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nuke-core - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 2.0.18 to 2.0.19

# Changelog
## 2.0.19 / 2018-04-16
* [[e283017](] - `fix` eslint
## 2.0.16 / 2018-04-16

@@ -5,0 +9,0 @@


'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
value: true

@@ -6,0 +6,0 @@

'use strict';
// ////
// /// @group Utils 工具
// ////
// /// 清除浮动
// ///
// /// @link
// ///
// /// @example.rxscss
// /// .wrapper {
// /// @include clearfix;
// /// }
// ///
// /// pixel转换为rem
// ///
// /// @example.rxscss
// /// .element {
// /// @include dp2rem(left, 75px);
// /// }
// ///
// /// @example css - 输出
// /// .element {
// /// left: 2rem;
// /// }
// function dp2rem(k, v) {
// #{k}: dp2rem(v);
// }
// /// 单行截取文字,添加『...』结尾
// ///
// /// @param {Number | String} $width [100%] - 最大宽度,CSS长度,包括calc方法定义的表达式
// ///
// /// @example.rxscss - 使用
// /// .element {
// /// @include ellipsis;
// /// }
// ///
// /// @example css - 输出
// /// .element {
// /// display: inline-block;
// /// max-width: 100%;
// /// overflow: hidden;
// /// text-overflow: ellipsis;
// /// white-space: nowrap;
// /// word-wrap: normal;
// /// }
// function ellipsis(width: '100%') {
// return {
// display: 'inlineBlock';
// maxWidth: width;
// overflow: 'hidden';
// textOverflow: 'ellipsis';
// whiteSpace: 'nowrap';
// wordWrap: 'normal';
// }
// }
// /// 多行截取文字,添加『...』结尾
// ///
// /// @param {Number | String} $line-height [1.2em] - 行高
// /// @param {Number} $line-count [2] - 行数, 超出行数开始截取
// /// @param {Color} $bg-color [#fff] - 文本背景色
// ///
// /// @example.rxscss - 使用
// /// .element {
// /// @include multi-line-ellipsis(1.2em, 3, #fff);
// /// }
// ///
// /// @example css - 输出
// /// .element {
// /// overflow: hidden;
// /// position: relative;
// /// line-height: 1.2em;
// /// max-height: 3.6em;
// /// text-align: justify;
// /// padding-right: 0em;
// /// }
// ///
// /// .element:before {
// /// content: '...';
// /// position: absolute;
// /// right: 0;
// /// bottom: 0;
// /// background: #fff;
// /// }
// ///
// /// .element:after {
// /// content: '';
// /// position: absolute;
// /// right: 0;
// /// width: 1em;
// /// height: 1em;
// /// margin-top: 0.2em;
// /// background: #fff;
// /// }
// function multiLineEllipsis(
// lineHeight: 1.2em,
// lineCount: 2,
// bgColor: #fff
// ) {
// overflow: hidden;
// position: relative;
// lineHeight: lineHeight;
// maxHeight: lineHeight * lineCount;
// textAlign: justify;
// paddingRight: 0em;
// &:before {
// content: '...';
// position: absolute;
// right: 0;
// bottom: 0;
// background: bgColor;
// }
// &:after {
// content: '';
// position: absolute;
// right: 0;
// width: 1em;
// height: 1em;
// marginTop: 0.2em;
// background: bgColor;
// }
// }
// /// 隐藏文字
// ///
// /// 『text-indent: -9999px』Hack 的替代版本
// ///
// /// @link
// ///
// /// @example.rxscss
// /// .element {
// /// @include hide-text;
// /// background: url(logo.png);
// /// }
// ///
// @mixin hideText {
// font: 0/0 a;
// textShadow: none;
// color: transparent;
// }
// /// 将元素垂直(水平)居中 (transform 版本)
// ///
// /// @param {String} $inner-selector ['.inner'] - 直接子选择器名称
// /// @param {Bool} $horizontal [true] - 是否水平居中
// ///
// /// @example.rxscss - 使用
// /// .element {
// /// @include center-tl;
// /// }
// ///
// /// @example css - 输出
// /// .element {
// /// position: relative;
// /// }
// ///
// /// .element > .inner {
// /// position: absolute;
// /// top: 50%;
// /// left: 50%;
// /// transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
// /// }
// ///
// function centerTl(
// innerSelector: '.inner',
// horizontal: true
// ) {
// position: relative;
// innerSelector: unquote(innerSelector);
// & > #{innerSelector} {
// position: absolute;
// top: 50%;
// translateVal: translatey(50%);
// @if horizontal {
// left: 50%;
// translateVal: translate(50%, 50%);
// }
// transform: translateVal;
// }
// }
// /// 将元素垂直(水平)居中 (table 版本)
// ///
// /// @param {String} $inner-selector ['.inner'] - 直接子选择器名称
// /// @param {Bool} $horizontal [true] - 是否水平居中
// ///
// /// @example.rxscss - 使用
// /// .element {
// /// @include center-td;
// /// }
// ///
// /// @example css - 输出
// /// .element {
// /// text-align: center;
// /// display: table;
// /// }
// ///
// /// .element > .inner {
// /// display: table-cell;
// /// vertical-align: middle;
// /// }
// ///
// function centerTd (
// innerSelector: '.inner',
// horizontal: true
// ) {
// @if horizontal {
// textAlign: center;
// }
// display: table;
// innerSelector: unquote(innerSelector);
// & > #{innerSelector} {
// display: tableCell;
// verticalAlign: middle;
// }
// }
// /// 快捷设置元素width,height的方法
// ///
// /// @param {String | List} $size - CSS尺寸长度
// ///
// /// @example.rxscss - 使用
// /// .element {
// /// @include size(2em 4em);
// /// }
// ///
// /// @example css - 输出
// /// .element {
// /// width: 2em;
// /// height: 4em;
// /// }
// ///
// function size(size) {
// @if length(size) == 1 {
// width: size;
// height: size;
// } @else if length(size) == 2 {
// width: nth(size, 1);
// height: nth(size, 2);
// }
// }
// /// 快捷设置元素postion的方法 (传入null参数可略过一个方位)
// ///
// /// @param {String} $position [relative]
// /// CSS position属性值
// ///
// /// @param {List} $coordinates [null null null null]
// /// 上、右、下、左 四个边值,可以传入1 ~ 4个值
// ///
// /// @example.rxscss - 使用
// /// .element {
// /// @include position(absolute, 0 null null 10px);
// /// }
// ///
// /// @example css - 输出
// /// .element {
// /// position: absolute;
// /// left: 10px;
// /// top: 0;
// /// }
// ///
// /// @require {function} is-length
// /// @require {function} unpack
// function position(position: relative, coordinates: null null null null) {
// // 如果参数是数组
// @if typeOf(position) == list {
// coordinates: position;
// position: relative;
// }
// coordinates: unpack(coordinates);
// offsets: (
// top: nth(coordinates, 1),
// right: nth(coordinates, 2),
// bottom: nth(coordinates, 3),
// left: nth(coordinates, 4)
// );
// position: position;
// @each offset, value in offsets {
// // 如果是合法长度
// @if isLength(value) {
// #{offset}: value;
// }
// }
// }
// // 三角型生成器(8种形态)
// //
// // @param {number | list} size
// // 三角形尺寸
// // 传入一个参数,生成等宽高三角形;传入数组且长度为2,第一个设置宽度,第二个设置高度
// //
// // @param {string | list} color
// // 传入一个参数,设置三角形颜色;传入数组且长度为2,第一个设置三角形颜色,第二个设置背景色
// //
// // @param {string} direction
// // 三角形朝向,可传参数:up | down | right | left | upRight | upLeft | downRight | downLeft | insetUp | insetDown | insetLeft | insetRight
// //
// // @example.rxscss 使用
// // .element {
// // &:before {
// // content: " ";
// // @include triangle(100px 200px, blue, up);
// // }
// // }
// //
// // @example css 输出
// // .example:before {
// // content: " ";
// // height: 0;
// // width: 0;
// // borderBottom: 200px solid blue;
// // borderLeft: 50px solid transparent;
// // borderRight: 50px solid transparent;
// // }
// //
// function triangle(size, color, direction) {
// width: nth(size, 1);
// height: nth(size, length(size));
// foregroundColor: nth(color, 1);
// backgroundColor: if(length(color) == 2, nth(color, 2), transparent);
// height: 0;
// width: 0;
// @if (direction == up) or (direction == down) or (direction == right) or (direction == left) {
// width: width / 2;
// height: if(length(size) > 1, height, height/2);
// @if direction == up {
// borderBottom: height solid foregroundColor;
// borderLeft: width solid backgroundColor;
// borderRight: width solid backgroundColor;
// } @else if direction == right {
// borderBottom: width solid backgroundColor;
// borderLeft: height solid foregroundColor;
// borderTop: width solid backgroundColor;
// } @else if direction == down {
// borderLeft: width solid backgroundColor;
// borderRight: width solid backgroundColor;
// borderTop: height solid foregroundColor;
// } @else if direction == left {
// borderBottom: width solid backgroundColor;
// borderRight: height solid foregroundColor;
// borderTop: width solid backgroundColor;
// }
// } @else if (direction == upRight) or (direction == upLeft) {
// borderTop: height solid foregroundColor;
// @if direction == upRight {
// borderLeft: width solid backgroundColor;
// } @else if direction == upLeft {
// borderRight: width solid backgroundColor;
// }
// } @else if (direction == downRight) or (direction == downLeft) {
// borderBottom: height solid foregroundColor;
// @if direction == downRight {
// borderLeft: width solid backgroundColor;
// } @else if direction == downLeft {
// borderRight: width solid backgroundColor;
// }
// } @else if (direction == insetUp) {
// borderColor: backgroundColor backgroundColor foregroundColor;
// borderStyle: solid;
// borderWidth: height width;
// } @else if (direction == insetDown) {
// borderColor: foregroundColor backgroundColor backgroundColor;
// borderStyle: solid;
// borderWidth: height width;
// } @else if (direction == insetRight) {
// borderColor: backgroundColor backgroundColor backgroundColor foregroundColor;
// borderStyle: solid;
// borderWidth: width height;
// } @else if (direction == insetLeft) {
// borderColor: backgroundColor foregroundColor backgroundColor backgroundColor;
// borderStyle: solid;
// borderWidth: width height;
// }
// }
// // flex布局的box部分
// function flexbox(vertical: flexStart, horizontal: flexStart) {
// display: flex;
// display: WebkitBox;
// @include justifyContent(horizontal);
// @include alignItems(vertical);
// }
// // flex布局的内容部分
// function flex(value: 1) {
// display: block;
// flex: value;
// WebkitBoxFlex: value;
// }
// // flex布局的box部分, inline
// function flexboxInline(vertical: flexStart, horizontal: flexStart) {
// display: inlineFlex;
// display: WebkitInlineBox;
// @include justifyContent(horizontal);
// @include alignItems(vertical);
// }
// //flex布局下, 水平对齐方式
// function justifyContent(value: flexStart){
// boxPack: value;
// @if(value == flexStart){
// boxPack: start;
// }@else if(value == flexEnd){
// boxPack: end;
// }@else if(value == spaceBetween){
// boxPack: justify;
// }
// justifyContent: value;
// WebkitBoxPack: boxPack;
// }
// //处理flexDirection, 仅支持水平和垂直, 其它值无法匹配
// function flexDirection(value: row){
// @if(value == column){
// flexDirection: value;
// WebkitBoxOrient: vertical;
// }@else{
// flexDirection: value;
// WebkitBoxOrient: horizontal;
// }
// }
// //flex布局下, 垂直对齐方式
// function alignItems(value: flexStart){
// boxAlign: value;
// @if(value == flexStart){
// boxAlign: start;
// }@else if(value == flexEnd){
// boxAlign: end;
// }
// alignItems: value;
// WebkitBoxAlign: boxAlign;
// }
// function transform(t) {
// WebkitTransform: t;
// transform: t ;
// }
// function boxPack(p: center) {
// WebkitBoxPack: p;
// }
// function boxAlign(a: center) {
// WebkitBoxAlign: a;
// }
// function overflowScroll(d: y) {
// overflow#{d}: auto;
// WebkitOverflowScrolling: touch;
// }
// // 快捷方式
// function fontSize(v) {
// @include dp2rem(fontSize, v);
// }
// function width(v) {
// @include dp2rem(width, v);
// }
// function height(v) {
// @include dp2rem(height, v);
// }
// function lineHeight(v) {
// @include dp2rem(lineHeight, v);
// }
// function minWidth(v) {
// @include dp2rem(minWidth, v);
// }
// function maxWidth(v) {
// @include dp2rem(maxWidth, v);
// }
// function minHeight(v) {
// @include dp2rem(minWidth, v);
// }
// function maxHeight(v) {
// @include dp2rem(maxWidth, v);
// }
// function top(v) {
// @include dp2rem(top, v);
// }
// function right(v) {
// @include dp2rem(right, v);
// }
// function bottom(v) {
// @include dp2rem(bottom, v);
// }
// function left(v) {
// @include dp2rem(left, v);
// }
// function paddingTop(v) {
// @include dp2rem(paddingTop, v);
// }
// function paddingRight(v) {
// @include dp2rem(paddingRight, v);
// }
// function paddingBottom(v) {
// @include dp2rem(paddingBottom, v);
// }
// function paddingLeft(v) {
// @include dp2rem(paddingLeft, v);
// }
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
value: true

