A generator for Prisma ORM that creates fully-typed Data Transfer Objects (DTOs) based on decorators from class-validator
and class-transformer
. It also provides a custom @Entity
decorator for enhanced type support, enabling correct JSON schema generation. The resulting DTOs are ready for server-side TypeScript applications, and are well-suited for use with frameworks like routing-controllers
, routing-controllers-openapi
, and class-validator-jsonschema
Author: unbywyd
License: Free
- Automated DTO Generation: For each Prisma model, generates corresponding input and output DTO classes. For example, a model
will produce InputAppDTO
and OutputAppDTO
. - List Types: Supports generating list DTOs for batch queries, including:
- Pagination
- Filters
- Sorting
- Flexible array elements (i.e., specifying which models the array should contain)
- Enum Generation: Handles generation of enums from the Prisma schema.
- Custom Models & Enums: Ability to create arbitrary custom models and enums via configuration.
- Fine-Grained Control via Schema Comments:
Decorators like @filterable
, @exclude input|output
, @listable
, and @orderable
let you control which fields appear in inputs, outputs, filters, and sorting. - Selective Generation: Choose exactly which models to generate, which fields to include or exclude, and how they should be extended.
- Integration with Class-Validator-JsonSchema & Routing-Controllers-OpenAPI:
Easily generate OpenAPI specs and JSON schemas from your DTOs.
summary: "Get incoming requests",
description: "Get incoming requests",
responses: getOpenAPIResponse(OutputRequestDTO, true)
- Lazy Imports for Deep Type Integration:
@Entity(() => import('./ExtraAppDTO.model').then(m => m.ExtraAppDTO), true)
items: ExtraAppDTO[];
npm install prisma-class-dto-generator
Just add the generator to your schema.prisma
generator class_validator {
provider = "node node_modules/prisma-class-dto-generator"
output = "../src/dto_sources"
configPath = "./"
Create a generator-config.json file next to your Prisma schema file (e.g. schema.prisma). This JSON file allows you to specify input/output configurations, excluded fields, included relations, extended models, list configurations, and more.
TYPE: GeneratorConfig
export type PrismaClassDTOGeneratorModelConfig = {
excludeFields?: string[];
excludeModels?: string[];
excludeModelFields?: {
[modelName: string]: string[]
includeModelFields?: {
[modelName: string]: string[]
includeRelations?: boolean;
extendModels?: {
[modelName: string]: {
fields: Array<PrismaClassDTOGeneratorField>
export type PrismaClassDTOGeneratorListModelConfig = {
pagination?: true,
itemsModePrefix?: string,
filters?: Array<string | PrismaClassDTOGeneratorField>,
orderable?: boolean
export type PrismaClassDTOGeneratorConfig = {
input: PrismaClassDTOGeneratorModelConfig;
output: PrismaClassDTOGeneratorModelConfig;
excludeModels?: string[];
list?: {
includeModels: {
[modelName: string]: PrismaClassDTOGeneratorListModelConfig
extra?: {
enums?: {
[enumName: string]: {
values: Array<string>
models: {
[modelName: string]: {
type: "input" | "output",
fields: Array<PrismaClassDTOGeneratorField>
Example generator-config.json:
"excludeModels": [],
"input": {
"excludeFields": ["id", "createdAt", "updatedAt"],
"includeRelations": true,
"includeModelFields": {
"App": ["name", "description", "test"]
"output": {
"excludeFields": [],
"includeRelations": true,
"excludeModelFields": {
"App": []
"includeModelFields": {},
"extendModels": {
"App": {
"fields": [
"name": "role",
"type": "ERole",
"isExtra": true,
"kind": "enum",
"isRequired": false
"list": {
"includeModels": {
"App": {
"pagination": true,
"orderable": true,
"itemsModePrefix": "Extra",
"filters": [
"name": "test_best",
"type": "String",
"isList": true
"extra": {
"enums": {
"ERole": {
"values": ["ADMIN", "USER"]
"models": {
"App": {
"fields": [
{ "name": "test", "type": "String", "isRequired": true },
{ "name": "description", "type": "String", "isRequired": true },
{ "name": "role", "type": "Role", "kind": "enum", "isRequired": true }
"Best": {
"fields": [
{ "name": "app", "type": "App", "relationName": "app", "isRequired": true },
{ "name": "paidAt", "type": "DateTime", "isRequired": true },
{ "name": "gena", "type": "Gena", "relationName": "gena", "isRequired": true }
Comment-Based Configuration within Prisma Schema:
model App {
id String @id @default(cuid())
name String @unique /// @filterable
description String? /// @exclude output
logoUrl String?
isActive Boolean @default(true)
apiKey String @unique @default(cuid())
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
updatedAt DateTime @updatedAt /// @filterable
email String @unique /// @filterable
password String /// @exclude input
isConfirmed Boolean @default(false)
test Test[]
/// @listable
/// @orderable
Note on extendModels
The extendModels option in the configuration allows you to either add new fields or update existing fields in the DTOs:
Adding new fields: If a field specified in extendModels does not exist in the original model, it will be added as a new field.
Updating existing fields: If a field with the same name already exists, its properties (e.g., isRequired) will be overridden with the values from extendModels.
Given the following configuration:
"input": {
"extendModels": {
"Item": {
"fields": [
"name": "title",
"isRequired": false
- If the Item model already has a title field, its isRequired property will be updated to false.
- If the title field does not exist in the Item model, it will be added as a new optional field.
- @filterable: Enables filtering for this field in list queries.
- @exclude {type} output|input: Exclude a field from either the output or input DTO.
- @listable: Makes the entire model listable.
- @orderable: Enables sorting capabilities.
- @pagination: Enables pagination capabilities.
Helper ToDTO
Utility functions like toDTO help you transform plain data to DTO instances with class-transformer:
import { plainToClass } from "class-transformer";
export function toDTO<T>(DtoClass: new (...args: any[]) => T, data: any): T {
return plainToClass(DtoClass, data, {
excludeExtraneousValues: true,