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Comparing version 0.12.3 to 0.13.0



@@ -0,1 +1,8 @@

v0.13.0 - Wed, 22 Mar 2017 15:09:54 GMT
v0.12.3 - Sun, 15 Jan 2017 17:15:59 GMT

@@ -2,0 +9,0 @@ ---------------------------------------



@@ -45,3 +45,3 @@ 'use strict';

// the original start date and add it to newDate.value
var nextStart = type === 'dateWrapper' ? _dates2.default.merge(dropDate, start) : dropDate;
var nextStart = type === 'dateCellWrapper' ? _dates2.default.merge(dropDate, start) : dropDate;

@@ -48,0 +48,0 @@ var nextEnd = _dates2.default.add(nextStart, duration, 'milliseconds');

@@ -194,2 +194,37 @@ 'use strict';

* The string name of the destination view for drill-down actions, such
* as clicking a date header, or the truncated events links. If
* `getDrilldownView` is also specified it will be used instead.
* Set to `null` to disable drill-down actions.
* ```js
* <BigCalendar
* drilldownView="agenda"
* />
* ```
drilldownView: _react2.default.PropTypes.string,
* Functionally equivalent to `drilldownView`, but accepts a function
* that can return a view name. It's useful for customizing the drill-down
* actions depending on the target date and triggering view.
* Return `null` to disable drill-down actions.
* ```js
* <BigCalendar
* getDrilldownView={(targetDate, currentViewName, configuredViewNames) =>
* if (currentViewName === 'month' && configuredViewNames.includes('week'))
* return 'week'
* return null;
* }}
* />
* ```
getDrilldownView: _react2.default.PropTypes.func,
* Determines whether the toolbar is displayed

@@ -461,2 +496,4 @@ */

drilldownView: _constants.views.DAY,
titleAccessor: 'title',

@@ -494,18 +531,29 @@ allDayAccessor: 'allDay',

render: function render() {
getDrilldownView: function getDrilldownView(date) {
var _props = this.props,
view = _props.view,
toolbar = _props.toolbar,
events =,
culture = _props.culture,
_props$components = _props.components,
components = _props$components === undefined ? {} : _props$components,
_props$formats = _props.formats,
formats = _props$formats === undefined ? {} : _props$formats,
style =,
className = _props.className,
elementProps = _props.elementProps,
current =,
props = _objectWithoutProperties(_props, ['view', 'toolbar', 'events', 'culture', 'components', 'formats', 'style', 'className', 'elementProps', 'date']);
drilldownView = _props.drilldownView,
getDrilldownView = _props.getDrilldownView;
if (!getDrilldownView) return drilldownView;
return getDrilldownView(date, view, Object.keys(this.getViews()));
render: function render() {
var _props2 = this.props,
view = _props2.view,
toolbar = _props2.toolbar,
events =,
culture = _props2.culture,
_props2$components = _props2.components,
components = _props2$components === undefined ? {} : _props2$components,
_props2$formats = _props2.formats,
formats = _props2$formats === undefined ? {} : _props2$formats,
style =,
className = _props2.className,
elementProps = _props2.elementProps,
current =,
props = _objectWithoutProperties(_props2, ['view', 'toolbar', 'events', 'culture', 'components', 'formats', 'style', 'className', 'elementProps', 'date']);
formats = (0, _formats2.default)(formats);

@@ -549,4 +597,5 @@

components: viewComponents,
getDrilldownView: this.getDrilldownView,
onNavigate: this.handleNavigate,
onHeaderClick: this.handleHeaderClick,
onDrillDown: this.handleDrillDown,
onSelectEvent: this.handleSelectEvent,

@@ -559,6 +608,6 @@ onSelectSlot: this.handleSelectSlot,

handleNavigate: function handleNavigate(action, newDate) {
var _props2 = this.props,
view = _props2.view,
date =,
onNavigate = _props2.onNavigate;
var _props3 = this.props,
view = _props3.view,
date =,
onNavigate = _props3.onNavigate;

@@ -570,4 +619,2 @@ var ViewComponent = this.getView();

onNavigate(date, view);
if (action === _constants.navigate.DATE) this.handleViewChange(_constants.views.DAY);

