Passport.js OAuth2 Middleware
Passport.js strategy that supports automatic OAuth2 refresh tokens and OAuth2 password workflow.
npm install passport-oauth2-middleware
Example (see this blog post)
var OAuth2Strategy = require('passport-oauth2'),
LocalStrategy = require('passport-local').Strategy,
OAuth2RefreshTokenStrategy = require('passport-oauth2-middleware').Strategy,
passport = require('passport');
module.exports = function(app) {
var refreshStrategy = new OAuth2RefreshTokenStrategy({
refreshWindow: 10, // Time in seconds to perform a token refresh before it expires
userProperty: 'ticket', // Active user property name to store OAuth tokens
authenticationURL: '/login', // URL to redirect unathorized users to
callbackParameter: 'callback' //URL query parameter name to pass a return URL
passport.use('main', refreshStrategy); //Main authorization strategy that authenticates
//user with stored OAuth access token
//and performs a token refresh if needed
var oauthStartegy = new OAuth2Strategy({
authorizationURL: 'https://authserver/oauth2/auth',
tokenURL: 'https://authserver/oauth2/token',
clientID: 'clientID',
clientSecret: 'clientSecret',
callbackURL: '/oauth/callback',
passReqToCallback: false //Must be omitted or set to false in order to work with OAuth2RefreshTokenStrategy
refreshStrategy.getOAuth2StrategyCallback() //Create a callback for OAuth2Strategy
passport.use('oauth', oauthStartegy); //Strategy to perform regular OAuth2 code grant workflow
refreshStrategy.useOAuth2Strategy(oauthStartegy); //Register the OAuth strategy
//to perform OAuth2 refresh token workflow
var localStrategy = new LocalStrategy({
usernameField : 'username',
passwordField : 'password'
refreshStrategy.getLocalStrategyCallback() //Create a callback for LocalStrategy
passport.use('local', localStrategy); //Strategy to perform a username/password login
refreshStrategy.useLocalStrategy(localStrategy); //Register the LocalStrategy
//to perform an OAuth 'password' workflow
//GET /login
app.get('/login', function(req, res){
var callback = req.query.callback || '/';
if (req.isAuthenticated()) {
return res.redirect(callback);
//POST /login'/login', function(req, res, next) {
var callback = req.query.callback || '/profile';
passport.authenticate('local', function(err, user, info) {
if (err || !user) {
res.render('login_page', {
error: info ? info.message : 'Unable to login.',
username: req.body.username
return next();
req.logIn(user, function(err) {
if (err) {
return next(err);
return res.redirect(callback);
})(req, res, next);
//GET /oauth
app.get('/oauth', passport.authenticate('oauth'));
//GET /oauth/callback
app.get('/oauth/callback', passport.authenticate('oauth'), function(req, res) {
//GET /profile
passport.authenticate('main'), function(req, res) {
//GET /api/data
passport.authenticate('main', {
noredirect: true //Don't redirect a user to the authentication page, just show an error
}), function(req, res) {