@@ -563,174 +13,48 @@ exports.padding = padding;

function padding() {
var pt = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : 0;
var pr = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : pt;
var pb = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : pt;
var pl = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : pr;
var pt = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : 0;
var pr = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : pt;
var pb = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : pt;
var pl = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : pr;
return {
paddingTop: pt,
paddingRight: pr,
paddingBottom: pb,
paddingLeft: pl
return {
paddingTop: pt,
paddingRight: pr,
paddingBottom: pb,
paddingLeft: pl
function margin() {
var pt = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : 0;
var pr = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : pt;
var pb = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : pt;
var pl = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : pr;
var pt = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : 0;
var pr = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : pt;
var pb = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : pt;
var pl = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : pr;
return {
marginTop: pt,
marginRight: pr,
marginBottom: pb,
marginLeft: pl
return {
marginTop: pt,
marginRight: pr,
marginBottom: pb,
marginLeft: pl
function border() {
var width = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : 1;
var style = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 'solid';
var color = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : '#ffffff';
var direction = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : null;
var width = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : 1;
var style = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 'solid';
var color = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : '#ffffff';
var direction = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : null;
if (typeof width == 'string' && width.indexOf('px') > -1) {
width = width.split('px')[0] * 2;
if (direction) {
var _ref;
if (typeof width === 'string' && width.indexOf('px') > -1) {
width = width.split('px')[0] * 2;
if (direction) {
var _ref;
var x = direction[0].toUpperCase() + direction.slice(1);
return _ref = {}, _defineProperty(_ref, 'border' + x + 'Width', width), _defineProperty(_ref, 'border' + x + 'Style', style), _defineProperty(_ref, 'border' + x + 'Color', color), _ref;
} else {
return {
borderWidth: width,
borderStyle: style,
borderColor: color
// function marginTop(v) {
// @include dp2rem(marginTop, v);
// }
// function marginRight(v) {
// @include dp2rem(marginRight, v);
// }
// function marginBottom(v) {
// @include dp2rem(marginBottom, v);
// }
// function marginLeft(v) {
// @include dp2rem(marginLeft, v);
// }
// function margin(mt: 0, mr: mt, mb: mt, ml: mr) {
// margin: dp2rem(mt) dp2rem(mr) dp2rem(mb) dp2rem(ml);
// }
// function hairlines(k: border, w: 0.5px, s: solid, c: #c4c6cf) {
// stripd: stripUnits(w);
// @if (stripd == 0.5) {
// #{k}: w * 2 s c;
// .#{cssPrefix}hairlines & {
// borderWidth: w;
// }
// } @else {
// #{k}: w s c;
// }
// }
// function border(w: 0.5px, s: solid, c: #c4c6cf) {
// @include hairlines(border, w, s, c);
// }
// function borderTop(w: 0.5px, s: solid, c: #c4c6cf) {
// @include hairlines(borderTop, w, s, c);
// }
// function borderRight(w: 0.5px, s: solid, c: #c4c6cf) {
// @include hairlines(borderRight, w, s, c);
// }
// function borderBottom(w: 0.5px, s: solid, c: #c4c6cf) {
// @include hairlines(borderBottom, w, s, c);
// }
// function borderLeft(w: 0.5px, s: solid, c: #c4c6cf) {
// @include hairlines(borderLeft, w, s, c);
// }
// function borderRadius(v) {
// @include dp2rem(borderRadius, v);
// }
// function borderTopLeftRadius(v) {
// @include dp2rem(borderTopLeftRadius, v);
// }
// function borderTopRightRadius(v) {
// @include dp2rem(borderTopRightRadius, v);
// }
// function borderBottomRightRadius(v) {
// @include dp2rem(borderBottomRightRadius, v);
// }
// function borderBottomLeftRadius(v) {
// @include dp2rem(borderBottomLeftRadius, v);
// }
// function borderWidth(v: '0.5px') {
// stripd: stripUnits(v);
// @if (stripd == 0.5) {
// borderWidth: v * 2;
// .#{cssPrefix}hairlines & {
// borderWidth: v;
// }
// } @else {
// borderWidth: v;
// }
// }
// module.exports = {
// dp2rem,
// ellipsis,
// multiLineEllipsis,
// centerTl,
// centerTd ,
// size,
// position,
// triangle,
// flexbox,
// flex,
// flexboxInline,
// justifyContent,
// flexDirection,
// alignItems,
// transform,
// boxPack,
// boxAlign,
// overflowScroll,
// fontSize,
// width,
// height,
// lineHeight,
// minWidth,
// maxWidth,
// minHeight,
// maxHeight,
// top,
// right,
// bottom,
// left,
// paddingTop,
// paddingRight,
// paddingBottom,
// paddingLeft,
// padding: padding,
// margin: margin,
// border:border
// };
var x = direction[0].toUpperCase() + direction.slice(1);
return _ref = {}, _defineProperty(_ref, 'border' + x + 'Width', width), _defineProperty(_ref, 'border' + x + 'Style', style), _defineProperty(_ref, 'border' + x + 'Color', color), _ref;
return {
borderWidth: width,
borderStyle: style,
borderColor: color
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
value: true
var isWeex = typeof callNative === 'function';
var platform = {
iOS: false,
android: false,
weex: isWeex,
web: !isWeex
iOS: false,
android: false,
weex: isWeex,
web: !isWeex
if (isWeex) {
var WeexEnv = typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.hasOwnProperty('__weex_env__') ? Object.assign({}, window.__weex_env__) : Object.assign({}, WXEnvironment);
platform.iOS = WeexEnv.platform === 'iOS'; = WeexEnv.platform === 'android';
var WeexEnv = typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.__weex_env__ ? Object.assign({}, window.__weex_env__) : Object.assign({}, WXEnvironment);
platform.iOS = WeexEnv.platform === 'iOS'; = WeexEnv.platform === 'android';
} else {
var userAgent = typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && navigator.userAgent ? navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase() : 'iPhone';
platform.iOS = /iPhone|iPod|iPad|IOS/i.test(userAgent); = /Android/i.test(userAgent);
var userAgent = typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && navigator.userAgent ? navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase() : 'iPhone';
platform.iOS = /iPhone|iPod|iPad|IOS/i.test(userAgent); = /Android/i.test(userAgent);

