Obyte browser chat
A library for establishing chat sessions between your web-based dapp and the user's Obyte wallet. Use the chat to:
- request payments, including payments in multiple assets;
- request to sign a message;
- request user's address (without having to copy/paste);
- request private profiles (such as real name attestations);
- request a vote in a poll.
This library uses local storage
yarn add obyte-browser-chat obyte
import browserChat from "obyte-browser-chat"
1. Create an instance of obyte.js client
import obyte from "obyte";
export default new obyte.Client('wss://obyte.org/bb-test');
2. Create an instance of chat
import browserChat from "obyte-browser-chat";
import client from "...";
export default browserChat({
name: "mydomain.com",
testnet: true
3. Use
import browserChatInstance from "...";
const payments = [
amount: 1e9,
asset: "base"
amount: 2e9,
asset: "base"
const paymentJsonBase64 = browserChatInstance.generatePaymentString({ payments });
const message = `Send bytes \n[send](payment:${paymentJsonBase64})`;
const link = browserChatInstance.sendMessageAfterPairing(message);
<a href={link}>Click</a>
getPairingLink - Returns a link for pairing
const pairingLink = browserChatInstance.getPairingLink();
Returns a link that looks like obyte:PUB_KEY@obyte.org/bb
. The user needs to click it to open the chat.
sendMessageAfterPairing - Returns a link for pairing
const pairingLink = browserChatInstance.sendMessageAfterPairing("We're glad to see you");
As above, plus the provided message will be sent to the user immediately after pairing.
onPairing - Callback function triggered after pairing
browserChatInstance.onPairing((msgObject) => {
console.log("msgObject", msgObject);
msgObject.reply("Hi there!");
msgObject.reply("Please prove ownership of your address by signing this message: [any text](sign-message-request:I confirm for domain.com that I own the address SPV5WIBQQT4DMW7UU5GWCMLYDVNGKECD)");
const order = {field1: "value1"};
const orderJsonBase64 = Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(order), 'utf8').toString('base64');
msgObject.reply(`Please sign an order: [any text](sign-message-request:${orderJsonBase64})`);
msgObject.reply(`Click this link to reveal your private profile to us: [any text](profile-request:first_name,last_name,dob,country,id_type).`);
const objVote = {
poll_unit: '0Vv6lhpjjk3VsKCSGML2NY/5W+WgpsNELQJ1rukhL5Y=',
choice: 'Institute For the Future of the University of Nicosia',
const voteJsonBase64 = Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(objVote), 'utf8').toString('base64');
msgObject.reply(`Click to vote for ${objVote.choice}: [any text](vote:${voteJsonBase64}).`);
where msgObject
- message forwarding functionbody
- object with pairing_secret
- sender's public key
onMessage - Callback function triggered when a message is received
browserChatInstance.onMessage((msgObject) => {
msgObject.reply("Thanks, you said: " + msgObject.body);
where msgObject
- message forwarding functionbody
- received message (string)sender
- sender's public key
onReady - Callback function triggered when the device gets connected to the hub
browserChatInstance.onReady(() => {
console.log("I'm connected to the hub");
generatePaymentString - Function that converts the payment object to base64
const payments = [
amount: 1e9,
asset: "base"
amount: 2e9,
asset: "base"
const paymentJsonBase64 = chatInstance.generatePaymentString({ payments });