A node module for manipulating arrays just like how you would in Python!
![Build Status](
- Supports all native javascript array methods, such as
, indexOf
etc. - Supports native Python list methods too!
- Not only that, but you can also use index ranges and negative indexes, no more
For detailed information about pyarray's method behaviour visit Python's official docs. Even the errors are the same!
Python method | Supported? | Note |
list.append(x) | Yes | Identical to Array.prototype.push |
list.extend(L) | Yes | |
list.insert(i, x) | Yes | |
list.remove(x) | Yes | |
list.pop([i]) | Yes | Renamed to pypop to avoid conflict with Array.prototype.pop |
list.index(x) | Yes | |
list.count(x) | Yes | |
list.reverse() | Yes | Identical to Array.prototype.reverse |
list.sort() | No | |
import pyarray from 'pyarray'
Creating a pyarray
let fruits = pyarray(['Banana', 'Apple', 'Orange', 'Plum', 'Grape'])
Accessing elements
Python | pyarray | Result |
fruits | fruits.get() | ['Banana', 'Apple', 'Orange', 'Plum', 'Grape'] |
fruits[0] | fruits[0] | 'Banana' |
fruits[-1] | fruits[-1] | 'Grape' |
fruits[0:-2] | fruits['0:-2'] | ['Banana', 'Apple', 'Orange'] |
fruits[0:-1:2] | fruits['0:-1:2'] | ['Banana', 'Orange'] |
fruits[::-1] | fruits['::-1'] | ['Grape', 'Plum', 'Orange', 'Apple', 'Banana'] |
You can also use the .get() method as a fallback, the syntax is | | |
obj.get(start, end, step) | | |
Install dependencies
$ npm install
Run tests
$ npm run test
View coverage
$ istanbul cover node_modules\mocha\bin\_mocha -- dist/tests
$ open coverage/lcov-report/index.html