substring(0, ps)}${id}${part.substring(0, vs)}${variable}=${t}${value}${part.substring(ve+1, part.length)}${bt.substring(pe+3, bt.length)}`)) return true; else return null;
function get_all_count(section) {
function add(section, id, variable, value, fromMethod) {
let ss = bt.indexOf(`${section}`);
if(ss == -1) return null;
let se = bt.indexOf(`${section}`, ss);
id = String(id);
let ss = bt.indexOf(`${section}`);
if(ss === -1) {
console.error(`node-nk-base ${fromMethod}(section): This section(${section}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
let se = bt.indexOf(`${section}`, ss);
if(se === -1) {
console.error(`node-nk-base ${fromMethod}(section): This section(${section}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
let ps = bt.indexOf(`${id}`, ss);
if(ps === -1 || ps > se) {
console.error(`node-nk-base ${fromMethod}(id): Part with this id(${id}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
let pe = bt.indexOf(``, ps);
if(pe === -1 || pe > se) {
console.error(`node-nk-base ${fromMethod}(id): Part with this id(${id}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
let part = bt.substring(ps+id.length+4, pe+1);
let vs = part.indexOf((`${variable}=`));
if(vs === -1) {
console.error(`node-nk-base ${fromMethod}(variable): This variable(${variable}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
let ve = part.indexOf(``, vs);
let c = 0;
let v = part.substring(vs+variable.length+2, ve);
if(!v.startsWith(`ň`)) {
console.error(`node-nk-base add(variable): Function "add" can be used only with number variables!`);
return null;
for(var lastIndex = ss; lastIndex != -1;) {
lastIndex = bt.indexOf(``, lastIndex+1);
if(lastIndex < se && lastIndex != -1) c++; else break;
if(!Number(value) && Number(value) !== 0) {
console.error(`node-nk-base add(value): Add value for this variable(${variable}) isn't number!`);
return null;
return c;
if(wb(`${bt.substring(0, ss)}${section}${bt.substring(ss+section.length+2, ps)}${id}${part.substring(0, vs)}${variable}=ň${Number(v.substring(2, v.length))+value}${part.substring(ve+1, part.length)}${bt.substring(pe+3, bt.length)}`)) return true; else return null;
this.isSection = function(section) {
function append(section, id, variable, value, fromMethod) {
if(!rb()) return null;
return is_section(section);
this.isPart = function(section, id) {
if(!rb()) return null;
if(!is_section(section)) return null;
return is_part(section, id);
this.isVariable = function(section, id, variable) {
if(!rb()) return null;
if(!is_section(section)) return null;
if(!is_part(section, id)) return null
return is_variable(section, id, variable);
this.get = function(section, id, variable) {
if(!rb()) return null;
if(!is_section(section)) {
console.error(`node-nk-base get(section): This section(${section}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
id = String(id);
if(!is_part(section, id)) {
console.error(`node-nk-base get(id): Part with this id(${id}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
if(!is_variable(section, id, variable)) {
console.error(`node-nk-base get(variable): This variable(${variable}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
let ss = bt.indexOf(`${section}`);
if(ss === -1) {
console.error(`node-nk-base ${fromMethod}(section): This section(${section}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
let se = bt.indexOf(`${section}`, ss);
if(se === -1) {
console.error(`node-nk-base ${fromMethod}(section): This section(${section}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
let ps = bt.indexOf(`${id}`, ss);
if(ps === -1 || ps > se) {
console.error(`node-nk-base ${fromMethod}(id): Part with this id(${id}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
let pe = bt.indexOf(``, ps);
if(pe === -1 || pe > se) {
console.error(`node-nk-base ${fromMethod}(id): Part with this id(${id}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
let part = bt.substring(ps+id.length+4, pe+1);
let vs = part.indexOf((`${variable}=`));
if(vs === -1) {
console.error(`node-nk-base ${fromMethod}(variable): This variable(${variable}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
let ve = part.indexOf(``, vs);
return get(section, id, variable);
let v = part.substring(vs+variable.length+2, ve);
if(!v.startsWith(`క`)) {
console.error(`node-nk-base append(variable): Function "append" can be used only with string variables!`);
return null;
if(!String(value) && value !== '') {
