A lightweight protractor plugin for image comparison

What can it do?
Pix-Diff is a lightweight Protractor plugin for image comparisons on (mobile/desktop) browsers and hybrid app screens or screen regions.
You can:
- Compare screens / regions against a baseline
- Pass-through any non-default Pixel-diff options
- Seamlessly compare desktop and mobile screens
Comparisons are based on Pixel-Diff
Install this module locally with the following command:
npm install pix-diff
Save to dependencies or dev-dependencies:
npm install --save pix-diff
npm install --save-dev pix-diff
Pix-Diff can be used for:
- Desktop browsers (Chrome / Firefox / Safari / Internet Explorer 11 / Microsoft Edge)
- Mobile browsers (Chrome / Safari on simulators / real devices) via Appium
Refer to docs for conventions and examples.
npm test
: Execute jshint, unit and local tests.
npm test -- local
: Run all tests on a local machine with
Chrome and Firefox.
Be sure to first run npm run wd-update
to update the webdriver at least once
after install.
Sauce Labs
npm test -- saucelabs
: This command is used to test the build on Travis-ci. It runs a variety of desktop
and mobile browser Continuous Integration tests.
See the contributing guide for more information.
In lieu of a formal style guide, take care to maintain the existing coding style.
Add tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using
npm test -- build
Licensed under the MIT license.
Copyright (c) 2017 Koola.