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point-in-polygon-hao - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.2.0 to 1.2.1



@@ -0,1 +1,4 @@

# 1.2.1
- update packaging
# 1.2.0

@@ -2,0 +5,0 @@ - Use robust-predicates library for some calcs

(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory(require('robust-predicates')) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['robust-predicates'], factory) :
(global = global || self, global.pointInPolygon = factory(global.robustPredicates));
}(this, (function (robustPredicates) { 'use strict';
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) :
(global = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : global || self, global.pointInPolygon = factory());
})(this, (function () { 'use strict';
var epsilon = 1.1102230246251565e-16;
var splitter = 134217729;
var resulterrbound = (3 + 8 * epsilon) * epsilon;
// fast_expansion_sum_zeroelim routine from oritinal code
function sum(elen, e, flen, f, h) {
var Q, Qnew, hh, bvirt;
var enow = e[0];
var fnow = f[0];
var eindex = 0;
var findex = 0;
if ((fnow > enow) === (fnow > -enow)) {
Q = enow;
enow = e[++eindex];
} else {
Q = fnow;
fnow = f[++findex];
var hindex = 0;
if (eindex < elen && findex < flen) {
if ((fnow > enow) === (fnow > -enow)) {
Qnew = enow + Q;
hh = Q - (Qnew - enow);
enow = e[++eindex];
} else {
Qnew = fnow + Q;
hh = Q - (Qnew - fnow);
fnow = f[++findex];
Q = Qnew;
if (hh !== 0) {
h[hindex++] = hh;
while (eindex < elen && findex < flen) {
if ((fnow > enow) === (fnow > -enow)) {
Qnew = Q + enow;
bvirt = Qnew - Q;
hh = Q - (Qnew - bvirt) + (enow - bvirt);
enow = e[++eindex];
} else {
Qnew = Q + fnow;
bvirt = Qnew - Q;
hh = Q - (Qnew - bvirt) + (fnow - bvirt);
fnow = f[++findex];
Q = Qnew;
if (hh !== 0) {
h[hindex++] = hh;
while (eindex < elen) {
Qnew = Q + enow;
bvirt = Qnew - Q;
hh = Q - (Qnew - bvirt) + (enow - bvirt);
enow = e[++eindex];
Q = Qnew;
if (hh !== 0) {
h[hindex++] = hh;
while (findex < flen) {
Qnew = Q + fnow;
bvirt = Qnew - Q;
hh = Q - (Qnew - bvirt) + (fnow - bvirt);
fnow = f[++findex];
Q = Qnew;
if (hh !== 0) {
h[hindex++] = hh;
if (Q !== 0 || hindex === 0) {
h[hindex++] = Q;
return hindex;
function estimate(elen, e) {
var Q = e[0];
for (var i = 1; i < elen; i++) { Q += e[i]; }
return Q;
function vec(n) {
return new Float64Array(n);
var ccwerrboundA = (3 + 16 * epsilon) * epsilon;
var ccwerrboundB = (2 + 12 * epsilon) * epsilon;
var ccwerrboundC = (9 + 64 * epsilon) * epsilon * epsilon;
var B = vec(4);
var C1 = vec(8);
var C2 = vec(12);
var D = vec(16);
var u = vec(4);
function orient2dadapt(ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy, detsum) {
var acxtail, acytail, bcxtail, bcytail;
var bvirt, c, ahi, alo, bhi, blo, _i, _j, _0, s1, s0, t1, t0, u3;
var acx = ax - cx;
var bcx = bx - cx;
var acy = ay - cy;
var bcy = by - cy;
s1 = acx * bcy;
c = splitter * acx;
ahi = c - (c - acx);
alo = acx - ahi;
c = splitter * bcy;
bhi = c - (c - bcy);
blo = bcy - bhi;
s0 = alo * blo - (s1 - ahi * bhi - alo * bhi - ahi * blo);
t1 = acy * bcx;
c = splitter * acy;
ahi = c - (c - acy);
alo = acy - ahi;
c = splitter * bcx;
bhi = c - (c - bcx);
blo = bcx - bhi;
t0 = alo * blo - (t1 - ahi * bhi - alo * bhi - ahi * blo);
_i = s0 - t0;
bvirt = s0 - _i;
B[0] = s0 - (_i + bvirt) + (bvirt - t0);
_j = s1 + _i;
bvirt = _j - s1;
_0 = s1 - (_j - bvirt) + (_i - bvirt);
_i = _0 - t1;
bvirt = _0 - _i;
B[1] = _0 - (_i + bvirt) + (bvirt - t1);
