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react-virtualized - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 10.0.0-alpha.4 to 10.0.0-alpha.5


@@ -143,2 +143,568 @@ import React from 'react';

function createGridComponent(_ref) {
var _class, _temp;
var getColumnOffset = _ref.getColumnOffset,
getColumnStartIndexForOffset = _ref.getColumnStartIndexForOffset,
getColumnStopIndexForStartIndex = _ref.getColumnStopIndexForStartIndex,
getColumnWidth = _ref.getColumnWidth,
getEstimatedTotalHeight = _ref.getEstimatedTotalHeight,
getEstimatedTotalWidth = _ref.getEstimatedTotalWidth,
getOffsetForColumnAndAlignment = _ref.getOffsetForColumnAndAlignment,
getOffsetForRowAndAlignment = _ref.getOffsetForRowAndAlignment,
getRowHeight = _ref.getRowHeight,
getRowOffset = _ref.getRowOffset,
getRowStartIndexForOffset = _ref.getRowStartIndexForOffset,
getRowStopIndexForStartIndex = _ref.getRowStopIndexForStartIndex,
initInstanceProps = _ref.initInstanceProps,
validateProps = _ref.validateProps;
return _temp = _class = function (_React$Component) {
inherits(List, _React$Component);
function List(props) {
classCallCheck(this, List);
var _this = possibleConstructorReturn(this, (List.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(List)).call(this, props));
_this._cellStyleCache = {};
_this._resetIsScrollingTimeoutId = null;
_this.state = {
isScrolling: false,
horizontalScrollDirection: 'forward',
scrollLeft: 0,
scrollTop: 0,
verticalScrollDirection: 'forward'
_this.onScroll = function (event) {
var _event$currentTarget = event.currentTarget,
scrollLeft = _event$currentTarget.scrollLeft,
scrollTop = _event$currentTarget.scrollTop;
_this.setState(function (prevState) {
return {
isScrolling: true,
horizontalScrollDirection: prevState.scrollLeft < scrollLeft ? 'forward' : 'backward',
scrollLeft: scrollLeft,
scrollTop: scrollTop,
verticalScrollDirection: prevState.scrollTop < scrollTop ? 'forward' : 'backward'
}, _this.resetIsScrollingDebounced);
_this.scrollingContainerRef = function (ref) {
_this._scrollingContainer = ref;
_this.resetIsScrollingDebounced = function () {
if (_this._resetIsScrollingTimeoutId !== null) {
_this._resetIsScrollingTimeoutId = setTimeout(_this.resetIsScrolling, IS_SCROLLING_DEBOUNCE_INTERVAL);
_this.resetIsScrolling = function () {
_this._resetIsScrollingTimeoutId = null;
_this.setState({ isScrolling: false }, function () {
// Clear style cache after state update has been committed.
// This way we don't break pure sCU for cells that don't use isScrolling param.
_this._cellStyleCache = {};
_this._instanceProps = initInstanceProps(props, _this);
return _this;
createClass(List, [{
key: 'scrollTo',
value: function scrollTo(_ref2) {
var scrollLeft = _ref2.scrollLeft,
scrollTop = _ref2.scrollTop;
if (this._scrollingContainer != null) {
this._scrollingContainer.scrollLeft = scrollLeft;
this._scrollingContainer.scrollTop = scrollTop;
}, {
key: 'scrollToItem',
value: function scrollToItem(_ref3) {
var _ref3$align = _ref3.align,
align = _ref3$align === undefined ? 'auto' : _ref3$align,
columnIndex = _ref3.columnIndex,
rowIndex = _ref3.rowIndex;
var _state = this.state,
scrollLeft = _state.scrollLeft,
scrollTop = _state.scrollTop;
scrollLeft: getOffsetForColumnAndAlignment(this.props, columnIndex, align, scrollLeft, this._instanceProps),
scrollTop: getOffsetForRowAndAlignment(this.props, rowIndex, align, scrollTop, this._instanceProps)
}, {
key: 'componnetWillUnmount',
value: function componnetWillUnmount() {
if (this._resetIsScrollingTimeoutId !== null) {
}, {
key: 'render',
value: function render() {
var _props = this.props,
className = _props.className,
height = _props.height,
style =,
width = _props.width;
var isScrolling = this.state.isScrolling;
var estimatedTotalHeight = getEstimatedTotalHeight(this.props, this._instanceProps);
var estimatedTotalWidth = getEstimatedTotalWidth(this.props, this._instanceProps);
return React.createElement(
className: className,
ref: this.scrollingContainerRef,
style: _extends({
position: 'relative',
height: height,
width: width,
overflow: 'auto'
}, style),
onScroll: this.onScroll
style: {
height: estimatedTotalHeight,
overflow: 'hidden',
pointerEvents: isScrolling ? 'none' : '',
width: estimatedTotalWidth
}, {
key: 'renderCells',
value: function renderCells() {
var _props2 = this.props,
children = _props2.children,
useIsScrolling = _props2.useIsScrolling;
var isScrolling = this.state.isScrolling;
var _getHorizontalRangeTo = this.getHorizontalRangeToRender(),
_getHorizontalRangeTo2 = slicedToArray(_getHorizontalRangeTo, 2),
columnStartIndex = _getHorizontalRangeTo2[0],
columnStopIndex = _getHorizontalRangeTo2[1];
var _getVerticalRangeToRe = this.getVerticalRangeToRender(),
_getVerticalRangeToRe2 = slicedToArray(_getVerticalRangeToRe, 2),
rowStartIndex = _getVerticalRangeToRe2[0],
rowStopIndex = _getVerticalRangeToRe2[1];
var cells = [];
for (var _rowIndex = rowStartIndex; _rowIndex <= rowStopIndex; _rowIndex++) {
for (var _columnIndex = columnStartIndex; _columnIndex <= columnStopIndex; _columnIndex++) {
var _key = _rowIndex + ':' + _columnIndex;
// Cache cell styles while scrolling,
// So that pure component sCU will prevent re-renders.
var _style = void 0;
if (this._cellStyleCache.hasOwnProperty(_key)) {
_style = this._cellStyleCache[_key];
} else {
this._cellStyleCache[_key] = _style = {
position: 'absolute',
left: getColumnOffset(this.props, _columnIndex, this._instanceProps),
top: getRowOffset(this.props, _rowIndex, this._instanceProps),
height: getRowHeight(this.props, _rowIndex, this._instanceProps),
width: getColumnWidth(this.props, _columnIndex, this._instanceProps)
columnIndex: _columnIndex,
key: _key,
isScrolling: useIsScrolling ? isScrolling : undefined,
rowIndex: _rowIndex,
style: _style
return cells;
}, {
key: 'getHorizontalRangeToRender',
value: function getHorizontalRangeToRender() {
var _props3 = this.props,
columnCount = _props3.columnCount,
overscanCount = _props3.overscanCount;
var _state2 = this.state,
horizontalScrollDirection = _state2.horizontalScrollDirection,
scrollLeft = _state2.scrollLeft;
var startIndex = getColumnStartIndexForOffset(this.props, scrollLeft, this._instanceProps);
var stopIndex = getColumnStopIndexForStartIndex(this.props, startIndex, this._instanceProps);
// Overscan by one cell in each direction so that tab/focus works.
// If there isn't at least one extra cell, tab loops back around.
var overscanBackward = horizontalScrollDirection === 'backward' ? Math.max(1, overscanCount) : 1;
var overscanForward = horizontalScrollDirection === 'forward' ? Math.max(1, overscanCount) : 1;
return [Math.max(0, startIndex - overscanBackward), Math.min(columnCount - 1, stopIndex + overscanForward)];
}, {
key: 'getVerticalRangeToRender',
value: function getVerticalRangeToRender() {
var _props4 = this.props,
columnCount = _props4.columnCount,
overscanCount = _props4.overscanCount;
var _state3 = this.state,
verticalScrollDirection = _state3.verticalScrollDirection,
scrollTop = _state3.scrollTop;
var startIndex = getRowStartIndexForOffset(this.props, scrollTop, this._instanceProps);
var stopIndex = getRowStopIndexForStartIndex(this.props, startIndex, this._instanceProps);
// Overscan by one cell in each direction so that tab/focus works.
// If there isn't at least one extra cell, tab loops back around.
var overscanBackward = verticalScrollDirection === 'backward' ? Math.max(1, overscanCount) : 1;
var overscanForward = verticalScrollDirection === 'forward' ? Math.max(1, overscanCount) : 1;
return [Math.max(0, startIndex - overscanBackward), Math.min(columnCount - 1, stopIndex + overscanForward)];
}], [{
key: 'getDerivedStateFromProps',
value: function getDerivedStateFromProps(nextProps, prevState) {
return null;
return List;
}(React.Component), _class.defaultProps = {
overscanCount: 1,
useIsScrolling: false
}, _temp;
var validateSharedProps = function validateSharedProps(_ref4) {
var children = _ref4.children,
height = _ref4.height,
width = _ref4.width;
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
if (typeof children !== 'function') {
throw Error('An invalid "children" prop has been specified. ' + 'Value should be a function that creates a React element. ' + ('"' + (children === null ? 'null' : typeof children === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(children)) + '" was specified.'));
if (typeof width !== 'number') {
throw Error('An invalid "width" prop has been specified. ' + 'Grids must specify a number for width. ' + ('"' + (width === null ? 'null' : typeof width === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(width)) + '" was specified.'));
if (typeof height !== 'number') {
throw Error('An invalid "height" prop has been specified. ' + 'Grids must specify a number for height. ' + ('"' + (height === null ? 'null' : typeof height === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(height)) + '" was specified.'));
var getCellMetadata = function getCellMetadata(cellType, props, index, instanceProps) {
var cellMetadataMap = void 0,
