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NodeJS Overwatch API : Retrieve informations about heroes/players from Overwatch Official Website

  • 1.8.0
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  • Source
  • npm
  • Socket score

Version published


NodeJS Overwatch library : Retrieve informations about heroes/players from Overwatch Official Website Overwatch



  • Search for a player
  • Global profile datas
  • Career profile datas with heroes statistics

Last activities

  • Issue : Fix mostplayed heroe in masteringHeroe property
  • Issue : Fix search method on updated JSON format
  • [Issue] : Return "PROFILE_NOT_FOUND" error handled promise object instead of stack error when profile doesn't exists
  • Enhancement : Manage new search format with #
  • Enhancement : Node > 4 compliant
  • Issue : Fix special characters in username
  • Issue : Fix the ranking interpretation (silver, gold, platinum etc.)
  • Issue : Fix global decimal rounding
  • Enhancement : Adding tiers information
  • Enchancement : Adding achievements informations
  • Enchancement : Selfhosting :
  • Issue : @LanaCoyote : Fix date parsing
  • Issue : Managing XBL and PSN profile


  • Node v4.0+
npm install overwatch-js


You can test this lib, through a self hosted web api endpoint. This web api is hosted on my servers, doesn't write logs, and is totally secure.

You can find the repo here : overwatch-api Repository You can enjoy here :

How to

Extremely simple use case. See specs/mocktest.js All methods use Promise.

Search for a player :
var owjs = require('overwatch-js');

//// Search for a player 
    .then((data) => console.dir(data, {depth : 2, colors : true}) );

//// With custom locales
    .search('Zeya#2303', 'de-de')
    .then((data) => console.dir(data, {depth : 2, colors : true}) );
[ { careerLink: '/career/pc/eu/Zeya-2303',
    platformDisplayName: 'Zeya#2303',
    level: 64,
    portrait: '',
    platform: 'career',
    region: 'pc',
    tier: 2 } ]
Overall statistics :
var owjs = require('overwatch-js');
//// Retrive only overall stats
    .getOverall('pc', 'eu', 'Zeya-2303')
    .then((data) => console.dir(data, {depth : 2, colors : true}) );

//// With custom locale
    .getOverall('pc', 'eu', 'Zeya-2303', 'de-de')
    .then((data) => console.dir(data, {depth : 2, colors : true}) );
All statistics with heroes details :
var owjs = require('overwatch-js');

//// Retrieve all stats, including heroes details
    .getAll('pc', 'eu', 'Zeya-2303')
    .then((data) => console.dir(data, {depth : 2, colors : true}) );

//// With custom locale
    .getAll('pc', 'eu', 'Zeya-2303', 'de-de')
    .then((data) => console.dir(data, {depth : 2, colors : true}) );

Where pc is the platform, eu is the region, Zeya-2303 the nickname, optionnaly : de-de a specific locale

Available informations :

