What is print-js?
The print-js npm package is a lightweight JavaScript library that allows you to easily print content from your web pages. It supports printing HTML elements, PDFs, and images, making it a versatile tool for web developers who need to implement printing functionality in their applications.
What are print-js's main functionalities?
Print HTML Elements
This feature allows you to print specific HTML elements by providing the element's ID. The 'type' parameter is set to 'html' to indicate that the content to be printed is HTML.
printJS({ printable: 'elementId', type: 'html' });
Print PDF Files
This feature allows you to print PDF files by providing the path to the PDF file. The 'type' parameter is set to 'pdf' to indicate that the content to be printed is a PDF file.
printJS({ printable: 'path/to/pdf/file.pdf', type: 'pdf' });
Print Images
This feature allows you to print images by providing the path to the image file. The 'type' parameter is set to 'image' to indicate that the content to be printed is an image.
printJS({ printable: 'path/to/image.jpg', type: 'image' });
Other packages similar to print-js
The 'print-this' package is a jQuery plugin that provides similar functionality to print-js. It allows you to print specific parts of a web page, including HTML elements and their styles. Unlike print-js, which is a standalone JavaScript library, print-this requires jQuery as a dependency.
The 'react-to-print' package is a React component that provides printing functionality for React applications. It allows you to print React components and their styles. This package is specifically designed for use with React, whereas print-js can be used with any JavaScript application.
The 'printd' package is a lightweight library for printing HTML content. It creates an iframe to load the content to be printed, ensuring that the printed content is isolated from the rest of the page. This approach is similar to print-js, but printd focuses on providing a minimal and straightforward API for printing HTML content.

A tiny javascript library to help printing from the web.
For documentation and examples please visit: printjs.crabbly.com
You can download the latest version of Print.js from the GitHub releases or use the Print.js CDN available on the documentation page.
To install via npm:
npm install print-js --save
To install via yarn:
yarn add print-js
Import the library into your project:
import printJS from 'print-js'
You can find documentation at printjs.crabbly.com.
Contributing to Print.js

Contributions to Print.js are greatly welcomed and encouraged.
Using issues
The issue tracker is the preferred channel for reporting bugs, requesting new features and submitting pull requests.
Keep in mind that we would like to keep this a lightweight library.
Please do not use the issues channel for support requests. For help with using Print.js, please ask questions on Stack Overflow and use the tag printjs
Reporting bugs
Well structured, detailed bug reports are hugely valuable for the project.
- Check the issue search to see if it has already been reported.
- Isolate the problem to a simple test case.
- Create a codepen, fiddle, codesandbox or similar online example replicating the issue.
Please provide any additional details associated with the bug.
Pull requests
Clear, concise pull requests are excellent at continuing the project's community driven growth.
Please make your commits in logical sections with clear commit messages.
Setting up a dev environment
npm install
npm run watch
The library is written following the Javascript Standard code style. When running tests, we will also test for any style issues or warnings.
Automated tests are written using the Jasmine framework and Karma runner.
To run the automated tests:
npm run test
To manually test the library features:
npm start
This will serve test\manual\test.html
and open http://localhost:8080/test/manual
in your default browser.
Print.js is available under the MIT license.