@@ -23,0 +23,0 @@

'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
value: true

@@ -14,7 +14,9 @@ exports.vLoader = vLoader;

// eslint-disable-next-line
function vLoader() {
if (arguments.length > 1 && _platform2.default.iOS) {
return arguments[1];
return arguments[0];
var args = arguments;
if (args.length > 1 && _platform2.default.iOS) {
return args[1];
return args[0];
"name": "nuke-core",
"version": "2.0.18",
"version": "2.0.19",
"description": "nuke 核心变量",

@@ -35,2 +35,10 @@ "main": "lib/nuke",

"devDependencies": {
"eslint": "3.19.0",
"babel-eslint": "^7.2.3",
"eslint-config-ali": "2.0.0",
"eslint-plugin-import": "2.6.0",
"eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y": "6.0.2",
"eslint-plugin-react": "7.1.0"
"publishConfig": {

@@ -37,0 +45,0 @@ "registry": ""

@@ -14,13 +14,13 @@ 'use strict';

const BaseVariables = {
export default BaseVariables;
'use strict';
// ////
// /// @group Utils 工具
// ////
// /// 清除浮动
// ///
// /// @link
// ///
// /// @example.rxscss
// /// .wrapper {
// /// @include clearfix;
// /// }
// ///
// /// pixel转换为rem
// ///
// /// @example.rxscss
// /// .element {
// /// @include dp2rem(left, 75px);
// /// }
// ///
// /// @example css - 输出
// /// .element {
// /// left: 2rem;
// /// }
// function dp2rem(k, v) {
// #{k}: dp2rem(v);
// }
// /// 单行截取文字,添加『...』结尾
// ///
// /// @param {Number | String} $width [100%] - 最大宽度,CSS长度,包括calc方法定义的表达式
// ///
// /// @example.rxscss - 使用
// /// .element {
// /// @include ellipsis;
// /// }
// ///
// /// @example css - 输出
// /// .element {
// /// display: inline-block;
// /// max-width: 100%;
// /// overflow: hidden;
// /// text-overflow: ellipsis;
// /// white-space: nowrap;
// /// word-wrap: normal;
// /// }
// function ellipsis(width: '100%') {
// return {
// display: 'inlineBlock';
// maxWidth: width;
// overflow: 'hidden';
// textOverflow: 'ellipsis';
// whiteSpace: 'nowrap';
// wordWrap: 'normal';
// }
// }
// /// 多行截取文字,添加『...』结尾
// ///
// /// @param {Number | String} $line-height [1.2em] - 行高
// /// @param {Number} $line-count [2] - 行数, 超出行数开始截取
// /// @param {Color} $bg-color [#fff] - 文本背景色
// ///
// /// @example.rxscss - 使用
// /// .element {
// /// @include multi-line-ellipsis(1.2em, 3, #fff);
// /// }
// ///
// /// @example css - 输出
// /// .element {
// /// overflow: hidden;
// /// position: relative;
// /// line-height: 1.2em;
// /// max-height: 3.6em;
// /// text-align: justify;
// /// padding-right: 0em;
// /// }
// ///
// /// .element:before {
// /// content: '...';
// /// position: absolute;
// /// right: 0;
// /// bottom: 0;
// /// background: #fff;
// /// }
// ///
// /// .element:after {
// /// content: '';
// /// position: absolute;
// /// right: 0;
// /// width: 1em;
// /// height: 1em;
// /// margin-top: 0.2em;
// /// background: #fff;
// /// }
// function multiLineEllipsis(
// lineHeight: 1.2em,
// lineCount: 2,
// bgColor: #fff
// ) {
// overflow: hidden;
// position: relative;
// lineHeight: lineHeight;
// maxHeight: lineHeight * lineCount;
// textAlign: justify;
// paddingRight: 0em;
// &:before {
// content: '...';
// position: absolute;
// right: 0;
// bottom: 0;
// background: bgColor;
// }
// &:after {
// content: '';
// position: absolute;
// right: 0;
// width: 1em;
// height: 1em;
// marginTop: 0.2em;
// background: bgColor;
// }
// }
// /// 隐藏文字
// ///
// /// 『text-indent: -9999px』Hack 的替代版本
// ///
// /// @link
// ///
// /// @example.rxscss
// /// .element {
// /// @include hide-text;
// /// background: url(logo.png);
// /// }
// ///
// @mixin hideText {
// font: 0/0 a;
// textShadow: none;
// color: transparent;
// }
// /// 将元素垂直(水平)居中 (transform 版本)
// ///
// /// @param {String} $inner-selector ['.inner'] - 直接子选择器名称
// /// @param {Bool} $horizontal [true] - 是否水平居中
// ///
// /// @example.rxscss - 使用
// /// .element {
// /// @include center-tl;
// /// }
// ///
// /// @example css - 输出
// /// .element {
// /// position: relative;
// /// }
// ///
// /// .element > .inner {
// /// position: absolute;
// /// top: 50%;
// /// left: 50%;
// /// transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
// /// }
// ///
// function centerTl(
// innerSelector: '.inner',
// horizontal: true
// ) {
// position: relative;
// innerSelector: unquote(innerSelector);
// & > #{innerSelector} {
// position: absolute;
// top: 50%;
// translateVal: translatey(50%);
// @if horizontal {
// left: 50%;
// translateVal: translate(50%, 50%);
// }
// transform: translateVal;
// }
// }
// /// 将元素垂直(水平)居中 (table 版本)
// ///
// /// @param {String} $inner-selector ['.inner'] - 直接子选择器名称
// /// @param {Bool} $horizontal [true] - 是否水平居中
// ///
// /// @example.rxscss - 使用
// /// .element {
// /// @include center-td;
// /// }
// ///
// /// @example css - 输出
// /// .element {
// /// text-align: center;
// /// display: table;
// /// }
// ///
// /// .element > .inner {
// /// display: table-cell;
// /// vertical-align: middle;
// /// }
// ///
// function centerTd (
// innerSelector: '.inner',
// horizontal: true
// ) {
// @if horizontal {
// textAlign: center;
// }
// display: table;
// innerSelector: unquote(innerSelector);
// & > #{innerSelector} {
// display: tableCell;
// verticalAlign: middle;
// }
// }
// /// 快捷设置元素width,height的方法
// ///
// /// @param {String | List} $size - CSS尺寸长度
// ///
// /// @example.rxscss - 使用
// /// .element {
// /// @include size(2em 4em);
// /// }
// ///
// /// @example css - 输出
// /// .element {
// /// width: 2em;
// /// height: 4em;
// /// }
// ///
// function size(size) {
// @if length(size) == 1 {
// width: size;
// height: size;
// } @else if length(size) == 2 {
// width: nth(size, 1);
// height: nth(size, 2);
// }
// }
// /// 快捷设置元素postion的方法 (传入null参数可略过一个方位)
// ///
// /// @param {String} $position [relative]
// /// CSS position属性值
// ///
// /// @param {List} $coordinates [null null null null]
// /// 上、右、下、左 四个边值,可以传入1 ~ 4个值
// ///
// /// @example.rxscss - 使用
// /// .element {
// /// @include position(absolute, 0 null null 10px);
// /// }
// ///
// /// @example css - 输出
// /// .element {
// /// position: absolute;
// /// left: 10px;
// /// top: 0;
// /// }
// ///
// /// @require {function} is-length
// /// @require {function} unpack
// function position(position: relative, coordinates: null null null null) {
// // 如果参数是数组
// @if typeOf(position) == list {
// coordinates: position;
// position: relative;
// }
// coordinates: unpack(coordinates);
// offsets: (
// top: nth(coordinates, 1),
// right: nth(coordinates, 2),
// bottom: nth(coordinates, 3),
// left: nth(coordinates, 4)
// );
// position: position;
// @each offset, value in offsets {
// // 如果是合法长度
// @if isLength(value) {
// #{offset}: value;
// }
// }
// }
// // 三角型生成器(8种形态)
// //
// // @param {number | list} size
// // 三角形尺寸
// // 传入一个参数,生成等宽高三角形;传入数组且长度为2,第一个设置宽度,第二个设置高度
// //
// // @param {string | list} color
// // 传入一个参数,设置三角形颜色;传入数组且长度为2,第一个设置三角形颜色,第二个设置背景色
// //
// // @param {string} direction
// // 三角形朝向,可传参数:up | down | right | left | upRight | upLeft | downRight | downLeft | insetUp | insetDown | insetLeft | insetRight
// //
// // @example.rxscss 使用
// // .element {
// // &:before {
// // content: " ";
// // @include triangle(100px 200px, blue, up);
// // }
// // }
// //
// // @example css 输出
// // .example:before {
// // content: " ";
// // height: 0;
// // width: 0;
// // borderBottom: 200px solid blue;
// // borderLeft: 50px solid transparent;
// // borderRight: 50px solid transparent;
// // }
// //
// function triangle(size, color, direction) {
// width: nth(size, 1);
// height: nth(size, length(size));
// foregroundColor: nth(color, 1);
// backgroundColor: if(length(color) == 2, nth(color, 2), transparent);
// height: 0;
// width: 0;
// @if (direction == up) or (direction == down) or (direction == right) or (direction == left) {
// width: width / 2;
// height: if(length(size) > 1, height, height/2);
// @if direction == up {
// borderBottom: height solid foregroundColor;
// borderLeft: width solid backgroundColor;
// borderRight: width solid backgroundColor;
// } @else if direction == right {
// borderBottom: width solid backgroundColor;
// borderLeft: height solid foregroundColor;
// borderTop: width solid backgroundColor;
// } @else if direction == down {
// borderLeft: width solid backgroundColor;
// borderRight: width solid backgroundColor;
// borderTop: height solid foregroundColor;
// } @else if direction == left {
// borderBottom: width solid backgroundColor;
// borderRight: height solid foregroundColor;
// borderTop: width solid backgroundColor;
// }
// } @else if (direction == upRight) or (direction == upLeft) {
// borderTop: height solid foregroundColor;
// @if direction == upRight {
// borderLeft: width solid backgroundColor;
// } @else if direction == upLeft {
// borderRight: width solid backgroundColor;
// }
// } @else if (direction == downRight) or (direction == downLeft) {
// borderBottom: height solid foregroundColor;
// @if direction == downRight {
// borderLeft: width solid backgroundColor;
// } @else if direction == downLeft {
// borderRight: width solid backgroundColor;
// }
// } @else if (direction == insetUp) {
// borderColor: backgroundColor backgroundColor foregroundColor;
// borderStyle: solid;
// borderWidth: height width;
// } @else if (direction == insetDown) {
// borderColor: foregroundColor backgroundColor backgroundColor;