cellSize = void 0,
estimatedCellSize = void 0,
lastMeasuredIndex = void 0;
if (cellType === 'column') {
cellMetadataMap = instanceProps.columnMetadataMap;
cellSize = props.columnWidth;
estimatedCellSize = instanceProps.estimatedColumnWidth;
lastMeasuredIndex = instanceProps.lastMeasuredColumnIndex;
} else {
cellMetadataMap = instanceProps.rowMetadataMap;
cellSize = props.rowHeight;
estimatedCellSize = instanceProps.estimatedRowHeight;
lastMeasuredIndex = instanceProps.lastMeasuredRowIndex;
if (index > lastMeasuredIndex) {
var _offset = 0;
if (lastMeasuredIndex >= 0) {
var cellMetadata = cellMetadataMap[lastMeasuredIndex];
_offset = cellMetadata.offset + cellMetadata.size;
for (var i = lastMeasuredIndex + 1; i <= index; i++) {
var _size = cellSize(i);
cellMetadataMap[i] = {
offset: _offset,
size: _size
_offset += _size;
if (cellType === 'column') {
instanceProps.lastMeasuredColumnIndex = index;
} else {
instanceProps.lastMeasuredRowIndex = index;
return cellMetadataMap[index];
var findNearestCell = function findNearestCell(cellType, props, instanceProps, offset) {
var cellMetadataMap = void 0,
estimatedCellSize = void 0,
lastMeasuredIndex = void 0;
if (cellType === 'column') {
cellMetadataMap = instanceProps.columnMetadataMap;
estimatedCellSize = instanceProps.estimatedColumnWidth;
lastMeasuredIndex = instanceProps.lastMeasuredColumnIndex;
} else {
cellMetadataMap = instanceProps.rowMetadataMap;
estimatedCellSize = instanceProps.estimatedRowHeight;
lastMeasuredIndex = instanceProps.lastMeasuredRowIndex;
var lastMeasuredCellOffset = lastMeasuredIndex > 0 ? cellMetadataMap[lastMeasuredIndex].offset : 0;
if (lastMeasuredCellOffset >= offset) {
// If we've already measured cells within this range just use a binary search as it's faster.
return findNearestCellBinarySearch(cellType, props, instanceProps, lastMeasuredIndex, 0, offset);
} else {
// If we haven't yet measured this high, fallback to an exponential search with an inner binary search.
// The exponential search avoids pre-computing sizes for the full set of cells as a binary search would.
// The overall complexity for this approach is O(log n).
return findNearestCellExponentialSearch(cellType, props, instanceProps, lastMeasuredIndex, offset);
var findNearestCellBinarySearch = function findNearestCellBinarySearch(cellType, props, instanceProps, high, low, offset) {
while (low <= high) {
var middle = low + Math.floor((high - low) / 2);
var currentOffset = getCellMetadata(cellType, props, middle, instanceProps).offset;
if (currentOffset === offset) {
return middle;
} else if (currentOffset < offset) {
low = middle + 1;
} else if (currentOffset > offset) {
high = middle - 1;
if (low > 0) {
return low - 1;
} else {
return 0;
var findNearestCellExponentialSearch = function findNearestCellExponentialSearch(cellType, props, instanceProps, index, offset) {
var count = cellType === 'column' ? props.columnCount : props.rowCount;
var interval = 1;
while (index < count && getCellMetadata(cellType, props, index, instanceProps).offset < offset) {
index += interval;
interval *= 2;
return findNearestCellBinarySearch(cellType, props, instanceProps, Math.min(index, count - 1), Math.floor(index / 2), offset);
var getOffsetForIndexAndAlignment = function getOffsetForIndexAndAlignment(cellType, props, index, align, scrollOffset, instanceProps) {
var size = cellType === 'column' ? props.width : props.height;
var cellMetadata = getCellMetadata(cellType, props, index, instanceProps);
var maxOffset = cellMetadata.offset;
var minOffset = cellMetadata.offset - size + cellMetadata.size;
switch (align) {
case 'start':
return maxOffset;
case 'end':
return minOffset;
case 'center':
return Math.round(minOffset + (maxOffset - minOffset) / 2);
case 'auto':
if (scrollOffset >= minOffset && scrollOffset <= maxOffset) {
return scrollOffset;
} else if (scrollOffset - minOffset < maxOffset - scrollOffset) {
return minOffset;
} else {
return maxOffset;
var DynamicGrid = createGridComponent({
getColumnOffset: function getColumnOffset(props, index, instanceProps) {
return getCellMetadata('column', props, index, instanceProps).offset;
getColumnStartIndexForOffset: function getColumnStartIndexForOffset(props, offset, instanceProps) {
return findNearestCell('column', props, instanceProps, offset);
getColumnStopIndexForStartIndex: function getColumnStopIndexForStartIndex(props, startIndex, instanceProps) {
var columnCount = props.columnCount,
width = props.width;
var cellMetadata = getCellMetadata('column', props, startIndex, instanceProps);
var maxOffset = cellMetadata.offset + width;
var offset = cellMetadata.offset;
var stopIndex = startIndex;
while (stopIndex < columnCount - 1 && offset < maxOffset) {
offset += getCellMetadata('column', props, stopIndex, instanceProps).size;
return stopIndex;
getColumnWidth: function getColumnWidth(props, index, instanceProps) {
return instanceProps.columnMetadataMap[index].size;
getEstimatedTotalHeight: function getEstimatedTotalHeight(_ref, _ref2) {
var rowCount = _ref.rowCount;
var rowMetadataMap = _ref2.rowMetadataMap,
estimatedRowHeight = _ref2.estimatedRowHeight,
lastMeasuredRowIndex = _ref2.lastMeasuredRowIndex;
var totalSizeOfMeasuredRows = 0;
if (lastMeasuredRowIndex >= 0) {
var cellMetadata = rowMetadataMap[lastMeasuredRowIndex];
totalSizeOfMeasuredRows = cellMetadata.offset + cellMetadata.size;
var numUnmeasuredCells = rowCount - lastMeasuredRowIndex - 1;
var totalSizeOfUnmeasuredCells = numUnmeasuredCells * estimatedRowHeight;
return totalSizeOfMeasuredRows + totalSizeOfUnmeasuredCells;
getEstimatedTotalWidth: function getEstimatedTotalWidth(_ref3, _ref4) {
var columnCount = _ref3.columnCount;
var columnMetadataMap = _ref4.columnMetadataMap,
estimatedColumnWidth = _ref4.estimatedColumnWidth,
lastMeasuredColumnIndex = _ref4.lastMeasuredColumnIndex;
var totalSizeOfMeasuredRows = 0;
if (lastMeasuredColumnIndex >= 0) {
var cellMetadata = columnMetadataMap[lastMeasuredColumnIndex];
totalSizeOfMeasuredRows = cellMetadata.offset + cellMetadata.size;
var numUnmeasuredCells = columnCount - lastMeasuredColumnIndex - 1;
var totalSizeOfUnmeasuredCells = numUnmeasuredCells * estimatedColumnWidth;
return totalSizeOfMeasuredRows + totalSizeOfUnmeasuredCells;
getOffsetForColumnAndAlignment: function getOffsetForColumnAndAlignment(props, index, align, scrollOffset, instanceProps) {
return getOffsetForIndexAndAlignment('column', props, index, align, scrollOffset, instanceProps);
getOffsetForRowAndAlignment: function getOffsetForRowAndAlignment(props, index, align, scrollOffset, instanceProps) {
return getOffsetForIndexAndAlignment('row', props, index, align, scrollOffset, instanceProps);
getRowOffset: function getRowOffset(props, index, instanceProps) {
return getCellMetadata('row', props, index, instanceProps).offset;
getRowHeight: function getRowHeight(props, index, instanceProps) {
return instanceProps.rowMetadataMap[index].size;
getRowStartIndexForOffset: function getRowStartIndexForOffset(props, offset, instanceProps) {
return findNearestCell('row', props, instanceProps, offset);
getRowStopIndexForStartIndex: function getRowStopIndexForStartIndex(props, startIndex, instanceProps) {
var rowCount = props.rowCount,
height = props.height;
var cellMetadata = getCellMetadata('row', props, startIndex, instanceProps);
var maxOffset = cellMetadata.offset + height;
var offset = cellMetadata.offset;
var stopIndex = startIndex;
while (stopIndex < rowCount - 1 && offset < maxOffset) {
offset += getCellMetadata('row', props, stopIndex, instanceProps).size;
return stopIndex;
initInstanceProps: function initInstanceProps(props, instance) {
var _ref5 = props,
estimatedColumnWidth = _ref5.estimatedColumnWidth,
estimatedRowHeight = _ref5.estimatedRowHeight;
var instanceProps = {
columnMetadataMap: {},
estimatedColumnWidth: estimatedColumnWidth || DEFAULT_ESTIMATED_CELL_SIZE,
estimatedRowHeight: estimatedRowHeight || DEFAULT_ESTIMATED_CELL_SIZE,
lastMeasuredColumnIndex: -1,
lastMeasuredRowIndex: -1,
rowMetadataMap: {}
instance.resetAfterColumnIndex = function (index) {
instanceProps.lastMeasuredColumnIndex = index - 1;
instance.resetAfterRowIndex = function (index) {
instanceProps.lastMeasuredRowIndex = index - 1;
return instanceProps;
validateProps: function validateProps(_ref6) {
var columnWidth = _ref6.columnWidth,
rowHeight = _ref6.rowHeight;
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
if (typeof columnWidth !== 'function') {
throw Error('An invalid "columnWidth" prop has been specified. ' + 'Value should be a function. ' + ('"' + (columnWidth === null ? 'null' : typeof columnWidth === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(columnWidth)) + '" was specified.'));
} else if (typeof rowHeight !== 'function') {
throw Error('An invalid "rowHeight" prop has been specified. ' + 'Value should be a function. ' + ('"' + (rowHeight === null ? 'null' : typeof rowHeight === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(rowHeight)) + '" was specified.'));
function createListComponent(_ref) {