console.error(`node-nk-base append(value): Append value for this variable(${variable}) isn't string!`);
return null;
this.set = function(section, id, variable, value) {
if(!rb()) return null;
if(wb(`${bt.substring(0, ss)}${section}${bt.substring(ss+section.length+2, ps)}${id}${part.substring(0, vs)}${variable}=ň${v.substring(2, v.length)+String(value).replace(/\n/g, '').replace(//g, ' ')}${part.substring(ve+1, part.length)}${bt.substring(pe+3, bt.length)}`)) return true; else return null;
function get_all_count(section) {
let ss = bt.indexOf(`${section}`);
if(ss === -1) return null;
let se = bt.indexOf(`${section}`, ss);
let c = 0;
for(var lastIndex = ss; lastIndex !== -1;) {
lastIndex = bt.indexOf(``, lastIndex+1);
if(lastIndex < se && lastIndex !== -1) c++; else break;
return c;
if(!is_section(section)) {
console.error(`node-nk-base set(section): This section(${section}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
if(!is_part(section, id)) {
console.error(`node-nk-base set(id): Part with this id(${id}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
this.isSection = function(section) {
if(!rb()) return null;
return is_section(section);
if(!is_variable(section, id, variable)) {
console.error(`node-nk-base set(variable): This variable(${variable}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
this.isPart = function(section, id) {
if(!rb()) return null;
if(!is_section(section)) return null;
return is_part(section, id);
this.isVariable = function(section, id, variable) {
return set(section, id, variable, value);
if(!rb()) return null;
if(!is_section(section)) return null;
if(!is_part(section, id)) return null
return is_variable(section, id, variable);
this.add = function(section, id, variable, value) {
if(!rb()) return null;
if(!is_section(section)) {
console.error(`node-nk-base add(section): This section(${section}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
this.get = function(section, id, variable) {
if(!is_part(section, id)) {
console.error(`node-nk-base add(id): Part with this id(${id}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
if(!rb()) return null;
if(!is_variable(section, id, variable)) {
console.error(`node-nk-base add(variable): This variable(${variable}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
return get(section, id, variable, 'get');
return add(section, id, variable, value);
this.append = function(section, id, variable, value) {
this.set = function(section, id, variable, value) {
if(!rb()) return null;
if(!rb()) return null;
if(!is_section(section)) {
console.error(`node-nk-base append(section): This section(${section}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
return set(section, id, variable, value, 'set');
if(!is_part(section, id)) {
console.error(`node-nk-base append(id): Part with this id(${id}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
if(!is_variable(section, id, variable)) {
console.error(`node-nk-base append(variable): This variable(${variable}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
return append(section, id, variable, value);
this.createSection = function(section) {
this.add = function(section, id, variable, value) {
if(!rb()) return null;
if(!rb()) return null;
if(is_section(section)) {
console.error(`node-nk-base createSection: Section "${section}" already exists!`);
return null;
return add(section, id, variable, value, 'add');
wb(bt + `${section}${section}`);
return true;
this.append = function(section, id, variable, value) {
if(!rb()) return null;
return append(section, id, variable, value, 'append');
this.deleteSection = function(section) {
this.createSection = function(section) {
if(!rb()) return null;
if(!rb()) return null;
if(!is_section(section)) {
console.error(`node-nk-base createSection: Section "${section}" doesn't exists!`);
return null;
if(is_section(section)) {
console.error(`node-nk-base createSection: Section "${section}" already exists!`);
return null;
let ss = bt.indexOf(`${section}`);
let se = bt.indexOf(`${section}`, ss);
wb(bt + `${section}${section}`);
if(wb(bt.substring(0, ss) + bt.substring(se+section.length+2, bt.length))) return true; else return false;
return true;
this.findSection = function(section) {
this.deleteSection = function(section) {
if(!rb()) return null;
if(!rb()) return null;
if(!is_section(section)) {
console.error(`node-nk-base findSection(section): This section(${section}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