         "description":"Win 100 games in Quick or Competitive Play.",
         "title":"Level 10",
         "description":"Reach level 10.",
         "title":"Level 25",
         "description":"Reach level 25.",
         "title":"Level 50",
         "description":"Reach level 50.",
         "description":"Get a 20 player kill streak in Quick or Competitive Play.",
         "title":"Survival Expert",
         "description":"Use health packs to heal 900 health in a single life in Quick or Competitive Play.",
         "description":"Earn 50 postgame medals in Quick or Competitive Play.",
         "description":"Earn 21 postgame cards in Quick or Competitive Play.",
         "title":"The Friend Zone",
         "description":"Play a Quick or Competitive Play game in a group with a friend.",
         "title":"The Path Is Closed",
         "description":"Destroy 3 of Symmetra's Teleporters in a single Quick or Competitive Play game.",
         "title":"Decked Out",
         "description":"Collect 50 unlocks for a single hero.",
         "title":"Die Die Die... Die",
         "description":"Kill 4 enemies with a single use of Reaper's Death Blossom in Quick or Competitive Play.",
         "title":"Whoa There!",
         "description":"Interrupt an enemy ultimate ability with McCree's Flashbang in Quick or Competitive Play.",
         "title":"Clearing the Area",
         "description":"Knock an enemy to their death using Pharah's Concussive Blast in Quick or Competitive Play.",
         "title":"Rocket Man",
         "description":"Get 2 killing blows with a single use of Soldier: 76's Helix Rockets in Quick or Competitive Play.",
         "title":"Target Rich Environment",
         "description":"Kill 4 enemies with a single use of Soldier: 76's Tactical Visor in Quick or Competitive Play.",
         "title":"Slice and Dice",
         "description":"Kill 4 enemies with a single use of Genji's Dragonblade in Quick or Competitive Play.",
         "title":"Their Own Worst Enemy",
         "description":"Kill 2 enemies with a single use of Genji's Deflection in Quick or Competitive Play.",
         "title":"Waste Not, Want Not",
         "description":"Get 3 solo kills with a single clip of Reaper's shotguns in Quick or Competitive Play.",
         "title":"It's High Noon",
         "description":"Get 4 killing blows with a single use of McCree's Deadeye in Quick or Competitive Play.",
         "title":"Death From Above",
         "description":"Kill 4 enemies in a row without touching the ground as Pharah in Quick or Competitive Play.",
         "title":"Total Recall",
         "description":"Recover 400 health using Tracer's Recall without dying in Quick or Competitive Play.",
         "title":"Special Delivery",
         "description":"Stick 4 of Tracer's Pulse Bombs onto enemies in a single Quick or Competitive Play game.",
         "title":"Hack the Planet",
         "description":"Hack 15 enemies without dying as Sombra in Quick or Competitive Play.",
         "title":"Power Outage",
         "description":"Hack 6 enemies at once as Sombra in Quick or Competitive Play.",
         "title":"Air Strike",
         "description":"Get a killing blow with Doomfist's full-power Seismic Slam in Quick or Competitive Play.",
         "description":"Hit 6 enemies with a single use of Doomfist's Meteor Strike in Quick or Competitive Play.",
         "title":"Triple Threat",
         "description":"Kill 2 enemies in each of Bastion's configurations without dying in Quick or Competitive Play.",
         "description":"Kill 4 enemies with a single use of Bastion's Configuration: Tank in Quick or Competitive Play.",
         "title":"Simple Geometry",
         "description":"Get 3 killing blows with a single use of Hanzo's Storm Arrows in Quick or Competitive Play.",
         "title":"Mine Like a Steel Trap",
         "description":"Knock an enemy into your Steel Trap using Junkrat's Concussion Mine in Quick or Competitive Play.",
         "description":"Kill 4 enemies with a single use of Junkrat's RIP-Tire in Quick or Competitive Play.",
         "title":"Raid Wipe",
         "description":"Kill 4 enemies during a single use of Torbjörn's Molten Core in Quick or Competitive Play.",
         "title":"Smooth as Silk",
         "description":"Kill an enemy with a scoped headshot while airborne as Widowmaker in Quick or Competitive Play.",
         "title":"The Dragon Is Sated",
         "description":"Kill 4 enemies with one of Hanzo's Spirit Dragons in Quick or Competitive Play.",
         "title":"Ice Blocked",
         "description":"Block 1200 damage with a single use of Mei's Ice Wall in Quick or Competitive Play.",
         "title":"Cold Snap",
         "description":"Freeze 4 enemies at once with Mei in Quick or Competitive Play.",
         "title":"Armor Up!",
         "description":"Have one of Torbjörn's Armor Packs on 5 allies at the same time in Quick or Competitive Play.",
         "title":"Did That Sting?",
         "description":"Kill 4 enemies using Widowmaker's Venom Mine during a single Quick or Competitive Play game.",
         "title":"I Am Your Shield",
         "description":"Block 8000 damage with Reinhardt's Barrier Field without dying in Quick or Competitive Play.",
         "title":"Giving You the Hook",
         "description":"Interrupt an enemy ultimate ability with Roadhog's Hook in Quick or Competitive Play.",
         "title":"Anger Management",
         "description":"Damage 6 enemies during a single use of Winston's Primal Rage in Quick or Competitive Play.",
         "title":"Shot Down",
         "description":"Prevent 1500 damage with a single use of's Defense Matrix in Quick or Competitive Play.",
         "title":"Game Over",
         "description":"Kill 4 enemies with a single use of's Self Destruct in Quick or Competitive Play.",
         "title":"Storm, Earth and Fire",
         "description":"Land Reinhardt's Fire Strike and Charge after an Earthshatter stun in Quick or Competitive Play.",
         "title":"Hog Wild",
         "description":"Knock 2 enemies to their deaths with one use of Roadhog's Whole Hog in Quick or Competitive Play.",
         "title":"Mine Sweeper",
         "description":"Destroy 10 turrets or traps using Winston's Tesla Cannon without dying in Quick or Competitive Play.",
         "title":"Power Overwhelming",
         "description":"Keep Zarya's particle cannon above 70 power for 60 seconds in Quick or Competitive Play.",
