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parsimmon - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.7.2 to 0.8.0



@@ -62,3 +62,3 @@ // This unsightly UMD-module header is here to make this code work without

var expected = (result.furthest === last.furthest)
? result.expected.concat(last.expected)
? union(result.expected, last.expected)
: last.expected;

@@ -75,2 +75,32 @@

// Returns the sorted set union of two arrays of strings
function union(xs, ys) {
// Exit early if either array is empty (common case)
var xn = xs.length;
var yn = ys.length;
if (xn === 0 && yn === 0) {
return [];
} else if (xn === 0) {
return ys.slice().sort();
} else if (yn === 0) {
return xs.slice().sort();
// Two non-empty arrays: do the full algorithm
var obj = {};
for (var i = 0; i < xn; i++) {
obj[xs[i]] = true;
for (var i = 0; i < yn; i++) {
obj[ys[i]] = true;
var keys = [];
for (var k in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
return keys;
// For ensuring we have the right argument types

@@ -77,0 +107,0 @@ function assertParser(p) {



@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@

(function(t,n){if(typeof define==="function"&&define.amd){define([],n)}else if(typeof module==="object"&&module.exports){module.exports=n()}else{t.Parsimmon=n()}})(this,function(){"use strict";var t={};function n(t){if(!(this instanceof n))return new n(t);this._=t}t.Parser=n;var r=n.prototype;function e(t,n){return{status:true,index:t,value:n,furthest:-1,expected:[]}}function u(t,n){return{status:false,index:-1,value:null,furthest:t,expected:[n]}}function i(t,n){if(!n)return t;if(t.furthest>n.furthest)return t;var r=t.furthest===n.furthest?t.expected.concat(n.expected):n.expected;return{status:t.status,index:t.index,value:t.value,furthest:n.furthest,expected:r}}function a(t){if(!(t instanceof n))throw new Error("not a parser: "+t)}function f(t){if(typeof t!=="number")throw new Error("not a number: "+t)}function o(t){if(!(t instanceof RegExp))throw new Error("not a regex: "+t)}function c(t){if(typeof t!=="function")throw new Error("not a function: "+t)}function s(t){if(typeof t!=="string")throw new Error("not a string: "+t)}function l(t){if(t.length===1)return t[0];return"one of "+t.join(", ")}function v(t,n){var r=n.index;var e=r.offset;if(e===t.length)return", got the end of the stream";var u=e>0?"'...":"'";var i=t.length-e>12?"...'":"'";return" at line "+r.line+" column "+r.column+", got "+u+t.slice(e,e+12)+i}var h=t.formatError=function(t,n){return"expected "+l(n.expected)+v(t,n)};r.parse=function(t){if(typeof t!=="string"){throw new Error(".parse must be called with a string as its argument")}var n=this.skip(P)._(t,0);return n.status?{status:true,value:n.value}:{status:false,index:C(t,n.furthest),expected:n.expected}};var p=t.seq=function(){var t=[];var r=t.length;for(var u=0;u<r;u+=1){a(t[u])}return n(function(n,u){var a;var f=new Array(r);for(var o=0;o<r;o+=1){a=i(t[o]._(n,u),a);if(!a.status)return a;f[o]=a.value;u=a.index}return i(e(u,f),a)})};var d=t.seqMap=function(){var t=[];var n=t.pop();return p.apply(null,t).map(function(t){return n.apply(null,t)})};var g=t.custom=function(t){return n(t(e,u))};var x=t.alt=function(){var t=[];var r=t.length;if(r===0)return O("zero alternates");for(var e=0;e<r;e+=1){a(t[e])}return n(function(n,r){var e;for(var u=0;u<t.length;u+=1){e=i(t[u]._(n,r),e);if(e.status)return e}return e})};var m=t.sepBy=function(n,r){return y(n,r).or(t.of([]))};var y=t.sepBy1=function(t,n){a(t);a(n);var r=n.then(t).many();return t.chain(function(t){return{return[t].concat(n)})})};r.or=function(t){return x(this,t)};r.then=function(t){if(typeof t==="function"){throw new Error("chaining features of .then are no longer supported, use .chain instead")}a(t);return p(this,t).map(function(t){return t[1]})};r.many=function(){var t=this;return n(function(n,r){var u=[];var a;var f;for(;;){a=i(t._(n,r),a);if(a.status){r=a.index;u.push(a.value)}else{return i(e(r,u),a)}}})};r.times=function(t,r){if(arguments.length<2)r=t;var u=this;f(t);f(r);return n(function(n,a){var f=[];var o=a;var c;var s;for(var l=0;l<t;l+=1){c=u._(n,a);s=i(c,s);if(c.status){a=c.index;f.push(c.value)}else return s}for(;l<r;l+=1){c=u._(n,a);s=i(c,s);if(c.status){a=c.index;f.push(c.value)}else break}return i(e(a,f),s)})};r.result=function(t){return{return