// borderStyle: solid;
// borderWidth: height width;
// } @else if (direction == insetRight) {
// borderColor: backgroundColor backgroundColor backgroundColor foregroundColor;
// borderStyle: solid;
// borderWidth: width height;
// } @else if (direction == insetLeft) {
// borderColor: backgroundColor foregroundColor backgroundColor backgroundColor;
// borderStyle: solid;
// borderWidth: width height;
// }
// }
// // flex布局的box部分
// function flexbox(vertical: flexStart, horizontal: flexStart) {
// display: flex;
// display: WebkitBox;
// @include justifyContent(horizontal);
// @include alignItems(vertical);
// }
// // flex布局的内容部分
// function flex(value: 1) {
// display: block;
// flex: value;
// WebkitBoxFlex: value;
// }
// // flex布局的box部分, inline
// function flexboxInline(vertical: flexStart, horizontal: flexStart) {
// display: inlineFlex;
// display: WebkitInlineBox;
// @include justifyContent(horizontal);
// @include alignItems(vertical);
// }
// //flex布局下, 水平对齐方式
// function justifyContent(value: flexStart){
// boxPack: value;
// @if(value == flexStart){
// boxPack: start;
// }@else if(value == flexEnd){
// boxPack: end;
// }@else if(value == spaceBetween){
// boxPack: justify;
// }
// justifyContent: value;
// WebkitBoxPack: boxPack;
// }
// //处理flexDirection, 仅支持水平和垂直, 其它值无法匹配
// function flexDirection(value: row){
// @if(value == column){
// flexDirection: value;
// WebkitBoxOrient: vertical;
// }@else{
// flexDirection: value;
// WebkitBoxOrient: horizontal;
// }
// }
// //flex布局下, 垂直对齐方式
// function alignItems(value: flexStart){
// boxAlign: value;
// @if(value == flexStart){
// boxAlign: start;
// }@else if(value == flexEnd){
// boxAlign: end;
// }
// alignItems: value;
// WebkitBoxAlign: boxAlign;
// }
// function transform(t) {
// WebkitTransform: t;
// transform: t ;
// }
// function boxPack(p: center) {
// WebkitBoxPack: p;
// }
// function boxAlign(a: center) {
// WebkitBoxAlign: a;
// }
// function overflowScroll(d: y) {
// overflow#{d}: auto;
// WebkitOverflowScrolling: touch;
// }
// // 快捷方式
// function fontSize(v) {
// @include dp2rem(fontSize, v);
// }
// function width(v) {
// @include dp2rem(width, v);
// }
// function height(v) {
// @include dp2rem(height, v);
// }
// function lineHeight(v) {
// @include dp2rem(lineHeight, v);
// }
// function minWidth(v) {
// @include dp2rem(minWidth, v);
// }
// function maxWidth(v) {
// @include dp2rem(maxWidth, v);
// }
// function minHeight(v) {
// @include dp2rem(minWidth, v);
// }
// function maxHeight(v) {
// @include dp2rem(maxWidth, v);
// }
// function top(v) {
// @include dp2rem(top, v);
// }
// function right(v) {
// @include dp2rem(right, v);
// }
// function bottom(v) {
// @include dp2rem(bottom, v);
// }
// function left(v) {
// @include dp2rem(left, v);
// }
// function paddingTop(v) {
// @include dp2rem(paddingTop, v);
// }
// function paddingRight(v) {
// @include dp2rem(paddingRight, v);
// }
// function paddingBottom(v) {
// @include dp2rem(paddingBottom, v);
// }
// function paddingLeft(v) {
// @include dp2rem(paddingLeft, v);
// }
export function padding() {
var pt =
arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : 0;
var pr =
arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : pt;
var pb =
arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : pt;
var pl =
arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : pr;
const pt =
arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : 0;
const pr =
arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : pt;
const pb =
arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : pt;
const pl =
arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : pr;
return {
paddingTop: pt,
paddingRight: pr,
paddingBottom: pb,
paddingLeft: pl,
return {
paddingTop: pt,
paddingRight: pr,
paddingBottom: pb,
paddingLeft: pl,
export function margin() {
var pt =
arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : 0;
var pr =
arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : pt;
var pb =
arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : pt;
var pl =
arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : pr;
const pt =
arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : 0;
const pr =
arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : pt;
const pb =
arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : pt;
const pl =
arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : pr;
return {
marginTop: pt,
marginRight: pr,
marginBottom: pb,
marginLeft: pl,
return {
marginTop: pt,
marginRight: pr,
marginBottom: pb,
marginLeft: pl,
export function border(
width = 1,
style = 'solid',
color = '#ffffff',
direction = null
width = 1,
style = 'solid',
color = '#ffffff',
direction = null
) {
if (typeof width == 'string' && width.indexOf('px') > -1) {
width = width.split('px')[0] * 2;
if (direction) {
var x = direction[0].toUpperCase() + direction.slice(1);
return {
[`border${x}Width`]: width,
[`border${x}Style`]: style,
[`border${x}Color`]: color,
} else {
return {
borderWidth: width,
borderStyle: style,
borderColor: color,
if (typeof width === 'string' && width.indexOf('px') > -1) {
width = width.split('px')[0] * 2;
if (direction) {
const x = direction[0].toUpperCase() + direction.slice(1);
return {
[`border${x}Width`]: width,
[`border${x}Style`]: style,
[`border${x}Color`]: color,
return {
borderWidth: width,
borderStyle: style,
borderColor: color,
// function marginTop(v) {
// @include dp2rem(marginTop, v);
// }
// function marginRight(v) {
// @include dp2rem(marginRight, v);
// }
// function marginBottom(v) {
// @include dp2rem(marginBottom, v);
// }
// function marginLeft(v) {
// @include dp2rem(marginLeft, v);
// }
// function margin(mt: 0, mr: mt, mb: mt, ml: mr) {
// margin: dp2rem(mt) dp2rem(mr) dp2rem(mb) dp2rem(ml);
// }
// function hairlines(k: border, w: 0.5px, s: solid, c: #c4c6cf) {
// stripd: stripUnits(w);
// @if (stripd == 0.5) {
// #{k}: w * 2 s c;
// .#{cssPrefix}hairlines & {
// borderWidth: w;
// }
// } @else {
// #{k}: w s c;
// }
// }
// function border(w: 0.5px, s: solid, c: #c4c6cf) {
// @include hairlines(border, w, s, c);
// }
// function borderTop(w: 0.5px, s: solid, c: #c4c6cf) {
// @include hairlines(borderTop, w, s, c);
// }
// function borderRight(w: 0.5px, s: solid, c: #c4c6cf) {
// @include hairlines(borderRight, w, s, c);
// }
// function borderBottom(w: 0.5px, s: solid, c: #c4c6cf) {
// @include hairlines(borderBottom, w, s, c);
// }
// function borderLeft(w: 0.5px, s: solid, c: #c4c6cf) {
// @include hairlines(borderLeft, w, s, c);
// }
// function borderRadius(v) {
// @include dp2rem(borderRadius, v);
// }
// function borderTopLeftRadius(v) {
// @include dp2rem(borderTopLeftRadius, v);
// }
// function borderTopRightRadius(v) {
// @include dp2rem(borderTopRightRadius, v);
// }
// function borderBottomRightRadius(v) {
// @include dp2rem(borderBottomRightRadius, v);
// }
// function borderBottomLeftRadius(v) {
// @include dp2rem(borderBottomLeftRadius, v);
// }
// function borderWidth(v: '0.5px') {
// stripd: stripUnits(v);
// @if (stripd == 0.5) {
// borderWidth: v * 2;
// .#{cssPrefix}hairlines & {
// borderWidth: v;
// }
// } @else {
// borderWidth: v;
// }
// }
// module.exports = {
// dp2rem,
// ellipsis,
// multiLineEllipsis,
// centerTl,
// centerTd ,
// size,
// position,
// triangle,
// flexbox,
// flex,
// flexboxInline,
// justifyContent,
// flexDirection,
// alignItems,
// transform,
// boxPack,
// boxAlign,
// overflowScroll,
// fontSize,
// width,
// height,
// lineHeight,
// minWidth,
// maxWidth,
// minHeight,
// maxHeight,
// top,
// right,
// bottom,
// left,
// paddingTop,
// paddingRight,
// paddingBottom,
// paddingLeft,
// padding: padding,
// margin: margin,
// border:border
// };
const isWeex = typeof callNative === 'function';
let platform = {
iOS: false,
android: false,
weex: isWeex,
web: !isWeex,
const platform = {
iOS: false,
android: false,
weex: isWeex,
web: !isWeex,
if (isWeex) {
let WeexEnv =
typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.hasOwnProperty('__weex_env__') ?
Object.assign({}, window.__weex_env__) :
Object.assign({}, WXEnvironment);
platform.iOS = WeexEnv.platform === 'iOS'; = WeexEnv.platform === 'android';
const WeexEnv =
typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.__weex_env__
? Object.assign({}, window.__weex_env__)
: Object.assign({}, WXEnvironment);
platform.iOS = WeexEnv.platform === 'iOS'; = WeexEnv.platform === 'android';
} else {
var userAgent = typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && navigator.userAgent ? navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase() : 'iPhone';
platform.iOS = /iPhone|iPod|iPad|IOS/i.test(userAgent); = /Android/i.test(userAgent);
const userAgent =
typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && navigator.userAgent
? navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()
: 'iPhone';
platform.iOS = /iPhone|iPod|iPad|IOS/i.test(userAgent); = /Android/i.test(userAgent);
export default platform;
'use strict';
import platform from './platform';
// eslint-disable-next-line
export function vLoader() {
if (arguments.length > 1 && platform.iOS) {
return arguments[1];
return arguments[0];
const args = arguments;
if (args.length > 1 && platform.iOS) {
return args[1];
return args[0];