@@ -205,3 +771,3 @@ var _class, _temp;

_this._resetIsScrollingTimeoutId = setTimeout(_this.resetIsScrolling, IS_SCROLLING_DEBOUNCE_INTERVAL);
_this._resetIsScrollingTimeoutId = setTimeout(_this.resetIsScrolling, IS_SCROLLING_DEBOUNCE_INTERVAL$1);

@@ -366,3 +932,3 @@

value: function getDerivedStateFromProps(nextProps, prevState) {

@@ -380,3 +946,3 @@ return null;

var validateSharedProps = function validateSharedProps(_ref2) {
var validateSharedProps$1 = function validateSharedProps(_ref2) {
var children = _ref2.children,

@@ -404,5 +970,5 @@ direction = _ref2.direction,

var getCellMetadata = function getCellMetadata(props, index, instanceProps) {
var getCellMetadata$1 = function getCellMetadata(props, index, instanceProps) {
var _ref = props,

@@ -431,5 +997,5 @@ cellSize = _ref.cellSize,

_offset += _size;
instanceProps.lastMeasuredIndex = index;
instanceProps.lastMeasuredIndex = index;

@@ -440,3 +1006,3 @@

var findNearestCell = function findNearestCell(props, instanceProps, offset) {
var findNearestCell$1 = function findNearestCell(props, instanceProps, offset) {
var cellMetadataMap = instanceProps.cellMetadataMap,

@@ -451,3 +1017,3 @@ estimatedCellSize = instanceProps.estimatedCellSize,

// If we've already measured cells within this range just use a binary search as it's faster.
return findNearestCellBinarySearch(props, instanceProps, lastMeasuredIndex, 0, offset);
return findNearestCellBinarySearch$1(props, instanceProps, lastMeasuredIndex, 0, offset);
} else {

@@ -457,10 +1023,10 @@ // If we haven't yet measured this high, fallback to an exponential search with an inner binary search.

// The overall complexity for this approach is O(log n).
return findNearestCellExponentialSearch(props, instanceProps, lastMeasuredIndex, offset);
return findNearestCellExponentialSearch$1(props, instanceProps, lastMeasuredIndex, offset);
var findNearestCellBinarySearch = function findNearestCellBinarySearch(props, instanceProps, high, low, offset) {
var findNearestCellBinarySearch$1 = function findNearestCellBinarySearch(props, instanceProps, high, low, offset) {
while (low <= high) {
var middle = low + Math.floor((high - low) / 2);
var currentOffset = getCellMetadata(props, middle, instanceProps).offset;
var currentOffset = getCellMetadata$1(props, middle, instanceProps).offset;

@@ -483,3 +1049,3 @@ if (currentOffset === offset) {

var findNearestCellExponentialSearch = function findNearestCellExponentialSearch(props, instanceProps, index, offset) {
var findNearestCellExponentialSearch$1 = function findNearestCellExponentialSearch(props, instanceProps, index, offset) {
var count = props.count;

@@ -489,3 +1055,3 @@

while (index < count && getCellMetadata(props, index, instanceProps).offset < offset) {
while (index < count && getCellMetadata$1(props, index, instanceProps).offset < offset) {
index += interval;

@@ -495,3 +1061,3 @@ interval *= 2;

return findNearestCellBinarySearch(props, instanceProps, Math.min(index, count - 1), Math.floor(index / 2), offset);
return findNearestCellBinarySearch$1(props, instanceProps, Math.min(index, count - 1), Math.floor(index / 2), offset);

@@ -501,3 +1067,3 @@

getCellOffset: function getCellOffset(props, index, instanceProps) {
return getCellMetadata(props, index, instanceProps).offset;
return getCellMetadata$1(props, index, instanceProps).offset;

@@ -535,3 +1101,3 @@

var size = direction === 'horizontal' ? width : height;
var cellMetadata = getCellMetadata(props, index, instanceProps);
var cellMetadata = getCellMetadata$1(props, index, instanceProps);
var maxOffset = cellMetadata.offset;

@@ -560,3 +1126,3 @@ var minOffset = cellMetadata.offset - size + cellMetadata.size;

getStartIndexForOffset: function getStartIndexForOffset(props, offset, instanceProps) {
return findNearestCell(props, instanceProps, offset);
return findNearestCell$1(props, instanceProps, offset);

@@ -572,3 +1138,3 @@

var size = direction === 'horizontal' ? width : height;
var cellMetadata = getCellMetadata(props, startIndex, instanceProps);
var cellMetadata = getCellMetadata$1(props, startIndex, instanceProps);
var maxOffset = cellMetadata.offset + size;

@@ -581,3 +1147,3 @@

offset += getCellMetadata(props, stopIndex, instanceProps).size;
offset += getCellMetadata$1(props, stopIndex, instanceProps).size;

@@ -596,3 +1162,3 @@

cellMetadataMap: {},
estimatedCellSize: estimatedCellSize || DEFAULT_ESTIMATED_CELL_SIZE,
estimatedCellSize: estimatedCellSize || DEFAULT_ESTIMATED_CELL_SIZE$1,
lastMeasuredIndex: -1

@@ -620,278 +1186,2 @@ };

