React Native Invoke

Invoke any native code directly from Javascript in React Native (without wrapping it first with a native manager). Gives you full access from JS to all native API of iOS and Android.
The story behind this library and why it might be useful:
####Both Platforms
- In your project root,
npm install react-native-invoke --save
or add it in your package.json
"dependencies": {
"react-native-invoke": "^0.2.0"
In your project root, npm install react-native-invoke --save
In Xcode, in Project Navigator (left pane), right-click on the Libraries
> Add files to [project name]
Add ./node_modules/react-native-invoke/ios/RNInvoke.xcodeproj
In Xcode, in Project Navigator (left pane), click on your project (top) and select the Build Phases
tab (right pane)
In the Link Binary With Libraries
section add libRNInvoke.a
In Xcode, in Project Navigator (left pane), click on your project (top) and select the Build Settings
tab (right pane)
In the Header Search Paths
section add $(SRCROOT)/../node_modules/react-native-invoke/ios
Make sure on the right to mark this new path recursive
Add react-native-invoke
from node_modules
to your settings.gradle
include ':app'
include ':react-native-invoke'
project(':react-native-invoke').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-invoke/android/invoke')
In app/build.gradle
add react-native-invoke
as a dependency
dependencies {
compile project(':react-native-invoke')
- In `` register `InvokeReactPackage` in your pacakges:
protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
return Arrays.<ReactPackage>asList(
new MainReactPackage(),
new InvokeReactPackage()
## Executing calls to native
> Notice that this is regular Javascript code. It has full access to all native API in iOS and there's no RN native manager involved wrapping each individual API call.
import Invoke from 'react-native-invoke';
// execute a single call
const _getContentOffset =, 'contentOffset');
const {x, y} = await Invoke.execute(_getContentOffset);
Invoke.execute returns a promise. The native code doesn't actually execute until Invoke.execute runs.
const _getScrollView =, 'scrollView');
const _getContentOffset =, 'contentOffset');
const {x, y} = await Invoke.execute(_getContentOffset);
Only simple serializable objects can pass between native and JS. Since many methods take a complex object as argument, we support making multiple calls in one execution so the result of one call can be passed to the next one without going through JS.
Example invocations
1. from Objective-C
CGPoint offset = [componentView.scrollView contentOffset];
to Javascript
const _getScrollView =, 'scrollView');
const _getOffset =, 'contentOffset');
const {x, y} = await Invoke.execute(_getOffset);
###### 2. from Objective-C
CGRect frame = componentView.frame;
to Javascript
const _getFrame =, 'frame');
let {x, y, width, height} = await Invoke.execute(_getFrame);
###### 3. from Objective-C
[componentView setFrame:frame];
to Javascript
const _setFrame =, 'setFrame:', Invoke.IOS.CGRect({x, y, width, height}));
await Invoke.execute(_setFrame);
###### 4. from Objective-C
id textView = [componentView valueForKey:@'_textView'];
CGRect pos = [textView caretRectForPosition:textView.selectedTextRange.start];
to Javascript
const _getTextView =, 'valueForKey:', '_textView');
const _getSelectedTextRange =, 'selectedTextRange');
const _getStartPosition =, 'start');
const _getCaretRect =, 'caretRectForPosition:', _getStartPosition);
const {x, y, width, height} = await Invoke.execute(_getCaretRect);
1. from java
to Javascript
const swipeRefreshLayout = Invoke.React.view(this.refs['refresh']);
const setRefreshing =, 'setRefreshing', {type: "Boolean", value: false});
await Invoke.execute(setRefreshing);
2. from java
to Javascript
const scrollView = Invoke.React.view(this.refs['scroll']);
const getScrollY =, 'getScrollY');
const y = await Invoke.execute(getScrollY);
3. from java
to Javascript
const textView = Invoke.React.view(this.refs['input']);
const getSelectionEnd =, 'getSelectionEnd');
const selectionEnd = await Invoke.execute(getSelectionEnd);
## Full example project
Available [here](example)
cd example
npm install
react-native run-ios
or open ios/example.xcodeproj
to open in xcode.
cd example
npm install
react-native run-android
> Invoke.execute(invocation)
Send the entire invocation to native and execute it. Code runs in native only when we reach this command. Returns a promise with the final return value (make sure it's serializable).
>, methodSignature, arg1, arg2, ...)
Prepare a call for later execution.
> Invoke.React.view(componentRef)
Returns (in later execution) the native view backing the React component ref.
<ScrollView refreshControl={<RefreshControl refreshing={true} ref='myRefreshControl'/>} />
const _componentView = Invoke.React.view(this.refs['myRefreshControl']);
##### > `Invoke.IOS.CGPoint({x, y})`
Returns (in later execution) an iOS point.
> Invoke.IOS.CGRect({x, y, width, height})
Returns (in later execution) an iOS rect.
The final return value from native arrives as the promise result of Invoke.execute
. It has to be serializable! If you have return values that aren't serializable (like complex objects), you probably need to have several
s and pass them between eachother.
All native code is executed on the main thread.
## License