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Comparing version 5.1.1 to 6.1.0



@@ -64,10 +64,9 @@ var _pausedOverlayWrapper,

* - **Array**: if you would like to provide multiple caption tracks, you can provide an array of objects with the shape described above
* @param {bool} [isFocused=false] - Offers a prop interface for forcing the video to start/stop without DOM events
* When set to true, the video will begin playing and any events that would normally
* stop it will be ignored
* @param {bool} [focused=false] - Offers a prop interface for forcing the video to start/stop without DOM events
* When set to true, the video will begin playing and any events that would normally stop it will be ignored
* @param {node} [pausedOverlay] - Contents to render over the video while it's not playing
* @param {node} [loadingOverlay] - Contents to render over the video while it's loading
* @param {number} [loadingStateTimeoutDuration=200] - Duration in ms to wait after attempting to start the video before showing the loading overlay
* @param {number} [overlayFadeTransitionDuration=400] - The transition duration in ms for how long it should take for the overlay to fade in/out
* @param {bool} [shouldRestartOnVideoStopped=true] - Whether the video should reset to the beginning every time it stops playing after the user mouses out of the player
* @param {number} [loadingStateTimeout=200] - Duration in ms to wait after attempting to start the video before showing the loading overlay
* @param {number} [overlayTransitionDuration=400] - The transition duration in ms for how long it should take for the overlay to fade in/out
* @param {bool} [restartOnPaused=true] - Whether the video should reset to the beginning every time it stops playing after the user mouses out of the player
* @param {bool} [muted=true] - Whether the video player should be muted

@@ -77,2 +76,6 @@ * @param {bool} [loop=true] - Whether the video player should loop when it reaches the end

* @param {object} [style] - Style object to apply custom inlined styles to the hover player container
* @param {string} [contentWrapperClassName] - Optional className to apply custom styling to the inner element wrapping the player's contents
* This inner element is kept distinct so that the player contents can be separated from the event target zone
* which will play/pause the video when interacted with
* @param {object} [contentWrapperStyle] - Style object to apply custom inlined styles to the inner element wrapping the player's contents
* @param {string} [pausedOverlayWrapperClassName] - Optional className to apply custom styling to the overlay contents' wrapper

@@ -84,9 +87,9 @@ * @param {object} [pausedOverlayWrapperStyle] - Style object to apply custom inlined styles to the paused overlay wrapper

* @param {object} [videoStyle] - Style object to apply custom inlined styles to the video element
* @param {string} [sizingMode] - Describes sizing mode to use to determine how the player's contents should be styled. Accepts 4 possible values:
* - **"overlay"**: Everything should be sized based on the paused overlay's dimensions - the video element will expand to fit inside those dimensions
* - **"video"**: Everything should be sized based on the video element's dimensions - the overlays will expand to cover the video
* - **"container"**: Everything should be sized based on the player's outer container div - the overlays and video will all expand to cover the container
* - **"manual"**: Manual mode does not apply any special styling and allows the developer to exercise full control over how everything should be sized - this means you will likely need to provide your own custom styling for both the paused overlay and the video element
* @param {string} [sizingMode='video'] - Describes sizing mode to use to determine how the player's contents should be styled. Accepts 4 possible values:
* - **"video"**: Everything should be sized based on the video element's dimensions - the overlays will expand to cover the video
* - **"overlay"**: Everything should be sized based on the paused overlay's dimensions - the video element will expand to fit inside those dimensions
* - **"container"**: Everything should be sized based on the player's outer container div - the overlays and video will all expand to cover the container
* - **"manual"**: Manual mode does not apply any special styling and allows the developer to exercise full control over how everything should be sized - this means you will likely need to provide your own custom styling for both the paused overlay and the video element
* If no value is provided, sizingMode will default to "overlay" if a pausedOverlay was provided, or "video" otherwise
* If no value is provided, sizingMode will default to "overlay" if a pausedOverlay was provided, or "video" otherwise

@@ -101,4 +104,4 @@ * @license MIT

videoCaptions = _ref.videoCaptions,
_ref$isFocused = _ref.isFocused,
isFocused = _ref$isFocused === void 0 ? false : _ref$isFocused,
_ref$focused = _ref.focused,
focused = _ref$focused === void 0 ? false : _ref$focused,
_ref$pausedOverlay = _ref.pausedOverlay,

