React Region Select

var ReactRegionSelect = require('react-region-select');
import ReactRegionSelect from 'react-region-select';
<img src='/static/example-doc.jpg' width='700px'/>
This is "dumb component", meaning it will not track it's internal state (the regions). The outer component needs to do
that. This means implementing onChange
and managing the regions
(see example).
Place an image or anything else as children to draw rectangular regions above it. It supports rendering custom componentes
per region (see regionRenderer
Author: David Langer
Contact us:
regions (array)
Array of regions. Regions are objects with the following signature:
x: Number,
y: Number,
width: Number,
height: Number,
data: Object
maxRegions (number)
Maximum number of allowed regions. If exceeded the last one will be replaced when dragging the canvas.
onChange (func)
Callback used when the regions change (moving, resizing, dragging to create new one)
regionRenderer (func)
Optional method to allow rendering additional things into the regions. This can be useful if you need the user to select
the type of what he just cropped.
Signature: regionRender({ data, isChanging })
You can use isChanging to hide complex UI while the user is changing the region.
debug (bool)
Display a table with information about each region. Useful for debugging.
constraint (bool)
Constrain selection to underlying children. Default: false.
className (string)
Use for styling the outer layer
style (object)
Use for styling the outer layer
children (object)
Place objects inside the component and the regions will appear above them.
See src/example/App.js
Start via npm start
. Specify port via environment variable PORT
: env PORT=4000 npm start
. Hot loading etc works nicely.
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