Controlling node application readiness state.
In many cases node application depends on external resources that should be available before truly starting up.
This manager gives you the ability to orchestrate several actions independently. It is waiting for their completion to defines your app readiness state.
This comes truly handy when your application runs inside Kubernetes which can check its readiness state.
Getting started
Register at any point an async action with a declarative alias and run them once your app starts.
const axios = require('axios');
const ReadinessManager = require('readiness-manager');
ReadinessManager.register('vendors', () => axios.get(''));
ReadinessManager.register('translations', () => axios.get(''));;
ReadinessManager.onReady(() => console.log('App is ready! \o/'));
This will allow you to set up an health check route, checking if you app readiness state as following:
if (ReadinessManager.ready) {
res.status(200).end(`App is ready and running well`);
} else {
res.status(503).end('App is not ready');
ready: boolean
Returns true
if all the registered actions has been ran without exceptions/rejections.
register(name: string, action: ReadyAction): void
Registers a given name and action under ReadinessManager
, registered actions will be observed once ran in order to determine the process readiness state.
type ReadyAction = () => void|Promise<void>;
run(): void
Runs all registered actions, once all actions are resolved successfully your'e app state will be determined as ready
onReady(callback: ReadyCallback): void
Registers a given callback on the global manager ready event.
type ReadyCallback = () => void;
onActionReady(name: string callback: ReadyCallback): void
type ReadyCallback = () => void;
Registers a given callback on a specific action completion event.
onError(errorHandler: ActionErrorHandler): void
interface ActionExecutionError extends Error {
name: string;
stack: string;
attempt: number;
failReason: string;
type ActionRetry = () => Promise<void>;
type ActionErrorHandler = (error: ActionExecutionError, retry: ActionRetry) => void;
Registers given error handler under the ReadinessManager
. Any error that will be thrown from execution one of the registered actions will trigger this handler.
You can use the retry
method provided to your error handler according to any failure strategy you like.
status(): ActionsStatus
Returns a status report for current registered actions.
type ActionsStatus = {
[status in ActionStatus]: string[];
type ActionStatus = 'not_started' | 'pending' | 'resolved' | 'rejected';
Errors handling
You can register an error handler over the manager, which will be triggered from any thrown error from it's registered actions.
Once an error rises, the manager will trigger the error handler with both occurred error and a retry
method used to re-execute the failing action if desired.
The default error handle will just log errors to console and thus strongly recommended to register your'e own handler.
const ReadinessManager = require('readiness-manager');
let count = 0;
const unstableAction = () => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (counter <= 1) { return reject(new Error('Not yet')); }
ReadinessManager.register('action', unstableAction);
ReadinessManager.onError((error, retry) => {
if (error.attempt <= 1) retry();