Unofficial SeleniumJS SDK for Percy. Works with Protractor too.
This SDK lets you use any test runner to actually run the tests, the only requirement is that a selenium driver is provided.
yarn add -D percy-js
import PercySeleniumClient from 'PercySelenium'
const driver = createYourSeleniumOrProtractorDriver();
const client = new PercySeleniumClient({
assetLoaderOpts: {
buildDir: 'build',
mountPath: '/',
await this.client.createBuild();
await this.client.createSnapshot({
name: `My Screenshot`,
await this.client.finalizeBuild();
If you want to force percy to use the width that was used in the selenium browser, you can do:
const width = await browser.executeScript(`return window.outerWidth`);
await this.client.createSnapshot({
name: `My Screenshot`,
widths: [width],