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Library for building parsers using combinators.

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Parjs a parser combinator library inspired by Parsec and FParsec (its F# adaptation), and written in TypeScript.

yarn add parjs

🍕 Lots of parsers!

⚙️ Lots of combinators!

💎 Lots of immutability!

🔍 Systematically documented!

🧐 Debugging features!

What is it?

PROTIP: 🍕 is the universal symbol for parser.

Parser combinator libraries let you construct parsers from small parsers and combinators that transform those parsers by, for example, applying a parser multiple times in a row.

For example, you could have a parser 🍕"fi" that parses the string fi and a combinator ⚙️exactly 2 that applies a parser exactly two times. Combining them lets you parse the string fifi!

// 🍕string "fi" ➜ ⚙️exactly 2

Here is an example that constructs a parser that parses n-tuples of numbers like (12.5, -1, 2), which is impossible using other parsing techniquescitation needed.

import { float, string, whitespace } from "parjs";
import { between, manySepBy } from "parjs/combinators";

// 🍕float
//  Parses a floating point number
const tupleElement = float();

//  🍕float ➜ ⚙️between 🍕whitespace
//  Parses a float between whitespace
const paddedElement = tupleElement.pipe(between(whitespace()));

//  🍕float ➜ ⚙️between 🍕whitespace ➜
//  ⚙️until fails, separated by 🍕","
//  Parses many floats between whitespace, separated by commas.
const separated = paddedElement.pipe(manySepBy(","));

//  🍕float ➜ ⚙️between 🍕whitespace ➜
//  ⚙️until fails, separated by 🍕"," ➜ ⚙️between 🍕"(" and 🍕")"
//  Parses many floats separated by commas and surrounded by parens.
const surrounded = separated.pipe(between("(", ")"));

//  Parses the string and print [1, 2, 3]
console.log(surrounded.parse("(1,  2 , 3 )"));


Here are some more cool examples:

  1. tuple parser (tests)
  2. .ini parser (tests)
  3. JSON parser (tests)
  4. Math expression parser (tests)

How does it work?

Parsers are called on an input via the parse(input) method and return a result object.

Parsers that succeed return some kind of value. While basic parsers return the parsed input (always a string), combinators (such as map) let you change the returned value to pretty much anything. It’s normal to use this feature to return an AST, the result of a calculation, and so on.

If parsing succeeded, you can access the result.value property to get the return value.

const parser = string("hello world").pipe(map(text => text.length));
const result = parser.parse("hello world");
assert(result.value === 11);

However, doing this if parsing failed throws an exception. To check if parsing succeeded or not, use the isOkay property.

You can also use toString to get a textual description of the result.

const result2 = parser.parse("hello wrld");
if (result.isOkay) {
} else {
    // Soft failure at Ln 1 Col 1
    // 1 | hello wrld
    //     ^expecting 'hello world'
    // Stack: string

Dealing with failure

parjs handles failure by using the SHF or 😕😬💀 system. It recognizes three kinds of failures:

  • 😕 Soft failures — A parser quickly says it’s not applicable to the input. Used to parse alternative inputs.
  • 😬 Hard failures — Parsing failed unexpectedly. Can only be handled by special combinators.
  • 💀 Fatal failure — Happen when you decide and tell the parser to halt and catch fire. They can’t be handled.

Parsing failures bubble up through combinators unless they’re handled, just like exceptions. Handling a failure always means backtracking to before it happened.

Some combinators can upgrade soft failures to hard ones (if it says so in their documentation).

Failing to parse something is a common occurrence and not exceptional in the slightest. As such, parjs won’t throw an exception when this happens. Instead, it will only throw exceptions if you used it incorrectly or there is a bug.

The result object mentioned earlier also gives the failure type via its kind property. It can be OK, Soft, Hard, or Fatal.

console.log(result.kind); // "Soft"
The reason field

The parsing result also includes the important reason field which says why parsing failed and usually what input was expected.

This text appears after the ^ character in the visualization, but can also be used elsewhere. It can be specified explicitly in some cases, but will usually come from the parser’s expecting property.

😕 Soft failures

A parser quickly says it’s not applicable to the input.

You can recover from soft failures by backtracking a constant amount. These failures are used to parse alternative inputs using lots of different combinators, like or:

// 🍕"hello" ➜ ⚙️or 🍕"goodbye" ➜ ⚙️or 🍕"blort"
// Parses any of the strings, "hello", "goodbye", or "blort"
const parser = string("hello").pipe(or("goodbye"), or("blort"));
😬 Hard failure

An unexpected failure that usually indicates a syntax error.

Hard failures usually indicate unexpected input, such as a syntax error. These failures bubble up through multiple parsers and recovering from them can involve backtracking any number of characters.

