On mobile devices users have the option to opt in/out, of the systems locale, in regards to 12/24 hour clock format:

This package exposes this device setting for iOS & Android.
This package was heavily inspired by react-native-device-clock-format, which is "no longer actively maintained", and only supports iOS.
Thank you 🙏
Getting started
Install with your preferred package manager:
yarn add react-native-device-time-format
npm install react-native-device-time-format --save &&
For iOS, install pod:
(cd ios/ && pod install)
For React Native < 0.60
, run:
react-native link react-native-device-time-format
Should the automatic linking fail (in case of folder structure mismatch or various other reasons), please follow the manual installation guide.
Bellow is an example of fetching the hours & minutes string representation from a date, with the device time format (using moment for date/time formatting):
import { is24HourFormat } from 'react-native-device-time-format'
import moment from 'moment'
const getCurrentHourFormat = async (date) => {
const is24Hour = await is24HourFormat()
return moment(date).format(is24Hour ? 'HH:mm' : 'h:mm A'))
All native modules runs asynchronous, I would suggest updating an internal state in your app when AppState
changes to active.