u3 = _j + _i;
bvirt = u3 - _j;
B[2] = _j - (u3 - bvirt) + (_i - bvirt);
B[3] = u3;
var det = estimate(4, B);
var errbound = ccwerrboundB * detsum;
if (det >= errbound || -det >= errbound) {
return det;
bvirt = ax - acx;
acxtail = ax - (acx + bvirt) + (bvirt - cx);
bvirt = bx - bcx;
bcxtail = bx - (bcx + bvirt) + (bvirt - cx);
bvirt = ay - acy;
acytail = ay - (acy + bvirt) + (bvirt - cy);
bvirt = by - bcy;
bcytail = by - (bcy + bvirt) + (bvirt - cy);
if (acxtail === 0 && acytail === 0 && bcxtail === 0 && bcytail === 0) {
return det;
errbound = ccwerrboundC * detsum + resulterrbound * Math.abs(det);
det += (acx * bcytail + bcy * acxtail) - (acy * bcxtail + bcx * acytail);
if (det >= errbound || -det >= errbound) { return det; }
s1 = acxtail * bcy;
c = splitter * acxtail;
ahi = c - (c - acxtail);
alo = acxtail - ahi;
c = splitter * bcy;
bhi = c - (c - bcy);
blo = bcy - bhi;
s0 = alo * blo - (s1 - ahi * bhi - alo * bhi - ahi * blo);
t1 = acytail * bcx;
c = splitter * acytail;
ahi = c - (c - acytail);
alo = acytail - ahi;
c = splitter * bcx;
bhi = c - (c - bcx);
blo = bcx - bhi;
t0 = alo * blo - (t1 - ahi * bhi - alo * bhi - ahi * blo);
_i = s0 - t0;
bvirt = s0 - _i;
u[0] = s0 - (_i + bvirt) + (bvirt - t0);
_j = s1 + _i;
bvirt = _j - s1;
_0 = s1 - (_j - bvirt) + (_i - bvirt);
_i = _0 - t1;
bvirt = _0 - _i;
u[1] = _0 - (_i + bvirt) + (bvirt - t1);
u3 = _j + _i;
bvirt = u3 - _j;
u[2] = _j - (u3 - bvirt) + (_i - bvirt);
u[3] = u3;
var C1len = sum(4, B, 4, u, C1);
s1 = acx * bcytail;
c = splitter * acx;
ahi = c - (c - acx);
alo = acx - ahi;
c = splitter * bcytail;
bhi = c - (c - bcytail);
blo = bcytail - bhi;
s0 = alo * blo - (s1 - ahi * bhi - alo * bhi - ahi * blo);
t1 = acy * bcxtail;
c = splitter * acy;
ahi = c - (c - acy);
alo = acy - ahi;
c = splitter * bcxtail;
bhi = c - (c - bcxtail);
blo = bcxtail - bhi;
t0 = alo * blo - (t1 - ahi * bhi - alo * bhi - ahi * blo);
_i = s0 - t0;
bvirt = s0 - _i;
u[0] = s0 - (_i + bvirt) + (bvirt - t0);
_j = s1 + _i;
bvirt = _j - s1;
_0 = s1 - (_j - bvirt) + (_i - bvirt);
_i = _0 - t1;
bvirt = _0 - _i;
u[1] = _0 - (_i + bvirt) + (bvirt - t1);
u3 = _j + _i;
bvirt = u3 - _j;
u[2] = _j - (u3 - bvirt) + (_i - bvirt);
u[3] = u3;
var C2len = sum(C1len, C1, 4, u, C2);
s1 = acxtail * bcytail;
c = splitter * acxtail;
ahi = c - (c - acxtail);
alo = acxtail - ahi;
c = splitter * bcytail;
bhi = c - (c - bcytail);
blo = bcytail - bhi;
s0 = alo * blo - (s1 - ahi * bhi - alo * bhi - ahi * blo);
t1 = acytail * bcxtail;
c = splitter * acytail;
ahi = c - (c - acytail);
alo = acytail - ahi;
c = splitter * bcxtail;
bhi = c - (c - bcxtail);
blo = bcxtail - bhi;
t0 = alo * blo - (t1 - ahi * bhi - alo * bhi - ahi * blo);
_i = s0 - t0;
bvirt = s0 - _i;
u[0] = s0 - (_i + bvirt) + (bvirt - t0);
_j = s1 + _i;
bvirt = _j - s1;
_0 = s1 - (_j - bvirt) + (_i - bvirt);
_i = _0 - t1;
bvirt = _0 - _i;
u[1] = _0 - (_i + bvirt) + (bvirt - t1);
u3 = _j + _i;
bvirt = u3 - _j;
u[2] = _j - (u3 - bvirt) + (_i - bvirt);
u[3] = u3;
var Dlen = sum(C2len, C2, 4, u, D);
return D[Dlen - 1];
function orient2d(ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy) {
var detleft = (ay - cy) * (bx - cx);
var detright = (ax - cx) * (by - cy);
var det = detleft - detright;
var detsum = Math.abs(detleft + detright);
if (Math.abs(det) >= ccwerrboundA * detsum) { return det; }
return -orient2dadapt(ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy, detsum);
function pointInPolygon(p, polygon) {