@@ -587,8 +634,5 @@ handleViewChange: function handleViewChange(view) {

handleHeaderClick: function handleHeaderClick(date) {
var view = this.props.view;
handleDrillDown: function handleDrillDown(date, view) {
if (view) this.handleViewChange(view);
if (view === _constants.views.MONTH || view === _constants.views.WEEK) this._view(;
this.handleNavigate(_constants.navigate.DATE, date);

@@ -595,0 +639,0 @@ }

@@ -37,2 +37,6 @@ 'use strict';

var _dayViewLayout = require('./utils/dayViewLayout');
var _dayViewLayout2 = _interopRequireDefault(_dayViewLayout);
var _TimeColumn = require('./TimeColumn');

@@ -51,6 +55,2 @@

function startsBefore(date, min) {
return, date), min, 'minutes');
function startsAfter(date, max) {

@@ -60,29 +60,2 @@ return, date), max, 'minutes');

function positionFromDate(date, min, total) {
if (startsBefore(date, min)) return 0;
var diff = _dates2.default.diff(min, _dates2.default.merge(min, date), 'minutes');
return Math.min(diff, total);
function overlaps(event, events, _ref, last) {
var startAccessor = _ref.startAccessor,
endAccessor = _ref.endAccessor;
var eStart = (0, _accessors.accessor)(event, startAccessor);
var offset = last;
function overlap(eventB) {
return, (0, _accessors.accessor)(eventB, endAccessor));
if (!events.length) return last - 1;
events.reverse().some(function (prevEvent) {
if (overlap(prevEvent)) return true;
offset = offset - 1;
return offset;
var DaySlot = _react2.default.createClass({

@@ -156,5 +129,6 @@ displayName: 'DaySlot',

startSlot = _state.startSlot,
endSlot = _state.endSlot,
style = this._slotStyle(startSlot, endSlot, 0);
endSlot = _state.endSlot;
var style = this._slotStyle(startSlot, endSlot);
var selectDates = {

@@ -199,2 +173,4 @@ start: this.state.startDate,

EventWrapper = _props2.eventWrapperComponent,
isRtl = _props2.rtl,
step = _props2.step,
startAccessor = _props2.startAccessor,

@@ -205,22 +181,20 @@ endAccessor = _props2.endAccessor,

var EventComponent = eventComponent,
lastLeftOffset = 0;
var EventComponent = eventComponent;
events.sort(function (a, b) {
return +(0, _accessors.accessor)(a, startAccessor) - +(0, _accessors.accessor)(b, startAccessor);
var styledEvents = (0, _dayViewLayout2.default)({
events: events, startAccessor: startAccessor, endAccessor: endAccessor, min: min, totalMin: this._totalMin, step: step
return (event, idx) {
return (_ref, idx) {
var _extends2;
var event = _ref.event,
style =;
var start = (0, _accessors.accessor)(event, startAccessor);
var end = (0, _accessors.accessor)(event, endAccessor);
var startSlot = positionFromDate(start, min, _this._totalMin);
var endSlot = positionFromDate(end, min, _this._totalMin);
var continuesPrior = startsBefore(start, min);
var continuesPrior = (0, _dayViewLayout.startsBefore)(start, min);
var continuesAfter = startsAfter(end, max);
lastLeftOffset = Math.max(0, overlaps(event, events.slice(0, idx), _this.props, lastLeftOffset + 1));
var style = _this._slotStyle(startSlot, endSlot, lastLeftOffset);
var title = (0, _accessors.accessor)(event, titleAccessor);

@@ -234,2 +208,8 @@ var label = _localizer2.default.format({ start: start, end: end }, eventTimeRangeFormat, culture);

var height = style.height,
top =,
width = style.width,
xOffset = style.xOffset;
return _react2.default.createElement(

@@ -241,3 +221,6 @@ EventWrapper,

style: _extends({}, xStyle, style),
style: _extends({}, xStyle, (_extends2 = {
top: top + '%',
height: height + '%'
}, _extends2[isRtl ? 'right' : 'left'] = Math.max(0, xOffset) + '%', _extends2.width = width + '%', _extends2)),
title: label + ': ' + title,

@@ -249,3 +232,2 @@ onClick: function onClick(e) {

'rbc-selected': _isSelected,
'rbc-event-overlaps': lastLeftOffset !== 0,
'rbc-event-continues-earlier': continuesPrior,

