This module provides a class to manage separation between graphs. It is intended
to be used in a set, with one extent managing a specific axis and direction. Methods
are provided to calculate the minimum distance needed to separate two extents, as well
as methods to combine two extents into a single extent that covers both.
import Extent from 'parsegraph-extent'
const rootNode = new Extent();
const forwardNode = new Extent();
rootNode.appendLS(50, 25);
forwardNode.appendLS(12, 6);
const separation = rootNode.separation(forwardNode);
const combined = rootNode.combinedExtent(forwardNode, 0, separation);
const expected = new Extent();
expected.appendLS(12, separation + 6);
expected.appendLS(38, 25);
assert.ok(expected.equals(combined), "Combining extents does not work.");