@@ -51,348 +51,348 @@ 'use strict';

const varMap = {
* 内置色
* @namespace inset
* 内置色
* @namespace inset
* transparent
* @property group color-inset
* @property semantic 透明
* @property export
'color-transparent': colorTransparent,
* white
* @property group color-inset
* @property semantic 纯白
* @property export
'color-white': colorWhite,
* black
* @property group color-inset
* @property semantic 纯黑
* @property export
'color-black': colorBlack,
* transparent
* @property group color-inset
* @property semantic 透明
* @property export
'color-transparent': colorTransparent,
* white
* @property group color-inset
* @property semantic 纯白
* @property export
'color-white': colorWhite,
* black
* @property group color-inset
* @property semantic 纯黑
* @property export
'color-black': colorBlack,
* 品牌色
* @namespace brand
* 品牌色
* @namespace brand
* 品牌主色
* @namespace color-brand1
* @property group brand
* 品牌主色
* @namespace color-brand1
* @property group brand
* brand1-1
* @property group color-brand1
* @property semantic 浅
* @property export
'color-brand1-1': colorBrand11,
* brand1-6
* @property group color-brand1
* @property semantic 常规
* @property export
'color-brand1-6': colorBrand16,
* brand1-9
* @property group color-brand1
* @property semantic 深
* @property export
'color-brand1-9': colorBrand19,
* brand1-1
* @property group color-brand1
* @property semantic 浅
* @property export
'color-brand1-1': colorBrand11,
* brand1-6
* @property group color-brand1
* @property semantic 常规
* @property export
'color-brand1-6': colorBrand16,
* brand1-9
* @property group color-brand1
* @property semantic 深
* @property export
'color-brand1-9': colorBrand19,
* 中立色
* @namespace neutral
* 中立色
* @namespace neutral
* 线条
* @namespace color-line1
* @property group neutral
* 线条
* @namespace color-line1
* @property group neutral
* line1-1
* @property group color-line1
* @property semantic 浅
* @property export
'color-line1-1': colorLine11,
* line1-2
* @property group color-line1
* @property semantic 常规
* @property export
'color-line1-2': colorLine12,
* line1-3
* @property group color-line1
* @property semantic 深
* @property export
'color-line1-3': colorLine13,
* line1-4
* @property group color-line1
* @property semantic 重
* @property export
'color-line1-4': colorLine14,
* line1-1
* @property group color-line1
* @property semantic 浅
* @property export
'color-line1-1': colorLine11,
* line1-2
* @property group color-line1
* @property semantic 常规
* @property export
'color-line1-2': colorLine12,
* line1-3
* @property group color-line1
* @property semantic 深
* @property export
'color-line1-3': colorLine13,
* line1-4
* @property group color-line1
* @property semantic 重
* @property export
'color-line1-4': colorLine14,
* fill1-1
* @property group color-fill1
* @property semantic 浅
* @property export
'color-fill1-1': colorFill11,
* fill1-2
* @property group color-fill1
* @property semantic 常规
* @property export
'color-fill1-2': colorFill12,
* fill1-3
* @property group color-fill1
* @property semantic 深
* @property export
'color-fill1-3': colorFill13,
* fill1-1
* @property group color-fill1
* @property semantic 浅
* @property export
'color-fill1-1': colorFill11,
* fill1-2
* @property group color-fill1
* @property semantic 常规
* @property export
'color-fill1-2': colorFill12,
* fill1-3
* @property group color-fill1
* @property semantic 深
* @property export
'color-fill1-3': colorFill13,
* text1-1
* @property group color-text1
* @property semantic 禁用/水印
* @property export
'color-text1-1': colorText11,
* text1-2
* @property group color-text1
* @property semantic 脚注
* @property export
'color-text1-2': colorText12,
* text1-3
* @property group color-text1
* @property semantic 正文
* @property export
'color-text1-3': colorText13,
* text1-4
* @property group color-text1
* @property semantic 标题
* @property export
'color-text1-4': colorText14,
* text1-5
* @property group color-text1
* @property semantic 重
* @property export
'color-text1-5': colorText15,
* text1-1
* @property group color-text1
* @property semantic 禁用/水印
* @property export
'color-text1-1': colorText11,
* text1-2
* @property group color-text1
* @property semantic 脚注
* @property export
'color-text1-2': colorText12,
* text1-3
* @property group color-text1
* @property semantic 正文
* @property export
'color-text1-3': colorText13,
* text1-4
* @property group color-text1
* @property semantic 标题
* @property export
'color-text1-4': colorText14,
* text1-5
* @property group color-text1
* @property semantic 重
* @property export
'color-text1-5': colorText15,
* 功能色
* @namespace funtional
* 功能色
* @namespace funtional
* 成功
* @namespace color-success
* @property group funtional
* 成功
* @namespace color-success
* @property group funtional
* success-1
* @property group color-success
* @property semantic 浅
* @property export
'color-success-1': colorSuccess1,
* success-2
* @property group color-success
* @property semantic 常规
* @property export
'color-success-2': colorSuccess2,
* success-3
* @property group color-success
* @property semantic 深
* @property export
'color-success-3': colorSuccess3,
* success-1
* @property group color-success
* @property semantic 浅
* @property export
'color-success-1': colorSuccess1,
* success-2
* @property group color-success
* @property semantic 常规
* @property export
'color-success-2': colorSuccess2,
* success-3
* @property group color-success
* @property semantic 深
* @property export
'color-success-3': colorSuccess3,
* 提示
* @namespace color-notice
* @property group funtional
* 提示
* @namespace color-notice
* @property group funtional
* notice-1
* @property group color-notice
* @property semantic 浅
* @property export
'color-notice-1': colorNotice1,
* notice-2
* @property group color-notice
* @property semantic 常规
* @property export
'color-notice-2': colorNotice2,
* notice-3
* @property group color-notice
* @property semantic 深
* @property export
'color-notice-3': colorNotice3,
* notice-1
* @property group color-notice
* @property semantic 浅
* @property export
'color-notice-1': colorNotice1,
* notice-2
* @property group color-notice
* @property semantic 常规
* @property export
'color-notice-2': colorNotice2,
* notice-3
* @property group color-notice
* @property semantic 深
* @property export
'color-notice-3': colorNotice3,
* 警告
* @namespace color-warning
* @property group funtional
* 警告
* @namespace color-warning
* @property group funtional
* warning-1
* @property group color-warning
* @property semantic 浅
* @property export
'color-warning-1': colorWarning1,
* warning-2
* @property group color-warning
* @property semantic 常规
* @property export
'color-warning-2': colorWarning2,
* warning-3
* @property group color-warning
* @property semantic 深
* @property export
'color-warning-3': colorWarning3,
* warning-1
* @property group color-warning
* @property semantic 浅
* @property export
'color-warning-1': colorWarning1,
* warning-2
* @property group color-warning
* @property semantic 常规
* @property export
'color-warning-2': colorWarning2,
* warning-3
* @property group color-warning
* @property semantic 深
* @property export
'color-warning-3': colorWarning3,
* 错误
* @namespace color-error
* @property group funtional
* 错误
* @namespace color-error
* @property group funtional
* error-1
* @property group color-error
* @property semantic 浅
* @property export
'color-error-1': colorError1,
* error-2
* @property group color-error
* @property semantic 常规
* @property export
'color-error-2': colorError2,
* error-3
* @property group color-error
* @property semantic 深
* @property export
'color-error-3': colorError3,
* error-1
* @property group color-error
* @property semantic 浅
* @property export
'color-error-1': colorError1,
* error-2
* @property group color-error
* @property semantic 常规
* @property export
'color-error-2': colorError2,
* error-3
* @property group color-error
* @property semantic 深
* @property export
'color-error-3': colorError3,
* 帮助
* @namespace color-help
* @property group funtional
* 帮助
* @namespace color-help
* @property group funtional
* help-1
* @property group color-help
* @property semantic 浅
* @property export
'color-help-1': colorHelp1,
* error-2
* @property group color-error
* @property semantic 常规
* @property export
'color-help-2': colorHelp2,
* error-3
* @property group color-error
* @property semantic 深
* @property export
'color-help-3': colorHelp3,
* help-1
* @property group color-help
* @property semantic 浅
* @property export
'color-help-1': colorHelp1,
* error-2
* @property group color-error
* @property semantic 常规
* @property export
'color-help-2': colorHelp2,
* error-3
* @property group color-error
* @property semantic 深
* @property export
'color-help-3': colorHelp3,
* 链接
* @namespace color-link
* @property group funtional
* 链接
* @namespace color-link
* @property group funtional
* link-1
* @property group color-link
* @property semantic 默认
* @property export
'color-link-1': colorLink1,
* link-2
* @property group color-link
* @property semantic 已访问
* @property export
'color-link-2': colorLink2,
* link-3
* @property group color-link
* @property semantic 激活
* @property export
'color-link-3': colorLink3,
* link-1
* @property group color-link
* @property semantic 默认
* @property export
'color-link-1': colorLink1,
* link-2
* @property group color-link
* @property semantic 已访问
* @property export
'color-link-2': colorLink2,
* link-3
* @property group color-link
* @property semantic 激活
* @property export
'color-link-3': colorLink3,
* 其他
* @namespace color-other
* @property group funtional
* 其他
* @namespace color-other
* @property group funtional
* other-1
* @property group color-other
* @property semantic 默认
* @property export
'color-other-1': colorOther1,
* other-1
* @property group color-other
* @property semantic 默认
* @property export
'color-other-1': colorOther1,
export default varMap;