function createGridComponent(_ref) {
var _class, _temp2;
var getColumnOffset = _ref.getColumnOffset,
getColumnStartIndexForOffset = _ref.getColumnStartIndexForOffset,
getColumnStopIndexForStartIndex = _ref.getColumnStopIndexForStartIndex,
getColumnWidth = _ref.getColumnWidth,
getEstimatedTotalHeight = _ref.getEstimatedTotalHeight,
getEstimatedTotalWidth = _ref.getEstimatedTotalWidth,
getOffsetForColumnAndAlignment = _ref.getOffsetForColumnAndAlignment,
getOffsetForRowAndAlignment = _ref.getOffsetForRowAndAlignment,
getRowHeight = _ref.getRowHeight,
getRowOffset = _ref.getRowOffset,
getRowStartIndexForOffset = _ref.getRowStartIndexForOffset,
getRowStopIndexForStartIndex = _ref.getRowStopIndexForStartIndex,
validateProps = _ref.validateProps;
return _temp2 = _class = function (_React$Component) {
inherits(List, _React$Component);
function List() {
var _ref2;
var _temp, _this, _ret;
classCallCheck(this, List);
for (var _len = arguments.length, args = Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
args[_key] = arguments[_key];
return _ret = (_temp = (_this = possibleConstructorReturn(this, (_ref2 = List.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(List)).call.apply(_ref2, [this].concat(args))), _this), _this._cellStyleCache = {}, _this._resetIsScrollingTimeoutId = null, _this.state = {
isScrolling: false,
horizontalScrollDirection: 'forward',
scrollLeft: 0,
scrollTop: 0,
verticalScrollDirection: 'forward'
}, _this.onScroll = function (event) {
var _event$currentTarget = event.currentTarget,
scrollLeft = _event$currentTarget.scrollLeft,
scrollTop = _event$currentTarget.scrollTop;
_this.setState(function (prevState) {
return {
isScrolling: true,
horizontalScrollDirection: prevState.scrollLeft < scrollLeft ? 'forward' : 'backward',
scrollLeft: scrollLeft,
scrollTop: scrollTop,
verticalScrollDirection: prevState.scrollTop < scrollTop ? 'forward' : 'backward'
}, _this.resetIsScrollingDebounced);
}, _this.scrollingContainerRef = function (ref) {
_this._scrollingContainer = ref;
}, _this.resetIsScrollingDebounced = function () {
if (_this._resetIsScrollingTimeoutId !== null) {
_this._resetIsScrollingTimeoutId = setTimeout(_this.resetIsScrolling, IS_SCROLLING_DEBOUNCE_INTERVAL$1);
}, _this.resetIsScrolling = function () {
_this._resetIsScrollingTimeoutId = null;
_this.setState({ isScrolling: false }, function () {
// Clear style cache after state update has been committed.
// This way we don't break pure sCU for cells that don't use isScrolling param.
_this._cellStyleCache = {};
}, _temp), possibleConstructorReturn(_this, _ret);
createClass(List, [{
key: 'scrollTo',
value: function scrollTo(_ref3) {
var scrollLeft = _ref3.scrollLeft,
scrollTop = _ref3.scrollTop;
if (this._scrollingContainer != null) {
this._scrollingContainer.scrollLeft = scrollLeft;
this._scrollingContainer.scrollTop = scrollTop;
}, {
key: 'scrollToItem',
value: function scrollToItem(_ref4) {
var _ref4$align = _ref4.align,
align = _ref4$align === undefined ? 'auto' : _ref4$align,
columnIndex = _ref4.columnIndex,
rowIndex = _ref4.rowIndex;
var _state = this.state,
scrollLeft = _state.scrollLeft,
scrollTop = _state.scrollTop;
scrollLeft: getOffsetForColumnAndAlignment(this.props, columnIndex, align, scrollLeft),
scrollTop: getOffsetForRowAndAlignment(this.props, rowIndex, align, scrollTop)
}, {
key: 'componnetWillUnmount',
value: function componnetWillUnmount() {
if (this._resetIsScrollingTimeoutId !== null) {
}, {
key: 'render',
value: function render() {
var _props = this.props,
className = _props.className,
height = _props.height,
style =,
width = _props.width;
var isScrolling = this.state.isScrolling;
var estimatedTotalHeight = getEstimatedTotalHeight(this.props);
var estimatedTotalWidth = getEstimatedTotalWidth(this.props);
return React.createElement(
className: className,
ref: this.scrollingContainerRef,
style: _extends({
position: 'relative',
height: height,
width: width,
overflow: 'auto'
}, style),
onScroll: this.onScroll
style: {
height: estimatedTotalHeight,
overflow: 'hidden',
pointerEvents: isScrolling ? 'none' : '',
width: estimatedTotalWidth
}, {
key: 'renderCells',
value: function renderCells() {
var _props2 = this.props,
children = _props2.children,
useIsScrolling = _props2.useIsScrolling;
var isScrolling = this.state.isScrolling;
var _getHorizontalRangeTo = this.getHorizontalRangeToRender(),
_getHorizontalRangeTo2 = slicedToArray(_getHorizontalRangeTo, 2),
columnStartIndex = _getHorizontalRangeTo2[0],
columnStopIndex = _getHorizontalRangeTo2[1];
var _getVerticalRangeToRe = this.getVerticalRangeToRender(),
_getVerticalRangeToRe2 = slicedToArray(_getVerticalRangeToRe, 2),
rowStartIndex = _getVerticalRangeToRe2[0],
rowStopIndex = _getVerticalRangeToRe2[1];
var cells = [];
for (var _rowIndex = rowStartIndex; _rowIndex <= rowStopIndex; _rowIndex++) {
for (var _columnIndex = columnStartIndex; _columnIndex <= columnStopIndex; _columnIndex++) {
var _key2 = _rowIndex + ':' + _columnIndex;
// Cache cell styles while scrolling,
// So that pure component sCU will prevent re-renders.
var _style = void 0;
if (this._cellStyleCache.hasOwnProperty(_key2)) {
_style = this._cellStyleCache[_key2];
} else {
this._cellStyleCache[_key2] = _style = {
position: 'absolute',
left: getColumnOffset(this.props, _columnIndex),
top: getRowOffset(this.props, _rowIndex),
height: getRowHeight(this.props, _rowIndex),
width: getColumnWidth(this.props, _columnIndex)
columnIndex: _columnIndex,
key: _key2,
isScrolling: useIsScrolling ? isScrolling : undefined,
rowIndex: _rowIndex,
style: _style
return cells;
}, {
key: 'getHorizontalRangeToRender',
value: function getHorizontalRangeToRender() {
var _props3 = this.props,
columnCount = _props3.columnCount,
overscanCount = _props3.overscanCount;
var _state2 = this.state,
horizontalScrollDirection = _state2.horizontalScrollDirection,
scrollLeft = _state2.scrollLeft;
var startIndex = getColumnStartIndexForOffset(this.props, scrollLeft);
var stopIndex = getColumnStopIndexForStartIndex(this.props, startIndex);
// Overscan by one cell in each direction so that tab/focus works.
// If there isn't at least one extra cell, tab loops back around.
var overscanBackward = horizontalScrollDirection === 'backward' ? Math.max(1, overscanCount) : 1;
var overscanForward = horizontalScrollDirection === 'forward' ? Math.max(1, overscanCount) : 1;
return [Math.max(0, startIndex - overscanBackward), Math.min(columnCount - 1, stopIndex + overscanForward)];
}, {
key: 'getVerticalRangeToRender',
value: function getVerticalRangeToRender() {
var _props4 = this.props,
columnCount = _props4.columnCount,
overscanCount = _props4.overscanCount;
var _state3 = this.state,
verticalScrollDirection = _state3.verticalScrollDirection,
scrollTop = _state3.scrollTop;
var startIndex = getRowStartIndexForOffset(this.props, scrollTop);
var stopIndex = getRowStopIndexForStartIndex(this.props, startIndex);
// Overscan by one cell in each direction so that tab/focus works.
// If there isn't at least one extra cell, tab loops back around.
var overscanBackward = verticalScrollDirection === 'backward' ? Math.max(1, overscanCount) : 1;
var overscanForward = verticalScrollDirection === 'forward' ? Math.max(1, overscanCount) : 1;
return [Math.max(0, startIndex - overscanBackward), Math.min(columnCount - 1, stopIndex + overscanForward)];
}], [{
key: 'getDerivedStateFromProps',
value: function getDerivedStateFromProps(nextProps, prevState) {
return null;
return List;
}(React.Component), _class.defaultProps = {
overscanCount: 1,
useIsScrolling: false
}, _temp2;
var validateSharedProps$1 = function validateSharedProps(_ref5) {
var children = _ref5.children,
height = _ref5.height,
width = _ref5.width;
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
if (typeof children !== 'function') {
throw Error('An invalid "children" prop has been specified. ' + 'Value should be a function that creates a React element. ' + ('"' + (children === null ? 'null' : typeof children === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(children)) + '" was specified.'));
if (typeof width !== 'number') {
throw Error('An invalid "width" prop has been specified. ' + 'Grids must specify a number for width. ' + ('"' + (width === null ? 'null' : typeof width === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(width)) + '" was specified.'));
if (typeof height !== 'number') {
throw Error('An invalid "height" prop has been specified. ' + 'Grids must specify a number for height. ' + ('"' + (height === null ? 'null' : typeof height === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(height)) + '" was specified.'));
var FixedSizeGrid = createGridComponent({

@@ -902,2 +1192,3 @@ getColumnOffset: function getColumnOffset(_ref, index) {

getColumnWidth: function getColumnWidth(_ref2, index) {

@@ -907,2 +1198,3 @@ var columnWidth = _ref2.columnWidth;

getRowOffset: function getRowOffset(_ref3, index) {

@@ -912,2 +1204,3 @@ var rowHeight = _ref3.rowHeight;

getRowHeight: function getRowHeight(_ref4, index) {

@@ -917,2 +1210,3 @@ var rowHeight = _ref4.rowHeight;

getEstimatedTotalHeight: function getEstimatedTotalHeight(_ref5) {

@@ -923,2 +1217,3 @@ var rowCount = _ref5.rowCount,

getEstimatedTotalWidth: function getEstimatedTotalWidth(_ref6) {

@@ -929,2 +1224,3 @@ var columnCount = _ref6.columnCount,

getOffsetForColumnAndAlignment: function getOffsetForColumnAndAlignment(_ref7, columnIndex, align, scrollLeft) {

@@ -955,2 +1251,3 @@ var columnWidth = _ref7.columnWidth,

getOffsetForRowAndAlignment: function getOffsetForRowAndAlignment(_ref8, rowIndex, align, scrollTop) {

@@ -981,2 +1278,3 @@ var rowHeight = _ref8.rowHeight,

getColumnStartIndexForOffset: function getColumnStartIndexForOffset(_ref9, offset) {

@@ -987,2 +1285,3 @@ var columnWidth = _ref9.columnWidth,

getColumnStopIndexForStartIndex: function getColumnStopIndexForStartIndex(_ref10, startIndex) {

@@ -995,2 +1294,3 @@ var columnWidth = _ref10.columnWidth,

getRowStartIndexForOffset: function getRowStartIndexForOffset(_ref11, offset) {

@@ -1001,2 +1301,3 @@ var rowHeight = _ref11.rowHeight,

getRowStopIndexForStartIndex: function getRowStopIndexForStartIndex(_ref12, startIndex) {

@@ -1009,2 +1310,8 @@ var rowHeight = _ref12.rowHeight,

initInstanceProps: function initInstanceProps(props) {
// Noop
validateProps: function validateProps(_ref13) {

@@ -1106,2 +1413,2 @@ var columnWidth = _ref13.columnWidth,

export { DynamicList, FixedSizeGrid, FixedSizeList };
export { DynamicGrid, DynamicList, FixedSizeGrid, FixedSizeList };