@@ -108,8 +111,8 @@ pausedOverlay = _ref$pausedOverlay === void 0 ? null : _ref$pausedOverlay,

loadingOverlay = _ref$loadingOverlay === void 0 ? null : _ref$loadingOverlay,
_ref$loadingStateTime = _ref.loadingStateTimeoutDuration,
loadingStateTimeoutDuration = _ref$loadingStateTime === void 0 ? 200 : _ref$loadingStateTime,
_ref$overlayFadeTrans = _ref.overlayFadeTransitionDuration,
overlayFadeTransitionDuration = _ref$overlayFadeTrans === void 0 ? 400 : _ref$overlayFadeTrans,
_ref$shouldRestartOnV = _ref.shouldRestartOnVideoStopped,
shouldRestartOnVideoStopped = _ref$shouldRestartOnV === void 0 ? false : _ref$shouldRestartOnV,
_ref$loadingStateTime = _ref.loadingStateTimeout,
loadingStateTimeout = _ref$loadingStateTime === void 0 ? 200 : _ref$loadingStateTime,
_ref$overlayTransitio = _ref.overlayTransitionDuration,
overlayTransitionDuration = _ref$overlayTransitio === void 0 ? 400 : _ref$overlayTransitio,
_ref$restartOnPaused = _ref.restartOnPaused,
restartOnPaused = _ref$restartOnPaused === void 0 ? false : _ref$restartOnPaused,
_ref$muted = _ref.muted,

@@ -123,2 +126,6 @@ muted = _ref$muted === void 0 ? true : _ref$muted,

style = _ref$style === void 0 ? null : _ref$style,
_ref$contentWrapperCl = _ref.contentWrapperClassName,
contentWrapperClassName = _ref$contentWrapperCl === void 0 ? '' : _ref$contentWrapperCl,
_ref$contentWrapperSt = _ref.contentWrapperStyle,
contentWrapperStyle = _ref$contentWrapperSt === void 0 ? null : _ref$contentWrapperSt,
_ref$pausedOverlayWra = _ref.pausedOverlayWrapperClassName,

@@ -137,3 +144,3 @@ pausedOverlayWrapperClassName = _ref$pausedOverlayWra === void 0 ? '' : _ref$pausedOverlayWra,

_ref$sizingMode = _ref.sizingMode,
sizingMode = _ref$sizingMode === void 0 ? pausedOverlay ? SIZING_MODES.overlay : : _ref$sizingMode;
sizingMode = _ref$sizingMode === void 0 ? : _ref$sizingMode;

@@ -189,3 +196,3 @@ // Keep track of state to determine how the paused and loading overlays should be displayed

}, loadingStateTimeoutDuration);
}, loadingStateTimeout);
} // If a play attempt is already in progress, don't start a new one

@@ -200,3 +207,3 @@

// If the play attempt was cancelled, immediately pause the video
pauseVideo(videoElement, shouldRestartOnVideoStopped);
pauseVideo(videoElement, restartOnPaused);
} else {

@@ -209,3 +216,3 @@ // If the play attempt wasn't cancelled, hide the overlays to reveal the video now that it's playing

pauseVideo(videoElement, shouldRestartOnVideoStopped);
pauseVideo(videoElement, restartOnPaused);
})["finally"](function () {

@@ -229,6 +236,6 @@ // The play attempt is now complete

var videoElement = videoRef.current; // If the isFocused override prop is active, ignore any other events attempting to stop the video
var videoElement = videoRef.current; // If the focused override prop is active, ignore any other events attempting to stop the video
// Also don't do anything if the video is already paused
if (isFocused || getVideoState(videoElement) === VIDEO_STATE.paused) return; // Start fading the paused overlay back in
if (focused || getVideoState(videoElement) === VIDEO_STATE.paused) return; // Start fading the paused overlay back in

