
Get a random user agent (with an optional filter to select from a specific set of user agents).
Getting Started
Install the module with: npm install random-useragent
const randomUseragent = require('random-useragent');
Get a random user agent string (optionally using a filter).
Example Result:
'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; rv:20.0) Gecko/20121202 Firefox/20.0'
Get a random user agent's parsed data (optionally using a filter).
Example Result:
"folder": "/Browsers - Windows/Legacy Browsers",
"description": "Firefox 20.0 (Win 8 32)",
"userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; rv:20.0) Gecko/20121202 Firefox/20.0",
"appCodename": "",
"appName": "",
"appVersion": "",
"platform": "",
"vendor": "",
"vendorSub": "",
"browserName": "Firefox",
"browserMajor": "20",
"browserVersion": "20.0",
"deviceModel": "",
"deviceType": "",
"deviceVendor": "",
"engineName": "Gecko",
"engineVersion": "20.0",
"osName": "Windows",
"osVersion": "8",
"cpuArchitecture": ""
Get an array of all the user agent strings (optionally using a filter).
Get an array of all the parsed user agent data (optionally using a filter).
Get a random user agent string:
Get a random Firefox user agent string:
randomUseragent.getRandom(function (ua) {
return ua.browserName === 'Firefox';
Get a random user agent with a version >= 20:
randomUseragent.getRandom(function (ua) {
return parseFloat(ua.browserVersion) >= 20;
Source Of User Agents
The collection of user agents is pulled from the large, regularly updated xml file
provided by the author of User Agent Switcher,
which is located here:
Copyright (c) 2014 skratchdot
Licensed under the MIT license.