@@ -149,2 +149,568 @@ 'use strict';

function createGridComponent(_ref) {
var _class, _temp;
var getColumnOffset = _ref.getColumnOffset,
getColumnStartIndexForOffset = _ref.getColumnStartIndexForOffset,
getColumnStopIndexForStartIndex = _ref.getColumnStopIndexForStartIndex,
getColumnWidth = _ref.getColumnWidth,
getEstimatedTotalHeight = _ref.getEstimatedTotalHeight,
getEstimatedTotalWidth = _ref.getEstimatedTotalWidth,
getOffsetForColumnAndAlignment = _ref.getOffsetForColumnAndAlignment,
getOffsetForRowAndAlignment = _ref.getOffsetForRowAndAlignment,
getRowHeight = _ref.getRowHeight,
getRowOffset = _ref.getRowOffset,
getRowStartIndexForOffset = _ref.getRowStartIndexForOffset,
getRowStopIndexForStartIndex = _ref.getRowStopIndexForStartIndex,
initInstanceProps = _ref.initInstanceProps,
validateProps = _ref.validateProps;
return _temp = _class = function (_React$Component) {
inherits(List, _React$Component);
function List(props) {
classCallCheck(this, List);
var _this = possibleConstructorReturn(this, (List.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(List)).call(this, props));
_this._cellStyleCache = {};
_this._resetIsScrollingTimeoutId = null;
_this.state = {
isScrolling: false,
horizontalScrollDirection: 'forward',
scrollLeft: 0,
scrollTop: 0,
verticalScrollDirection: 'forward'
_this.onScroll = function (event) {
var _event$currentTarget = event.currentTarget,
scrollLeft = _event$currentTarget.scrollLeft,
scrollTop = _event$currentTarget.scrollTop;
_this.setState(function (prevState) {
return {
isScrolling: true,
horizontalScrollDirection: prevState.scrollLeft < scrollLeft ? 'forward' : 'backward',
scrollLeft: scrollLeft,
scrollTop: scrollTop,
verticalScrollDirection: prevState.scrollTop < scrollTop ? 'forward' : 'backward'
}, _this.resetIsScrollingDebounced);
_this.scrollingContainerRef = function (ref) {
_this._scrollingContainer = ref;
_this.resetIsScrollingDebounced = function () {
if (_this._resetIsScrollingTimeoutId !== null) {
_this._resetIsScrollingTimeoutId = setTimeout(_this.resetIsScrolling, IS_SCROLLING_DEBOUNCE_INTERVAL);
_this.resetIsScrolling = function () {
_this._resetIsScrollingTimeoutId = null;
_this.setState({ isScrolling: false }, function () {
// Clear style cache after state update has been committed.
// This way we don't break pure sCU for cells that don't use isScrolling param.
_this._cellStyleCache = {};
_this._instanceProps = initInstanceProps(props, _this);
return _this;
createClass(List, [{
key: 'scrollTo',
value: function scrollTo(_ref2) {
var scrollLeft = _ref2.scrollLeft,
scrollTop = _ref2.scrollTop;
if (this._scrollingContainer != null) {
this._scrollingContainer.scrollLeft = scrollLeft;
this._scrollingContainer.scrollTop = scrollTop;
}, {
key: 'scrollToItem',
value: function scrollToItem(_ref3) {
var _ref3$align = _ref3.align,
align = _ref3$align === undefined ? 'auto' : _ref3$align,
columnIndex = _ref3.columnIndex,
rowIndex = _ref3.rowIndex;
var _state = this.state,
scrollLeft = _state.scrollLeft,
scrollTop = _state.scrollTop;
scrollLeft: getOffsetForColumnAndAlignment(this.props, columnIndex, align, scrollLeft, this._instanceProps),
scrollTop: getOffsetForRowAndAlignment(this.props, rowIndex, align, scrollTop, this._instanceProps)
}, {
key: 'componnetWillUnmount',
value: function componnetWillUnmount() {
if (this._resetIsScrollingTimeoutId !== null) {
}, {
key: 'render',
value: function render() {
var _props = this.props,
className = _props.className,
height = _props.height,
style =,
width = _props.width;
var isScrolling = this.state.isScrolling;
var estimatedTotalHeight = getEstimatedTotalHeight(this.props, this._instanceProps);
var estimatedTotalWidth = getEstimatedTotalWidth(this.props, this._instanceProps);
return React.createElement(
className: className,
ref: this.scrollingContainerRef,
style: _extends({
position: 'relative',
height: height,
width: width,
overflow: 'auto'
}, style),
onScroll: this.onScroll
style: {
height: estimatedTotalHeight,
overflow: 'hidden',
pointerEvents: isScrolling ? 'none' : '',
width: estimatedTotalWidth
}, {
key: 'renderCells',
value: function renderCells() {
var _props2 = this.props,
children = _props2.children,
useIsScrolling = _props2.useIsScrolling;
var isScrolling = this.state.isScrolling;
var _getHorizontalRangeTo = this.getHorizontalRangeToRender(),
_getHorizontalRangeTo2 = slicedToArray(_getHorizontalRangeTo, 2),
columnStartIndex = _getHorizontalRangeTo2[0],
columnStopIndex = _getHorizontalRangeTo2[1];
var _getVerticalRangeToRe = this.getVerticalRangeToRender(),
_getVerticalRangeToRe2 = slicedToArray(_getVerticalRangeToRe, 2),
rowStartIndex = _getVerticalRangeToRe2[0],
rowStopIndex = _getVerticalRangeToRe2[1];
var cells = [];
for (var _rowIndex = rowStartIndex; _rowIndex <= rowStopIndex; _rowIndex++) {
for (var _columnIndex = columnStartIndex; _columnIndex <= columnStopIndex; _columnIndex++) {
var _key = _rowIndex + ':' + _columnIndex;
// Cache cell styles while scrolling,
// So that pure component sCU will prevent re-renders.
var _style = void 0;
if (this._cellStyleCache.hasOwnProperty(_key)) {
_style = this._cellStyleCache[_key];
} else {
this._cellStyleCache[_key] = _style = {
position: 'absolute',
left: getColumnOffset(this.props, _columnIndex, this._instanceProps),
top: getRowOffset(this.props, _rowIndex, this._instanceProps),
height: getRowHeight(this.props, _rowIndex, this._instanceProps),
width: getColumnWidth(this.props, _columnIndex, this._instanceProps)
columnIndex: _columnIndex,
key: _key,
isScrolling: useIsScrolling ? isScrolling : undefined,
rowIndex: _rowIndex,
style: _style
return cells;
}, {
key: 'getHorizontalRangeToRender',
value: function getHorizontalRangeToRender() {
var _props3 = this.props,
columnCount = _props3.columnCount,
overscanCount = _props3.overscanCount;
var _state2 = this.state,
horizontalScrollDirection = _state2.horizontalScrollDirection,
scrollLeft = _state2.scrollLeft;
var startIndex = getColumnStartIndexForOffset(this.props, scrollLeft, this._instanceProps);
var stopIndex = getColumnStopIndexForStartIndex(this.props, startIndex, this._instanceProps);
// Overscan by one cell in each direction so that tab/focus works.
// If there isn't at least one extra cell, tab loops back around.
var overscanBackward = horizontalScrollDirection === 'backward' ? Math.max(1, overscanCount) : 1;
var overscanForward = horizontalScrollDirection === 'forward' ? Math.max(1, overscanCount) : 1;
return [Math.max(0, startIndex - overscanBackward), Math.min(columnCount - 1, stopIndex + overscanForward)];
}, {
key: 'getVerticalRangeToRender',
value: function getVerticalRangeToRender() {
var _props4 = this.props,
columnCount = _props4.columnCount,
overscanCount = _props4.overscanCount;
var _state3 = this.state,
verticalScrollDirection = _state3.verticalScrollDirection,
scrollTop = _state3.scrollTop;
var startIndex = getRowStartIndexForOffset(this.props, scrollTop, this._instanceProps);
var stopIndex = getRowStopIndexForStartIndex(this.props, startIndex, this._instanceProps);
// Overscan by one cell in each direction so that tab/focus works.
// If there isn't at least one extra cell, tab loops back around.
var overscanBackward = verticalScrollDirection === 'backward' ? Math.max(1, overscanCount) : 1;
var overscanForward = verticalScrollDirection === 'forward' ? Math.max(1, overscanCount) : 1;
return [Math.max(0, startIndex - overscanBackward), Math.min(columnCount - 1, stopIndex + overscanForward)];
}], [{
key: 'getDerivedStateFromProps',
value: function getDerivedStateFromProps(nextProps, prevState) {
return null;
return List;
}(React.Component), _class.defaultProps = {
overscanCount: 1,
useIsScrolling: false
}, _temp;
var validateSharedProps = function validateSharedProps(_ref4) {
var children = _ref4.children,
height = _ref4.height,
width = _ref4.width;
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
if (typeof children !== 'function') {
throw Error('An invalid "children" prop has been specified. ' + 'Value should be a function that creates a React element. ' + ('"' + (children === null ? 'null' : typeof children === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(children)) + '" was specified.'));
if (typeof width !== 'number') {
throw Error('An invalid "width" prop has been specified. ' + 'Grids must specify a number for width. ' + ('"' + (width === null ? 'null' : typeof width === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(width)) + '" was specified.'));
if (typeof height !== 'number') {
throw Error('An invalid "height" prop has been specified. ' + 'Grids must specify a number for height. ' + ('"' + (height === null ? 'null' : typeof height === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(height)) + '" was specified.'));
var getCellMetadata = function getCellMetadata(cellType, props, index, instanceProps) {
var cellMetadataMap = void 0,
cellSize = void 0,
estimatedCellSize = void 0,
lastMeasuredIndex = void 0;