@@ -246,21 +253,21 @@ setOverlayState(HOVER_PLAYER_STATE.paused);

mutableVideoState.current.pauseTimeout = setTimeout(function () {
return pauseVideo(videoElement, shouldRestartOnVideoStopped);
}, overlayFadeTransitionDuration);
return pauseVideo(videoElement, restartOnPaused);
}, overlayTransitionDuration);
} else {
// If a play attempt isn't in progress and there is no paused overlay, just pause
pauseVideo(videoElement, shouldRestartOnVideoStopped);
pauseVideo(videoElement, restartOnPaused);
}, [isFocused, overlayFadeTransitionDuration, pausedOverlay, shouldRestartOnVideoStopped]);
}, [focused, overlayTransitionDuration, pausedOverlay, restartOnPaused]);
/* ~~~~ EFFECTS ~~~~ */
React.useEffect(function () {
// Use effect to start/stop the video when isFocused override prop changes
if (isFocused) {
// Use effect to start/stop the video when focused override prop changes
if (focused) {
} else {
} // We really only want to fire this effect when the isFocused prop changes
} // We really only want to fire this effect when the focused prop changes
// eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
}, [isFocused]);
}, [focused]);
React.useEffect(function () {

@@ -310,18 +317,24 @@ // Event listener pauses the video when the user touches somewhere outside of the player

onMouseEnter: onHoverStart,
onFocus: onHoverStart,
onMouseOut: onHoverEnd,
onBlur: onHoverEnd,
onMouseLeave: onHoverEnd,
onTouchStart: onHoverStart,
ref: containerRef,
className: className,
style: style,
__self: this
}, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", {
style: _extends({
position: 'relative'
}, style),
ref: containerRef,
__self: this
}, contentWrapperStyle),
className: contentWrapperClassName,
__self: this,
__source: {
fileName: _jsxFileName,
lineNumber: 326,
columnNumber: 7
}, pausedOverlay && /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", {
style: _extends({}, pausedOverlayWrapperSizingStyles[sizingMode], {
zIndex: 1,
pointerEvents: 'none',
opacity: overlayState !== HOVER_PLAYER_STATE.playing ? 1 : 0,
transition: "opacity " + overlayFadeTransitionDuration + "ms"
transition: "opacity " + overlayTransitionDuration + "ms"
}, pausedOverlayWrapperStyle),

@@ -333,5 +346,4 @@ className: pausedOverlayWrapperClassName,

zIndex: 2,
pointerEvents: 'none',
opacity: overlayState === HOVER_PLAYER_STATE.loading ? 1 : 0,
transition: "opacity " + overlayFadeTransitionDuration + "ms"
transition: "opacity " + overlayTransitionDuration + "ms"
}, loadingOverlayWrapperStyle),

@@ -341,2 +353,5 @@ className: loadingOverlayWrapperClassName,

}, loadingOverlay), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("video", {
src: // If there's only one video source, directly set it on the video; otherwise we'll
// map all of the sources to source elements which the browser can pick from based on what formats it supports
parsedVideoSources.length === 1 ? parsedVideoSources[0].src : undefined,
loop: loop,

@@ -355,5 +370,5 @@ playsInline: true // Only preload video data if there's no overlay covering it or we depend on having loaded its dimensions to display it

lineNumber: 364,
columnNumber: 7
columnNumber: 9
}, (_ref2) {
}, parsedVideoSources.length > 1 && (_ref2) {
var src = _ref2.src,

@@ -368,4 +383,4 @@ type = _ref2.type;

fileName: _jsxFileName,
lineNumber: 382,
columnNumber: 11
lineNumber: 391,
columnNumber: 15

@@ -386,7 +401,7 @@ });

fileName: _jsxFileName,
lineNumber: 385,
columnNumber: 11
lineNumber: 394,
columnNumber: 13
"name": "react-hover-video-player",
"version": "5.1.1",
"version": "6.1.0",
"description": "React component which manages playing a video when the user hovers over it and pausing when they stop.",

@@ -46,3 +46,2 @@ "main": "es/index.js",

"react-live": "^2.2.2",
"react-router-dom": "^5.1.2",
"regenerator-runtime": "^0.13.5",

@@ -49,0 +48,0 @@ "semantic-release": "^17.0.4"

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