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Parses and compiles CSS nth-checks to highly optimized functions.

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Package description

What is nth-check?

The nth-check package is a utility for parsing and evaluating CSS nth-expressions, such as those used in :nth-child or :nth-of-type pseudo-classes. It allows developers to determine if an element is the nth child of its parent based on the given nth-expression.

What are nth-check's main functionalities?

Parsing nth-expressions

This feature allows for parsing a CSS nth-expression and returns a function that can be used to check if a given index matches the nth-expression.

const nthCheck = require('nth-check');
const check = nthCheck('2n+3');
console.log(check(5)); // true

Evaluating nth-expressions

This feature evaluates whether a given index (like the position of an element among its siblings) matches the nth-expression, such as 'odd' or 'even'.

const nthCheck = require('nth-check');
const check = nthCheck('odd');
console.log(check(1)); // true
console.log(check(2)); // false

Other packages similar to nth-check



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Parses and compiles CSS nth-checks to highly optimized functions.


This module can be used to parse & compile nth-checks, as they are found in CSS 3's nth-child() and nth-last-of-type(). It can be used to check if a given index matches a given nth-rule, or to generate a sequence of indices matching a given nth-rule.

nth-check focusses on speed, providing optimized functions for different kinds of nth-child formulas, while still following the spec.


import nthCheck, { parse, compile } from "nth-check";

Parses and compiles a formula to a highly optimized function. Combination of parse and compile.

If the formula doesn't match any elements, it returns boolbase's falseFunc. Otherwise, a function accepting an index is returned, which returns whether or not the passed index matches the formula.

Note: The nth-rule starts counting at 1, the returned function at 0.


const check = nthCheck("2n+3");

check(0); // `false`
check(1); // `false`
check(2); // `true`
check(3); // `false`
check(4); // `true`
check(5); // `false`
check(6); // `true`

Parses the expression, throws an Error if it fails. Otherwise, returns an array containing the integer step size and the integer offset of the nth rule.


parse("2n+3"); // [2, 3]
compile([a, b])

Takes an array with two elements (as returned by .parse) and returns a highly optimized function.


const check = compile([2, 3]);

check(0); // `false`
check(1); // `false`
check(2); // `true`
check(3); // `false`
check(4); // `true`
check(5); // `false`
check(6); // `true`
generate([a, b])

Returns a function that produces a monotonously increasing sequence of indices.

If the sequence has an end, the returned function will return null after the last index in the sequence.

Example: An always increasing sequence

const gen = nthCheck.generate([2, 3]);

gen(); // `1`
gen(); // `3`
gen(); // `5`
gen(); // `8`
gen(); // `11`

Example: With an end value

const gen = nthCheck.generate([-2, 5]);

gen(); // 0
gen(); // 2
gen(); // 4
gen(); // null

Parses and compiles a formula to a generator that produces a sequence of indices. Combination of parse and generate.

Example: An always increasing sequence

const gen = nthCheck.sequence("2n+3");

gen(); // `1`
gen(); // `3`
gen(); // `5`
gen(); // `8`
gen(); // `11`

Example: With an end value

const gen = nthCheck.sequence("-2n+5");

gen(); // 0
gen(); // 2
gen(); // 4
gen(); // null

License: BSD-2-Clause

Security contact information

To report a security vulnerability, please use the Tidelift security contact. Tidelift will coordinate the fix and disclosure.

nth-check for enterprise

Available as part of the Tidelift Subscription

The maintainers of nth-check and thousands of other packages are working with Tidelift to deliver commercial support and maintenance for the open source dependencies you use to build your applications. Save time, reduce risk, and improve code health, while paying the maintainers of the exact dependencies you use. Learn more.



Package last updated on 23 May 2022

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