if (cellType === 'column') {
cellMetadataMap = instanceProps.columnMetadataMap;
cellSize = props.columnWidth;
estimatedCellSize = instanceProps.estimatedColumnWidth;
lastMeasuredIndex = instanceProps.lastMeasuredColumnIndex;
} else {
cellMetadataMap = instanceProps.rowMetadataMap;
cellSize = props.rowHeight;
estimatedCellSize = instanceProps.estimatedRowHeight;
lastMeasuredIndex = instanceProps.lastMeasuredRowIndex;
if (index > lastMeasuredIndex) {
var _offset = 0;
if (lastMeasuredIndex >= 0) {
var cellMetadata = cellMetadataMap[lastMeasuredIndex];
_offset = cellMetadata.offset + cellMetadata.size;
for (var i = lastMeasuredIndex + 1; i <= index; i++) {
var _size = cellSize(i);
cellMetadataMap[i] = {
offset: _offset,
size: _size
_offset += _size;
if (cellType === 'column') {
instanceProps.lastMeasuredColumnIndex = index;
} else {
instanceProps.lastMeasuredRowIndex = index;
return cellMetadataMap[index];
var findNearestCell = function findNearestCell(cellType, props, instanceProps, offset) {
var cellMetadataMap = void 0,
estimatedCellSize = void 0,
lastMeasuredIndex = void 0;
if (cellType === 'column') {
cellMetadataMap = instanceProps.columnMetadataMap;
estimatedCellSize = instanceProps.estimatedColumnWidth;
lastMeasuredIndex = instanceProps.lastMeasuredColumnIndex;
} else {
cellMetadataMap = instanceProps.rowMetadataMap;
estimatedCellSize = instanceProps.estimatedRowHeight;
lastMeasuredIndex = instanceProps.lastMeasuredRowIndex;
var lastMeasuredCellOffset = lastMeasuredIndex > 0 ? cellMetadataMap[lastMeasuredIndex].offset : 0;
if (lastMeasuredCellOffset >= offset) {
// If we've already measured cells within this range just use a binary search as it's faster.
return findNearestCellBinarySearch(cellType, props, instanceProps, lastMeasuredIndex, 0, offset);
} else {
// If we haven't yet measured this high, fallback to an exponential search with an inner binary search.
// The exponential search avoids pre-computing sizes for the full set of cells as a binary search would.
// The overall complexity for this approach is O(log n).
return findNearestCellExponentialSearch(cellType, props, instanceProps, lastMeasuredIndex, offset);
var findNearestCellBinarySearch = function findNearestCellBinarySearch(cellType, props, instanceProps, high, low, offset) {
while (low <= high) {
var middle = low + Math.floor((high - low) / 2);
var currentOffset = getCellMetadata(cellType, props, middle, instanceProps).offset;
if (currentOffset === offset) {
return middle;
} else if (currentOffset < offset) {
low = middle + 1;
} else if (currentOffset > offset) {
high = middle - 1;
if (low > 0) {
return low - 1;
} else {
return 0;
var findNearestCellExponentialSearch = function findNearestCellExponentialSearch(cellType, props, instanceProps, index, offset) {
var count = cellType === 'column' ? props.columnCount : props.rowCount;
var interval = 1;
while (index < count && getCellMetadata(cellType, props, index, instanceProps).offset < offset) {
index += interval;
interval *= 2;
return findNearestCellBinarySearch(cellType, props, instanceProps, Math.min(index, count - 1), Math.floor(index / 2), offset);
var getOffsetForIndexAndAlignment = function getOffsetForIndexAndAlignment(cellType, props, index, align, scrollOffset, instanceProps) {
var size = cellType === 'column' ? props.width : props.height;
var cellMetadata = getCellMetadata(cellType, props, index, instanceProps);
var maxOffset = cellMetadata.offset;
var minOffset = cellMetadata.offset - size + cellMetadata.size;
switch (align) {
case 'start':
return maxOffset;
case 'end':
return minOffset;
case 'center':
return Math.round(minOffset + (maxOffset - minOffset) / 2);
case 'auto':
if (scrollOffset >= minOffset && scrollOffset <= maxOffset) {
return scrollOffset;
} else if (scrollOffset - minOffset < maxOffset - scrollOffset) {
return minOffset;
} else {
return maxOffset;
var DynamicGrid = createGridComponent({
getColumnOffset: function getColumnOffset(props, index, instanceProps) {
return getCellMetadata('column', props, index, instanceProps).offset;
getColumnStartIndexForOffset: function getColumnStartIndexForOffset(props, offset, instanceProps) {
return findNearestCell('column', props, instanceProps, offset);
getColumnStopIndexForStartIndex: function getColumnStopIndexForStartIndex(props, startIndex, instanceProps) {
var columnCount = props.columnCount,
width = props.width;
var cellMetadata = getCellMetadata('column', props, startIndex, instanceProps);
var maxOffset = cellMetadata.offset + width;
var offset = cellMetadata.offset;
var stopIndex = startIndex;
while (stopIndex < columnCount - 1 && offset < maxOffset) {
offset += getCellMetadata('column', props, stopIndex, instanceProps).size;
return stopIndex;
getColumnWidth: function getColumnWidth(props, index, instanceProps) {
return instanceProps.columnMetadataMap[index].size;
getEstimatedTotalHeight: function getEstimatedTotalHeight(_ref, _ref2) {
var rowCount = _ref.rowCount;
var rowMetadataMap = _ref2.rowMetadataMap,
estimatedRowHeight = _ref2.estimatedRowHeight,
lastMeasuredRowIndex = _ref2.lastMeasuredRowIndex;
var totalSizeOfMeasuredRows = 0;
if (lastMeasuredRowIndex >= 0) {
var cellMetadata = rowMetadataMap[lastMeasuredRowIndex];
totalSizeOfMeasuredRows = cellMetadata.offset + cellMetadata.size;
var numUnmeasuredCells = rowCount - lastMeasuredRowIndex - 1;
var totalSizeOfUnmeasuredCells = numUnmeasuredCells * estimatedRowHeight;
return totalSizeOfMeasuredRows + totalSizeOfUnmeasuredCells;
getEstimatedTotalWidth: function getEstimatedTotalWidth(_ref3, _ref4) {
var columnCount = _ref3.columnCount;
var columnMetadataMap = _ref4.columnMetadataMap,
estimatedColumnWidth = _ref4.estimatedColumnWidth,
lastMeasuredColumnIndex = _ref4.lastMeasuredColumnIndex;
var totalSizeOfMeasuredRows = 0;
if (lastMeasuredColumnIndex >= 0) {
var cellMetadata = columnMetadataMap[lastMeasuredColumnIndex];
totalSizeOfMeasuredRows = cellMetadata.offset + cellMetadata.size;
var numUnmeasuredCells = columnCount - lastMeasuredColumnIndex - 1;
var totalSizeOfUnmeasuredCells = numUnmeasuredCells * estimatedColumnWidth;
return totalSizeOfMeasuredRows + totalSizeOfUnmeasuredCells;
getOffsetForColumnAndAlignment: function getOffsetForColumnAndAlignment(props, index, align, scrollOffset, instanceProps) {
return getOffsetForIndexAndAlignment('column', props, index, align, scrollOffset, instanceProps);
getOffsetForRowAndAlignment: function getOffsetForRowAndAlignment(props, index, align, scrollOffset, instanceProps) {
return getOffsetForIndexAndAlignment('row', props, index, align, scrollOffset, instanceProps);
getRowOffset: function getRowOffset(props, index, instanceProps) {
return getCellMetadata('row', props, index, instanceProps).offset;
getRowHeight: function getRowHeight(props, index, instanceProps) {
return instanceProps.rowMetadataMap[index].size;
getRowStartIndexForOffset: function getRowStartIndexForOffset(props, offset, instanceProps) {
return findNearestCell('row', props, instanceProps, offset);
getRowStopIndexForStartIndex: function getRowStopIndexForStartIndex(props, startIndex, instanceProps) {
var rowCount = props.rowCount,
height = props.height;
var cellMetadata = getCellMetadata('row', props, startIndex, instanceProps);
var maxOffset = cellMetadata.offset + height;
var offset = cellMetadata.offset;
var stopIndex = startIndex;
while (stopIndex < rowCount - 1 && offset < maxOffset) {
offset += getCellMetadata('row', props, stopIndex, instanceProps).size;
return stopIndex;
initInstanceProps: function initInstanceProps(props, instance) {
var _ref5 = props,
estimatedColumnWidth = _ref5.estimatedColumnWidth,
estimatedRowHeight = _ref5.estimatedRowHeight;
var instanceProps = {
columnMetadataMap: {},
estimatedColumnWidth: estimatedColumnWidth || DEFAULT_ESTIMATED_CELL_SIZE,
estimatedRowHeight: estimatedRowHeight || DEFAULT_ESTIMATED_CELL_SIZE,
lastMeasuredColumnIndex: -1,
lastMeasuredRowIndex: -1,
rowMetadataMap: {}
instance.resetAfterColumnIndex = function (index) {
instanceProps.lastMeasuredColumnIndex = index - 1;
instance.resetAfterRowIndex = function (index) {
instanceProps.lastMeasuredRowIndex = index - 1;
return instanceProps;
validateProps: function validateProps(_ref6) {
var columnWidth = _ref6.columnWidth,
rowHeight = _ref6.rowHeight;
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
if (typeof columnWidth !== 'function') {
throw Error('An invalid "columnWidth" prop has been specified. ' + 'Value should be a function. ' + ('"' + (columnWidth === null ? 'null' : typeof columnWidth === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(columnWidth)) + '" was specified.'));
} else if (typeof rowHeight !== 'function') {
throw Error('An invalid "rowHeight" prop has been specified. ' + 'Value should be a function. ' + ('"' + (rowHeight === null ? 'null' : typeof rowHeight === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(rowHeight)) + '" was specified.'));
function createListComponent(_ref) {

