A simple users management system
This plugins, when registered on your Hapi application, will automatically create the tables "people", "organisations" and "tags_organisations" if they are not yet defined in your Postgres database.
Plugin options
reset: false,
people: [],
organisations: [],
tags_orgs: []
When reset is defined to true
the plugin will reset the tables with the content passed in the other options (people, organisation and tags_orgs).
- database unchanged: no options, or options are empty array
- database reset: the options contain some data
Exposed functions
- - return a list of all the people, cb)
Adds a new user sets 'active' to true and 'account_activated' to false.
Returns an array:
- [{ id: people.length + 1, org_id: 6, org_name: 'Asda' }] - if user was linked to an org
- [{ id: people.length + 1, org_id: null, org_name: null }] - if no org was selected, password, cb)
Updates the password field and sets 'account_activated' to true.
Returns an array:
- [] if no user was updated.
- [{returning_user: true, org_id: 6}] if user was updated and is activating the account
returning_user would be false in the case of an existing user updating their password, value, cb)
where either
columnName = 'email', value: string (an email address)
columnName = 'id', value: integer
returns an array of length 1 or 0:
id: 1,
first_name: 'Bob',
last_name: 'Bobby',
user_type: 'admin',
email: '',
phone: '00000',
password: '123pwd',
job_title: 'Developer',
last_login: '1479491066104',
active: true,
account_activated: true
pg.people.edit(userId, updatedProfile, cb)
: integer
: an object of the following format:
first_name: 'Sally',
last_name: 'Robertson',
job_title: 'Chocolatier',
phone: '07111111111'
if the userId is not an attribute of an existing user, we return an empty array
if the userId is an attribute of an existing user, we return an Boom.notFound, 404 error., cb)
Enables/disables user accounts.
if userId is an attribute of an existing user, we return an empty array
if userId is not recognised, we will return an Boom.notFound, 404 error., cb)
returns an object:
"org": {
"id": 1,
"name": "Apple",
"logo_url": "",
"mission_statement": "Change the economy"
"primary": {
"first_name": "Sally",
"last_name": "Robbins",
"id": "07111111111",
"email": "",
"job_title": "Athlete"
"challenges": [
"id": 2,
"title": "Challenge Number 2",
"tags": [
"tag_id": 2,
"tag_name": "Corporate"
}, filter, cb)
is a Boolean value; Setting this to false
will return all (active
and inactive) organisations. true
will return active orgs only.
corresponds to a tag ID. Organisations are filtered by this, and the
query will return only return organisations associated with the tag ID
returns an object of the following format:
filter: {
id: 69,
name: 'Design for disassembly'
orgs: {
id: 1,
name: 'Apple AAAA',
logo_url: '',
active: true
}, cb)
if org id is a legitimate organisation id, we return an empty array
if org id is not recognised, we will return an Boom.notFound error.
When an org is enabled/disabled, any associated users are also enabled/disabled.
pg.organisations.edit(orgId, orgObj, cb)
: integer
: object containing at least one of the following keys: ['name', 'logo_url', 'mission_statement']
if org id is a legitimate organisation id, we return an empty array
if org id is not recognised, we will return an Boom.notFound error.
[ { name: 'Apple', id: 1 },
{ name: 'Asda', id: 6 },
{ name: 'Charcoal', id: 3 },
Returns an array of orgs, ordering them alphabetically.