Transform salesman into sales heroes.
Replace sales outreach with a Machine Learning engine.
No more sales spam.
Open Growth is an open source project for developers at
API companies to delight your customers with ML/AI.
❤️ Delight Your Customers
Sendgrid + ScaleAPI + PubNub + MonkeyLearn + Twilio
The modern growth engine asks your customers to connect,
only when they are ready.
This is the natural approach.
Invite your customers to connect directly with your experts.
When the customer is ready,
they will initiate the conversation with your team of experts.
You provide valuable messages over SMS/Voice/Email/Social.
♻️ Presentation and Docs Resources
How does Open Growth work?
Check out the presentation in google slides.
🚧 Roadmap
There are several aspects for Open Growth.
- Signal Generation - 20 signals with monitoring with Librato Metrics
- Signal Reaction - 20 reactions with monitoring with Librato Metrics
- CLI - Deploy & Status Command
- DelightEngine on BLOCKS - Delights and ProfileBuilding with Tests
- SalesDashboard - List of actions for the Salesman
- SalesConnect - Landing page for Connecting
- Analytics - SQL, GoogleAnalytics, KV Counters
- ML Classifier Training & Clearbit
- LeadEngine - Add Emails to Top-of-Funnel
- Marketing Website using GitHub Pages Jekyll
- Wizard for Open Growth Easy Install
📅 Timeline
- October 24th - UseCase ML Classifier Training & Clearbit Complete
- October 31st - CLI, DelightEngine and Analytics Get/Set Complete
- November 7th - SalesDashboard - Phase 1 Complete
- November 14th - Signals Generated and Handlers
- November 21st - SalesConnect - Phase 1 Complete
- November 28th - Test Live 🎉 after Thanksgiving
☀️ Capabilities
- CLI programmable growth engine
- Export to SQL for Data Mining (sqldump)
- List Signals and associated cURL commands.
- Analytics
- GUI (coming soon)
API keys.js
"twilio" : { "appkey" : "", "appsecret" : "" }
, "twitter" : { "appkey" : "", "appsecret" : "" }
, "pubnub" : { "email" : "", "password" : "", "subscribe" : "", "publish" : "", "secret" : "" }
, "librato" : { "email" : "", "secret" : "" }
, "scaleapi" : { "appkey" : "" }
, "clearbit" : { "appkey" : "" }
, "monkeylearn" : { "appkey" : "" }
, "sendgrid" : { "appkey" : "" }
Signals Trigger Delights
Your customers need information.
Your team of experts can help!
Start by sending relevant details to your customers.
Signals are points in time that indicates customer activity.
Send delights and information to your customers in realtime.
Signal > | Delight ML Foresight > | Reaction > | Connect to Expert |
Install Open Growth
sudo npm install -g opengrowth ## Open Growth CLI
Start Project
opengrowth setup
Follow the setup guide to create your custome rules engine.
You'll be prompted to create your accounts on developer API compaines.
Data Channels
Data Channels are logs of signals, events and prospects.
- when a prospect does something, run rules engine.opengrowth.delights
- multi-channel message sent to prospect.opengrowth.reactions
- prospect requests to meet with sales.opengrowth.propsects
- list of augmented propspect profiles.
Analytics Keys
Hourly, Daily and Monthly counts are available as well.
The first hour of May 2016 can be fetched with this key:
. total => {
console.log(`Total signals ${total}.`);
} );
SQL Schema
See schema.sql
Tables include signals