values | titles of tabs | ['One', 'Two', 'Three'] | array |
selectedIndex | index of tab item to be selected initially | [0] | number |
selectedIndices | Array of indices of tab items to be selected initially - when multiple prop is true else it will take selectedIndex | [0] | arrayOf(PropTypes.number) |
enabled | Boolean to enable or disable the component | true | bool |
multiple | Boolean which enables the multiple selection option | false | bool |
borderRadius | borderRadius of whole tab | 5 | number |
tabsContainerStyle | external styles can be passed to override the default styles of the segmentedControl wrapper | base styles added in SegmentedControlTab.js | object(styles) |
tabsContainerDisableStyle | Custom style that can be passed when enable is set to false | default style opacity: 0.6 | object(styles) |
tabStyle | external styles can be passed to override the default styles of the tabs | base styles added in SegmentedControlTab.js | object(styles) |
firstTabStyle | external styles can be passed to override the default styles of the first tab | base styles added in SegmentedControlTab.js | object(styles) |
lastTabStyle | external styles can be passed to override the default styles of the last tab | base styles added in SegmentedControlTab.js | object(styles) |
tabTextStyle | external styles can be passed to override the default styles of the tab title | base styles added in SegmentedControlTab.js | object(styles) |
activeTabStyle | external styles can be passed to override the default styles of the active tab | base styles added in SegmentedControlTab.js | object(styles) |
activeTabTextStyle | external styles can be passed to override the default styles of the active tab text | base styles added in SegmentedControlTab.js | object(styles) |
badges | badges values to display | [1, 2, 3] | array |
tabBadgeContainerStyle | external style can be passed to override the default style of the badge container | base styles added in SegmentedControlTab.js | object(styles) |
activeTabBadgeContainerStyle | external style can be passed to override the default style of the active badge container | base styles added in SegmentedControlTab.js | object(styles) |
tabBadgeStyle | external style can be passed to override the default style of the badge text | base styles added in SegmentedControlTab.js | object(styles) |
activeTabBadgeStyle | external style can be passed to override the default style of the active badge text | base styles added in SegmentedControlTab.js | object(styles) |
onTabPress | call-back function when a tab is selected | () => {} | func |
allowFontScaling | whether the segment & badge text should allow font scaling (default matches React Native default) | true | bool |
accessible | enables accessibility for each tab | true | bool |
accessibilityLabels | Reads out the given text on each tab press when voice over is enabled. If not set, uses the text passed in as values in props as a fallback | ['Label 1', 'Label 2', 'Label 3'] | array |
activeTabOpacity | Opacity value to customize tab press | 1 | number |