@@ -46,3 +312,3 @@ var i;

} else if ((v2 >= 0 && v1 < 0) || (v2 < 0 && v1 >= 0)) {
f = robustPredicates.orient2d(u1, u2, v1, v2, 0, 0);
f = orient2d(u1, u2, v1, v2, 0, 0);
if (f === 0) { return 0 }

@@ -63,2 +329,2 @@ if ((f > 0 && v2 > 0 && v1 <= 0) || (f < 0 && v2 <= 0 && v1 > 0)) { k++; }




@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@

!function(e,t){"object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module?module.exports=t(require("robust-predicates")):"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(["robust-predicates"],t):(e=e||self).pointInPolygon=t(e.robustPredicates)}(this,function(e){"use strict";return function(t,r){var n,i,o,f,s,u,d,a,c,l=0,p=t[0],b=t[1],h=r.length;for(n=0;n<h;n++){i=0;var m=r[n],g=m.length-1;if((a=m[0])[0]!==m[g][0]&&a[1]!==m[g][1])throw new Error("First and last coordinates in a ring must be the same");for(f=a[0]-p,s=a[1]-b;i<g;i++){if(u=(c=m[i+1])[0]-p,d=c[1]-b,0===s&&0===d){if(u<=0&&f>=0||f<=0&&u>=0)return 0}else if(d>=0&&s<0||d<0&&s>=0){if(0===(o=e.orient2d(f,u,s,d,0,0)))return 0;(o>0&&d>0&&s<=0||o<0&&d<=0&&s>0)&&l++}a=c,s=d,f=u}}return l%2!=0}});
!function(r,n){"object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module?module.exports=n():"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(n):(r="undefined"!=typeof globalThis?globalThis:r||self).pointInPolygon=n()}(this,(function(){"use strict";var r=11102230246251565e-32,n=134217729,e=(3+8*r)*r;function t(r,n,e,t,f){var o,i,a,u,s=n[0],l=t[0],v=0,c=0;l>s==l>-s?(o=s,s=n[++v]):(o=l,l=t[++c]);var d=0;if(v<r&&c<e)for(l>s==l>-s?(a=o-((i=s+o)-s),s=n[++v]):(a=o-((i=l+o)-l),l=t[++c]),o=i,0!==a&&(f[d++]=a);v<r&&c<e;)l>s==l>-s?(a=o-((i=o+s)-(u=i-o))+(s-u),s=n[++v]):(a=o-((i=o+l)-(u=i-o))+(l-u),l=t[++c]),o=i,0!==a&&(f[d++]=a);for(;v<r;)a=o-((i=o+s)-(u=i-o))+(s-u),s=n[++v],o=i,0!==a&&(f[d++]=a);for(;c<e;)a=o-((i=o+l)-(u=i-o))+(l-u),l=t[++c],o=i,0!==a&&(f[d++]=a);return 0===o&&0!==d||(f[d++]=o),d}function f(r){return new Float64Array(r)}var o=f(4),i=f(8),a=f(12),u=f(16),s=f(4);function l(r,f,l,v,c,d){var h=(f-d)*(l-c),b=(r-c)*(v-d),p=h-b,g=Math.abs(h+b);return Math.abs(p)>=33306690738754716e-32*g?p:-function(r,f,l,v,c,d,h){var