@@ -269,19 +251,10 @@ 'rbc-event-continues-later': continuesAfter

_slotStyle: function _slotStyle(startSlot, endSlot, leftOffset) {
var _ref2;
endSlot = Math.max(endSlot, startSlot + this.props.step); //must be at least one `step` high
var eventOffset = this.props.eventOffset || 10,
isRtl = this.props.rtl;
_slotStyle: function _slotStyle(startSlot, endSlot) {
var top = startSlot / this._totalMin * 100;
var bottom = endSlot / this._totalMin * 100;
var per = leftOffset === 0 ? 0 : leftOffset * eventOffset;
var rightDiff = eventOffset / (leftOffset + 1);
return _ref2 = {
return {
top: top + '%',
height: bottom - top + '%'
}, _ref2[isRtl ? 'right' : 'left'] = per + '%', _ref2.width = (leftOffset === 0 ? 100 - eventOffset : 100 - per - rightDiff) + '%', _ref2;

@@ -311,4 +284,4 @@ _selectable: function _selectable() {

var selectionState = function selectionState(_ref3) {
var y = _ref3.y;
var selectionState = function selectionState(_ref2) {
var y = _ref2.y;
var _props3 = _this2.props,

@@ -344,4 +317,4 @@ step = _props3.step,

endDate: end,
startSlot: positionFromDate(start, min, _this2._totalMin),
endSlot: positionFromDate(end, min, _this2._totalMin)
startSlot: (0, _dayViewLayout.positionFromDate)(start, min, _this2._totalMin),
endSlot: (0, _dayViewLayout.positionFromDate)(end, min, _this2._totalMin)

@@ -377,5 +350,5 @@ };

_selectSlot: function _selectSlot(_ref4) {
var startDate = _ref4.startDate,
endDate = _ref4.endDate;
_selectSlot: function _selectSlot(_ref3) {
var startDate = _ref3.startDate,
endDate = _ref3.endDate;

@@ -382,0 +355,0 @@ var current = startDate,

@@ -102,2 +102,4 @@ 'use strict';

onShowMore: _react2.default.PropTypes.func,
onDrillDown: _react2.default.PropTypes.func,
getDrilldownView: _react2.default.PropTypes.func.isRequired,

@@ -109,2 +111,3 @@ dateFormat: _propTypes.dateFormat,

messages: _react2.default.PropTypes.object,
components: _react2.default.PropTypes.object.isRequired,

@@ -204,2 +207,3 @@ popupOffset: _react2.default.PropTypes.oneOfType([_react2.default.PropTypes.number, _react2.default.PropTypes.shape({

eventPropGetter = _props2.eventPropGetter,
messages = _props2.messages,
selected = _props2.selected;

@@ -226,2 +230,3 @@ var _state = this.state,

selectable: selectable,
messages: messages,

@@ -255,2 +260,3 @@ titleAccessor: titleAccessor,

currentDate =,
getDrilldownView = _props3.getDrilldownView,
dateFormat = _props3.dateFormat,

@@ -262,2 +268,4 @@ culture = _props3.culture;

var isCurrent = _dates2.default.eq(date, currentDate, 'day');
var drilldownView = getDrilldownView(date);
var label = _localizer2.default.format(date, dateFormat, culture);

@@ -269,8 +277,15 @@ return _react2.default.createElement(

drilldownView ? _react2.default.createElement(
{ href: '#', onClick: function onClick(e) {
return _this4.handleHeadingClick(date, e);
} },
_localizer2.default.format(date, dateFormat, culture)
href: '#',
onClick: function onClick(e) {
return _this4.handleHeadingClick(date, drilldownView, e);
) : _react2.default.createElement(

@@ -347,6 +362,6 @@ );

handleHeadingClick: function handleHeadingClick(date, e) {
handleHeadingClick: function handleHeadingClick(date, view, e) {
(0, _helpers.notify)(this.props.onNavigate, [_constants.navigate.DATE, date]);
(0, _helpers.notify)(this.props.onDrillDown, [date, view]);

@@ -380,4 +395,5 @@ handleSelectEvent: function handleSelectEvent() {

popup = _props4.popup,
onNavigate = _props4.onNavigate,
onShowMore = _props4.onShowMore;
onDrillDown = _props4.onDrillDown,
onShowMore = _props4.onShowMore,
getDrilldownView = _props4.getDrilldownView;
//cancel any pending selections so only the event click goes through.

