Provides ability to capture a profile and heapdump via a curl or wget commands which downloads the results to the local filesystem.
Profile via a curl or wget command which downloads the results to the local filesystem.
Configurable sampling and profile duration.
For compatibility, utilizes the node.js integrated inspector API.
Use when a profile is needed in a remote environment and the server is accessible,
but not the filesystem. In kubernetes, if profiling writes to a local ephemeral filesystem
and the pod or minion crashes, the file is lost.
This library efficiently streams the results back to prevent dominating the
event thread which would unnecessarily increase latency of other requests.
Uses either a provided express app or creates a new express app.
The new express app provides auth and exponential rate limiting on auth failures.
If using a provided express app, BYO auth and rate limiting.
The auth middleware which includes rate limiting is exposed for use
with provided express apps via the getAuthMiddleware function.
- durationSec default 10 seconds
- sampleRateUs default 1000 us or 1 ms
The longer duration or the higher the sample rate, the more memory required and larger the file.
# default test config is basic auth, this will fail with 401
curl --compressed \
-G http://localhost:6660/debug/profile \
-d durationSec=10 \
-d sampleRateUs=1000 \
-o testProfile1.cpuprofile \
-H "Authorization: Bearer changeme"
curl --compressed \
'http://localhost:6660/debug/profile?durationSec=10&sampleRateUs=1000' \
-o testProfile1.cpuprofile \
-u "change:me"
wget --http-user=change --http-password=me --auth-no-challenge \
'http://localhost:6660/debug/profile?durationSec=10&sampleRateUs=1000' \
-O testProfile1.cpuprofile
Curl basic auth
-u "username:password"
Curl bearer auth
-H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>"
wget basic auth
Using '--auth-no-challenge' reduces an extra round-trip to challenge wget.
--user <user> --password <pass> --auth-no-challenge
wget bearer auth
--header="Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>"
Opening Profile
- Open chrome inspector chrome://inspect/#devices
- Click on Open dedicated DevTools for Node
- Click on Profiler tab
- Click Load button at bottom or right click on left nav bar and click on Load
- Select a file with the extension .cpuprofile which contains JSON
- Click on the file in the left nav bar under CPU PROFILES
Interpreting Profile
- Self time: How long it took to complete the current invocation of the function, including only the statements in the function itself, not including any functions that it called.
- Total time: The time it took to complete the current invocation of this function and any functions that it called.
- Aggregated self time: Aggregate time for all invocations of the function across the recording, not including functions called by this function.
- Aggregated total time: Aggregate total time for all invocations of the function, including functions called by this function.
Init with existing express
import { init, shutdown } from 'profiler-heapdump'
const app = express()
// BYO auth or use built-in auth with rate-limiting
app.use('/debug', init({
server: {
isExistingExpressApp: true,
// start the server
// const server = app.listen ...
Init create new express
import { init, shutdown } from 'profiler-heapdump'
authentication: {
bearer: 'changeme',
// on sigterm gracefully shutsdown the server by calling shutdown
Below are the defaults.
Be sure to set the authentication.
const defaultOptions = {
server: {
isExistingExpressApp: false,
newExpresRoutePrefix: undefined,
bind: {
host: '',
port: 6660,
authentication: {
basic: {
username: undefined,
password: undefined,
bearerToken: undefined,
cpu: {
profiling: {
durationMs: 10000,
sampleRateUs: 1000, // 1 ms
Heap Dump
Get heap dump via a curl or wget command which downloads the results to the local filesystem.
# default test config is basic auth, this will fail with 401
curl --compressed \
-G http://localhost:6660/debug/heapdump \
-o testHeap.heapsnapshot \
-H "Authorization: Bearer changeme"
curl --compressed \
'http://localhost:6660/debug/heapdump' \
-o testHeap.heapsnapshot \
-u "change:me"
wget --http-user=change --http-password=me --auth-no-challenge \
'http://localhost:6660/debug/heapdump' \
-O testHeap.heapsnapshot