@@ -211,3 +777,3 @@ var _class, _temp;

_this._resetIsScrollingTimeoutId = setTimeout(_this.resetIsScrolling, IS_SCROLLING_DEBOUNCE_INTERVAL);
_this._resetIsScrollingTimeoutId = setTimeout(_this.resetIsScrolling, IS_SCROLLING_DEBOUNCE_INTERVAL$1);

@@ -372,3 +938,3 @@

value: function getDerivedStateFromProps(nextProps, prevState) {

@@ -386,3 +952,3 @@ return null;

var validateSharedProps = function validateSharedProps(_ref2) {
var validateSharedProps$1 = function validateSharedProps(_ref2) {
var children = _ref2.children,

@@ -410,5 +976,5 @@ direction = _ref2.direction,

var getCellMetadata = function getCellMetadata(props, index, instanceProps) {
var getCellMetadata$1 = function getCellMetadata(props, index, instanceProps) {
var _ref = props,

@@ -437,5 +1003,5 @@ cellSize = _ref.cellSize,

_offset += _size;
instanceProps.lastMeasuredIndex = index;
instanceProps.lastMeasuredIndex = index;

@@ -446,3 +1012,3 @@

var findNearestCell = function findNearestCell(props, instanceProps, offset) {
var findNearestCell$1 = function findNearestCell(props, instanceProps, offset) {
var cellMetadataMap = instanceProps.cellMetadataMap,

@@ -457,3 +1023,3 @@ estimatedCellSize = instanceProps.estimatedCellSize,

// If we've already measured cells within this range just use a binary search as it's faster.
return findNearestCellBinarySearch(props, instanceProps, lastMeasuredIndex, 0, offset);
return findNearestCellBinarySearch$1(props, instanceProps, lastMeasuredIndex, 0, offset);
} else {

@@ -463,10 +1029,10 @@ // If we haven't yet measured this high, fallback to an exponential search with an inner binary search.

// The overall complexity for this approach is O(log n).
return findNearestCellExponentialSearch(props, instanceProps, lastMeasuredIndex, offset);
return findNearestCellExponentialSearch$1(props, instanceProps, lastMeasuredIndex, offset);
var findNearestCellBinarySearch = function findNearestCellBinarySearch(props, instanceProps, high, low, offset) {
var findNearestCellBinarySearch$1 = function findNearestCellBinarySearch(props, instanceProps, high, low, offset) {
while (low <= high) {
var middle = low + Math.floor((high - low) / 2);
var currentOffset = getCellMetadata(props, middle, instanceProps).offset;
var currentOffset = getCellMetadata$1(props, middle, instanceProps).offset;

@@ -489,3 +1055,3 @@ if (currentOffset === offset) {

var findNearestCellExponentialSearch = function findNearestCellExponentialSearch(props, instanceProps, index, offset) {
var findNearestCellExponentialSearch$1 = function findNearestCellExponentialSearch(props, instanceProps, index, offset) {
var count = props.count;

@@ -495,3 +1061,3 @@

while (index < count && getCellMetadata(props, index, instanceProps).offset < offset) {
while (index < count && getCellMetadata$1(props, index, instanceProps).offset < offset) {
index += interval;

@@ -501,3 +1067,3 @@ interval *= 2;

return findNearestCellBinarySearch(props, instanceProps, Math.min(index, count - 1), Math.floor(index / 2), offset);
return findNearestCellBinarySearch$1(props, instanceProps, Math.min(index, count - 1), Math.floor(index / 2), offset);

@@ -507,3 +1073,3 @@

getCellOffset: function getCellOffset(props, index, instanceProps) {
return getCellMetadata(props, index, instanceProps).offset;
return getCellMetadata$1(props, index, instanceProps).offset;

@@ -541,3 +1107,3 @@

var size = direction === 'horizontal' ? width : height;
var cellMetadata = getCellMetadata(props, index, instanceProps);
var cellMetadata = getCellMetadata$1(props, index, instanceProps);
var maxOffset = cellMetadata.offset;

@@ -566,3 +1132,3 @@ var minOffset = cellMetadata.offset - size + cellMetadata.size;

getStartIndexForOffset: function getStartIndexForOffset(props, offset, instanceProps) {
return findNearestCell(props, instanceProps, offset);
return findNearestCell$1(props, instanceProps, offset);

@@ -578,3 +1144,3 @@

var size = direction === 'horizontal' ? width : height;
var cellMetadata = getCellMetadata(props, startIndex, instanceProps);
var cellMetadata = getCellMetadata$1(props, startIndex, instanceProps);
var maxOffset = cellMetadata.offset + size;

@@ -587,3 +1153,3 @@

offset += getCellMetadata(props, stopIndex, instanceProps).size;
offset += getCellMetadata$1(props, stopIndex, instanceProps).size;

@@ -602,3 +1168,3 @@

cellMetadataMap: {},
estimatedCellSize: estimatedCellSize || DEFAULT_ESTIMATED_CELL_SIZE,
estimatedCellSize: estimatedCellSize || DEFAULT_ESTIMATED_CELL_SIZE$1,
lastMeasuredIndex: -1

@@ -626,278 +1192,2 @@ };

