4.1.0 (2017-04-20)
[NEW] Enable custom authorizers. For more information, see here.
[NEW] Send credentials with Fetch requests in workers.
[NEW] Replace main file with Node.js version and add new browser field. This
also makes require('pusher-js')
work out of the box.
[FIXED] Change .done
to .then
in React Native.
[FIXED] Include minified files when installing with Bower.
[CHANGED] Change pusher
to socket
for instance names in the readme.
Many thanks to @ejlangev, @piperchester, @wawyed, @mgalgs, @jamesfisher, @kubik369 & @mrbabbs for their contributions to this release!
4.0.0 (2016-12-01)
New major version released due to breaking changes.
[CHANGED] rename bind_all to bind_global
[NEW] unbind_global to remove global bindings
[CHANGED] unbind_all now removes global bindings as well as event specific
[NEW] expose context to pusher level bindings
3.2.4 (2016-10-29)
[FIXED] Subscriptions are reinstated correctly after a disconnection and reconnection. Regression introduced in 3.2.3.
3.2.2 (2016-10-03)
[FIXED] Fix unsubscribe behaviour while subscription is pending (thanks to @hot-leaf-juice).
3.2.1 (2016-08-02)
[FIXED] Removes instances of evalling for global scope in timers module.
3.2.0 (2016-08-01)
[FIXED] CSP Issue with 3.1 in Chrome extension background context. #168
[FIXED] Stringifying circular JSON structures for React Native. #182
[NEW] Add a new global unbind method.
[INTERNAL] Uses webpack define plugin to specify the global for each runtime.
3.1.0 (2016-05-08)
[NEW] New builds for ReactNative, NodeJS and Web Workers. The first two are available on NPM. The last is available as a download.
[FIXED] The library no longer swallows connected exceptions. (#105)
[FIXED] Callback removal issues in Safari 9 (#125 #129)
[CHANGED] Monkey-patching the DependencyLoader when self-hosting no longer supported. New steps in README.
[CHANGED] HTTP fallbacks are now included as part of the main file and are not therefore dynamically loaded.
[INTERNAL] Ported to TypeScript.
[INTERNAL] The library is split into a core directory and a runtimes directory to make a separation between platform-independent and platform-specific code.
[INTERNAL] Uses Webpack as a bundler.
[INTERNAL] Testing suites for NodeJS and workers.
[INTERNAL] TravisCI + Browserstack setup.
[INTERNAL] NodeJS and ReactNative builds use XMLHttpRequest polyfills for authorization and session timelines. Workers use the fetch