What is postcss-selector-matches?
The postcss-selector-matches package is a PostCSS plugin that transforms :matches() pseudo-class into a more compatible CSS selector. This allows developers to use the :matches() pseudo-class in their CSS, which can simplify complex selectors and improve readability.
What are postcss-selector-matches's main functionalities?
Transform :matches() pseudo-class
This feature transforms the :matches() pseudo-class into a more compatible CSS selector. For example, the input CSS 'a:matches(.foo, .bar) { color: red; }' will be transformed into 'a.foo, a.bar { color: red; }'. This makes the CSS more compatible with browsers that do not support the :matches() pseudo-class.
const postcss = require('postcss');
const selectorMatches = require('postcss-selector-matches');
const css = 'a:matches(.foo, .bar) { color: red; }';
.then(result => {
Other packages similar to postcss-selector-matches
The postcss-nesting package allows you to nest your CSS selectors in a way that follows the CSS Nesting Module Level 3 specification. It is similar to postcss-selector-matches in that it helps to simplify and organize complex CSS selectors, but it focuses on nesting rather than the :matches() pseudo-class.
The postcss-custom-selectors package allows you to define custom selectors in your CSS. This can be used to create reusable selector patterns, similar to how :matches() can simplify complex selectors. However, it provides a different approach by allowing you to define and use custom selectors.

PostCSS plugin to transform :matches()
W3C CSS pseudo class to more compatible CSS selectors
$ npm install postcss-selector-matches
var postcss = require("postcss")
var output = postcss()
.process(require("fs").readFileSync("input.css", "utf8"))
Using this input.css
p:matches(:first-child, .special) {
color: red;
you will get:
p:first-child, p.special {
color: red;
Note that if you are doing crazy selector like p:matches(a) {}
you are likely to get crazy results (like pa {}
(default: false
Allows you to introduce a line break between generated selectors.