@@ -394,3 +410,3 @@

} else {
(0, _helpers.notify)(onNavigate, [_constants.navigate.DATE, date]);
(0, _helpers.notify)(onDrillDown, [date, getDrilldownView(date) || _constants.views.DAY]);

@@ -397,0 +413,0 @@

@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ 'use strict';

@@ -57,4 +57,2 @@ 'use strict';

var _constants = require('./utils/constants');
var _accessors = require('./utils/accessors');

@@ -303,3 +301,4 @@

culture = _props5.culture,
components = _props5.components;
components = _props5.components,
getDrilldownView = _props5.getDrilldownView;

@@ -309,2 +308,13 @@ var HeaderComponent = components.header || _Header2.default;

return (date, i) {
var drilldownView = getDrilldownView(date);
var label = _localizer2.default.format(date, dayFormat, culture);
var header = _react2.default.createElement(HeaderComponent, {
date: date,
label: label,
localizer: _localizer2.default,
format: dayFormat,
culture: culture
return _react2.default.createElement(

@@ -317,12 +327,15 @@ 'div',

drilldownView ? _react2.default.createElement(
{ href: '#', onClick: _this5.handleHeaderClick.bind(null, date) },
_react2.default.createElement(HeaderComponent, {
date: date,
label: _localizer2.default.format(date, dayFormat, culture),
localizer: _localizer2.default,
format: dayFormat,
culture: culture
href: '#',
onClick: function onClick(e) {
return _this5.handleHeaderClick(date, drilldownView, e);
) : _react2.default.createElement(

@@ -333,5 +346,5 @@ );

TimeGrid.prototype.handleHeaderClick = function handleHeaderClick(date, e) {
TimeGrid.prototype.handleHeaderClick = function handleHeaderClick(date, view, e) {
(0, _helpers.notify)(this.props.onNavigate, [_constants.navigate.DATE, date]);
(0, _helpers.notify)(this.props.onDrillDown, [date, view]);

@@ -487,2 +500,4 @@

onSelectEvent: _react2.default.PropTypes.func,
onDrillDown: _react2.default.PropTypes.func,
getDrilldownView: _react2.default.PropTypes.func.isRequired,

@@ -489,0 +504,0 @@ messages: _react2.default.PropTypes.object,

@@ -60,2 +60,20 @@ 'use strict';

* accepts either an array of builtin view names:
* ```
* views={['month', 'day', 'agenda']}
* ```
* or an object hash of the view name and the component (or boolean for builtin)
* ```
* views={{
* month: true,
* week: false,
* workweek: WorkWeekViewComponent,
* }}
* ```
* @type {[type]}
var views = exports.views = _react.PropTypes.oneOfType([_react.PropTypes.arrayOf(_react.PropTypes.oneOf(viewNames)), (0, _all2.default)([_react.PropTypes.object, function (props, name) {

@@ -62,0 +80,0 @@ for (var _len = arguments.length, args = Array(_len > 2 ? _len - 2 : 0), _key = 2; _key < _len; _key++) {

"name": "react-big-calendar",
"version": "0.12.3",
"version": "0.13.0",
"description": "Calendar! with events",

@@ -27,5 +27,8 @@ "author": "Jason Quense <>",

"clean:examples": "rimraf examples/static",
"less": "lessc --autoprefix=\"ie >= 10, last 2 versions\" src/less/styles.less ./lib/css/react-big-calendar.css",
"assets": "cpy src/less/* lib/less",
"build": "npm run clean && babel src --out-dir lib && npm run assets && npm run less",
"l": "lessc --autoprefix=\"ie >= 10, last 2 versions\" ",
"less": "npm run l src/less/styles.less ./lib/css/react-big-calendar.css && npm run less-dnd",
"less-dnd": "npm run l src/addons/dragAndDrop/styles.less ./lib/addons/dragAndDrop/styles.css",
"assets": "cpy src/less/* lib/less && npm run assets-addons",
"assets-addons": "cpy addons/**/*.less ../lib/ --cwd=src --parents",
"build": "npm run clean && babel src --out-dir lib && npm run assets && npm run less && npm run less",
"build:examples": "npm run clean:examples && webpack --config webpack/examples.config.js",

@@ -32,0 +35,0 @@ "build:visual-test": "webpack --config webpack/visual-test.js",

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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