         "title":"The Power of Attraction",
         "description":"Capture 5 enemies in a single use of Zarya's Graviton Surge in Quick or Competitive Play.",
         "title":"Halt State",
         "description":"Pull enemies into 1000 damage with a single use of Orisa's Halt! in Quick or Competitive Play.",
         "description":"Amplify 900 damage with a single use of Orisa's Supercharger in Quick or Competitive Play.",
         "title":"Group Health Plan",
         "description":"Restore 200 health for 5 players without dying as Mercy in Quick or Competitive Play.",
         "title":"The Car Wash",
         "description":"Hit an enemy with 6 beams simultaneously as Symmetra in Quick or Competitive Play.",
         "title":"The Floor Is Lava",
         "description":"Get 3 killing blows while wall riding as Lúcio without dying in Quick or Competitive Play.",
         "description":"Block 1000 damage with a single use of Lúcio's Sound Barrier in Quick or Competitive Play.",
         "title":"Huge Rez",
         "description":"Resurrect 6 players without dying as Mercy in Quick or Competitive Play.",
         "title":"Huge Success",
         "description":"Teleport 20 players in a single Quick or Competitive Play game as Symmetra.",
         "title":"Rapid Discord",
         "description":"Get 4 kills or assists with Zenyatta's Orb of Discord within 6 seconds in Quick or Competitive Play.",
         "title":"The Iris Embraces You",
         "description":"Restore 1500 health with a single use of Zenyatta's Transcendence in Quick or Competitive Play.",
         "description":"Interrupt an enemy ultimate ability with Ana's Sleep Dart in Quick or Competitive Play.",
         "description":"Get 4 kills or assists with a single use of Ana's Nano Boost in Quick or Competitive Play.",
         "description":"Hit 7 targets simultaneously with Moira's Coalescence in Quick or Competitive Play.",
         "title":"Simple Trigonometry",
         "description":"Fully deplete both types of Moira's Biotic Orb without dying in Quick or Competitive Play.",
         "description":"Kill an airborne enemy with Brigitte's Whip Shot in Quick or Competitive Play.",
         "title":"Excuse Me",
         "description":"Interrupt an enemy ultimate ability with Brigitte's Shield Bash in Quick or Competitive Play.",
         "description":"Win a Capture map on defense without losing the first objective in Quick or Competitive Play.",
         "title":"Double Cap",
         "description":"Capture both objectives on a Capture map without dying in Quick or Competitive Play.",
         "title":"Escort Duty",
         "description":"Push a payload 100 meters without leaving it in Quick or Competitive Play.",
         "title":"Can't Touch This",
         "description":"Prevent the attacking team from touching the payload for 1 minute in Quick or Competitive Play.",
         "description":"Win a Control map without the enemy capturing an objective in Quick or Competitive Play.",
         "title":"World Traveler",
         "description":"Win a Quick or Competitive Play game on 12 different maps.",
         "title":"Survived the Night",
         "description":"Win Junkenstein's Revenge on Hard difficulty.",
         "title":"Not a Scratch",
         "description":"Win Junkenstein's Revenge on Hard difficulty with no damage to the door.",
         "title":"Four They Were",
         "description":"Win Junkenstein's Revenge using each of the 4 heroes.",
         "title":"Held The Door",
         "description":"Win Junkenstein's Revenge on Legendary difficulty.",
         "title":"Snowed In",
         "description":"Win Mei's Snowball Offensive without losing a round.",
         "title":"Cool As Ice",
         "description":"Kill 4 enemies without missing in Mei's Snowball Offensive.",
         "description":"Kill an enemy with a snowball from 25 meters away in Mei's Snowball Offensive.",
         "description":"Kill 3 enemies while they are picking up snow in a game of Mei's Snowball Offensive.",
         "description":"Win Capture the Flag with a score of 3 to 0.",
         "title":"Cleanup Duty",
         "description":"Recover a flag in a game of Capture the Flag.",
         "title":"Mission Complete",
         "description":"Complete Uprising on Hard difficulty.",
         "title":"Unit Commendation",
         "description":"Complete Uprising on Expert difficulty.",
         "title":"Distinguished Service",
         "description":"Complete Uprising on Legendary difficulty.",
         "title":"Handle With Care",
         "description":"Deliver the payload with over 80% health in Uprising on Hard difficulty.",
         "title":"Strike Team",
         "description":"Complete Uprising with each of the 4 heroes.",
         "description":"Complete Uprising (All Heroes) with 8 different heroes.",
         "description":"Score a goal in Lúcioball with a shot taken from at least 4 meters in the air.",
         "title":"Safe Hands",
         "description":"Score 3 saves in a row in Lúcioball.",
         "title":"Lúcio Hat Trick",
         "description":"Score a goal, a save, and an assist in a game of Lúcioball.",
         "title":"Dawn Breaks",
         "description":"Win Junkenstein's Revenge on Expert difficulty.",
         "title":"Six They Were",
         "description":"Win Junkenstein Endless with 6 different heroes.",
         "description":"Win Junkenstein Endless on Hard difficulty with no damage to the door.",
         "description":"Survive 4 bonus waves in Junkenstein Endless on Expert difficulty.",
         "title":"Thinking With Your Stomach",
         "description":"Eat 4 meat as the Yeti in Yeti Hunter.",
         "title":"Yeti Catcher",
         "description":"Trap the Yeti as a Hunter in Yeti Hunter.",
         "title":"The Venice Incident",
         "description":"Complete Retribution with each of the 4 heroes.",
         "description":"Complete Retribution (All Heroes) with 8 different heroes.",
         "title":"Into the Shadows",
         "description":"Complete Retribution on Hard difficulty.",
         "title":"A Quiet Night",
         "description":"Complete Retribution on Expert difficulty.",
         "title":"Plausible Deniability",
         "description":"Complete Retribution on Legendary difficulty.",
         "title":"Clean Getaway",
         "description":"Complete Retribution on Expert difficulty with no incapacitations.",





Package last updated on 25 Jun 2018

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