Qase JavaScript Commons
This module is an SDK for developing test reporters for Qase TMS.
It's using qaseio
as an API client, and all Qase reporters are, in turn,
using this package.
You should use it if you're developing your own test reporter for a special-purpose framework.
To report results from tests using a popular framework or test runner,
don't install this module directly and
use the corresponding reporter module instead:
npm install qase-javascript-commons
Qase JS Reporters can be configured in multiple ways:
- using a config file
- using environment variables
All configuration options are listed in the table below:
Common | | | | | |
Mode of reporter | mode | QASE_MODE | off | No | testops , report , off |
Fallback mode of reporter | fallback | QASE_FALLBACK | off | No | testops , report , off |
Environment | environment | QASE_ENVIRONMENT | undefined | No | Any string |
Root suite | rootSuite | QASE_ROOT_SUITE | undefined | No | Any string |
Enable debug logs | debug | QASE_DEBUG | False | No | True , False |
Enable capture logs from stdout and stderr | testops.defect | QASE_CAPTURE_LOGS | False | No | True , False |
Qase Report configuration | | | | | |
Driver used for report mode | report.driver | QASE_REPORT_DRIVER | local | No | local |
Path to save the report | report.connection.path | QASE_REPORT_CONNECTION_PATH | ./build/qase-report | | |
Local report format | report.connection.format | QASE_REPORT_CONNECTION_FORMAT | json | | json , jsonp |
Qase TestOps configuration | | | | | |
Token for API access | testops.api.token | QASE_TESTOPS_API_TOKEN | undefined | Yes | Any string |
Qase API host. For enterprise users, specify full address: | | QASE_TESTOPS_API_HOST | | No | Any string |
Qase enterprise environment | testops.api.enterprise | QASE_TESTOPS_API_ENTERPRISE | False | No | True , False |
Code of your project, which you can take from the URL: - DEMOTR is the project code | testops.project | QASE_TESTOPS_PROJECT | undefined | Yes | Any string |
Qase test run ID | | QASE_TESTOPS_RUN_ID | undefined | No | Any integer |
Qase test run title | | QASE_TESTOPS_RUN_TITLE | Automated run <Current date and time> | No | Any string |
Qase test run description | | QASE_TESTOPS_RUN_DESCRIPTION | <Framework name> automated run | No | Any string |
Qase test run complete | | QASE_TESTOPS_RUN_COMPLETE | True | | True , False |
Qase test plan ID | | QASE_TESTOPS_PLAN_ID | undefined | No | Any integer |
Size of batch for sending test results | testops.batch.size | QASE_TESTOPS_BATCH_SIZE | 200 | No | Any integer |
Enable defects for failed test cases | testops.defect | QASE_TESTOPS_DEFECT | False | No | True , False |
Example qase.config.json
"mode": "testops",
"fallback": "report",
"debug": false,
"environment": "local",
"captureLogs": false,
"report": {
"driver": "local",
"connection": {
"local": {
"path": "./build/qase-report",
"format": "json"
"testops": {
"api": {
"token": "<token>",
"host": ""
"run": {
"title": "Regress run",
"description": "Regress run description",
"complete": true
"defect": false,
"project": "<project_code>",
"batch": {
"size": 100