ReportPortal js client
This Client is to communicate with the Report Portal on node js.
Library is used only for implementors of custom listeners for ReportPortal.
Already implemented listeners:
The latest version is available on npm:
npm install reportportal-client
let RPClient = require('reportportal-client');
let rpClient = new RPClient({
token: "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
endpoint: "http://your-instance.com:8080/api/v1",
launch: "LAUNCH_NAME",
project: "PROJECT_NAME"
rpClient.checkConnect().then((response) => {
console.log('You have successfully connected to the server.');
console.log(`You are using an account: ${response.fullName}`);
}, (error) => {
console.log('Error connection to server');
When creating a client instance, you need to specify the following parameters:
Parameter | Description |
token | user's token Report Portal from which you want to send requests. It can be found on the profile page of this user. |
endpoint | URL of your server. For example, if you visit the page at 'https://server:8080/ui', then endpoint will be equal to 'https://server:8080/api/v1'. |
launch | Name of launch at creation. |
project | The name of the project in which the launches will be created. |
Each method (except checkConnect) returns an object in a specific format:
tempId: '4ds43fs',
promise: Promise
The client works synchronously, so it is not necessary to wait for the end of the previous requests to send following ones.
checkConnect - asynchronous method for verifying the correctness of the client connection
rpClient.checkConnect().then((response) => {
console.log('You have successfully connected to the server.');
console.log(`You are using an account: ${response.fullName}`);
}, (error) => {
console.log('Error connection to server');
startLaunch - starts a new launch, return temp id that you want to use for all of the items within this launch.
let launchObj = rpClient.startLaunch({
name: "Client test",
startTime: rpClient.helpers.now(),
description: "description of the launch",
attributes: [
"key": "yourKey",
"value": "yourValue"
"value": "yourValue"
id: 'id'
The method takes one argument:
Parameter | Description |
startTime | (optional) start time launch(unix time). Default: rpClient.helpers.now() |
name | (optional) launch name. Default: parameter 'launch' specified when creating the client instance |
mode | (optional) "DEFAULT" or "DEBUG". Default: "DEFAULT" |
description | (optional) description of the launch (supports markdown syntax) |
attributes | (optional) array of launch tags |
id | id of the existing launch in which tests data would be sent, without this param new launch instance would be created |
To know the real launch id wait for the method to finish (the real id is not used by the client)
let launchObj = rpClient.startLaunch();
launchObj.promise.then((response) => {
console.log(`Launch real id: ${response.id}`);
}, (error) => {
console.dir(`Error at the start of launch: ${error}`);
finishLaunch - finish of the launch. After calling this method, you can not add items to the launch.
The request to finish the launch will be sent only after all items within it have finished.
let launchFinishObj = rpClient.finishLaunch(launchObj.tempId, {
endTime: rpClient.helpers.now()
The method takes two arguments:
- id launch (returned by method 'startLaunch')
- data object:
Parameter | Description |
endTime | (optional) end time of launch. Default: rpClient.helpers.now() |
status | (optional) status of launch, one of "", "PASSED", "FAILED", "STOPPED", "SKIPPED", "INTERRUPTED", "CANCELLED". |
getPromiseFinishAllItems - returns promise that contains status about all data has been sent to the Report Protal.
This method needed when test frameworks don't wait for async methods and stop processed.
agent.getPromiseFinishAllItems(agent.tempLaunchId).then(()=> done());
Parameter | Description |
tempLaunchId | id of the client's process |
updateLaunch - updates launch data. Will send a request to the server only after finishing the launch.
launchObj.tempId, {
description: 'new launch description',
attributes: [
"key": "yourKey",
"value": "yourValue"
"value": "yourValue"
mode: 'DEBUG'
The method takes two arguments:
- id launch (returned by method 'startLaunch')
- data object - may contain the following fields: description, tags, mode. These fields can be looked up in the method "startLaunch".
startTestItem - starts a new test item.
let suiteObj = rpClient.startTestItem({
description: makeid(),
name: makeid(),
startTime: rpClient.helpers.now(),
type: "SUITE"
}, launchObj.tempId);
let stepObj = rpClient.startTestItem({
description: makeid(),
name: makeid(),
startTime: rpClient.helpers.now(),
attributes: [
"key": "yourKey",
"value": "yourValue"
"value": "yourValue"
type: "STEP"
}, launchObj.tempId, suiteObj.tempId);
The method takes three arguments:
Parameter | Description |
name | item name |
description | (optional) description of the launch (supports markdown syntax) |
startTime | (optional) start time item(unix time). Default: rpClient.helpers.now() |
attributes | (optional) array of item attributes |
- id launch (returned by method 'startLaunch')
- id parent item (optional) (returned by method 'startTestItem')
finishTestItem - finish of the item. After calling this method, you can not add items to the item.
The request to finish the item will be sent only after all items within it have finished.
rpClient.finishTestItem(itemObj.tempId, {
status: "failed"
The method takes two arguments:
- id item (returned by method 'startTestItem')
- data object:
Parameter | Description |
endTime | (optional) end time of launch. Default: rpClient.helpers.now() |
status | (optional) item status, one of "", "PASSED", "FAILED", "STOPPED", "SKIPPED", "INTERRUPTED", "CANCELLED". Default: "PASSED". |
issue | (optional) object issue. IssueType is required, allowable values: "pb***", "ab***", "si***", "ti***", "nd001". Where *** is locator id |
Example issue object:
issueType: "string",
comment: "string",
externalSystemIssues: [
submitDate: 0,
submitter: "string",
systemId: "string",
ticketId: "string",
url: "string"
sendLog - adds a log to the item
rpClient.sendLog(stepObj.tempId, {
level: "INFO",
message: makeid(),
time: rpClient.helpers.now()
The method takes three arguments:
- id item (returned by method 'startTestItem')
- data object:
Parameter | Description |
time | (optional) time of log. Default: rpClient.helpers.now() |
message | (optional) log message. Default: ''. |
status | (optional) log status, one of 'trace', 'debug', 'info', 'warn', 'error', ''. Default "". |
Parameter | Description |
name | file name |
type | file mimeType, example "image/png" (support types: 'image/*', application/ ['xml', 'javascript', 'json', 'css', 'php'] , another format will be opened in a new browser tab ), |
content | file |
Copyright Notice
Licensed under the Apache 2.0
license (see the LICENSE.txt file).