@@ -19,34 +19,34 @@ 'use strict';

const varMap = {
* corner-0
* @property semantic 直角
* @property export
'corner-0': corner0,
* corner-1
* @property semantic 常规圆角
* @property export
'corner-1': corner1,
* corner-2
* @property semantic 大圆角
* @property export
'corner-2': corner2,
* corner-3
* @property semantic 超大圆角
* @property export
'corner-3': corner3,
* corner-circle
* @property semantic 圆形
* @property export
'corner-circle': cornerCircle,
* corner-0
* @property semantic 直角
* @property export
'corner-0': corner0,
* corner-1
* @property semantic 常规圆角
* @property export
'corner-1': corner1,
* corner-2
* @property semantic 大圆角
* @property export
'corner-2': corner2,
* corner-3
* @property semantic 超大圆角
* @property export
'corner-3': corner3,
* corner-circle
* @property semantic 圆形
* @property export
'corner-circle': cornerCircle,
export default varMap;

@@ -6,3 +6,3 @@ 'use strict';

const fontFamilyBase = vLoader(
'Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Tahoma, Arial, "PingFang SC", "Microsoft YaHei"'
'Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Tahoma, Arial, "PingFang SC", "Microsoft YaHei"'

@@ -34,108 +34,108 @@ const fontSizeDisplay3 = vLoader(112);

const varMap = {
* family
* @property semantic 字体
* @property export
'font-family-base': fontFamilyBase,
* family
* @property semantic 字体
* @property export
'font-family-base': fontFamilyBase,
* display-3
* @property semantic 运营标题-大
* @property export size
'font-size-display-3': fontSizeDisplay3,
* display-2
* @property semantic 运营标题-中
* @property export size
'font-size-display-2': fontSizeDisplay2,
* display-1
* @property semantic 运营标题-小
* @property export size
'font-size-display-1': fontSizeDisplay1,
* headline
* @property semantic 标题-大
* @property export size
'font-size-headline': fontSizeHeadline,
* title
* @property semantic 标题-中
* @property export size
'font-size-title': fontSizeTitle,
* subhead
* @property semantic 标题-小
* @property export size
'font-size-subhead': fontSizeSubhead,
* body-3
* @property semantic 正文
* @property export size
'font-size-body-3': fontSizeBody3,
* body-2
* @property semantic 正文-强调
* @property export size
'font-size-body-2': fontSizeBody2,
* body-1
* @property semantic 正文-常规
* @property export size
'font-size-body-1': fontSizeBody1,
* display-3
* @property semantic 运营标题-大
* @property export size
'font-size-display-3': fontSizeDisplay3,
* display-2
* @property semantic 运营标题-中
* @property export size
'font-size-display-2': fontSizeDisplay2,
* display-1
* @property semantic 运营标题-小
* @property export size
'font-size-display-1': fontSizeDisplay1,
* headline
* @property semantic 标题-大
* @property export size
'font-size-headline': fontSizeHeadline,
* title
* @property semantic 标题-中
* @property export size
'font-size-title': fontSizeTitle,
* subhead
* @property semantic 标题-小
* @property export size
'font-size-subhead': fontSizeSubhead,
* body-3
* @property semantic 正文
* @property export size
'font-size-body-3': fontSizeBody3,
* body-2
* @property semantic 正文-强调
* @property export size
'font-size-body-2': fontSizeBody2,
* body-1
* @property semantic 正文-常规
* @property export size
'font-size-body-1': fontSizeBody1,
* caption
* @property semantic 水印文本
* @property export size
'font-size-caption': fontSizeCaption,
* light
* @property semantic 细体
* @property export weightcore
'font-weight-1': fontWeight1,
* regular
* @property semantic 常规
* @property export weightcore
'font-weight-2': fontWeight2,
* bold
* @property semantic 粗体
* @property export weightcore
'font-weight-3': fontWeight3,
* lineheight-1
* @property semantic 密集
* @property export lineheight
'font-lineheight-1': fontLineHeight1,
* lineheight-2
* @property semantic 常规
* @property export lineheight
'font-lineheight-2': fontLineHeight2,
* lineheight-3
* @property semantic 宽松
* @property export lineheight
'font-lineheight-3': fontLineHeight3,
* caption
* @property semantic 水印文本
* @property export size
'font-size-caption': fontSizeCaption,
* light
* @property semantic 细体
* @property export weightcore
'font-weight-1': fontWeight1,
* regular
* @property semantic 常规
* @property export weightcore
'font-weight-2': fontWeight2,
* bold
* @property semantic 粗体
* @property export weightcore
'font-weight-3': fontWeight3,
* lineheight-1
* @property semantic 密集
* @property export lineheight
'font-lineheight-1': fontLineHeight1,
* lineheight-2
* @property semantic 常规
* @property export lineheight
'font-lineheight-2': fontLineHeight2,
* lineheight-3
* @property semantic 宽松
* @property export lineheight
'font-lineheight-3': fontLineHeight3,
export default varMap;

