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var assert = require('assert');
var format = require('util').format;
var PasswordPolicy = require('..').PasswordPolicy;
// Custom rules

@@ -49,3 +50,3 @@

FooRule.prototype.missing = function (options, password) {
var explain = this.explain();
var explain = this.explain(options);
explain.verified = this.assert(options, password);

@@ -52,0 +53,0 @@ return explain;



@@ -103,2 +103,4 @@

module.exports.charsets = charsets;
// module.exports.rulesToApply = rulesToApply;
"name": "password-sheriff",
"description": "Password policy checker/enforcer.",
"version": "1.0.0",
"version": "1.0.1",
"main": "index.js",

@@ -6,0 +6,0 @@ "devDependencies": {

# Password Sheriff
Password policy enforcer.
Node.js (and browserify supported) library to enforce password policies.

@@ -14,28 +14,102 @@ ## Install

var createPolicy = require('password-sheriff');
var policy = createPolicy('good');
var PasswordPolicy = require('password-sheriff').PasswordPolicy;
// Creates a password policy based on OWASP password recommendations
var policyOWASP = createPolicy('excellent');
// Create a length password policy
var lengthPolicy = new PasswordPolicy({length: {minLength: 6}});
// Displays the following password criteria:
// * 8 characters in length
// * contain at least 3 of the following 4 types of characters:
// * lower case letters (a-z),
// * upper case letters (A-Z),
// * numbers (i.e. 0-9),
// * special characters (e.g. !@#$%^&*)
// will throw as the password does not meet criteria
// returns false, it does not meet requirements
// returns false if password does not meet rules
assert.equal(false, lengthPolicy.check('hello'));
// returns true
// explains the policy
var explained = lengthPolicy.explain();
// asserts a password (throws an exception if invalid)
assert.equal(1, explained.length);
// easier i18n
assert.equal('lengthAtLeast', explained[0].code);
assert.equal('At least 6 characters in length',
format(explained[0].message, explained[0].format));
### API
#### Password Rules
Password Rules are objects that implement the following methods:
* `rule.validate(options)`: method called after the rule was created in order to validate `options` arguments.
* `rule.assert(options, password)`: returns true if `password` is valid.
* `rule.explain(options)`: returns an object with `code`, `message` and `format` attributes:
* `code`: Identifier of the rule. This attribute is meant to aid i18n.
* `message`: Description of the rule that must be formatted using `util.format`.
* `format`: Array of `string` or `Number` that will be used for the replacements required in `message`.
* `rule.missing(options, password)`: returns an object similar to `rule.explain` plus an additional field `verified` that informs whether the password meets the rule.
Example of `rule.explain` method:
FooRule.prototype.explain = function (options) {
return {
// identifier rule (to make i18n easier)
code: 'foo',
message: 'Foo should be present at least %d times.',
format: [options.count]
When explained:
var explained = fooRule.explain({count: 5});
// "Foo should be present at least 5 times"
util.format(explained.message, explained.format[0]);
See the [custom-rule example](examples/custom-rule.js) section for more information.
#### Built-in Password Rules
Password Sheriff includes some default rules:
* `length`: The minimum amount of characters a password must have.
var lengthPolicy = new PasswordPolicy({length: {minLength: 3}});
* `contains`: Password should contain all of the charsets specified. There are 4 predefined charsets: `upperCase`, `lowerCase`, `numbers` and `specialCharacters` (`specialCharacters`are the ones defined in OWASP Password Policy recommendation document).
var containsPolicy = new PasswordPolicy({contains: {
expressions: [charsets.upperCase, charsets.numbers]
* `containsAtLeast`: Passwords should contain at least `atLeast` of a total of `expressions.length` groups.
var charsets = require('../lib/rules/containsAtLeast').charsets;
var containsAtLeastPolicy = new PasswordPolicy({
containsAtLeast: {
atLeast: 2,
expressions: [ charsets.lowerCase, charsets.upperCase, charsets.numbers ]
* `identicalChars`: Passwords should not contain any character repeated continuously `max + 1` times.
var identitcalCharsPolicy = new PasswordPolicy({
identicalChars: {
max: 3
See the [default-rules example](examples/default-rules.js) section for more information.
## Issue Reporting

@@ -45,1 +119,8 @@

## Author
## License
This project is licensed under the MIT license. See the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for more info.