t})};r.atMost=function(t){return this.times(0,t)};r.atLeast=function(t){var n=this;return d(this.times(t),this.many(),function(t,n){return t.concat(n)})};{c(t);var r=this;return n(function(n,u){var a=r._(n,u);if(!a.status)return a;return i(e(a.index,t(a.value)),a)})};r.skip=function(t){return p(this,t).map(function(t){return t[0]})};r.mark=function(){return d(D,this,D,function(t,n,r){return{start:t,value:n,end:r}})};r.desc=function(t){var r=this;return n(function(n,e){var u=r._(n,e);if(!u.status)u.expected=[t];return u})};var w=t.string=function(t){var r=t.length;var i="'"+t+"'";s(t);return n(function(n,a){var f=n.slice(a,a+r);if(f===t){return e(a+r,f)}else{return u(a,i)}})};var _=t.regex=function(t,r){o(t);if(r)f(r);var i=RegExp("^(?:"+t.source+")",(""+t).slice((""+t).lastIndexOf("/")+1));var a=""+t;if(r==null)r=0;return n(function(t,n){var f=i.exec(t.slice(n));if(f){var o=f[0];var c=f[r];if(c!=null)return e(n+o.length,c)}return u(n,a)})};var E=t.succeed=function(t){return n(function(n,r){return e(r,t)})};var{return n(function(n,r){return u(r,t)})};var b=t.letter=_(/[a-z]/i).desc("a letter");var k=t.letters=_(/[a-z]*/i);var z=t.digit=_(/[0-9]/).desc("a digit");var A=t.digits=_(/[0-9]*/);var j=t.whitespace=_(/\s+/).desc("whitespace");var q=t.optWhitespace=_(/\s*/);var B=t.any=n(function(t,n){if(n>=t.length)return u(n,"any character");return e(n+1,t.charAt(n))});var M=t.all=n(function(t,n){return e(t.length,t.slice(n))});var P=t.eof=n(function(t,n){if(n<t.length)return u(n,"EOF");return e(n,null)});var R=t.test=function(t){c(t);return n(function(n,r){var i=n.charAt(r);if(r<n.length&&t(i)){return e(r+1,i)}else{return u(r,"a character matching "+t)}})};var W=t.oneOf=function(t){return R(function(n){return t.indexOf(n)>=0})};var F=t.noneOf=function(t){return R(function(n){return t.indexOf(n)<0})};var I=t.takeWhile=function(t){c(t);return n(function(n,r){var u=r;while(u<n.length&&t(n.charAt(u)))u+=1;return e(u,n.slice(r,u))})};var L=t.lazy=function(t,r){if(arguments.length<2){r=t;t=undefined}var e=n(function(t,n){e._=r()._;return e._(t,n)});if(t)e=e.desc(t);return e};var C=function(t,n){var r=t.slice(0,n).split("\n");var e=r.length;var u=r[r.length-1].length+1;return{offset:n,line:e,column:u}};var D=t.index=n(function(t,n){return e(n,C(t,n))});r.concat=r.or;r.empty=O("empty");r.of=n.of=t.of=E;r.ap=function(t){return d(this,t,function(t,n){return t(n)})};r.chain=function(t){var r=this;return n(function(n,e){var u=r._(n,e);if(!u.status)return u;var a=t(u.value);return i(a._(n,u.index),u)})};return t});
(function(r,t){if(typeof define==="function"&&define.amd){define([],t)}else if(typeof module==="object"&&module.exports){module.exports=t()}else{r.Parsimmon=t()}})(this,function(){"use strict";var r={};function t(r){if(!(this instanceof t))return new t(r);this._=r}r.Parser=t;var n=t.prototype;function e(r,t){return{status:true,index:r,value:t,furthest:-1,expected:[]}}function u(r,t){return{status:false,index:-1,value:null,furthest:r,expected:[t]}}function i(r,t){if(!t)return r;if(r.furthest>t.furthest)return r;var n=r.furthest===t.furthest?a(r.expected,t.expected):t.expected;return{status:r.status,index:r.index,value:r.value,furthest:t.furthest,expected:n}}function a(r,t){var n=r.length;var e=t.length;if(n===0&&e===0){return[]}else if(n===0){return t.slice().sort()}else if(e===0){return r.slice().sort()}var u={};for(var i=0;i<n;i++){u[r[i]]=true}for(var i=0;i<e;i++){u[t[i]]=true}var a=[];for(var f in u){if(u.hasOwnProperty(f)){a.push(f)}}a.sort();return a}function f(r){if(!(r instanceof t))throw new Error("not a parser: "+r)}function o(r){if(typeof r!=="number")throw new Error("not a number: "+r)}function s(r){if(!(r instanceof RegExp))throw new Error("not a regex: "+r)}function c(r){if(typeof r!=="function")throw new Error("not a function: "+r)}function l(r){if(typeof r!=="string")throw new Error("not a string: "+r)}function v(r){if(r.length===1)return r[0];return"one of "+r.join(", ")}function h(r,t){var n=t.index;var e=n.offset;if(e===r.length)return", got the end of the stream";var u=e>0?"'...":"'";var i=r.length-e>12?"...'":"'";return" at line "+n.line+" column "+n.column+", got "+u+r.slice(e,e+12)+i}var p=r.formatError=function(r,t){return"expected "+v(t.expected)+h(r,t)};n.parse=function(r){if(typeof r!