Bearer token-based authentication library with omniauth support for redux applications
Full example
Universal / Isomorphic use-case
Live demo
Source code
Client-side only
Live demo
Source code
Backend source code
Notes on migration from 1.x version
First version is based and fully compatible with Redux-Auth. Support is discontinued.
Second version is more simple to configure and more stable. All React Components were also extracted to separate packages, therefore React is removed from dependencies.
- Implements Bearer token-based authentication for your application to talk to 3d party APIs
- Provides universal / isomorphic fetch method for any HTTP/HTTPS requests
- Supports OAuth2
- Supports server-side rendering to make users and search engines happy. This means that page, which require several API requests, can be fully or partly rendered on the server side first
server.js with Express
import { initialize, authStateReducer, getHeaders } from 'redux-oauth';
const rootReducer = combineReducers({
auth: authStateReducer,
app.use((request, response) => {
const store = createStore(rootReducer, {}, applyMiddleware(thunk));
backend: {
apiUrl: '',
authProviderPaths: {
facebook: '/auth/facebook',
github: '/auth/github'
currentLocation: request.url,
cookies: request.cookies
}).then(() => {
response.cookie('authHeaders', JSON.stringify(getHeaders(store.getState())), { maxAge: ... });
Email-password authentication and other use-cases
I wanted to make library as light-weight as possible. Also many folks have very different use-cases so it is hard to satisfy everyone. Therefore it is considered that everyone can easily implement methods they need themselves.
Email-password authentication method example
import { fetch, authenticateStart, authenticateComplete, authenticateError, parseResponse } from 'redux-oauth';
function signIn(email, password) {
return dispatch => {
return dispatch(fetch(yourCustomAuthMethod(email, password)))
.then(user => {
return Promise.resolve(user);
.catch(error => {
if (error.errors) {
return Promise.reject(error.errors || error);
Universal / Isomorphic use-case
Configuration is required only on server-side. Client will fetch configuration and latest authentication data from redux initial state.
- Add authStateReducer to your reducer as 'auth'
- Dispatch initialize method with your configuration, cookies and current location before rendering step
- Update cookies. In case javascript fails to load / initialize user session will be still valid
Client-only use-case
- Add authStateReducer to your reducer as 'auth'
- Dispatch initialize method with your configuration and current location before rendering step
Dispatch fetch action with any Url and fetch API options. If it is an API request, than authentication headers are applied
prior the request and token value in redux store and browser cookies is updated right after. Otherwise, regular request is performed.
Universal / Isomorphic use-case
- Browser sends request to the web-application. Initial credentials are provided within cookies
- Server performs validateToken API request to check the provided credentials and load user information
- Server performs desired API requests and each times update authentication information in redux store if required
- Server sends content to the client. Most recent authentication information is sent within native http 'setCookie' method to ensure session persistence.
- Client loads and initialize javascript. Redux initial state is loaded from markup including redux-oauth configuration, latest authentication information and user data
Client-only use-case
- Client dispatch initialize action to setup configuration and initial authentication data
- Client performs validateToken API request to check credentials and load user data
Configuration Options
Provide request cookies for initial authentication information. Optional
Provide current url. MANDATORY to process OAuth callbacks properly.
apiUrl - MANDATORY, base url to your API
tokenValidationPath - path to validate token, default: /auth/validate_token
signOutPath - path to sign out from backend, default: /auth/sign_out
authProviderPaths - configuration for OAuth2 providers, default: {}
key - cookie key for storing authentication headers for persistence, default: 'authHeaders'
path - cookie path, default: '/'
expires - cookie expiration in days, default: 14
authentication data structure, which is going back and forth between backend and client
Access-Token - no default value
Token-Type - default value: 'Bearer',
Client - no default value
Expiry - no default value
Uid - no default value
Authorization - default value: '{{ Token-Type } { Access-Token }}'. This expression means that default value is computed using current 'Token-Type' and 'Access-Token' values.
Unlike 'backend' and 'cookieOptions' objects if you would like to override tokenFormat, you have to provide whole structure.
MIT (c) Yuri Dymov