let ss = bt.indexOf(`${section}`);
if(ss === -1) {
console.error(`node-nk-base deleteSection: Section "${section}" doesn't exists!`);
return null;
let se = bt.indexOf(`${section}`, ss);
if(se === -1) {
console.error(`node-nk-base deleteSection: Section "${section}" doesn't exists!`);
return null;
if(wb(bt.substring(0, ss) + bt.substring(se+section.length+2, bt.length))) return true; else return null;
this.isPart = function(id) {
if(!rb()) return null;
if(!is_section(section)) return null;
return is_part(section, id);
this.isVariable = function(id, variable) {
if(!rb()) return null;
if(!is_section(section)) return null;
if(!is_part(section, id)) return null
return is_variable(section, id, variable);
this.createPart = function(id, vars) {
this.findSection = function(section) {
if(!rb()) return null;
if(!rb()) return null;
if(!is_section(section)) {
console.error(`node-nk-base createPart(section): This section(${section}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
if(!is_section(section)) {
console.error(`node-nk-base findSection(section): This section(${section}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
if(is_part(section, id)) {
console.error(`node-nk-base createPart(id): Part with this id(${id}) already exists!`);
return null;
let ss = bt.indexOf(`${section}`);
let se = bt.indexOf(`${section}`, ss);
this.isPart = function(id) {
let err = false;
if(!rb()) return null;
return is_part(section, id);
this.isVariable = function(id, variable) {
if(!rb()) return null;
return is_variable(section, id, variable);
let newbt = bt.substring(0, se) + `${id}`;
this.createPart = function(id, vars) { (x) => {
if(!rb()) return null;
if(x[1] == Number || x[1] == String || x[1] == Boolean) {
let ss = bt.indexOf(`${section}`);
if(ss === -1) {
console.error(`node-nk-base createPart(section): This section(${section}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
let se = bt.indexOf(`${section}`, ss);
if(se === -1) {
console.error(`node-nk-base createPart(section): This section(${section}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
if(x[1] == Number && !Number(x[2]) && Number(x[2]) != 0) {
console.error(`node-nk-base createPart(variables): Number value is wrong([${x[0]} = ${x[2]}])`);
err = true;
return null;
if(x[1] == String && (String(x[2]) || x[2] == '')) {
x[2] = String(x[2]).replace(/\n/g, '');
let err = false;
if(x[1] == Boolean && !(x[2] == true || x[2] == false)) {
console.error(`node-nk-base createPart(variables): Bool value is wrong([${x[0]} = ${x[2]}])`);
err = true;
return null;
let newbt = bt.substring(0, se) + `${id}`;
if(x[1] == Boolean && (x[2] == true || x[2] == false)) {
if(x[2] == true) x[2] = '1';
if(x[2] == false) x[2] = '0';
for(var i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) {
newbt += `${x[0]}=${(x[1] == Number ? 'ň' : "") + (x[1] == String ? 'క' : "") + (x[1] == Boolean ? '±' : "")}${x[2]}`;
let x = vars[i];
} else {
console.error(`node-nk-base createPart(variables): Type of this variable(${x[0]}) is wrong!`);
return null;
if(x[1] === Number || x[1] === String || x[1] === Boolean) {
if(x[1] === Number && !Number(x[2]) && Number(x[2]) !== 0) {
console.error(`node-nk-base createPart(variables): Number value is wrong([${x[0]} = ${x[2]}])`);
err = true;
if(x[1] === String && (String(x[2]) || x[2] === '')) {
x[2] = String(x[2]).replace(/\n/g, '');
newbt += `` + bt.substring(se, bt.length);
if(x[1] === Boolean && !(x[2] === true || x[2] === false)) {
console.error(`node-nk-base createPart(variables): Bool value is wrong([${x[0]} = ${x[2]}])`);
err = true;
if(!err) {
if(x[1] === Boolean && (x[2] === true || x[2] === false)) {
if(x[2] === true) x[2] = '1';
if(x[2] === false) x[2] = '0';
if(wb(newbt)) {
newbt = null;
return true;
} else return null;
newbt += `${x[0]}=${(x[1] === Number ? 'ň' : "") + (x[1] === String ? 'క' : "") + (x[1] === Boolean ? '±' : "")}${x[2]}`;
} else return null;
} else {
console.error(`node-nk-base createPart(variables): Type of this variable(${x[0]}) is wrong!`);
this.deletePart = function(id) {
newbt += `` + bt.substring(se, bt.length);
if(!rb()) return null;
if(!err) {
if(!is_section(section)) {
console.error(`node-nk-base findSection(section): This section(${section}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
if(wb(newbt)) {
newbt = null;
return true;
} else return null;
if(!is_part(section, id)) {
console.error(`node-nk-base deletePart(id): Part with this id(${id}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