=="string"){throw new Error(".parse must be called with a string as its argument")}var t=this.skip(R)._(r,0);return t.status?{status:true,value:t.value}:{status:false,index:D(r,t.furthest),expected:t.expected}};var d=r.seq=function(){var r=[];var n=r.length;for(var u=0;u<n;u+=1){f(r[u])}return t(function(t,u){var a;var f=new Array(n);for(var o=0;o<n;o+=1){a=i(r[o]._(t,u),a);if(!a.status)return a;f[o]=a.value;u=a.index}return i(e(u,f),a)})};var g=r.seqMap=function(){var r=[];var t=r.pop();return d.apply(null,r).map(function(r){return t.apply(null,r)})};var x=r.custom=function(r){return t(r(e,u))};var m=r.alt=function(){var r=[];var n=r.length;if(n===0)return b("zero alternates");for(var e=0;e<n;e+=1){f(r[e])}return t(function(t,n){var e;for(var u=0;u<r.length;u+=1){e=i(r[u]._(t,n),e);if(e.status)return e}return e})};var y=r.sepBy=function(t,n){return w(t,n).or(r.of([]))};var w=r.sepBy1=function(r,t){f(r);f(t);var n=t.then(r).many();return r.chain(function(r){return{return[r].concat(t)})})};n.or=function(r){return m(this,r)};n.then=function(r){if(typeof r==="function"){throw new Error("chaining features of .then are no longer supported, use .chain instead")}f(r);return d(this,r).map(function(r){return r[1]})};n.many=function(){var r=this;return t(function(t,n){var u=[];var a;var f;for(;;){a=i(r._(t,n),a);if(a.status){n=a.index;u.push(a.value)}else{return i(e(n,u),a)}}})};n.times=function(r,n){if(arguments.length<2)n=r;var u=this;o(r);o(n);return t(function(t,a){var f=[];var o=a;var s;var c;for(var l=0;l<r;l+=1){s=u._(t,a);c=i(s,c);if(s.status){a=s.index;f.push(s.value)}else return c}for(;l<n;l+=1){s=u._(t,a);c=i(s,c);if(s.status){a=s.index;f.push(s.value)}else break}return i(e(a,f),c)})};n.result=function(r){return{return r})};n.atMost=function(r){return this.times(0,r)};n.atLeast=function(r){var t=this;return g(this.times(r),this.many(),function(r,t){return r.concat(t)})};{c(r);var n=this;return t(function(t,u){var a=n._(t,u);if(!a.status)return a;return i(e(a.index,r(a.value)),a)})};n.skip=function(r){return d(this,r).map(function(r){return r[0]})};n.mark=function(){return g(G,this,G,function(r,t,n){return{start:r,value:t,end:n}})};n.desc=function(r){var n=this;return t(function(t,e){var u=n._(t,e);if(!u.status)u.expected=[r];return u})};var _=r.string=function(r){var n=r.length;var i="'"+r+"'";l(r);return t(function(t,a){var f=t.slice(a,a+n);if(f===r){return e(a+n,f)}else{return u(a,i)}})};var E=r.regex=function(r,n){s(r);if(n)o(n);var i=RegExp("^(?:"+r.source+")",(""+r).slice((""+r).lastIndexOf("/")+1));var a=""+r;if(n==null)n=0;return t(function(r,t){var f=i.exec(r.slice(t));if(f){var o=f[0];var s=f[n];if(s!=null)return e(t+o.length,s)}return u(t,a)})};var O=r.succeed=function(r){return t(function(t,n){return e(n,r)})};var{return t(function(t,n){return u(n,r)})};var k=r.letter=E(/[a-z]/i).desc("a letter");var z=r.letters=E(/[a-z]*/i);var A=r.digit=E(/[0-9]/).desc("a digit");var P=r.digits=E(/[0-9]*/);var j=r.whitespace=E(/\s+/).desc("whitespace");var q=r.optWhitespace=E(/\s*/);var B=r.any=t(function(r,t){if(t>=r.length)return u(t,"any character");return e(t+1,r.charAt(t))});var M=r.all=t(function(r,t){return e(r.length,r.slice(t))});var R=r.eof=t(function(r,t){if(t<r.length)return u(t,"EOF");return e(t,null)});var W=r.test=function(r){c(r);return t(function(t,n){var i=t.charAt(n);if(n<t.length&&r(i)){return e(n+1,i)}else{return u(n,"a character matching "+r)}})};var F=r.oneOf=function(r){return W(function(t){return r.indexOf(t)>=0})};var I=r.noneOf=function(r){return W(function(t){return r.indexOf(t)<0})};var L=r.takeWhile=function(r){c(r);return t(function(t,n){var u=n;while(u<t.length&&r(t.charAt(u)))u+=1;return e(u,t.slice(n,u))})};var C=r.lazy=function(r,n){if(arguments.length<2){n=r;r=undefined}var e=t(function(r,t){e._=n()._;return e._(r,t)});if(r)e=e.desc(r);return e};var D=function(r,t){var n=r.slice(0,t).split("\n");var e=n.length;var u=n[n.length-1].length+1;return{offset:t,line:e,column:u}};var G=r.index=t(function(r,t){return e(t,D(r,t))});n.concat=n.or;n.empty=b("empty");n.of=t.of=r.of=O;n.ap=function(r){return g(this,r,function(r,t){return r(t)})};n.chain=function(r){var n=this;return t(function(t,e){var u=n._(t,e);if(!u.status)return u;var a=r(u.value);return i(a._(t,u.index),u)})};return r});