@@ -23,274 +23,274 @@ 'use strict';

const varMap = {
* icon-xxs
* @property semantic xxs
* @property export size
'icon-xxs': iconXxs,
* icon-xs
* @property semantic xs
* @property export size
'icon-xs': iconXs,
* icon-s
* @property semantic s
* @property export size
'icon-s': iconS,
* icon-m
* @property semantic m
* @property export size
'icon-m': iconM,
* icon-l
* @property semantic l
* @property export size
'icon-l': iconL,
* icon-xl
* @property semantic xl
* @property export size
'icon-xl': iconXl,
* icon-xxl
* @property semantic xxl
* @property export size
'icon-xxl': iconXxl,
* icon-xxxl
* @property semantic xxxl
* @property export size
'icon-xxxl': iconXxxl,
* icon-font-path
* @property semantic path
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-font-path': '//',
* icon-font-family
* @property semantic family
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-font-family': 'NukeIcon',
* icon-content-right
* @property semantic right
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-right': 'e713',
* icon-content-download
* @property semantic download
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-download': 'e637',
* icon-content-download
* @property semantic download
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-accessory': 'e6DD',
* icon-content-add
* @property semantic add
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-add': 'e655',
* icon-content-camera
* @property semantic camera
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-camera': 'e6F0',
* icon-content-close
* @property semantic close
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-close': 'e6F3',
* icon-content-enter
* @property semantic enter
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-enter': 'e70C',
* icon-content-feedback-fill
* @property semantic feedback-fill
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-feedback-fill': 'e70F',
* icon-content-feedback
* @property semantic feedback
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-feedback': 'e710',
* icon-content-homepage-fill
* @property semantic homepage-fill
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-homepage-fill': 'e71C',
* icon-content-homepage
* @property semantic homepage
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-homepage': 'e71D',
* icon-content-message-fill
* @property semantic message-fill
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-message-fill': 'e730',
* icon-content-message
* @property semantic message
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-message': 'e72F',
* icon-content-picture
* @property semantic picture
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-picture': 'e73F',
* icon-content-info-fill
* @property semantic info-fill
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-info-fill': 'e746',
* icon-content-info
* @property semantic info
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-info': 'e747',
* icon-content-return
* @property semantic return
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-return': 'e74F',
* icon-content-scan
* @property semantic scan
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-scan': 'e751',
* icon-content-setup-fill
* @property semantic setup-fill
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-setup-fill': 'e757',
* icon-content-setup
* @property semantic setup
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-setup': 'e758',
* icon-content-share
* @property semantic share
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-share': 'e75A',
* icon-content-success-fill
* @property semantic success-fill
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-success-fill': 'e761',
* icon-content-success
* @property semantic success
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-success': 'e762',
* icon-content-switch
* @property semantic switch
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-switch': 'e764',
* icon-content-prompt
* @property semantic prompt
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-prompt': 'e766',
* icon-content-tailor
* @property semantic tailor
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-tailor': 'e767',
* icon-content-video
* @property semantic video
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-video': 'e776',
* icon-content-warning-fill
* @property semantic warning-fill
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-warning-fill': 'e778',
* icon-content-warning
* @property semantic warning
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-warning': 'e779',
* icon-content-search
* @property semantic search
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-search': 'e77C',
* icon-content-packup
* @property semantic packup
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-packup': 'e782',
* icon-content-unfold
* @property semantic unfold
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-unfold': 'e783',
* icon-content-delete
* @property semantic delete
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-delete': 'e6f4',
* icon-content-delete-fill
* @property semantic delete-fill
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-delete-fill': 'e6f2',
* icon-content-minus
* @property semantic minus
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-minus': 'e657',
* icon-xxs
* @property semantic xxs
* @property export size
'icon-xxs': iconXxs,
* icon-xs
* @property semantic xs
* @property export size
'icon-xs': iconXs,
* icon-s
* @property semantic s
* @property export size
'icon-s': iconS,
* icon-m
* @property semantic m
* @property export size
'icon-m': iconM,
* icon-l
* @property semantic l
* @property export size
'icon-l': iconL,
* icon-xl
* @property semantic xl
* @property export size
'icon-xl': iconXl,
* icon-xxl
* @property semantic xxl
* @property export size
'icon-xxl': iconXxl,
* icon-xxxl
* @property semantic xxxl
* @property export size
'icon-xxxl': iconXxxl,
* icon-font-path
* @property semantic path
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-font-path': '//',
* icon-font-family
* @property semantic family
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-font-family': 'NukeIcon',
* icon-content-right
* @property semantic right
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-right': 'e713',
* icon-content-download
* @property semantic download
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-download': 'e637',
* icon-content-download
* @property semantic download
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-accessory': 'e6DD',
* icon-content-add
* @property semantic add
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-add': 'e655',
* icon-content-camera
* @property semantic camera
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-camera': 'e6F0',
* icon-content-close
* @property semantic close
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-close': 'e6F3',
* icon-content-enter
* @property semantic enter
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-enter': 'e70C',
* icon-content-feedback-fill
* @property semantic feedback-fill
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-feedback-fill': 'e70F',
* icon-content-feedback
* @property semantic feedback
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-feedback': 'e710',
* icon-content-homepage-fill
* @property semantic homepage-fill
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-homepage-fill': 'e71C',
* icon-content-homepage
* @property semantic homepage
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-homepage': 'e71D',
* icon-content-message-fill
* @property semantic message-fill
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-message-fill': 'e730',
* icon-content-message
* @property semantic message
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-message': 'e72F',
* icon-content-picture
* @property semantic picture
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-picture': 'e73F',
* icon-content-info-fill
* @property semantic info-fill
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-info-fill': 'e746',
* icon-content-info
* @property semantic info
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-info': 'e747',
* icon-content-return
* @property semantic return
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-return': 'e74F',
* icon-content-scan
* @property semantic scan
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-scan': 'e751',
* icon-content-setup-fill
* @property semantic setup-fill
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-setup-fill': 'e757',
* icon-content-setup
* @property semantic setup
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-setup': 'e758',
* icon-content-share
* @property semantic share
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-share': 'e75A',
* icon-content-success-fill
* @property semantic success-fill
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-success-fill': 'e761',
* icon-content-success
* @property semantic success
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-success': 'e762',
* icon-content-switch
* @property semantic switch
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-switch': 'e764',
* icon-content-prompt
* @property semantic prompt
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-prompt': 'e766',
* icon-content-tailor
* @property semantic tailor
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-tailor': 'e767',
* icon-content-video
* @property semantic video
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-video': 'e776',
* icon-content-warning-fill
* @property semantic warning-fill
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-warning-fill': 'e778',
* icon-content-warning
* @property semantic warning
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-warning': 'e779',
* icon-content-search
* @property semantic search
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-search': 'e77C',
* icon-content-packup
* @property semantic packup
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-packup': 'e782',
* icon-content-unfold
* @property semantic unfold
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-unfold': 'e783',
* icon-content-delete
* @property semantic delete
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-delete': 'e6f4',
* icon-content-delete-fill
* @property semantic delete-fill
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-delete-fill': 'e6f2',
* icon-content-minus
* @property semantic minus
* @property unconfigurable
'icon-content-minus': 'e657',
export default varMap;

@@ -21,49 +21,49 @@ 'use strict';

const varMap = {
* line-0
* @property semantic 无
* @property export width
'line-0': line0,
* line-1
* @property semantic 细
* @property export width
'line-1': line1,
* line-2
* @property semantic 常规
* @property export width
'line-2': line2,
* line-3
* @property semantic 粗
* @property export width
'line-3': line3,
* line-solid
* @property semantic 实线
* @property unconfigurable
* @property export style
'line-solid': lineSolid,
* line-dashed
* @property semantic 虚线
* @property unconfigurable
* @property export style
'line-dashed': lineDashed,
* line-dotted
* @property semantic 点线
* @property unconfigurable
* @property export style
'line-dotted': lineDotted,
* line-0
* @property semantic 无
* @property export width
'line-0': line0,
* line-1
* @property semantic 细
* @property export width
'line-1': line1,
* line-2
* @property semantic 常规
* @property export width
'line-2': line2,
* line-3
* @property semantic 粗
* @property export width
'line-3': line3,
* line-solid
* @property semantic 实线
* @property unconfigurable
* @property export style
'line-solid': lineSolid,
* line-dashed
* @property semantic 虚线
* @property unconfigurable
* @property export style
'line-dashed': lineDashed,
* line-dotted
* @property semantic 点线
* @property unconfigurable
* @property export style
'line-dotted': lineDotted,
export default varMap;