} else return null;
let ss = bt.indexOf(`${section}`);
if(ss == -1) return null;
let se = bt.indexOf(`${section}`, ss);
let ps = bt.indexOf(`${id}`, ss);
if(ps > se) return null;
let pe = bt.indexOf(``, ps);
if(wb(bt.substring(0, ps) + bt.substring(pe+2, bt.length))) return true; else return null;
this.deletePart = function(id) {
if(!rb()) return null;
let ss = bt.indexOf(`${section}`);
if(ss === -1) {
console.error(`node-nk-base deletePart(section): This section(${section}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
let se = bt.indexOf(`${section}`, ss);
if(se === -1) {
console.error(`node-nk-base deletePart(section): This section(${section}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
let ps = bt.indexOf(`${id}`, ss);
if(ps === -1 || ps > se) {
console.error(`node-nk-base deletePart(id): Part with this id(${id}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
let pe = bt.indexOf(``, ps);
if(pe === -1 || pe > se) {
console.error(`node-nk-base deletePart(id): Part with this id(${id}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
this.get = function(id, variable) {
if(wb(bt.substring(0, ps) + bt.substring(pe+2, bt.length))) return true; else return null;
if(!rb()) return null;
if(!is_section(section)) {
console.error(`node-nk-base get(section): This section(${section}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
if(!is_part(section, id)) {
console.error(`node-nk-base get(id): Part with this id(${id}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
if(!is_variable(section, id, variable)) {
console.error(`node-nk-base get(variable): This variable(${variable}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
return get(section, id, variable);
this.get = function(id, variable) {
if(!rb()) return null;
return get(section, id, variable, 'section.get');
this.set = function(id, variable, value) {
if(!rb()) return null;
this.set = function(id, variable, value) {
if(!is_section(section)) {
console.error(`node-nk-base set(section): This section(${section}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
if(!is_part(section, id)) {
console.error(`node-nk-base set(id): Part with this id(${id}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
if(!is_variable(section, id, variable)) {
console.error(`node-nk-base set(variable): This variable(${variable}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
if(!rb()) return null;
return set(section, id, variable, value);
return set(section, id, variable, value, 'section.get');
this.add = function(id, variable, value) {
this.add = function(id, variable, value) {
if(!rb()) return null;
return add(section, id, variable, value, 'section.get');
if(!rb()) return null;
this.append = function(id, variable, value) {
if(!is_section(section)) {
console.error(`node-nk-base add(section): This section(${section}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
if(!is_part(section, id)) {
console.error(`node-nk-base add(id): Part with this id(${id}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
if(!is_variable(section, id, variable)) {
console.error(`node-nk-base add(variable): This variable(${variable}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
if(!rb()) return null;
return add(section, id, variable, value);
return append(section, id, variable, value, 'section.get');
this.findPart = function(id) {
this.append = function(id, variable, value) {
if(!rb()) return null;
if(!rb()) return null;
id = String(id);
if(!is_section(section)) {
console.error(`node-nk-base append(section): This section(${section}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
if(!is_part(section, id)) {
console.error(`node-nk-base append(id): Part with this id(${id}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
if(!is_variable(section, id, variable)) {
console.error(`node-nk-base append(variable): This variable(${variable}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
if(!is_section(section)) {
console.error(`node-nk-base findPart(section): This section(${section}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
if(!is_part(section, id)) {
console.error(`node-nk-base findPart(id): Part with this id(${id}) doesn't exists!`);
return append(section, id, variable, value);
this.isVariable = function(variable) {
this.findPart = function(id) {
if(!rb()) return null;
return is_variable(section, id, variable);
if(!rb()) return null;