b,p,g,y,m,w,M,x,F,T,j,A,E,I,P,k,q,z,B=r-c,C=l-c,D=f-d,G=v-d;m=(P=(x=B-(M=(w=n*B)-(w-B)))*(T=G-(F=(w=n*G)-(w-G)))-((I=B*G)-M*F-x*F-M*T))-(j=P-(q=(x=D-(M=(w=n*D)-(w-D)))*(T=C-(F=(w=n*C)-(w-C)))-((k=D*C)-M*F-x*F-M*T))),o[0]=P-(j+m)+(m-q),m=(E=I-((A=I+j)-(m=A-I))+(j-m))-(j=E-k),o[1]=E-(j+m)+(m-k),m=(z=A+j)-A,o[2]=A-(z-m)+(j-m),o[3]=z;var H=function(r,n){for(var e=n[0],t=1;t<r;t++)e+=n[t];return e}(4,o),J=22204460492503146e-32*h;if(H>=J||-H>=J)return H;if(b=r-(B+(m=r-B))+(m-c),g=l-(C+(m=l-C))+(m-c),p=f-(D+(m=f-D))+(m-d),y=v-(G+(m=v-G))+(m-d),0===b&&0===p&&0===g&&0===y)return H;if(J=11093356479670487e-47*h+e*Math.abs(H),(H+=B*y+G*b-(D*g+C*p))>=J||-H>=J)return H;m=(P=(x=b-(M=(w=n*b)-(w-b)))*(T=G-(F=(w=n*G)-(w-G)))-((I=b*G)-M*F-x*F-M*T))-(j=P-(q=(x=p-(M=(w=n*p)-(w-p)))*(T=C-(F=(w=n*C)-(w-C)))-((k=p*C)-M*F-x*F-M*T))),s[0]=P-(j+m)+(m-q),m=(E=I-((A=I+j)-(m=A-I))+(j-m))-(j=E-k),s[1]=E-(j+m)+(m-k),m=(z=A+j)-A,s[2]=A-(z-m)+(j-m),s[3]=z;var K=t(4,o,4,s,i);m=(P=(x=B-(M=(w=n*B)-(w-B)))*(T=y-(F=(w=n*y)-(w-y)))-((I=B*y)-M*F-x*F-M*T))-(j=P-(q=(x=D-(M=(w=n*D)-(w-D)))*(T=g-(F=(w=n*g)-(w-g)))-((k=D*g)-M*F-x*F-M*T))),s[0]=P-(j+m)+(m-q),m=(E=I-((A=I+j)-(m=A-I))+(j-m))-(j=E-k),s[1]=E-(j+m)+(m-k),m=(z=A+j)-A,s[2]=A-(z-m)+(j-m),s[3]=z;var L=t(K,i,4,s,a);m=(P=(x=b-(M=(w=n*b)-(w-b)))*(T=y-(F=(w=n*y)-(w-y)))-((I=b*y)-M*F-x*F-M*T))-(j=P-(q=(x=p-(M=(w=n*p)-(w-p)))*(T=g-(F=(w=n*g)-(w-g)))-((k=p*g)-M*F-x*F-M*T))),s[0]=P-(j+m)+(m-q),m=(E=I-((A=I+j)-(m=A-I))+(j-m))-(j=E-k),s[1]=E-(j+m)+(m-k),m=(z=A+j)-A,s[2]=A-(z-m)+(j-m),s[3]=z;var N=t(L,a,4,s,u);return u[N-1]}(r,f,l,v,c,d,g)}return function(r,n){var e,t,f,o,i,a,u,s,v,c=0,d=r[0],h=r[1],b=n.length;for(e=0;e<b;e++){t=0;var p=n[e],g=p.length-1;if((s=p[0])[0]!==p[g][0]&&s[1]!==p[g][1])throw new Error("First and last coordinates in a ring must be the same");for(o=s[0]-d,i=s[1]-h;t<g;t++){if(a=(v=p[t+1])[0]-d,u=v[1]-h,0===i&&0===u){if(a<=0&&o>=0||o<=0&&a>=0)return 0}else if(u>=0&&i<0||u<0&&i>=0){if(0===(f=l(o,a,i,u,0,0)))return 0;(f>0&&u>0&&i<=0||f<0&&u<=0&&i>0)&&c++}s=v,i=u,o=a}}return c%2!=0}}));
"name": "point-in-polygon-hao",
"version": "1.2.0",
"version": "1.2.1",
"type": "module",
"description": "A point in polygon based on the paper Optimal Reliable Point-in-Polygon Test and Differential Coding Boolean Operations on Polygons",
"main": "dist/pointInPolygon.mjs",
"module": "dist/pointInPolygon.mjs",
"main": "dist/pointInPolygon.cjs.js",
"module": "dist/pointInPolygon.esm.js",
"unpkg": "dist/pointInPolygon.min.js",

