The reactjs-onboarding library exported as Node.js modules.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
1) This github repository, using git clone
2) Using npm npm install reactjs-onboarding.js --save
reactjs-onboarding.js can be added to your project in four simple steps:
1) Include named imports of Onboarding.js
and OnboardingItem.js
/ OnboardingTag.js
in your project
import {Onboarding} from 'reactjs-onboarding'
import {OnboardingItem} from 'reactjs-onboarding'
import {OnboardingTag} from 'reactjs-onboarding'
2) Create a state variable visible
in the class and set it to false
state = { visible:false };
3) Set visible
parameter to true when you want the Onboarding to get called
this.setState({ visible: true })
4) Passing the coordinates
- Give unique Id to the element that you want to point the arrow to
<div id="example">
Pass the co-ordinates by id
<Onboarding name="testing" visible={this.state.visible}>
<OnboardingItem elementID="example" message="This is the onborading message 1" />
- Give unique reference to the element you want to point the arrow to
<div ref={(e) => this.reference = e}>
Pass the co-ordinates by reference
<Onboarding name="testing" visible={this.state.visible}>
<OnboardingItem elementID={this.reference} message="This is the onboarding message 2" />
- Give coordinates in the form of object of the area where you want to point the arrow to. l - left, t - top, w - width, h- height
<Onboarding name="testing" visible={this.state.visible}>
<OnboardingItem elementCoOrdinate={{ l: 100, t: 100, w: 100, h: 100 }} message="This is the onboarding message 3" />
- Enclose the elements you want to highlight in an OnboardingTag
<OnboardingTag message="More options via OnboardingTag">
<IconButton id="options">
<MoreVertIcon />
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.