this.get = function(variable) {
if(!is_section(section)) {
console.error(`node-nk-base findSection(section): This section(${section}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
if(!is_part(section, id)) {
console.error(`node-nk-base findPart(id): Part with this id(${id}) doesn't exists!`);
if(!rb()) return null;
return get(section, id, variable, 'part.get');
this.isVariable = function(variable) {
if(!rb()) return null;
if(!is_section(section)) return null;
if(!is_part(section, id)) return null
return is_variable(section, id, variable);
this.set = function(variable, value) {
this.get = function(variable) {
if(!rb()) return null;
if(!rb()) return null;
return set(section, id, variable, value, 'part.get');
if(!is_section(section)) {
console.error(`node-nk-base get(section): This section(${section}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
if(!is_part(section, id)) {
console.error(`node-nk-base get(id): Part with this id(${id}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
if(!is_variable(section, id, variable)) {
console.error(`node-nk-base get(variable): This variable(${variable}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
return get(section, id, variable);
this.add = function(variable, value) {
if(!rb()) return null;
return add(section, id, variable, value, 'part.get');
this.append = function(variable, value) {
if(!rb()) return null;
return append(section, id, variable, value, 'part.get');
this.set = function(variable, value) {
this.createVariable = function(variable, type, value) {
if(!rb()) return null;
if(!rb()) return null;
if(!is_section(section)) {
console.error(`node-nk-base set(section): This section(${section}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
if(!is_part(section, id)) {
console.error(`node-nk-base set(id): Part with this id(${id}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
if(!is_variable(section, id, variable)) {
console.error(`node-nk-base set(variable): This variable(${variable}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
let ss = bt.indexOf(`${section}`);
if(ss === -1) {
console.error(`node-nk-base part.createVariable(section): This section(${section}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
let se = bt.indexOf(`${section}`, ss);
if(se === -1) {
console.error(`node-nk-base part.createVariable(section): This section(${section}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
let ps = bt.indexOf(`${id}`, ss);
if(ps === -1 || ps > se) {
console.error(`node-nk-base part.createVariable(id): Part with this id(${id}) doesn't exists!`);
let pe = bt.indexOf(``, ps);
if(pe === -1 || pe > se) {
console.error(`node-nk-base part.createVariable(id): Part with this id(${id}) doesn't exists!`);
let part = bt.substring(ps+id.length+4, pe+1);
let vs = part.indexOf((`${variable}=`));
if(vs !== -1) {
console.error(`node-nk-base part.createVariable(variable): This variable(${variable}) already exists!`);
return set(section, id, variable, value);
if(!(type === Number || type === String || type === Boolean)) {
console.error(`node-nk-base createVariable(type): Type of this variable(${variable}) is wrong!`);
return null;
let t = false;
if(type === Number && (Number(value) || Number(value) === 0)) t = Number;
this.add = function(variable, value) {
if(type === String && (String(value) || value === '')) {
t = String;
value = value.replace(/\n/g, '⥌⍖⥍');
if(!rb()) return null;
if(type === Boolean && (value === true || value === false)) {
t = Boolean;
if(value === true) value = '1';
if(value === false) value = '0';
if(!is_section(section)) {
console.error(`node-nk-base add(section): This section(${section}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
if(!is_part(section, id)) {
console.error(`node-nk-base add(id): Part with this id(${id}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
if(!is_variable(section, id, variable)) {
console.error(`node-nk-base add(variable): This variable(${variable}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
if(!t) {
console.error(`node-nk-base createVariable(value): Value for this variable(${variable}) doesn't match with type of this variable!`);
return null;
return add(section, id, variable, value);
this.append = function(variable, value) {
if(wb(bt.substring(0, pe) + `${variable}=${(type === Number ? 'ň' : "") + (type === String ? 'క' : "") + (type === Boolean ? '±' : "")}${value}` + bt.substring(pe, bt.length))) return true; else return null;
