This module can be used to recursively perform filter-in or filter-out operations on object properties based on the provided predicate. The module returns a new copy of the object so the original is not mutated.
The module doesn't have any external dependencies (only tape to run the tests).
You can install with [npm]:
$ npm install --save object-recursive-filter
The module provides two self described functions: filterOutBy and filterInBy. Both require two parameters:
- The object to filter
- The predicate to apply.
A common use case might be to remove the undefined or null values in an object:
const orf = require('object-recursive-filter')
const countries = {
Colombia: { code: 'co', area: 1197411 },
Argentina: { code: 'ar', area: 2766890 },
canada: { code: 'ca', area: 9984670 },
NonExistingCountry: undefined,
Brasil: { code: 'br', area: 8511965 },
anotherNonExisting: null,
europe: {
France: {code: 'fr', area: 551394},
NonEuropeanCountry: null
orf.filterOutBy(countries, x => !x);
Running tests
You can run the tests and check the functionality of this module using:
$ npm install && npm test
Copyright © 2018, Juan Convers.
Released under the MIT License.