function createGridComponent(_ref) {
var _class, _temp2;
var getColumnOffset = _ref.getColumnOffset,
getColumnStartIndexForOffset = _ref.getColumnStartIndexForOffset,
getColumnStopIndexForStartIndex = _ref.getColumnStopIndexForStartIndex,
getColumnWidth = _ref.getColumnWidth,
getEstimatedTotalHeight = _ref.getEstimatedTotalHeight,
getEstimatedTotalWidth = _ref.getEstimatedTotalWidth,
getOffsetForColumnAndAlignment = _ref.getOffsetForColumnAndAlignment,
getOffsetForRowAndAlignment = _ref.getOffsetForRowAndAlignment,
getRowHeight = _ref.getRowHeight,
getRowOffset = _ref.getRowOffset,
getRowStartIndexForOffset = _ref.getRowStartIndexForOffset,
getRowStopIndexForStartIndex = _ref.getRowStopIndexForStartIndex,
validateProps = _ref.validateProps;
return _temp2 = _class = function (_React$Component) {
inherits(List, _React$Component);
function List() {
var _ref2;
var _temp, _this, _ret;
classCallCheck(this, List);
for (var _len = arguments.length, args = Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
args[_key] = arguments[_key];
return _ret = (_temp = (_this = possibleConstructorReturn(this, (_ref2 = List.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(List)).call.apply(_ref2, [this].concat(args))), _this), _this._cellStyleCache = {}, _this._resetIsScrollingTimeoutId = null, _this.state = {
isScrolling: false,
horizontalScrollDirection: 'forward',
scrollLeft: 0,
scrollTop: 0,
verticalScrollDirection: 'forward'
}, _this.onScroll = function (event) {
var _event$currentTarget = event.currentTarget,
scrollLeft = _event$currentTarget.scrollLeft,
scrollTop = _event$currentTarget.scrollTop;
_this.setState(function (prevState) {
return {
isScrolling: true,
horizontalScrollDirection: prevState.scrollLeft < scrollLeft ? 'forward' : 'backward',
scrollLeft: scrollLeft,
scrollTop: scrollTop,
verticalScrollDirection: prevState.scrollTop < scrollTop ? 'forward' : 'backward'
}, _this.resetIsScrollingDebounced);
}, _this.scrollingContainerRef = function (ref) {
_this._scrollingContainer = ref;
}, _this.resetIsScrollingDebounced = function () {
if (_this._resetIsScrollingTimeoutId !== null) {
_this._resetIsScrollingTimeoutId = setTimeout(_this.resetIsScrolling, IS_SCROLLING_DEBOUNCE_INTERVAL$1);
}, _this.resetIsScrolling = function () {
_this._resetIsScrollingTimeoutId = null;
_this.setState({ isScrolling: false }, function () {
// Clear style cache after state update has been committed.
// This way we don't break pure sCU for cells that don't use isScrolling param.
_this._cellStyleCache = {};
}, _temp), possibleConstructorReturn(_this, _ret);
createClass(List, [{
key: 'scrollTo',
value: function scrollTo(_ref3) {
var scrollLeft = _ref3.scrollLeft,
scrollTop = _ref3.scrollTop;
if (this._scrollingContainer != null) {
this._scrollingContainer.scrollLeft = scrollLeft;
this._scrollingContainer.scrollTop = scrollTop;
}, {
key: 'scrollToItem',
value: function scrollToItem(_ref4) {
var _ref4$align = _ref4.align,
align = _ref4$align === undefined ? 'auto' : _ref4$align,
columnIndex = _ref4.columnIndex,
rowIndex = _ref4.rowIndex;
var _state = this.state,
scrollLeft = _state.scrollLeft,
scrollTop = _state.scrollTop;
scrollLeft: getOffsetForColumnAndAlignment(this.props, columnIndex, align, scrollLeft),
scrollTop: getOffsetForRowAndAlignment(this.props, rowIndex, align, scrollTop)
}, {
key: 'componnetWillUnmount',
value: function componnetWillUnmount() {
if (this._resetIsScrollingTimeoutId !== null) {
}, {
key: 'render',
value: function render() {
var _props = this.props,
className = _props.className,
height = _props.height,
style =,
width = _props.width;
var isScrolling = this.state.isScrolling;
var estimatedTotalHeight = getEstimatedTotalHeight(this.props);
var estimatedTotalWidth = getEstimatedTotalWidth(this.props);
return React.createElement(
className: className,
ref: this.scrollingContainerRef,
style: _extends({
position: 'relative',
height: height,
width: width,
overflow: 'auto'
}, style),
onScroll: this.onScroll
style: {
height: estimatedTotalHeight,
overflow: 'hidden',
pointerEvents: isScrolling ? 'none' : '',
width: estimatedTotalWidth
}, {
key: 'renderCells',
value: function renderCells() {
var _props2 = this.props,
children = _props2.children,
useIsScrolling = _props2.useIsScrolling;
var isScrolling = this.state.isScrolling;
var _getHorizontalRangeTo = this.getHorizontalRangeToRender(),
_getHorizontalRangeTo2 = slicedToArray(_getHorizontalRangeTo, 2),
columnStartIndex = _getHorizontalRangeTo2[0],
columnStopIndex = _getHorizontalRangeTo2[1];
var _getVerticalRangeToRe = this.getVerticalRangeToRender(),
_getVerticalRangeToRe2 = slicedToArray(_getVerticalRangeToRe, 2),
rowStartIndex = _getVerticalRangeToRe2[0],
rowStopIndex = _getVerticalRangeToRe2[1];
var cells = [];
for (var _rowIndex = rowStartIndex; _rowIndex <= rowStopIndex; _rowIndex++) {
for (var _columnIndex = columnStartIndex; _columnIndex <= columnStopIndex; _columnIndex++) {
var _key2 = _rowIndex + ':' + _columnIndex;
// Cache cell styles while scrolling,
// So that pure component sCU will prevent re-renders.
var _style = void 0;
if (this._cellStyleCache.hasOwnProperty(_key2)) {
_style = this._cellStyleCache[_key2];
} else {
this._cellStyleCache[_key2] = _style = {
position: 'absolute',
left: getColumnOffset(this.props, _columnIndex),
top: getRowOffset(this.props, _rowIndex),
height: getRowHeight(this.props, _rowIndex),
width: getColumnWidth(this.props, _columnIndex)
columnIndex: _columnIndex,
key: _key2,
isScrolling: useIsScrolling ? isScrolling : undefined,
rowIndex: _rowIndex,
style: _style
return cells;
}, {
key: 'getHorizontalRangeToRender',
value: function getHorizontalRangeToRender() {
var _props3 = this.props,
columnCount = _props3.columnCount,
overscanCount = _props3.overscanCount;
var _state2 = this.state,
horizontalScrollDirection = _state2.horizontalScrollDirection,
scrollLeft = _state2.scrollLeft;
var startIndex = getColumnStartIndexForOffset(this.props, scrollLeft);
var stopIndex = getColumnStopIndexForStartIndex(this.props, startIndex);
// Overscan by one cell in each direction so that tab/focus works.
// If there isn't at least one extra cell, tab loops back around.
var overscanBackward = horizontalScrollDirection === 'backward' ? Math.max(1, overscanCount) : 1;
var overscanForward = horizontalScrollDirection === 'forward' ? Math.max(1, overscanCount) : 1;
return [Math.max(0, startIndex - overscanBackward), Math.min(columnCount - 1, stopIndex + overscanForward)];
}, {
key: 'getVerticalRangeToRender',
value: function getVerticalRangeToRender() {
var _props4 = this.props,
columnCount = _props4.columnCount,
overscanCount = _props4.overscanCount;
var _state3 = this.state,
verticalScrollDirection = _state3.verticalScrollDirection,
scrollTop = _state3.scrollTop;
var startIndex = getRowStartIndexForOffset(this.props, scrollTop);
var stopIndex = getRowStopIndexForStartIndex(this.props, startIndex);
// Overscan by one cell in each direction so that tab/focus works.
// If there isn't at least one extra cell, tab loops back around.
var overscanBackward = verticalScrollDirection === 'backward' ? Math.max(1, overscanCount) : 1;
var overscanForward = verticalScrollDirection === 'forward' ? Math.max(1, overscanCount) : 1;
return [Math.max(0, startIndex - overscanBackward), Math.min(columnCount - 1, stopIndex + overscanForward)];
}], [{
key: 'getDerivedStateFromProps',
value: function getDerivedStateFromProps(nextProps, prevState) {
return null;
return List;
}(React.Component), _class.defaultProps = {
overscanCount: 1,
useIsScrolling: false
}, _temp2;
var validateSharedProps$1 = function validateSharedProps(_ref5) {
var children = _ref5.children,
height = _ref5.height,
width = _ref5.width;
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
if (typeof children !== 'function') {
throw Error('An invalid "children" prop has been specified. ' + 'Value should be a function that creates a React element. ' + ('"' + (children === null ? 'null' : typeof children === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(children)) + '" was specified.'));
if (typeof width !== 'number') {
throw Error('An invalid "width" prop has been specified. ' + 'Grids must specify a number for width. ' + ('"' + (width === null ? 'null' : typeof width === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(width)) + '" was specified.'));
if (typeof height !== 'number') {
throw Error('An invalid "height" prop has been specified. ' + 'Grids must specify a number for height. ' + ('"' + (height === null ? 'null' : typeof height === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(height)) + '" was specified.'));
var FixedSizeGrid = createGridComponent({

@@ -908,2 +1198,3 @@ getColumnOffset: function getColumnOffset(_ref, index) {

getColumnWidth: function getColumnWidth(_ref2, index) {

@@ -913,2 +1204,3 @@ var columnWidth = _ref2.columnWidth;

getRowOffset: function getRowOffset(_ref3, index) {

@@ -918,2 +1210,3 @@ var rowHeight = _ref3.rowHeight;

getRowHeight: function getRowHeight(_ref4, index) {

@@ -923,2 +1216,3 @@ var rowHeight = _ref4.rowHeight;

getEstimatedTotalHeight: function getEstimatedTotalHeight(_ref5) {

@@ -929,2 +1223,3 @@ var rowCount = _ref5.rowCount,

getEstimatedTotalWidth: function getEstimatedTotalWidth(_ref6) {

@@ -935,2 +1230,3 @@ var columnCount = _ref6.columnCount,

getOffsetForColumnAndAlignment: function getOffsetForColumnAndAlignment(_ref7, columnIndex, align, scrollLeft) {

@@ -961,2 +1257,3 @@ var columnWidth = _ref7.columnWidth,

getOffsetForRowAndAlignment: function getOffsetForRowAndAlignment(_ref8, rowIndex, align, scrollTop) {

@@ -987,2 +1284,3 @@ var rowHeight = _ref8.rowHeight,

getColumnStartIndexForOffset: function getColumnStartIndexForOffset(_ref9, offset) {

@@ -993,2 +1291,3 @@ var columnWidth = _ref9.columnWidth,

getColumnStopIndexForStartIndex: function getColumnStopIndexForStartIndex(_ref10, startIndex) {

@@ -1001,2 +1300,3 @@ var columnWidth = _ref10.columnWidth,

getRowStartIndexForOffset: function getRowStartIndexForOffset(_ref11, offset) {

@@ -1007,2 +1307,3 @@ var rowHeight = _ref11.rowHeight,

getRowStopIndexForStartIndex: function getRowStopIndexForStartIndex(_ref12, startIndex) {

@@ -1015,2 +1316,8 @@ var rowHeight = _ref12.rowHeight,

initInstanceProps: function initInstanceProps(props) {
// Noop
validateProps: function validateProps(_ref13) {

@@ -1112,4 +1419,5 @@ var columnWidth = _ref13.columnWidth,

exports.DynamicGrid = DynamicGrid;
exports.DynamicList = DynamicList;
exports.FixedSizeGrid = FixedSizeGrid;
exports.FixedSizeList = FixedSizeList;
"name": "react-virtualized",
"version": "10.0.0-alpha.4",
"version": "10.0.0-alpha.5",
"main": "index.js",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "module": "",

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