React Phone Number Validation
React Phone Number Validation
is a React component library that provides a customizable phone input field with a dropdown menu for selecting countries. This component simplifies the process of collecting phone numbers from users while allowing them to easily choose their country code.
Live Demo
To test React Phone Number Validation on CodeSandbox, click here.
You can install react-phone-number-validation
via npm or yarn:
npm install react-phone-number-validation
yarn add react-phone-number-validation
Once installed, you can use the PhoneInput
component in your React application:
import React, { useState } from "react";
import PhoneInput from "react-phone-number-validation";
const App = () => {
const [phoneNumber, setPhoneNumber] = useState("");
const handleChange = (value, country) => {
console.log("Phone Number:", value);
console.log("Selected Country:", country);
return (
value={phoneNumber} // Current value of the phone number input (required)
setValue={setPhoneNumber} // Function to set the value of the phone number input (required)
onChange={handleChange} // Function called when the phone number changes (required)
export default App;
Prop | Type | Description | Default |
country | String | Set default country (e.g., 'gb' for United Kingdom). | 'af' |
inputClass | String | Custom class for the input element (optional). | |
dropdownClass | String | Custom class for the dropdown element (optional). | |
autoSelectCountry | Boolean | Auto-select country based on user location (optional). | false |
enableSearch | Boolean | Enable country search (optional). | false |
disableDropdown | Boolean | Disable dropdown (optional). | false |
countryCodeEditable | Boolean | Allow user to edit country code (optional). | true |
hideAsterisk | Boolean | Hide asterisk for required fields (optional). | false |
value | String | Input value (required). | |
setValue | Function | Callback function to update input value (required). | |
onChange | Function | Callback function to handle input change (required). | |
dropdownStyle | Object | Custom style for dropdown (optional). | |
searchPlaceholder | String | Search placeholder (optional). | 'Search' |
name | String | Input name (optional). | '' |
required | Boolean | Required field (optional). | false |
searchNotFound | String | Search not found message (optional). | 'No Country Found' |
isValidMessage | String | Validation message (optional). | 'Invalid Phone Number' |
onRender | Function | Callback function to handle render (optional). | (value, country) => console.log(value, country) |
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