if(!rb()) return null;
if(!is_section(section)) {
console.error(`node-nk-base append(section): This section(${section}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
if(!is_part(section, id)) {
console.error(`node-nk-base append(id): Part with this id(${id}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
if(!is_variable(section, id, variable)) {
console.error(`node-nk-base append(variable): This variable(${variable}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
this.deleteVariable = function(variable) {
return append(section, id, variable, value);
if(!rb()) return null;
let ss = bt.indexOf(`${section}`);
if(ss === -1) {
console.error(`node-nk-base part.deleteVariable(section): This section(${section}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
let se = bt.indexOf(`${section}`, ss);
if(se === -1) {
console.error(`node-nk-base part.deleteVariable(section): This section(${section}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
let ps = bt.indexOf(`${id}`, ss);
if(ps === -1 || ps > se) {
console.error(`node-nk-base part.deleteVariable(id): Part with this id(${id}) doesn't exists!`);
let pe = bt.indexOf(``, ps);
if(pe === -1 || pe > se) {
console.error(`node-nk-base part.deleteVariable(id): Part with this id(${id}) doesn't exists!`);
let part = bt.substring(ps+id.length+4, pe+1);
let vs = part.indexOf((`${variable}=`));
if(vs === -1) {
console.error(`node-nk-base part.deleteVariable(variable): This variable(${variable}) doesn't exists!`);
let ve = part.indexOf(``, vs);
this.createVariable = function(variable, type, value) {
if(`${bt.substring(0, ps)}${id}${part.substring(0, vs)}${part.substring(ve+2, part.length)}${bt.substring(pe+3, bt.length)}`) return true;
if(!rb()) return null;
this.getVariableCount = function() {
if(!is_section(section)) {
console.error(`node-nk-base findSection(section): This section(${section}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
if(!rb()) return null;
if(!is_part(section, id)) {
console.error(`node-nk-base findPart(id): Part with this id(${id}) doesn't exists!`);
let c = 0;
if(is_variable(section, id, variable)) {
console.error(`node-nk-base createVariable(variable): This variable(${variable}) already exists!`);
let ss = bt.indexOf(`${section}`);
if(ss === -1) {
console.error(`node-nk-base getVariableCount(section): This section(${section}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
let se = bt.indexOf(`${section}`, ss);
if(se === -1) {
console.error(`node-nk-base getVariableCount(section): This section(${section}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
let ps = bt.indexOf(`${id}`, ss);
if(ps === -1 || ps > se) {
console.error(`node-nk-base getVariableCount(id): Part with this id(${id}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
let pe = bt.indexOf(``, ps);
if(pe === -1 || pe > se) {
console.error(`node-nk-base getVariableCount(id): Part with this id(${id}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
for(var vs = -1, vs1 = -1, ve = ps;;) {
vs = bt.indexOf(``, ve);
vs1 = bt.indexOf(``, vs);
ve = bt.indexOf(``, vs1);
if((vs !== -1 && vs1 !== -1 && ve !== -1) && ve < pe) c++; else break;
let t = false;
let vt = false;
return c;
this.getVariables = function() {
if(type == Number || type == String || type == Boolean) t = true;
if(!rb()) return null;
if(type == Number && (Number(value) || Number(value) == 0)) vt = Number;
let variables = [];
if(type == String && (String(value) || value == '')) {
vt = String;
value = value.replace(/\n/g, '⥌⍖⥍');
let ss = bt.indexOf(`${section}`);
if(ss === -1) {
console.error(`node-nk-base getVariables(section): This section(${section}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
let se = bt.indexOf(`${section}`, ss);
if(se === -1) {
console.error(`node-nk-base getVariables(section): This section(${section}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
let ps = bt.indexOf(`${id}`, ss);
if(ps === -1 || ps > se) {
console.error(`node-nk-base getVariableCount(id): Part with this id(${id}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
if(ps === -1 || ps > se) {
console.error(`node-nk-base getVariableCount(id): Part with this id(${id}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
let pe = bt.indexOf(``, ps);
if(pe === -1 || pe > se) {
console.error(`node-nk-base getVariableCount(id): Part with this id(${id}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
let part = bt.substring(ps+id.length+4);
