What is node-simctl?
The node-simctl package is a Node.js wrapper for simctl, a command-line utility used to control the iOS Simulator. It allows developers to manage iOS simulators programmatically, including creating, deleting, booting, and shutting down simulators, as well as installing and uninstalling apps.
What are node-simctl's main functionalities?
Create a new simulator
This feature allows you to create a new iOS simulator with a specified name, device type, and iOS version. The code sample demonstrates how to create an iPhone 8 simulator running iOS 13.3.
const simctl = require('node-simctl');
async function createSimulator() {
const udid = await simctl.createDevice('My Simulator', 'iPhone 8', '13.3');
console.log('Created simulator with UDID:', udid);
Boot a simulator
This feature allows you to boot an existing iOS simulator using its UDID. The code sample demonstrates how to boot a simulator by providing its UDID.
const simctl = require('node-simctl');
async function bootSimulator(udid) {
await simctl.bootDevice(udid);
console.log('Booted simulator with UDID:', udid);
Install an app on a simulator
This feature allows you to install an app on a specified iOS simulator. The code sample demonstrates how to install an app by providing the simulator's UDID and the path to the app.
const simctl = require('node-simctl');
async function installApp(udid, appPath) {
await simctl.installApp(udid, appPath);
console.log('Installed app on simulator with UDID:', udid);
installApp('your-simulator-udid', '/path/to/your/app.app');
Shutdown a simulator
This feature allows you to shut down an existing iOS simulator using its UDID. The code sample demonstrates how to shut down a simulator by providing its UDID.
const simctl = require('node-simctl');
async function shutdownSimulator(udid) {
await simctl.shutdownDevice(udid);
console.log('Shutdown simulator with UDID:', udid);
Other packages similar to node-simctl
The ios-sim package is a command-line utility that launches an iOS application on the iOS Simulator. It provides functionalities to start the simulator, install apps, and launch apps. Compared to node-simctl, ios-sim is more focused on launching and managing apps on the simulator rather than managing the simulators themselves.
Appium is an open-source tool for automating mobile applications. It supports iOS and Android platforms and allows you to write tests using various programming languages. While Appium provides broader functionality for mobile automation, including interacting with simulators, node-simctl is more specialized in managing iOS simulators.
Detox is an end-to-end testing library for mobile apps. It supports both iOS and Android and allows you to write tests that run on simulators and real devices. Detox includes functionalities to manage simulators, but its primary focus is on testing and automation, whereas node-simctl is specifically designed for simulator management.

ES6/7 Node wrapper around Apple's simctl
binary, the "Command line utility to control the iOS Simulator". simctl
is run as a sub-command of xcrun
Install through npm.
npm install node-simctl
The module exports single class Simctl
. This class contains methods
which wrap the following simctl subcommands:
create (Create a new device)
clone (Clone an existing device)
upgrade (Upgrade a device to a newer runtime)
delete (Delete specified devices, unavailable devices, or all devices)
pair (Create a new watch and phone pair)
unpair (Unpair a watch and phone pair)
pair_activate (Set a given pair as active)
erase (Erase a device's contents and settings)
boot (Boot a device)
shutdown (Shutdown a device)
rename (Rename a device)
getenv (Print an environment variable from a running device)
openurl (Open a URL in a device)
addmedia (Add photos, live photos, videos, or contacts to the library of a device)
install (Install an app on a device)
uninstall (Uninstall an app from a device)
get_app_container (Print the path of the installed app's container)
launch (Launch an application by identifier on a device)
terminate (Terminate an application by identifier on a device)
spawn (Spawn a process by executing a given executable on a device)
- spawnProcess
- spawnSubProcess
list (List available devices, device types, runtimes, or device pairs)
- getDevicesByParsing
- getDevices
- getRuntimeForPlatformVersionViaJson
- getRuntimeForPlatformVersion
- getDeviceTypes
- list
icloud_sync (Trigger iCloud sync on a device)
pbsync (Sync the pasteboard content from one pasteboard to another)
pbcopy (Copy standard input onto the device pasteboard)
pbpaste (Print the contents of the device's pasteboard to standard output)
help (Prints the usage for a given subcommand)
io (Set up a device IO operation)
diagnose (Collect diagnostic information and logs)
logverbose (enable or disable verbose logging for a device)
status_bar (Set or clear status bar overrides)
ui (Get or Set UI options)
- getAppearance
- setAppearance
push (Send a simulated push notification)
privacy (Grant, revoke, or reset privacy and permissions)
- grantPermission
- revokePermission
- resetPermission
keychain (Manipulate a device's keychain)
- addRootCertificate
- addCertificate
- resetKeychain
appinfo (Undocumented)
bootstatus (Undocumented)
Methods marked with the star (*
) character do not require the udid
property to be set
on the Simctl
instance upon their invocation. All other methods will throw an error if the udid
property is unset while they are being invoked.
All public methods are supplied with docstrings that describe their arguments and returned values.
The Simctl
class constructor supports the following options:
(Object): The xcrun properties. Currently only one property
is supported, which is path
and it by default contains null
, which enforces
the instance to automatically detect the full path to xcrun
tool and to throw
an exception if it cannot be detected. If the path is set upon instance creation
then it is going to be used by exec
and no autodetection will happen.execTimeout
(number[600000]): The maximum number of milliseconds
to wait for a single synchronous xcrun command.logErrors
(boolean[true]): Whether to write xcrun error messages
into the debug log before throwing them as errors.udid
(string[null]): The unique identifier of the current device, which is
going to be implicitly passed to all methods, which require it (see above). It can either be set
upon instance creation if it is already known or later when/if needed via the corresponding
(string[null]): Full path to the set of devices that you want to manage.
By default this path usually equals to ~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices. This option
has a getter and a setter which allows to switch between multiple device sets during the Simctl
instance life cycle.
Advanced Usage
Any simctl subcommand could be called via exec
method, which accepts the subcommand itself
as the first argument and the set of options, which may contain additional command args,
environment variables, encoding, etc. For example:
import Simctl from 'node-simctl';
const simctl = new Simctl();
const name = 'My Device Name';
simctl.udid = await simctl.createDevice(name, 'iPhone X', '13.3');
await simctl.bootDevice();
await simctl.startBootMonitor({timeout: 120000});
await simctl.exec('pbsync');
console.log(`Pasteboard content: ${await simctl.getPasteboard()}`);
const {stdout} = await simctl.exec('status_bar', {
args: [simctl.udid, 'list']
simctl.udid = void(await simctl.deleteDevice());
See specs for examples of usage.
Running Multiple Simulator SDKs On a Single Computer
It is possible to run multiple simulators using different Xcode SDKs on a single machine.
Simply set a proper value to DEVELOPER_DIR
environment variable for each process.
Read this MacOps article for more details.