Database agnostic formulation for data pipelines

npm install --save 'querycraft-pipelines'
Suppose we have a collection of data that satisfies the interface
interface contact {
id: string
'list': { id: string }[]
firstName: string
lastName: string
email: string
createdAt: Date
customFields: { id: string, value: number }[]
assignedTo?: string
If we want an aggregations the describes the logic:-
fistName is bob
lastName is doyle OR is not set
assignedTo is anything
list has an item where id is item1
Group by
the value property of the customField where id is custom1
We can build build it as easily as:-
import { FilterBuilder, eq, lt, neq, any, find, where } from 'querycraft'
import { Pipeline } from 'querycraft-pipelines'
const contacts: contact[] = [ ... ]
const pipeline = new Pipeline()
where('firstName', eq('bob'))
.where('list', find(where('id', eq('item1'))))
.where('lastName', any([
.where('createdAt', lt({ daysAgo: 5 }))
.where('assignedTo', neq(null))
fieldId: 'CustomFields',
subFieldIds: ['custom1'],
subFieldProp: 'value',