for(var vs = -1, vs1 = -1, ve = -1;;) {
vs = part.indexOf(``, ve+1);
vs1 = part.indexOf(``, vs+1);
ve = part.indexOf(``, vs1+1);
if((vs !== -1 && vs1 !== -1 && ve !== -1) && (ve < pe)) {
variables.push(part.substring(vs+1, vs1-2));
} else break;
if(type == Boolean && (value == true || value == false)) {
vt = Boolean;
if(value == true) value = '1';
if(value == false) value = '0';
return variables;
if(!t) {
console.error(`node-nk-base createVariable(type): Type of this variable(${variable}) is wrong!`);
return null;
this.getAllCount = function() {
if(!vt) {
console.error(`node-nk-base createVariable(value): Value for this variable(${variable}) doesn't match with type of this variable!`);
return null;
if(!rb()) return null;
let ss = bt.indexOf(`${section}`);
if(ss == -1) return null;
let se = bt.indexOf(`${section}`, ss);
let ps = bt.indexOf(`${id}`, ss);
if(ps > se) return null;
let pe = bt.indexOf(``, ps);
let vs = bt.indexOf((`${variable}=`), ps);
if(vs > pe) return null;
let ve = bt.indexOf(``, vs);
if(!is_section(section)) {
console.error(`node-nk-base findSection(section): This section(${section}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
if(wb(bt.substring(0, pe) + `${variable}=${(type == Number ? 'ň' : "") + (type == String ? 'క' : "") + (type == Boolean ? '±' : "")}${value}` + bt.substring(pe, bt.length))) return true; else return null;
return get_all_count(section);
this.getAll = function() {
if(!rb()) return null;
this.deleteVariable = function(variable) {
let ss = bt.indexOf(`${section}`);
if(ss === -1) {
console.error(`node-nk-base getAll(section): This section(${section}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
let se = bt.indexOf(`${section}`, ss);
if(se === -1) {
console.error(`node-nk-base getAll(section): This section(${section}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
if(!rb()) return null;
let parts = [];
if(!is_section(section)) {
console.error(`node-nk-base findSection(section): This section(${section}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
for(var lastIndex = ss;;) {
if(!is_part(section, id)) {
console.error(`node-nk-base findPart(id): Part with this id(${id}) doesn't exists!`);
lastIndex = bt.indexOf(``, lastIndex+1);
if(lastIndex > se || lastIndex === -1) break;
parts.push(bt.substring(lastIndex+2, bt.indexOf(``, lastIndex+2)));
if(!is_variable(section, id, variable)) {
console.error(`node-nk-base deleteVariable(variable): This variable(${variable}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
let ss = bt.indexOf(`${section}`);
if(ss == -1) return null;
let se = bt.indexOf(`${section}`, ss);
let ps = bt.indexOf(`${id}`, ss);
if(ps > se) return null;
let pe = bt.indexOf(``, ps);
let vs = bt.indexOf((`${variable}=`), ps);
if(vs > pe) return null;
let ve = bt.indexOf(``, vs);
return parts;
if(wb(bt.substring(0, vs+1) + bt.substring(ve+2, bt.length))) return true;
this.getVariableCount = function() {
this.getOfAll = function(variable) {
if(!rb()) return null;
if(!rb()) return null;
if(!is_section(section)) {
console.error(`node-nk-base findSection(section): This section(${section}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
let ss = bt.indexOf(`${section}`);
if(ss === -1) {
console.error(`node-nk-base getAll(section): This section(${section}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
let se = bt.indexOf(`${section}`, ss);
if(se === -1) {
console.error(`node-nk-base getAll(section): This section(${section}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
if(!is_part(section, id)) {
console.error(`node-nk-base findPart(id): Part with this id(${id}) doesn't exists!`);
let values = [];
let c = 0;
if(Array.isArray(variable)) {
let ss = bt.indexOf(`${section}`);
if(ss == -1) return null;
let se = bt.indexOf(`${section}`, ss);
let ps = bt.indexOf(`${id}`, ss);
if(ps > se) return null;
let pe = bt.indexOf(``, ps);
for(var vs = -1, vs1 = -1, ve = ps;;) {
vs = bt.indexOf(``, ve);
vs1 = bt.indexOf(``, vs);
ve = bt.indexOf(``, vs1);
if((vs !== -1 && vs1 !== -1 && ve !== -1) && ve < pe) c++; else break;
for(var ps = ss;;) {
ps = bt.indexOf(``, ps+1);
if(ps > se || ps === -1) break;
let id = bt.substring(ps+2, bt.indexOf(``, ps+2));
let part = bt.substring(ps+id.length+4, bt.indexOf(``, ps));
return c;
this.getVariables = function() {
let v = [];
if(!rb()) return null;
for(var i = 0; i < variable.length; i++) {
let vs = part.indexOf((`${variable[i]}=`));