@@ -1,3 +0,9 @@

## version 0.7.2 (2016-06-??)
## version 0.8.0 (2016-06-28)
* The `.expected` array on parse results is now unique and sorted
* Updated Mocha and Chai versions
* Updated README a bit (mostly line wrapping stuff)
## version 0.7.2 (2016-06-26)
* No API changes

@@ -4,0 +10,0 @@ * Switches to npm-based task running

"name": "parsimmon",
"version": "0.7.2",
"version": "0.8.0",
"description": "A monadic LL(infinity) parser combinator library",

@@ -21,4 +21,4 @@ "keywords": [

"devDependencies": {
"chai": "1.5.x",
"mocha": "1.8.x",
"chai": "^3.5.0",
"mocha": "^2.5.3",
"ncp": "^2.0.0",

@@ -35,4 +35,4 @@ "rimraf": "^2.5.2",

"prepublish": "npm run test && npm run clean && npm run build:browser && npm run build:browser.min",
"test": "mocha -u tdd test/intro.js test/*.test.js"
"test": "mocha --ui tdd --reporter dot test/intro.js test/*.test.js"

@@ -11,3 +11,3 @@ [![Build Status](](

Parsimmon is a small library for writing big parsers made up of lots of little parsers. The API is inspired by parsec and Promises/A.
Parsimmon is a small library for writing big parsers made up of lots of little parsers. The API is inspired by parsec and Promises/A.