Most hard failures were soft failures in an internal parser that weren’t handled, and got upgraded by a combinator. After this happens, combinators like ⚙️or that recover from soft failures no longer work.

Sequential combinators tend to do this a lot if a parser fails late in the sequence. For example:

// 🍕"hello " ➜ ⚙️and then, 🍕"world" ➜ ⚙️or 🍕"whatever"
// Parses the string "hello " and then the string "world"
// or parses the string "hello kittie"
const helloParser = string("hello ").pipe(
        // If this parser fails, ⚙️then will upgrade
        // it to a 😬Hard failure.
    // The ⚙️or combinator can't recover from this:
    or("hello kittie")

// Hard failure at Ln 1 Col 6
// 1 | hello world
//           ^expecting "world"
// Stack: string < then < string

To avoid this situation, write parsers that quickly determine if the input is for them, and combinators like or that will immediately apply a fallback parser instead.

const helloParser2 = string("hello ").pipe(
        // The 😕Soft failure in the 🍕"world" parser
        // is handled immediately using ⚙️or
        // so it doesn't reach ⚙️then

However, sometimes hard failures are inevitable or you can’t be bothered. In those cases, you can use ⚙️recover which lets you downgrade the failure or even pass it off as a success.

// Let's do the same thing as the first time:
const helloParser3 = string("hello ").pipe(
    // ⚙️then will fail 😬Hard, like we talked about:
    // But then the ⚙️recover combinator will downgrade the failure:
    recover(() => ({ kind: "Soft" })),
    // So the ⚙️or combinator can be used:

However, code like this is the equivalent of using try .. catch for control flow and should be avoided.

The ⚙️must combinator, which validates the result of a parser, emits 😬 Hard failures by default.

💀 Fatal failures

A 💀 Fatal failure is the parsing equivalent of a Halt and Catch Fire instruction and can’t be recovered from – in other words, they cause the overall parsing operation to fail immediately and control to be returned to the caller.

They act kind of like thrown exceptions, except that parsers don’t throw exceptions for bad inputs.

parjs parsers will never fail this way unless you explicitly tell them to. One way to do this is using the fail basic parser. This parser fails immediately for any input and can emit any failure type.

const parser = fail({
    kind: "Fatal"


Cool features


In parjs, parsers are functionally immutable. Once a parjs parser is created, it will always do the same thing and can never change. I mean, you could do something like this:

// 🍕"hello world" ➜ predicate `() => Math.random() > 0.5`
string("hello world").pipe(must(() => Math.random() > 0.5));

But then it’s on you. And you know what you did.

Unicode support

JavaScript supports Unicode strings, including ”抱き枕”, ”כחול”, and ”tủ lạnh”. Those characters aren’t ASCII – most of them have character codes in the low thousands.

That doesn’t matter if you’re parsing a specific string, since it ends up being a binary comparison, but it definitely does if you’re trying to parse 4 letters, a broad Unicode category that includes thousands of characters.

Luckily, parjs has got you covered. Parsers such as letter, have Unicode versions – uniLetter. These Unicode versions use the package char-info to figure out if each character is a letter or not.

This probably involves a lookup in some complicated data structure for each potential letter.

// 🍕ᵘLetter
// Parses any unicode letter
const pNameChar = uniLetter();

// 🍕ᵘLetter ➜ ⚙️until it fails
// Parses any number of unicode letterss
const pName = pNameChar.pipe(many());

// 🍕"שלום שמי " ➜ ⚙️and then, 🍕ᵘLetter ➜ ⚙️until it fails
const greeting = string(`שלום שמי `).pipe(qthen(pName));

assert(greeting.parser("שלום, שמי גרג").value === "גרג");

Shorthand for literal parsers

Parsers accept strings, but combinators accept other parsers. This is to make sure they’re as general as possible. However, in practice, a lot of their inputs are going to be stuff like string(“hello”).

parjs knows about this, and will automatically convert string literals into parsers that parse those literals.

// 🍕"ice " ➜ ⚙️and then, 🍕one or more spaces
// ➜ ⚙️and then, the regexp /\s*baby/
    then("ice"), // Implicitly: string("ice ")
    then(/\s*baby/) // Implicitly: regexp(/\s*baby/)
Constant type inference

If you're using TypeScript, you may want to keep using string("world") instead of "world". This is because the former will infer the type of the parser to be Parjser<"world">, while the latter will infer it to be Parjser<string>.

Here's an example of the difference:

// This will infer "world" to the constant type of "world"
const parser: Parjser<["hello", "world"]> = string("hello").pipe(then(string("world")));

// This will infer to the string type, which may be more confusing to debug, and
// have issues with type aliases
const parser: Parjser<["hello", string]> = string("hello").pipe(then("world"));


🆕 new in version 1.0.0

The .debug() method is a powerful tool for debugging parsers in your code.