@@ -20,3 +20,6 @@ "jsdelivr": "dist/pointInPolygon.min.js",

"devDependencies": {
"@rollup/plugin-buble": "^0.21.3",
"@rollup/plugin-buble": "^1.0.3",
"@rollup/plugin-commonjs": "^28.0.1",
"@rollup/plugin-node-resolve": "^15.3.0",
"@rollup/plugin-terser": "^0.4.4",
"benchmark": "^2.1.4",

@@ -29,4 +32,3 @@ "eslint": "^5.15.3",

"robust-point-in-polygon": "^1.0.3",
"rollup": "^1.7.0",
"rollup-plugin-terser": "^4.0.4",
"rollup": "^4.28.0",
"vitest": "^2.1.6"

@@ -33,0 +35,0 @@ },

@@ -1,3 +0,5 @@

import {terser} from 'rollup-plugin-terser'
import terser from '@rollup/plugin-terser'
import buble from '@rollup/plugin-buble'
import commonjs from '@rollup/plugin-commonjs'
import resolve from '@rollup/plugin-node-resolve'

@@ -16,5 +18,6 @@ const output = (file, plugins, format) => ({

export default [
output('./dist/pointInPolygon.mjs', [buble()], 'es'),
output('./dist/pointInPolygon.js', [buble()], 'umd'),
output('./dist/pointInPolygon.min.js', [buble(), terser()], 'umd')
output('./dist/pointInPolygon.esm.js', [buble()], 'esm'),
output('./dist/pointInPolygon.cjs.js', [buble()], 'cjs'),
output('./dist/pointInPolygon.js', [commonjs(), resolve(), buble()], 'umd'),
output('./dist/pointInPolygon.min.js', [commonjs(), resolve(), buble(), terser()], 'umd')
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