@@ -24,3 +24,5 @@ Parsimmon supports IE7 and newer browsers, along with Node.js. It can be used as a standard Node module through npm, or through `build/parsimmon.browser.js` directly in the browser through a script tag, where it exports a global variable called `Parsimmon`.

function lexeme(p) { return p.skip(optWhitespace); }
function lexeme(p) {
return p.skip(optWhitespace);

@@ -30,6 +32,6 @@ var lparen = lexeme(string('('));

var expr = lazy('an s-expression', function() { return form.or(atom) });
var expr = lazy('an s-expression', function() { return form.or(atom); });
var number = lexeme(regex(/[0-9]+/).map(parseInt));
var id = lexeme(regex(/[a-z_]\w*/i));
var number = lexeme(regex(/[0-9]+/).map(Number));
var id = lexeme(regex(/[a-zA-Z_]\w*/));

@@ -39,5 +41,7 @@ var atom = number.or(id);

expr.parse('3').value // => 3
expr.parse('(add (mul 10 (add 3 4)) (add 7 8))').value
// => ['add', ['mul', 10, ['add', 3, 4]], ['add', 7, 8]]
// => 3
expr.parse('(add (mul 10 (add 3 4)) (add 7 8))').value;
// => ['add', ['mul', 10, ['add', 3, 4]], ['add', 7, 8]]

@@ -47,10 +51,5 @@

A Parsimmon parser is an object that represents an action on a stream
of text, and the promise of either an object yielded by that action on
success or a message in case of failure. For example, `string('foo')`
yields the string `'foo'` if the beginning of the stream is `'foo'`,
and otherwise fails.
A Parsimmon parser is an object that represents an action on a stream of text, and the promise of either an object yielded by that action on success or a message in case of failure. For example, `string('foo')` yields the string `'foo'` if the beginning of the stream is `'foo'`, and otherwise fails.
The combinator method `.map` is used to transform the yielded value.
For example,
The combinator method `.map` is used to transform the yielded value. For example,

@@ -61,3 +60,3 @@ ```javascript

will yield `'foobar'` if the stream starts with `'foo'`. The parser
will yield `'foobar'` if the stream starts with `'foo'`. The parser

@@ -68,13 +67,8 @@ ```javascript

will yield the number 24 when it encounters the string '12'. The method
`.result` can be used to set a constant result.
will yield the number 24 when it encounters the string '12'. The method `.result` can be used to set a constant result.
Calling `.parse(str)` on a parser parses the string, and returns an object with
a `status` flag, indicating whether the parse succeeded. If it succeeded, the
`value` attribute will contain the yielded value. Otherwise, the `index` and
`expected` attributes will contain the index of the parse error (with `offset`,
`line` and `column` properties), and a message indicating what was expected.
The error object can be passed along with the original source to
`Parsimmon.formatError(source, error)` to obtain a human-readable error string.
Calling `.parse(str)` on a parser parses the string, and returns an object with a `status` flag, indicating whether the parse succeeded. If it succeeded, the `value` attribute will contain the yielded value. Otherwise, the `index` and `expected` attributes will contain the index of the parse error (with `offset`, `line` and `column` properties), and a sorted, unique array of messages indicating what was expected.
The error object can be passed along with the original source to `Parsimmon.formatError(source, error)` to obtain a human-readable error string.
## Full API

@@ -103,8 +97,7 @@

and yields the value of the first one that succeeds, backtracking in between.
- `Parsimmon.sepBy(content, separator)` accepts two parsers, and expects multiple
`content`s, separated by `separator`s. Yields an array of `contents`.
- `Parsimmon.sepBy(content, separator)` accepts two parsers, and expects multiple `content`s, separated by `separator`s. Yields an array of `contents`.
- `Parsimmon.sepBy1(content, separator)` same as `Parsimmon.sepBy`, but expects
`content` to succeed at least once.
- `Parsimmon.lazy(f)` accepts a function that returns a parser, which is
evaluated the first time the parser is used. This is useful for
evaluated the first time the parser is used. This is useful for
referencing parsers that haven't yet been defined, and for implementing

@@ -114,3 +107,3 @@ recursive parsers.

sets `desc` as the expected value (see `.desc()` below)
- ``
- `` returns a failing parser with the given message.
- `Parsimmon.letter` is equivalent to `Parsimmon.regex(/[a-z]/i)`

@@ -133,5 +126,3 @@ - `Parsimmon.letters` is equivalent to `Parsimmon.regex(/[a-z]*/i)`

You can add a primitive parser (similar to the included ones) by using
`Parsimmon.custom`. This is an example of how to create a parser that matches
any character except the one provided:
You can add a primitive parser (similar to the included ones) by using `Parsimmon.custom`. This is an example of how to create a parser that matches any character except the one provided:

