A container component for creating PPT-like animations in react-native
In RN, Animated provides the ability to create animations. However, when we need to create some complex animations just like in PPT, it is rather hard for us. Fortunately, you can use AnimatedContainer to solve this problem.
How to use
npm install react-native-animated-container --save
It only needs two steps:
- Get the ref of AnimatedContainer and set the initial config for it. Just like this:
<View style={{flex: 1}}>
ref={_ => this._animationRef = _}
initialConfig={{opacity: 0, x: 0, y: 0}}
{/*put your components here*/}
- Use promise to control the animation flow. Just like this:
playAnimation() {
.then(() => this._animationRef.sleep(1000))
.then(() => this._animationRef.moveTo({x: 200, y: 0, duration: 1000}))
.then(() => this._animationRef.moveTo({x: 0, y: 200, duration: 500}))
.then(() => this._animationRef.hide());
class Demo extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this._animationRefs = {};
componentDidMount() {
_playAnimation() {
.moveTo({x: 200, y: 0})
.then(() => this._animationRefs[2].moveTo({x: 0, y: 200}))
.then(() => this._animationRefs[4].moveTo({x: 200, y: 200}))
.then(() => this._animationRefs[3].moveTo({x: 0, y: 0}));
_renderAnimationElement(text, index, position) {
return (
ref={_ => this._animationRefs[index] = _}
initialConfig={{opacity: 1, x: position.x, y: position.y}}
<Text>put your {text} here</Text>
render() {
return (
<View style={{width: 200, height: 200}}>
{this._renderAnimationElement('1st element', 1, {x: 0, y: 0})}
{this._renderAnimationElement('2nd element', 2, {x: 200, y: 0})}
{this._renderAnimationElement('3rd element', 3, {x: 200, y: 200})}
{this._renderAnimationElement('4th element', 4, {x: 0, y: 200})}
To see more detailed example, you can open the file: examples/src/pages/Demo2/index.js
More Details
AnimatedContainer needs the initialConfig to set initial values when first rendering. initialConfig is an object, including the following attributes:
attribute | type | default value | description |
opacity | number | 1 | the opacity of element |
scale | number | 1 | by changing the scale, the element's size will change |
rotate | number | 0 | the rotated angle of element |
x | number | 0 | the x position of element |
y | number | 0 | the y position of element |
Note: as animated container uses absolute position, you should put all of them in a wrapper. In addition, you should set the x, y value for each animatedContainer. Or all of elements will be at the left top corner.
animation playing functions
AnimatedContainer provides two kinds of animation: cyclic and not cyclic.
cyclic animations
In the period, the element's opacity grows to 1, and then decay to 0.
blink({period: 1000})
In the period, the elements will keep rolling.
roll({period: 1000})
not cyclic animations
By passing the value of duration, you can control the speed of show/hide animation.
show({duration: 1000})
hide({duration: 1000})
By passing the value of scale, you can control the size of element.
scaleTo({scale: 1, duration: 1000})
By passing the value of x and y, you can control the position of element.
movaTo({x: 100, y: 100, duration: 1000})
By passing the value of rotate, you can control the rotated angle of element.
rotateTo({rotate: Math.PI, duration: 1000})
sequent and parallel playing
As each animation provided by AnimatedContainer is a promise, so it is easy to realize sequent and parallel playing.
sequent playing:
.then(() => this._animationRef.moveTo({x: 100, y: 100}))
.then(() => this._animationRef.scaleTo({scale: .5, duartion: 2000}))
.then(() => this._animationRef.moveTo({x: 0, y: 100}))
.then(() => this._animationRef.hide())
parallel playing:
this._animationRef.scaleTo({scale: 1.5}),
this._animationRef.moveTo({x: 100, y: 100})
]).then(() => Promise.all([
this._animationRef.opacityTo({opacity: .5}),
this._animationRef.moveTo({x: 0, y: 0})
)).then(() => this._animationRef.hide());