Signal communicator client nodes to use the more secure messenger in Node-RED.
This is a third-party effort, and is NOT a part of the official Signal project or any other project of Open Whisper Systems.
Base Repository
This is a fork from @gausma/nodered-contrib-signal-client
The only difference as of today is that it allows you to send the recieverNumber number in the msg.payload.
Please see @gausma/nodered-contrib-signal-client for a complete documentation.

You can install the nodes using node-red's "Manage palette" in the side bar.
Or run the following command in the root directory of your Node-RED installation
npm install nodered-contrib-signal-client-2 --save
The nodes are tested with Node.js v14.15.3
and Node-RED v1.2.6

nodered-contrib-signal-client is a free software project licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 (GPLv3) by Martin Gaus.