What is pug?
Pug is a high-performance template engine heavily influenced by Haml and implemented with JavaScript for Node.js and browsers. It provides a clean and easy-to-read syntax that helps in writing HTML templates. Pug templates are compiled into HTML and can be rendered in the browser or on the server.
What are pug's main functionalities?
HTML Generation
Pug allows you to write simplified syntax that compiles into HTML. The above code will generate a standard HTML5 document structure with a title and a heading.
doctype html
title My Site
h1 Welcome to My Site
Dynamic Content
You can use variables in Pug to dynamically insert content into your templates. The above code will output an h1 tag with the user's name.
- var user = { name: 'John Doe' }
h1= user.name
Pug supports conditional statements, allowing you to render different parts of your template based on certain conditions. In this example, the h1 tag will only be rendered if the user is logged in.
- var user = { loggedIn: true }
if user.loggedIn
h1 Welcome back!
Pug provides a way to iterate over arrays and objects with loops. This code will produce an unordered list with each fruit as a list item.
- var items = ['Apple', 'Banana', 'Cherry']
each item in items
li= item
Mixins in Pug are reusable blocks of Pug that can be included anywhere in your templates. The above mixin creates a hyperlink, and it is used to add a link to Google.
mixin link(href, name)
a(href=href)= name
+link('http://google.com', 'Google')
Includes and Extends
Pug allows you to include content from other Pug files and extend templates to create a base template (layout) that can be shared across multiple pages. The 'index.pug' extends 'layout.pug' and provides content for the title and body blocks.
// layout.pug
doctype html
block title
block content
// index.pug
extends layout.pug
block title
title My Page
block content
h1 My Page Content
Other packages similar to pug
Handlebars is a popular templating engine that uses a more Mustache-like syntax. It is known for its simplicity and ease of use. Unlike Pug, which uses indentation to define structure, Handlebars uses double curly braces for expressions and does not rely on whitespace.
EJS, or Embedded JavaScript templates, is another alternative to Pug. It embeds raw JavaScript code within templates and uses angle brackets and percent signs to delimit JavaScript code. EJS syntax is more similar to traditional HTML, which might be easier for beginners.
Mustache is a logic-less template syntax that can be used for HTML, config files, source code - anything. It works by expanding tags in a template using values provided in a hash or object. Mustache is simpler than Pug and does not support features like loops and conditionals directly within the template.
Nunjucks is inspired by Jinja2 and is a powerful templating engine with block inheritance, auto-escaping, macros, asynchronous control, and more. It has a syntax more verbose than Pug's and can be more familiar to those who have worked with HTML before.

Full documentation is at pugjs.org
Pug is a high performance template engine heavily influenced by Haml
and implemented with JavaScript for Node.js and browsers. For bug reports,
feature requests and questions, open an issue.
For discussion join the chat room.
You can test drive Pug online here.

Rename from "Jade"
This project was formerly known as "Jade." However, it has been revealed to us that "Jade" is a registered trademark, and as a result a rename is needed. After some discussion among the maintainers, "Pug" has been chosen as the new name for this project. The next major version will carry "pug" as the package name.
If your package or app currently uses jade
, don't worry: we have secured permissions to continue to occupy that package name, although all new versions will be released under pug
Before the renaming, we had already begun working on an incompatible Jade 2.0.0. We have then made it so that this new major version bump will coincide with the rename to Pug. Therefore, upgrading from Jade to Pug will be the same process as upgrading any other package with a major version bump. Currently, Pug 2.0.0 is still under beta stage, and there are several syntactic differences we have deprecated and removed. Such differences are documented at #2305.
The website and documentation for Pug are still being updated, but if you are new to Pug, you should get started with the new syntax and install the Pug package on npm.
via npm:
$ npm install pug
Command Line
After installing the latest version of Node.js, install with:
$ npm install pug-cli -g
and run with
$ pug --help
Pug is a clean, whitespace sensitive syntax for writing html. Here is a simple example:
doctype html
title= pageTitle
if (foo) bar(1 + 5)
h1 Pug - node template engine
if youAreUsingPug
p You are amazing
p Get on it!
Pug is a terse and simple templating language with a
strong focus on performance and powerful features.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<script type="text/javascript">
if (foo) bar(1 + 5)
<h1>Pug - node template engine</h1>
<div id="container" class="col">
<p>You are amazing</p>
<p>Pug is a terse and simple templating language with a strong focus on performance and powerful features.</p>
For full API, see pugjs.org/api/reference.html
var pug = require('pug');
var fn = pug.compile('string of pug', options);
var html = fn(locals);
var html = pug.render('string of pug', merge(options, locals));
var html = pug.renderFile('filename.pug', merge(options, locals));
Used in exceptions, and required when using includescompileDebug
When false
no debug instrumentation is compiledpretty
Add pretty-indentation whitespace to output (false by default)
Browser Support
The latest version of pug can be download for the browser in standalone form from here. It only supports the very latest browsers though, and is a large file. It is recommended that you pre-compile your pug templates to JavaScript.
To compile a template for use on the client using the command line, do:
$ pug --client --no-debug filename.pug
which will produce filename.js
containing the compiled template.
Additional Resources
Implementations in other languages: