What is pad?
The 'pad' npm package is a simple utility for padding strings to a specified length with a given character. It is useful for formatting text output, ensuring consistent string lengths, and aligning text in console applications or logs.
What are pad's main functionalities?
Left Padding
Pads the string 'Hello' with spaces on the left to make its total length 10 characters.
const pad = require('pad');
console.log(pad(10, 'Hello')); // ' Hello'
Right Padding
Pads the string 'Hello' with spaces on the right to make its total length 10 characters.
const pad = require('pad');
console.log(pad.right(10, 'Hello')); // 'Hello '
Custom Character Padding
Pads the string 'Hello' with dots on the left to make its total length 10 characters.
const pad = require('pad');
console.log(pad(10, 'Hello', '.')); // '.....Hello'
Other packages similar to pad
The 'left-pad' package is a popular utility for left-padding strings with a specified character. It is similar to 'pad' but focuses solely on left-padding functionality.
The 'string-pad' package provides both left and right padding functionalities, similar to 'pad'. It allows padding with custom characters and offers more flexibility in padding options.
The 'pad-left' package is another utility for left-padding strings. It is similar to 'left-pad' and 'pad' but focuses exclusively on left-padding.
Node.js pad

Node Pad is a simple and elegant function to pad strings in both left and right directions. It is written in Typescript and it support both CommonJS and ESM.
The API is quite simple:
import pad from "pad";
pad("pad", 5);
pad(5, "pad");
pad("pad", 5, "+");
pad(5, "pad", "+");
For TypeScript users, the type definition files are located in "./lib/index.d.ts" and declared inside the "package.json" file.
Node Pad comes in multiple flavours depending on your target environment:
- CommonJS:
Bundle used by Node.js and compatible with ES5. It is declared inside the package.json
by the main
property and used by default with require("pad")
in a Node.js environment. - ES module:
Bundle using the ECMAScript standard defined in ES6 for working with modules. The path to the ES module is declared inside the package.json
by the module
property for ESM-aware tools like Rollup and webpack 2+.
The CommonJS syntax to import Node Pad is:
const pad = require("pad/dist/pad.cjs.js");
const pad = require("pad");
While the ES Modules syntax is:
import pad from "pad/dist/pad.esm.js";
import pad from "pad";
Options are provided as a third argument and are all optional. A string argument
it is interpreted as the "char" option. Accepted options include:
The character used to fill the gap.colors
Ajust to hidden terminal color characters, you may also use require 'pad/lib/colors'
to avoid passing this option.strip
Remove characters from text if length smaller than text length, default to "false".fixed_width
An optimization option to disable the usage of the wcwdith package to handle the discovery of characters using more than one column for display.
one column to displaywcwidth_options
Options passed to the wcwidth package used to calculate the display width of
characters using more than one column.
Left padding: pad(length, text, [options])
Left padding occurs when the first argument is a number and the second
argument is a string.
import pad from "pad";
pad(5, "pad", "-").should.eql("--pad");
Right padding: pad(text, length, [options])
Right padding occurs when the first argument is a string and the second
argument is a number.
import pad from "pad";
pad("pad", 6).should.eql("pad ");
Starting with version 1.1.0, Node pad rely on Node.js 4.0.0 or more recent.
Stick to version 1.0.x if using an older version of Node.js.
Via npm:
npm install pad
Via git (or downloaded tarball), copy or link the project from a discoverable
Node.js directory:
git clone http://github.com/adaltas/node-pad.git
Clone the repo, install the development dependencies and run the suite:
git clone http://github.com/adaltas/node-pad.git .
npm install
make test
The project is sponsored by Adaltas based in Paris, France. Adaltas offers support and consulting on distributed systems, big data and open source.