@@ -142,7 +133,7 @@ ```js

return function(stream, i) {
if (stream.charAt(i) !== char && stream.length <= i) {
return success(i+1, stream.charAt(i));
if (stream.charAt(i) !== char && i <= stream.length) {
return success(i + 1, stream.charAt(i));
return failure(i, 'anything different than "' + char + '"');

@@ -152,8 +143,8 @@ }

This parser can then be used and composed the same way all the existing ones are
used and composed, for example:
This parser can then be used and composed the same way all the existing ones are used and composed, for example:
var parser = seq(string('a'), notChar('b').times(5));
var parser = Parsimmon.seq(Parsimmon.string('a'), notChar('b').times(5));
//=> {status: true, value: ['a', ['c', 'c', 'c', 'c', 'c']]}

@@ -167,3 +158,3 @@

given function with the result of the parse, which is expected to
return another parser, which will be tried next. This allows you
return another parser, which will be tried next. This allows you
to dynamically decide how to continue the parse, which is impossible

@@ -173,3 +164,3 @@ with the other combinators.

expects `anotherParser` to follow `parser`, and yields the result
of `anotherParser`. NB: the result of `parser` here is ignored.
of `anotherParser`. NB: the result of `parser` here is ignored.
- ` { return anotherResult; })`:

@@ -190,5 +181,5 @@ transforms the output of `parser` with the given function.

- `parser.atMost(n)`:
expects `parser` at most `n` times. Yields an array of the results.
expects `parser` at most `n` times. Yields an array of the results.
- `parser.atLeast(n)`:
expects `parser` at least `n` times. Yields an array of the results.
expects `parser` at least `n` times. Yields an array of the results.
- `parser.mark()` yields an object with `start`, `value`, and `end` keys,

@@ -200,3 +191,3 @@ where `value` is the original value yielded by the parser, and `start` and

- `parser.desc(description)` returns a new parser whose failure message is the passed
description. For example, `string('x').desc('the letter x')` will indicate that
description. For example, `string('x').desc('the letter x')` will indicate that
'the letter x' was expected.

@@ -206,4 +197,3 @@

These apply to most parsers for traditional languages - it's possible
you may need to do something different for yours!
These apply to most parsers for traditional languages - it's possible you may need to do something different for yours!

@@ -213,3 +203,3 @@ For most parsers, the following format is helpful:

1. define a `lexeme` function to skip all the stuff you don't care
about (whitespace, comments, etc). You may need multiple types of lexemes.
about (whitespace, comments, etc). You may need multiple types of lexemes.
For example,

@@ -222,3 +212,3 @@

1. Define all your lexemes first. These should yield native javascript values.
1. Define all your lexemes first. These should yield native javascript values.

@@ -232,3 +222,3 @@ ```javascript

1. Forward-declare one or more top-level expressions with `lazy`, referring to
parsers that have not yet been defined. Generally, this takes the form of a
parsers that have not yet been defined. Generally, this takes the form of a
large `.alt()` call

@@ -251,3 +241,3 @@

1. Finally, export your top-level parser. Remember to skip ignored
1. Finally, export your top-level parser. Remember to skip ignored
stuff at the beginning.

@@ -266,2 +256,2 @@

Parsimmon is also compatible with [fantasyland][]. It is a Semigroup, an Applicative Functor and a Monad.
Parsimmon is also compatible with [fantasyland][]. It is a Semigroup, an Applicative Functor and a Monad.

@@ -62,3 +62,3 @@ // This unsightly UMD-module header is here to make this code work without

var expected = (result.furthest === last.furthest)
? result.expected.concat(last.expected)
? union(result.expected, last.expected)
: last.expected;

@@ -75,2 +75,32 @@

// Returns the sorted set union of two arrays of strings
function union(xs, ys) {
// Exit early if either array is empty (common case)
var xn = xs.length;
var yn = ys.length;
if (xn === 0 && yn === 0) {
return [];
} else if (xn === 0) {
return ys.slice().sort();
} else if (yn === 0) {
return xs.slice().sort();
// Two non-empty arrays: do the full algorithm
var obj = {};
for (var i = 0; i < xn; i++) {
obj[xs[i]] = true;
for (var i = 0; i < yn; i++) {
obj[ys[i]] = true;
var keys = [];
for (var k in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
return keys;
// For ensuring we have the right argument types

@@ -77,0 +107,0 @@ function assertParser(p) {

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