
This is a react component of the project.
You need to include the bootstrap css file and also the bootstrap2-toggle css file in your app.
If you are using the npm version then you can include it from the module like this.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="node_modules/lib/bootstrap2-toggle.css">
Or you could import it to your SASS or LESS build.
@import "node_modules/lib/bootstrap2-toggle.css";
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import Toggle from 'react-bootstrap-toggle';
class Form extends Component {
constructor() {
this.state = { toggleActive: false };
this.onToggle = this.onToggle.bind(this);
onToggle() {
this.setState({ toggleActive: !this.state.toggleActive });
render() {
return (
<SomeInput something={someProp} />
Install via NPM
npm install react-bootstrap-toggle --save
Name | Type | Default | Description |
active | boolean | true | Sets the initial state of the toggle |
on | string/html | "On" | Text of the on toggle |
off | string/html | "Off" | Text of the off toggle |
size | string | null | Size of the toggle. Possible values are lg , sm , xs . |
onstyle | string | "primary" | Style of the on toggle. Possible values are default , primary , success , info , warning , danger |
onClassName | string | null | additional classname to put on the on button |
offstyle | string | "default" | Style of the off toggle. Possible values are default , primary , success , info , warning , danger |
offClassName | string | null | additional classname to put on the off button |
handlestyle | string | "default" | Style of the handle. Possible values are default , primary , success , info , warning , danger |
handleClassName | string | null | additional classname to put on the handle button |
width | integer | null | Sets the width of the toggle. if set to null, width will be responsive. |
height | integer | null | Sets the height of the toggle. if set to null, height will be responsive. |
disabled | bool | false | Render the toggle as disabled |
style | object | null | If you want to add additional style to the root div |
recalculateOnResize | bool | false | If the toggle should recalculate it's dimensions when visibility or dimensions change |
A callback function that returns the state, the parent node, and the event
onClick(state, node, evt);
Using Bootstrap2 class names
If you want to use bootstrap2 class names you can import the component like this
import { Bootstrap2Toggle } from 'react-bootstrap-toggle';
Now the component will use large instead of lg and etc..
Bootstrap2Toggle Props
Name | Type | Default | Description |
size | string | null | Size of the toggle. Possible values are large , small , tiny . |