@@ -33,100 +33,100 @@ 'use strict';

const varMap = {
* shadow-1
* @property semantic 阴影1
* @property export
* @property calculate ['shadow-distance-sd1'] ['shadow-distance-sd1'] ['shadow-blur-sd1'] ['shadow-spread-sd1'] rgba(['shadow-color-sd1'], ['shadow-opacity-sd1'])
'shadow-1': shadow1,
* shadow-2
* @property semantic 阴影2
* @property export
* @property calculate ['shadow-distance-sd2'] ['shadow-distance-sd2'] ['shadow-blur-sd2'] ['shadow-spread-sd2'] rgba(['shadow-color-sd2'], ['shadow-opacity-sd2'])
'shadow-2': shadow2,
* shadow-3
* @property semantic 阴影3
* @property export
* @property calculate ['shadow-distance-sd3'] ['shadow-distance-sd3'] ['shadow-blur-sd3'] ['shadow-spread-sd3'] rgba(['shadow-color-sd3'], ['shadow-opacity-sd3'])
'shadow-3': shadow3,
* shadow-distance-sd1
* @property semantic 阴影1距离
'shadow-distance-sd1': shadowDistanceSd1,
* shadow-distance-sd2
* @property semantic 阴影2距离
'shadow-distance-sd2': shadowDistanceSd2,
* shadow-distance-sd3
* @property semantic 阴影3距离
'shadow-distance-sd3': shadowDistanceSd3,
* shadow-opacity-sd1
* @property semantic 阴影1透明度
'shadow-opacity-sd1': shadowOpacitySd1,
* shadow-opacity-sd2
* @property semantic 阴影2透明度
'shadow-opacity-sd2': shadowOpacitySd2,
* shadow-opacity-sd3
* @property semantic 阴影3透明度
'shadow-opacity-sd3': shadowOpacitySd3,
* shadow-color-sd1
* @property semantic 阴影1颜色
'shadow-color-sd1': shadowColorSd1,
* shadow-color-sd2
* @property semantic 阴影2颜色
'shadow-color-sd2': shadowColorSd2,
* shadow-color-sd3
* @property semantic 阴影3颜色
'shadow-color-sd3': shadowColorSd3,
* shadow-blur-sd1
* @property semantic 阴影1羽化值
'shadow-blur-sd1': shadowBlurSd1,
* shadow-blur-sd2
* @property semantic 阴影2羽化值
'shadow-blur-sd2': shadowBlurSd2,
* shadow-blur-sd3
* @property semantic 阴影3羽化值
'shadow-blur-sd3': shadowBlurSd3,
* shadow-spread-sd1
* @property semantic 阴影1扩散值
'shadow-spread-sd1': shadowSpreadSd1,
* shadow-spread-sd2
* @property semantic 阴影2扩散值
'shadow-spread-sd2': shadowSpreadSd2,
* shadow-spread-sd3
* @property semantic 阴影3扩散值
'shadow-spread-sd3': shadowSpreadSd3,
* shadow-1
* @property semantic 阴影1
* @property export
* @property calculate ['shadow-distance-sd1'] ['shadow-distance-sd1'] ['shadow-blur-sd1'] ['shadow-spread-sd1'] rgba(['shadow-color-sd1'], ['shadow-opacity-sd1'])
'shadow-1': shadow1,
* shadow-2
* @property semantic 阴影2
* @property export
* @property calculate ['shadow-distance-sd2'] ['shadow-distance-sd2'] ['shadow-blur-sd2'] ['shadow-spread-sd2'] rgba(['shadow-color-sd2'], ['shadow-opacity-sd2'])
'shadow-2': shadow2,
* shadow-3
* @property semantic 阴影3
* @property export
* @property calculate ['shadow-distance-sd3'] ['shadow-distance-sd3'] ['shadow-blur-sd3'] ['shadow-spread-sd3'] rgba(['shadow-color-sd3'], ['shadow-opacity-sd3'])
'shadow-3': shadow3,
* shadow-distance-sd1
* @property semantic 阴影1距离
'shadow-distance-sd1': shadowDistanceSd1,
* shadow-distance-sd2
* @property semantic 阴影2距离
'shadow-distance-sd2': shadowDistanceSd2,
* shadow-distance-sd3
* @property semantic 阴影3距离
'shadow-distance-sd3': shadowDistanceSd3,
* shadow-opacity-sd1
* @property semantic 阴影1透明度
'shadow-opacity-sd1': shadowOpacitySd1,
* shadow-opacity-sd2
* @property semantic 阴影2透明度
'shadow-opacity-sd2': shadowOpacitySd2,
* shadow-opacity-sd3
* @property semantic 阴影3透明度
'shadow-opacity-sd3': shadowOpacitySd3,
* shadow-color-sd1
* @property semantic 阴影1颜色
'shadow-color-sd1': shadowColorSd1,
* shadow-color-sd2
* @property semantic 阴影2颜色
'shadow-color-sd2': shadowColorSd2,
* shadow-color-sd3
* @property semantic 阴影3颜色
'shadow-color-sd3': shadowColorSd3,
* shadow-blur-sd1
* @property semantic 阴影1羽化值
'shadow-blur-sd1': shadowBlurSd1,
* shadow-blur-sd2
* @property semantic 阴影2羽化值
'shadow-blur-sd2': shadowBlurSd2,
* shadow-blur-sd3
* @property semantic 阴影3羽化值
'shadow-blur-sd3': shadowBlurSd3,
* shadow-spread-sd1
* @property semantic 阴影1扩散值
'shadow-spread-sd1': shadowSpreadSd1,
* shadow-spread-sd2
* @property semantic 阴影2扩散值
'shadow-spread-sd2': shadowSpreadSd2,
* shadow-spread-sd3
* @property semantic 阴影3扩散值
'shadow-spread-sd3': shadowSpreadSd3,
export default varMap;

@@ -6,3 +6,3 @@ 'use strict';

function getGlobalVal(base, times) {
return base * times;
return base * times;

@@ -41,135 +41,135 @@

const varMap = {
* size-base
* @property semantic 基础尺寸
* @property export
'size-base': sizeBase,
* s0
* @property export
's-0': s0,
* s1
* @property export
* @property calculate ['size-base']*1
's-1': s1,
* s2
* @property export
* @property calculate ['size-base']*2
's-2': s2,
* s3
* @property export
* @property calculate ['size-base']*3
's-3': s3,
* s4
* @property export
* @property calculate ['size-base']*4
's-4': s4,
* s5
* @property export
* @property calculate ['size-base']*5
's-5': s5,
* s6
* @property export
* @property calculate ['size-base']*6
's-6': s6,
* s7
* @property export
* @property calculate ['size-base']*7
's-7': s7,
* s8
* @property export
* @property calculate ['size-base']*8
's-8': s8,
* s9
* @property export
* @property calculate ['size-base']*9
's-9': s9,
* s10
* @property export
* @property calculate ['size-base']*10
's-10': s10,
* s11
* @property export
* @property calculate ['size-base']*11
's-11': s11,
* s12
* @property export
* @property calculate ['size-base']*12
's-12': s12,
* s13
* @property export
* @property calculate ['size-base']*13
's-13': s13,
* s14
* @property export
* @property calculate ['size-base']*14
's-14': s14,
* s15
* @property export
* @property calculate ['size-base']*15
's-15': s15,
* s16
* @property export
* @property calculate ['size-base']*16
's-16': s16,
* s17
* @property export
* @property calculate ['size-base']*17
's-17': s17,
* s18
* @property export
* @property calculate ['size-base']*18
's-18': s18,
* s19
* @property export
* @property calculate ['size-base']*19
's-19': s19,
* s20
* @property export
* @property calculate ['size-base']*20
's-20': s20,
* size-base
* @property semantic 基础尺寸
* @property export
'size-base': sizeBase,
* s0
* @property export
's-0': s0,
* s1
* @property export
* @property calculate ['size-base']*1
's-1': s1,
* s2
* @property export
* @property calculate ['size-base']*2
's-2': s2,
* s3
* @property export
* @property calculate ['size-base']*3
's-3': s3,
* s4
* @property export
* @property calculate ['size-base']*4
's-4': s4,
* s5
* @property export
* @property calculate ['size-base']*5
's-5': s5,
* s6
* @property export
* @property calculate ['size-base']*6
's-6': s6,
* s7
* @property export
* @property calculate ['size-base']*7
's-7': s7,
* s8
* @property export
* @property calculate ['size-base']*8
's-8': s8,
* s9
* @property export
* @property calculate ['size-base']*9
's-9': s9,
* s10
* @property export
* @property calculate ['size-base']*10
's-10': s10,
* s11
* @property export
* @property calculate ['size-base']*11
's-11': s11,
* s12
* @property export
* @property calculate ['size-base']*12
's-12': s12,
* s13
* @property export
* @property calculate ['size-base']*13
's-13': s13,
* s14
* @property export
* @property calculate ['size-base']*14
's-14': s14,
* s15
* @property export
* @property calculate ['size-base']*15
's-15': s15,
* s16
* @property export
* @property calculate ['size-base']*16
's-16': s16,
* s17
* @property export
* @property calculate ['size-base']*17
's-17': s17,
* s18
* @property export
* @property calculate ['size-base']*18
's-18': s18,
* s19
* @property export
* @property calculate ['size-base']*19
's-19': s19,
* s20
* @property export
* @property calculate ['size-base']*20
's-20': s20,
export default varMap;
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