When you call .debug() on a parser, it enables debug mode for that parser (and returns itself). In debug mode, the parser logs detailed information about its operation, which can help you understand how it's processing the input and where it might be going wrong.

Here's an example of how to use it:

const parser: Parjser<"a"> = string("a").expects("an 'a' character").debug();

// when you execute the parser:

// it will console.log() something like this:
// "consumed 'a' (length 1)
// at position 0->1
// 👍🏻 (Ok)
// {
//     "input": "a",
//     "userState": {},
//     "position": 1,
//     "stack": [],
//     "value": "a",
//     "kind": "OK"
// }
// {
//     "expecting": "an 'a' character",
//     "type": "string"
// }"

When you execute this parser, it will log information about how it's trying to match "hello" in the input.

Remember that .debug() affects only the parser it's called on. If you have a complex parser built from many smaller parsers and you call .debug() on the complex parser, it won't enable debug mode for the smaller parsers. If you want to debug the smaller parsers, you need to call .debug() on each of them. This way you can customize the debugging output to show only the information you need.

User state

User state can help you to parse complex languages, like mathematical expressions with operator precedence and languages like XML where you need to match up an end tag to a start tag.

Every time you invoke the .parse method parjs creates a unique, mutable user state object. The object is propagated throughout the parsing process and some combinators and building block parsers allow you to modify it or inspect it. It’s called user state because the library will never modify it by itself.

The .parse method accepts an additional parameter initialState that contains properties and methods that are merged with the user state:

// p is called with a parser state initialized with properties and methods.
let example = p.parse("hello", {token: "hi", method() {return 1;});

The combinator map is a projection combinator. You can give it a function taking two parameters: the parser result and the parser state.

let example = string("a").pipe(map((result, state) => state.flag));

each is a combinator that doesn't change the parser result, so you can use it to only modify the user state.

Replacing user state

The combinator replaceState lets you replace the user state object, but only in the scope of the parser it applied to.

It creates a brand new user state object, merged with properties from the object you specify, and gives it to the parser. Once the parser is finished, the old user state object is restored. This means you will need to use that parser's result value to communicate out of it, and it serves the isolate other parsers from what happens inside.

Replacing user state is powerful, and can allow you to write recursive parsers that need a hierarchy of nested user states to work.

Writing a parser with custom low-level logic

In most cases, you should use the existing parsers and combinators to write your parser. You shouldn't automatically write a custom parser like this.

Writing a parser with totally custom logic lets you read the input and manage the position directly. This can allow you to implement new kinds of building-block parsers. While Parjs is meant to be easily extensible, this API will probably change more than more outward facing APIs, so be warned.

Parser flow

When parsing, a unique mutable ParsingState object is created. This object has the following shape:

interface ParsingState {
    readonly input: string;
    position: number;
    value: unknown;
    userState: UserState;
    reason: string;
    kind: ReplyKind;

Each parser gets handed this object and needs to mutate its properties to return information and change the position.

The kind, value, and reason properties are used to send data out of the parser.

  1. The kind gives the result type: success, failure, and which type of failure.
  2. value is used to output the parser result. It must be assigned if the kind is OK, and must not be assigned otherwise.
  3. reason is used to communicate the reason for an error, if any. You should only set it in case of an error. If you don't set it and signal an error, the expecting field in your parser object will be used as the error.

You can modify the other properties too, except for input which you almost certainly should not modify.

Creating the parser

To create a custom Parjs parser you need to extend the class ParjserBase, which you import from parjs/internal.

  • Override the _apply method to set the logic of the parser (this method is the one that takes the parsing state above).
  • You also need to set expecting which is a default error string the parser will use in case of error.
  • Finally, set the type string of the parser. This string is used to identify the parser and isn't only for informational purposes. It could be used in things like optimizations for example.

Here is a simple implementation of the eof parser, which detects the end of the input. Add type annotations as desired.

import { ParjserBase, ParsingState } from "parjs/internal";

 * Returns a parser that succeeds if there is no more input.
 * @param result Optionally, the result the parser will yield. Defaults to undefined.
export function eof<T>(result?: T): Parjser<T> {
    return new (class Eof extends ParjserBase<T> {
        type = "eof";
        expecting = "expecting end of input";

        _apply(ps: ParsingState): void {
            if (ps.position === ps.input.length) {
                ps.kind = ResultKind.Ok;
                ps.value = result;
            } else {
                ps.kind = ResultKind.SoftFail;



Package last updated on 27 Jul 2024

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