Pocketbase Typegen
Generate typescript definitions from your pocketbase.io schema.
npx pocketbase-typegen --db ./pb_data/data.db --out pocketbase-types.ts
This will produce types for all your PocketBase collections to use in your frontend typescript codebase.
Version Support
v0.23.x | v1.3.x | npx pocketbase-typegen --db ./pb_data/data.db --out pocketbase-types.ts |
v0.18.x | v1.2.x | npx pocketbase-typegen@1.2.1 --db ./pb_data/data.db --out pocketbase-types.ts |
v0.8.x | v1.1.x | npx pocketbase-typegen@1.1.1 --db ./pb_data/data.db --out pocketbase-types.ts |
v0.7.x | v1.0.x | npx pocketbase-typegen@1.0.13 --db ./pb_data/data.db --out pocketbase-types.ts |
-V, --version output the version number
-d, --db <char> path to the pocketbase SQLite database
-j, --json <char> path to JSON schema exported from pocketbase admin UI
-u, --url <char> URL to your hosted pocketbase instance. When using this options you must also provide email and password options.
--email <char> email for an admin pocketbase user. Use this with the --url option
-p, --password <char> password for an admin pocketbase user. Use this with the --url option
-o, --out <char> path to save the typescript output file (default: "pocketbase-types.ts")
--no-sdk remove the pocketbase package dependency. A typed version of the SDK will not be generated.
--env [path] flag to use environment variables for configuration. Add PB_TYPEGEN_URL, PB_TYPEGEN_EMAIL, PB_TYPEGEN_PASSWORD to your .env file. Optionally provide a path to your .env file
-h, --help display help for command
DB example:
npx pocketbase-typegen --db ./pb_data/data.db
JSON example (export JSON schema from the pocketbase admin dashboard):
npx pocketbase-typegen --json ./pb_schema.json
URL example:
npx pocketbase-typegen --url https://myproject.pockethost.io --email admin@myproject.com --password 'secr3tp@ssword!'
ENV example (add PB_TYPEGEN_URL, PB_TYPEGEN_EMAIL and PB_TYPEGEN_PASSWORD to your .env file):
npx pocketbase-typegen --env
Add it to your projects package.json
"scripts": {
"typegen": "pocketbase-typegen --db ./pb_data/data.db",
Example Output
The output is a typescript file pocketbase-types.ts
(example) which will contain:
An enum of all collections.
One type for each collection (eg ProfilesRecord).
One response type for each collection (eg ProfilesResponse) which includes system fields. This is what is returned from the PocketBase API.
If the collection contains a select field with set values, an enum of the options will be generated.
A type mapping each collection name to the record type.
A type mapping each collection name to the response type.
A type for usage with type asserted PocketBase instance.
Example Usage
Using PocketBase SDK v0.18.3+, collections can be automatically typed using the generated TypedPocketBase
import { TypedPocketBase } from "./pocketbase-types"
const pb = new PocketBase("") as TypedPocketBase
await pb.collection("tasks").getOne("RECORD_ID")
await pb.collection("posts").getOne("RECORD_ID")
Alternatively, you can use generic types for each request, eg:
import { Collections, TasksResponse } from "./pocketbase-types"
await pb.collection(Collections.Tasks).getOne<TasksResponse>("RECORD_ID")
Example Advanced Usage
You can provide types for JSON fields and expanded relations by passing generic arguments to the Response types:
import { Collections, CommentsResponse, UserResponse } from "./pocketbase-types"
type Tmetadata = {
likes: number
type Texpand = {
user: UsersResponse
const result = await pb
.getOne<CommentsResponse<Tmetadata, Texpand>>("RECORD_ID", { expand: "user" })