if(vs === -1) {
let ve = part.indexOf(``, vs);
let value = part.substring(vs+variable[i].length+2, ve);
if(value.startsWith(`ň`)) v.push(Number(v.substring(2, value.length))); else
if(value.startsWith(`క`)) v.push(value.substring(2, value.length).replace(//g, '\n').replace(/ /g, ``)); else
if(value.startsWith(`±`)) {
value = value.substring(2, v.length);
if(value === '0') v.push(false);
if(value === '1') v.push(true);
} else {
if(!is_section(section)) {
console.error(`node-nk-base findSection(section): This section(${section}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
values.push( { id: id, value: v } );
if(!is_part(section, id)) {
console.error(`node-nk-base findPart(id): Part with this id(${id}) doesn't exists!`);
} else {
let variables = [];
for(var ps = ss;;) {
let ss = bt.indexOf(`${section}`);
if(ss == -1) return null;
let se = bt.indexOf(`${section}`, ss);
let ps = bt.indexOf(`${id}`, ss);
if(ps > se) return null;
let pe = bt.indexOf(``, ps);
for(var vs = -1, vs1 = -1, ve = ps;;) {
vs = bt.indexOf(``, ve+1);
vs1 = bt.indexOf(``, vs+1);
ve = bt.indexOf(``, vs1+1);
if((vs !== -1 && vs1 !== -1 && ve !== -1) && (ve < pe)) {
variables.push(bt.substring(vs+1, vs1-2));
} else break;
ps = bt.indexOf(``, ps+1);
if(ps > se || ps === -1) break;
return variables;
let id = bt.substring(ps+2, bt.indexOf(``, ps+2));
let part = bt.substring(ps+id.length+4, bt.indexOf(``, ps));
let v;
let vs = part.indexOf((`${variable}=`));
if(vs === -1) {
values.push( { id: id, value: null } );
let ve = part.indexOf(``, vs);
let value = part.substring(vs+variable.length+2, ve);
if(value.startsWith(`ň`)) v = Number(v1.substring(2, value.length)); else
this.getAllCount = function() {
if(value.startsWith(`క`)) v = value.substring(2, value.length).replace(//g, '\n').replace(/ /g, ``); else
if(!rb()) return null;
if(value.startsWith(`±`)) {
value = value.substring(2, value.length);
if(value === '0') v = false;
if(value === '1') v = true;
} else {
values.push( { id: id, value: null } );
if(!is_section(section)) {
console.error(`node-nk-base findSection(section): This section(${section}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
values.push( { id: id, value: v } );
return get_all_count(section);
return values;
this.getAll = function() {
if(!rb()) return null;
if(!is_section(section)) {
console.error(`node-nk-base findSection(section): This section(${section}) doesn't exists!`);
return null;
this.getSectionCount = function() {
let ss = bt.indexOf(`${section}`);
let se = bt.indexOf(`${section}`, ss);
if(!rb()) return null;
let parts = [];
let c = 0;
for(var lastIndex = ss;;) {
lastIndex = bt.indexOf(``, lastIndex+1);
if(lastIndex > se || lastIndex == -1) break;
parts.push(bt.substring(lastIndex+2, bt.indexOf(``, lastIndex+2)));
for(var ss = -1, ss1 = -1, se = -1;;) {
return parts;
ss = bt.indexOf(``, se+1);
ss1 = bt.indexOf(``, ss+1);
let section = bt.substring(ss+1, ss1);
se = bt.indexOf(`${section}`, ss1);
if(ss !== -1 && ss1 !==-1 && se !== -1) {
se += (section.length + 1);
} else break;
this.getSectionCount = function() {
return c;
if(!rb()) return null;
let c = 0;
for(var ss = -1, ss1 = -1, se = -1;;) {
this.getSections = function() {
ss = bt.indexOf(``, se+1);
ss1 = bt.indexOf(``, ss+1);
if(!rb()) return null;
let section = bt.substring(ss+1, ss1);
let sections = [];
se = bt.indexOf(`${section}`, ss1);
for(var ss = -1, ss1 = -1, se = -1;;) {
if(ss !== -1 && ss1 !==-1 && se !== -1) {
se += (section.length + 1);
} else break;
ss = bt.indexOf(``, se+1);
ss1 = bt.indexOf(``, ss+1);
let section = bt.substring(ss+1, ss1);
return c;
se = bt.indexOf(`${section}`, ss1);
if(ss !== -1 && ss1 !==-1 && se !== -1) {
se += (section.length + 1);
} else break;
this.getSections = function() {
return sections;
if(!rb()) return null;
let sections = [];
for(var ss = -1, ss1 = -1, se = -1;;) {
console.log(`node-nk-base started on file "${basefile}"`);
ss = bt.indexOf(``, se+1);
ss1 = bt.indexOf(``, ss+1);
let section = bt.substring(ss+1, ss1);
se = bt.indexOf(`${section}`, ss1);
if(ss !== -1 && ss1 !==-1 && se !== -1) {
se += (section.length + 1);
} else break;
return sections;
console.log(`node-nk-base started on file "${basefile}"!`);
module.exports = NKB;
"name": "node-nk-base",
"version": "1.1.0",
"version": "1.1.1",
"description": "database for nodejs by NK",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "index.js",

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